MTL - Naruto: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Opening Betrayal Konoha-Chapter 529

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The next day, early in the morning.

The door quietly went out.

He went out in person and blasted the group of projectionists sent from [Snow Country] out of the village.

Only one "Black Silk Spot vs. King Kong Pillar" has brainwashed the people of half the village and conquered the big brother.

Play it again.

I'm afraid it won't take a few days, so I should change my surname to Uchiha in my [Kinoha Village]!

Uchiha Natsume, what a trick!

"Obviously, he has already left the Ninja world to deal with the Otsutsugi clan."

"There is actually such a vicious conspiracy behind the scenes!"

"What an evil kid!"

Tobirama scolded and resented.

How did such a treacherous and cunning kid come to be?

If he didn't betray the village and was still in the village, it would be fine.

I don't have to fight wits and courage with it so haggard...

Blame the stupid monkeys and Danzo for them...

Thinking of this, the door was secretly angry.

Subconsciously, he took a detour and walked to the temporary residence of the Shimura clan.

that's it.

Twenty minutes later.

Tobirama, who gave Danzo a lesson again, let out a good vent.

Refreshingly, he returned to the street and walked towards the Hokage Building.


After taking a few steps, Tobirama suddenly found out.

A lot of small cards and leaflets appeared on the street.

It is clearly marked on it, the new release location and time of tonight's new movie "This Uchiha is not too cold";

Even, it was set directly outside the entrance of Konoha Village, bypassing the internal jurisdiction of Konoha...

good guy.

It's only been less than an hour since he was expelled by himself, right?

Did you do anything wrong again?

You just don't care about Konoha? Don't take yourself seriously?

However, Tobirama only raised the anger.

It leaked in no time...

Looking at the villagers all over the street.

When they learned about the release time and location of the new movie, everyone was overjoyed and jumped up and down.

What else can I do in the door?

Against all the villagers? Ordered to forbid them to watch?

Tobirama is not that stupid yet...

What's more, the big brother definitely doesn't allow it.

As for those screening groups that were nominally entrusted by [Snow Country], they were actually assigned by [Yinyin Village];

What if Tobirama knew about it?

You can't kill them, can you?

Being able to drive them out of the village is already the limit.

Now that people are collectively screening outside the village, you have no reason to intervene.

No way, Tobirama had to give up.

lie down...

What a public opinion coercion! What a cultural invasion!

What a Uchiha kid!

"How about you hire an art troupe yourself and make a big movie?"

"To counter the cultural invasion of the other side?"

"The method is feasible, and the eldest brother will definitely agree."

"It's just that I can't figure it out for a while!"

"Finally, what to shoot? It's also a big question..."

"What's more, there is also the threat of a large tube of wood, which has been hanging in the air, with no results."

"It's really urgent!"

"I just hope that the evil Madara and Natsume kid can successfully confuse Otsutsuki."

"Otherwise, the people of the ninja world, I'm afraid they won't even have the right to watch movies in the future..."

Tobirama walked, secretly looking forward to it.

Although he hates the Uchiha clan.

But on the issue of right and wrong concerning the whole ninja world, he still has a very clear position.

At first, when Natsume and the others left.

Although he also had the idea of ​​engaging in [Yanyin Village], he was only trying to suppress the development of [Yanyin Village], and it was best to let them collapse on their own.

I never thought about slaughtering the Uchiha clan.

Otherwise, when he was in power, the Uchiha family would have long since disappeared...

"Speaking of which, is this film really shot by Madara himself?"

"Unlikely, right?"

"With his character, how could he wear such clothes?"

Tobirama quietly took out a photo of the poster, which the big guy deliberately asked him to 'beg'.

It is vividly printed with the proud style of black silk spots.

Really amazing.

"If not?"

"I really want to see what kind of hideous expression he will show when he sees himself like this when he comes back?"

"That kid Natsume is really bad enough!"


The corners of Tobirama's mouth gradually rose, and his heart twisted in anticipation.

"Speaking of which, the texture of these stockings is also very good! It's a lot better than the ones from [Nation of Fire]."

"This is also a specialty of Yanyin Village?"

"Bah! It's just nasty stuff..."

"Huh? Wait, if this thing can make Quanna wear it..."

"Hey! I'm afraid you can laugh at yourself alive?"

"Or? Dirty soil?..."

Tobirama thought as he walked, the corners of his mouth twisted to an exaggerated level.

Even if he has arrived at the Hokage Building, he is completely unaware.

And that exaggerated smile.

Even the Konoha ninjas passing by were shuddered and their scalps numb...

Chapter 451 Is this the peace you said?

Soon, at dusk.

A large number of enthusiastic villagers flocked to the entrance of Konoha Village.

Start the evening with a happy moment.

It can be seen that, stimulated by a large number of praise and word-of-mouth yesterday, the number of people attracted today has skyrocketed.

Looking at the battle, there are thousands of people at least...

It almost burst the Konoha gate.

You can see how hot it is.

at the same time.

In the [Hokage Building], a certain first-generation Hokage-sama was also anxiously burning.

"What about the door?"

"Where did the door go?"

"The movie is about to start, why are the others missing?"

"Didn't he say yes, he will come to see me tonight too?"

"really weird…"

"Forget it, I'll go first."

"Maybe he'll be here soon..."

Seeing the opening is imminent.

Hakuma didn't wait any longer, and shot the [Hokage Building] directly, rushing towards the village entrance.

Of course, he didn't know it at the moment.

Just under the [Hokage Building], a secret room in the original root base.

A certain second-generation Hokage is quietly drawing a circle of filthy earth summoning spells.

At the center of the procedure, a carrier of a death row prisoner was also prepared.

Obviously, under the inflation of desire.

Tobirama also carried his big brother behind his back again.

He stretched out his sinful claws to the forbidden technique of blaspheming the dead [Reincarnation of Filthy Earth].

Anyway, I am now a body of filth, and I am also desecrating my soul...

It doesn't hurt to deepen the sin a little more.

Besides, Big Brother and Madara are both resurrected.

It's normal for him and Quanna to both become bodies of filth, right?

Coincidentally, isn't there a new movie playing at the entrance of the village?

After summoning Uchiha Quanna.

Read The Duke's Passion