MTL - Naruto: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Opening Betrayal Konoha-Chapter 512

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And the temperature is right, and it is exceptionally silky.

after being submerged.

It's like being wrapped in a large piece of soft sponge, very comfortable...

very amazing...

Cough cough!

Of course, it is the 'one-style clone' that is comfortable, not Natsume himself.

The efficiency of [Gene Pool] is very high.

Natsume didn't enjoy it for long, from the moment he lay down.

[Repair Pool] has already scanned his identity, and compared it with the one-way gene stored in the Otsutsuki gene bank, and locked the missing part of the 'one-way clone'.

Then, under the pull of Natsume's unknown technical energy.

Part of the milky white liquid quickly gathered into the missing left eye socket.

In just a few seconds, a complete [white eye] has been repaired and formed.

Moreover, it was perfectly connected to the optic nerve in the eye socket, and it was restored to its original state in an instant...


Natsume suddenly sat up from the bath and opened his left eye.

as predicted.

A "white eye" with extremely high purity and excellent effect has completely appeared in the left eye socket.

This is the [white eye] of the original body of Otsutsuki that was restored according to the reserve genes!

Its purity is not even under Kaguya's [White Eyes], far exceeding the inferior [White Eyes] of the Hyuga clan in the ninja world.

"As expected of the technology of the Otsutsuki clan!"

"The [White Eye] that even Orochimaru couldn't clone, was it repaired so easily?"

"If Orochimaru finds out about this, won't you be greedy?"


"Next, let's see if you can prostitute for free!"

Xia Mu's heart was ruthless, and he stretched out his hand directly.

The [white eye] that was just repaired in the left eye socket was buckled on the spot.

And put it into the nutrient solution test tube that has been prepared, and then store it in his [primitive space].


He lay his head up again, and immersed himself in the repairing liquid in the bath again.

Just ten seconds.


Natsume sat up from the repair fluid again.

And in his left eye socket, there was another brand-new [white eye], which was restored to its original state.


"Sure enough!"

"Sure enough, you can prostitute for nothing!"

Xia Mu's heart jumped with excitement.

And very skillfully took off the second [White Eyes] again, preparing for the third card bug refresh.

Although the process of taking it is a little painful.

But this is nothing compared to the pleasure brought by prostitution!

The so-called 'pain makes me happier', maybe that's it?

"Stupid Otsutsuki clan!"

"I don't know how to save too much."

"Don't blame yourself for being rude!"

However, this is not surprising.

For the Otsutsuki clan, which is rich in resources, powerful, and rules a vast area.

This energy damage to repair the injury is not worth mentioning at all.

It's a common social benefit.

It's like going to the public toilet to wash your hands in summer; no one will punish you for washing your hands for too long and wasting too much tap water.

Even if you are discovered, it will only criticize you.

Of course, normal people don't spend all day washing their hands in public toilets.

The normal Otsutsuki regards this place as a hospital at most, a place to repair injuries.

I won't take this place as a bug-style [white eye] refresh point at all!

It was only then that Natsume found the loophole and began to swipe [white eyes] recklessly.

In this way, Natsume continued to refresh the [white eyes] happily.

But in just one minute, five more pure [White Eyes] were brushed out, and all of them were put into [Original Space] for preservation.

But gradually.

Natsume also found that doing this was too inefficient!

In an hour, I'm afraid I can only get one or two hundred [white eyes]...

And every time I have to dig my eyes, it hurts...

Can you think of a way to speed up the efficiency?


It seems that a pool in this single room can only accommodate one person to restore his body!

Even if there are hundreds of [repair rooms] here, I only have one body, and I have no ability to clone!

and many more…

Tired of being alone?

In an instant, a bold thought rose from the bottom of Xia Mu's heart.

Chapter 436: A Bumper Harvest (2)

The powerful chakra system really originated from the Otsutsuki family.

The use of chakra by the Otsutsuki people is also more pure;

Whether it's Kaguya, Ichishi, Peach, etc... they all have the ability to absorb most of the ninjutsu with ease.

On the Ninja world, there is a chakra-based ninjutsu system.

Although in terms of quality, it is not comparable to the Otsutsukimoto family.

However, in terms of application methods and various patterns, it is far more than the Otsutsuki family.

The former is like a 'large diesel engine'. Although it has sufficient power and strong horsepower, it is bulky and has a single use.

The latter is like a 'small gasoline engine', although the power is small, but it is rich in usage and consumes less.


In a simple power competition, ninjutsu is no match for the techniques of the Otsutsuki clan.

But ninjutsu is more abundant.

For example:

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Natsume controls the 'one-style clone', and his hands are sealed.

In an instant, an identical 'one-style shadow clone' was separated.

As far as Natsume and Kaguya know, there is no technique similar to [Shadow Clone Technique] on Otsutsuki's side...

Even if there is, it is another method of avatar mastered by high-level or royal families.

Therefore, within this [Gene Pool].

Maybe, there is no function to recognize the [Shadow Clone Technique]?

Maybe, you can use the shadow clone to deceive it, so that the [Gene Pool] can also complete the shadow clone's [White Eyes]?

Natsume tried immediately.

Let the clone lie down in the circular bath.

After ten seconds.

The clone suddenly sat up.

Taking a closer look, in the left eye socket of the clone, a fresh [white eye] appeared again!

It worked!

The shadow clone was really regarded as a living form by the [Gene Pool], and he took the initiative to repair the [White Eyes]!

Can the shadow clone really deceive the [Gene Pool] test?

Or, when the arrogant Otsutsuki was building the [Gene Pool], he didn't bother to install the detection system at all?

never mind.

It doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is to make sure that you can use the shadow clone to prostitute for free!

This time, you can greatly increase the speed of white prostitution...

You know, there are hundreds of [restoration rooms] here.

Most of them are free!

Isn't this waiting for a large number of avatars to come to the fortune?

hey hey hey!

Of course, nothing is too impulsive.

White prostitutes are definitely going to be prostitutes!

But you have to step on the spot first and explore: If you really use the clone to book the entire [Gene Pool], will there be a risk of exposure?

If the risk is too great, too easy to expose...

Then it has to be a little more restrained.

In this way, Natsume spent some more time secretly exploring the entire [Gene Pool].

Only then did I realize that I was completely overthinking it.

In the entire [Gene Pool], except for a few guards at the gate, who are responsible for checking the identity of the entrants.

Inside, there are no monitoring personnel and measures at all.