MTL - Naruto: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Opening Betrayal Konoha-Chapter 1

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Hokage: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Betrayal Konoha at the beginning Author: Black tea is not sweet

Introduction: [Hokage + System + Invincible + Betrayal Village]

Also known as [Hokage: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Betrayal Konoha at the beginning]

Through Naruto, I like to mention the super krypton gold system, as long as krypton gold can become stronger!

Uchiha Natsume, who has praised the lucky money for ten years, finally opened the [Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye]!

Next, what about Flying Thunder God, Immortal Mode, Bamen Dunjia, Samsara Eye, Heavy Particle Mode... I want all of them!

From today, I will never be Konoha's licking dog again!

Defeat Fuyue, fight Sarutobi, kill Danzo, betray Konoha... Whoever stands in my way and betrays the village will die!

Life and death are bearish, if you don't agree, just do it!

My name is Uchiha Natsume, the new **** of ninja!

Who is in favor?

Who is against it?

Chapter 1 Betrayed the village at the beginning, and a kaleidoscope of anger appeared

Now, at dusk.

Konoha Village, the residence of the Uchiha clan, and in front of the patriarch's mansion.

A boy who was not tall and Moyo was only eleven or twelve years old was standing here.

Behind the boy were two figures half-kneeling, looking at the clothes. Both of them were members of the Konoha Police Force.

After pondering for a while, the boy Uchiha Natsume asked coldly:

"How many are willing to go?"

"In the early half, a total of 426 people."

The person behind him answered quickly.

"Is it more than half? It seems that the clansmen are really tired of Konoha!"

"Sir, all evacuation must be prepared properly..."

Natsume: "Very well, let's get started!"

"Pay attention to my signal for a while. When the time comes, organize everyone and evacuate quickly. There must be no stop!"


"Also, kidnap that little girl from Quan and her family!"

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the two people behind Xia Mu, but they still led the way without hesitation.

"As ordered!"


Xia Mu waved his hand, and the two behind him quickly disappeared.

Only he raised his head slightly.

Glancing at Nuoda Konoha Village behind him, he said in a low voice:

"Unconsciously, it has been ten years since I came to this world!"

"The prejudice of the human heart. No matter which world you are in, it is like a mountain that is difficult to climb!"

"Konoha? Heh... Since you still can't tolerate the Uchiha clan, don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Tonight, let me rewrite this history!"

Then, Natsume looked back.

Stepping out one step, Dia opened the door of the patriarch's mansion in front of him.

Inside the mansion.

The front yard was empty and no crowd.

And the figure that Natsume wanted to see was already standing on the stairs of the main hall, as if waiting for him.

Uchiha Fuyue: The current chief of the Uchiha clan, the captain of the Konoha police force.

"You came!"

Uchiha Fuyue opened his eyes, looking straight at Natsume with a little sharpness.

It is worthy of the title of "Fighting Eyes Fuyue".

"It seems that the patriarch already knows what I'm going to do?"

Uchiha Natsume smiled faintly, as expected.

As the chief of Uchiha, the other party holds the Konoha Guard in his hand, and his rights are not bad.

It is not difficult to gain insight into the fact that he is "forming gangs and plotting to defect" within the clan.

However, it was not as Natsume expected.

Although Fuyue knew about his actions.

But he still didn't stop himself and report himself.

He even helped himself to conceal a lot of loopholes!

Otherwise, his own defection plan may have been discovered by the senior officials of Konoha long ago.

"Your plan is too crude."

"I can't sit and watch you bring most of the Uchiha clan to perdition!"

Fuyue stared at Xia Mu and said solemnly, word by word.

"I have to stop you!"

The corners of Xia Mu's mouth twitched slightly, and he sneered:

"Could it be that if you don't act like you, can the entire Uchiha family survive?"

"At this moment, we can't match the entire Konoha, we need to wait for the opportunity..."

Fuyue retorted sharply, and there was a struggle in his pupils.

No one knows better than him the huge gap between a single family and the entire Konoha.

Such a reckless defection, even if successful.

It will only be turned into powder in Konoha's follow-up endless pursuit.

Only by relying on subtle planning and surprises, we may be able to win a glimmer of possibility.

For this reason, he let Itachi join Anbu as a spy.

Gather information, wait for an opportunity, and re-coup!

"If you can't match it now, will you be able to match it later?"

"Or, is your plan just relying on a Itachi in the shadows?"

"Perhaps you don't know yet?"

"At this moment, your son, Itachi Uchiha. You should have received an order from 'Gen', and he is on his way."

"And his order is: slaughter the entire Uchiha clan to save the life of his younger brother Sasuke!"

"Do you think this is fair?"

"Is it worthwhile to exchange the lives of hundreds of people for one life?"

"Should we be killed for Itachi and his younger brother?"

Natsume roared loudly, questioning Fuyue nakedly.

Hearing this, Fu Yue's figure suddenly shook.

It seems that he is shocked by Itachi's decision, and he seems to be angry that the senior officials of Konoha are so cold and give such harsh and crazy orders.

The air fell into a brief silence.

The virtuous Uchiha Mikoto didn't know when she came to Fuyue's side and put her arms around her husband's shoulders, sharing the pressure for Fuyue.


"If this is Itachi's decision, I choose to support him!"

Fuyue sighed deeply, held his wife's hand, and said firmly.

No one knows Itachi's talent better than him.

In his opinion, since Itachi made this decision, it must have been the best solution after a very painful struggle.

Even for young Sasuke.

As a father, he can only compromise and support Itachi...

"Lord Patriarch, I didn't come to ask your opinion."

"Whether you agree or not, there is no way to stop it."

"I am Uchiha Natsume, a member of the Uchiha family! I am definitely not a lamb to be slaughtered in any sheepfold! I will never be slaughtered by the neck!"

"If you have to stop it, then I have to get rid of you first!"

Summer snorted.

Chakra surged out of his body, and he shot out in an instant.

On Fuyue's side, his brows were also furrowed, and he also suddenly shot.

He would like to see.

How good is itachi for his young nephew.

He was able to win over so many clansmen and plotted to defect.

and aggressively attacked himself.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Two huge fireballs like tall buildings shot out violently and collided.


The huge explosion sounded, and countless flames sputtered out, and the dazzling flames illuminated the small half of Konoha Village.

For a time, such a fierce battle.

It even disturbed most of Konoha, causing countless Anbu ninjas, high-level Konoha...all to follow the sound in a hurry.

At this moment, Fuyue, who was in the center of the fierce battle, was even more frightened and smacking his tongue.

He never thought of it.

The power of Natsume's nephew's "Fireball Technique" is so powerful.

Not even weaker than himself!

You know, he is 40 years old.

Whether it is ninjutsu, chakra, experience, etc., they are far larger than half of the ninjas in Konoha Village.

And the boy in front of him, who is only in his early ten years, can use this 'fireball technique' so far!

How huge should his chakra content be?

What is the level of understanding and application of ninjutsu?

How monstrous is this? !