MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 85

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Damn Aizen, have you figured all this out? Son of a bitch.

As expected, he was the only big villain in the chat group, so terrifying and unfathomable.

ps: Going to work is hard, I am tired at get off work, and I want to fall asleep after work. One day a day is more guaranteed, and two times a day is dead at home.

Also, brothers, I want to start a new book. I don’t know how to write this book. I think you should have discovered it. It’s so **** watery.

Chapter 154 The Conspiracy of the Void Circle

On the other side, in the present world, Karakura Town.

Aizen was drinking tea leisurely, waiting for the opportunity to pretend to come.

In the next second, his complexion suddenly became strange.

Damn, what's the situation, why did my scapegoat come to this world, shouldn't he still be pretending to be a fake at this time.

After the soul world sends the captain to the virtual circle, close the passage of the virtual circle, and invade the world in one fell swoop when the power of the soul world is empty.

But in this situation, all the Nima people have come, there is no one in the virtual circle, and the soul world has sent reinforcements as farts, how can I pretend to be aggressive.

No, we have to think of a way, so we can't let them all come over.

Otherwise, if I don't talk about whether I can pretend to be coercive, I'm afraid that **** Bai Feng will continue to worry about this matter when he comes back.

I really understand it too well, maybe a matter of helping a little loli may turn into kidnapping a little loli in his mouth.

Suddenly, Lanran's eyes lit up, Shuiyue, Shuiyue, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

Thinking this way, Aizen's figure had disappeared, reappeared, and had arrived at the place where Shuiyue and others descended.

Aizen quietly observed the group of Mao Mao in the dark, ready to implement the plan.

In the arena, Suigetsu led a group of people to appear in mid-air, and the Pomen behind him looked at Karakura Town below with different expressions.

There is sarcasm, indifference, curiosity, and different expressions.

Suddenly, Yami opened his loud voice: "The group of people in the soul world are really full of money, and they haven't noticed our arrival until now. Sure enough, we should be the masters of this world."

Lan Ran squinted her eyes, good guy, isn't scolding people in the soul world the same as scolding me? If you dare to scold me, you will be the first to go back later.

That's right, his plan is to kick anyone who is unhappy until there are only a few people left.

Wouldn't it be a pleasure to have people in the virtual circle and people in this world.

Grimmjow also said lightly: "The **** of death should have surrendered to our virtual circle. It's too normal for them to do such a thing."

Then a group of broken faces nodded in agreement: "Ah, yes, yes, yes."

All these people were remembered by Lan Ran, and he counted them one by one, and there were quite a few of them.

Seeing that the black cavity was about to be closed, Lan Ran saw the right opportunity, kicked a child, and kicked back all the people who spoke just now.

"Fuck, who kicked me."

"Ya Butterfly, there is a ghost."

"I f*ck you big bastard, who sneaked up on me."


For a moment, the scene was extremely chaotic. A group of people just watched their companions come together, but they didn't go back together.

With a click, the black cavity is closed, and the rest of the people who are still in this world look at me and I look at you, all of them are confused and confused.

This kind of thing happened, but Shuiyue didn't want to go into it, because he could probably guess who did it.

There are not many people in this world who can allow him to do all this without anyone noticing.

Coincidentally, he knows everyone who can do it, except Aizen.

The **** doesn't talk about martial arts, I just want to lead a little bit of people, is it necessary?


On the other side, Xuquan, Ichigo and others who are heading towards Xuye Palace are a little confused.

Damn it, what kind of conspiracy is this group of Xu playing? It's almost at the end, and no one has stood up to stop it yet.

This made them feel very uncomfortable. They just do whatever they want to do. Such sneaky tricks are really worthy of the villain's style.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise above their heads, and everyone looked up.

Bang bang bang! !

The sound of dozens of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded, and the person who fell in front of several people was the person kicked back by Aizen.

They are the fortieth blade, the fiftieth blade, the seventieth blade, the eightieth blade, the ninetieth blade and the tenth blade.

Of course, in addition to these most powerful ones, there are also some top ten blades and ordinary broken faces.

Good guy, Ichigo looked solemn, and exchanged glances with Rukia. Sure enough, the villain is the villain, and they actually gathered together, preparing for a sneak attack.

Fortunately, he is more wise and martial, discovered this action, and avoided it in advance.

Ichigo directly pulled out the Zanpakuto, staring at the figures in front of him with a solemn expression.

"Despicable Pomian, I have seen through your plan, and now you are not obediently captured and handed over to Zhi Ji."

Pomian on the opposite side: "???"

plan, what plan? How do we not know that we have plans for this kind of thing.

Seeing that there was no response from the other side, Ichigo couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

It's over, the opponent has a lot of people, and I only have one on my side, plus Nilu, that's five people and one empty, how to fight.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement behind them, followed by a loud voice.

"Yo, Ichigo, it looks like we're here at just the right time."

Ichigo turned his head to look, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Lenji, why are you here?"

"It's not just me, there are other people coming too."

As Renji's voice fell, several figures walked out from behind him.

Kuchiki Byakuya, captain of the 6th Division, Unohana Yachiryu, the captain of the 4th Division, Yuto Torori, the vice-captain, Kenpachi Saraki, the captain of the 11th Division, Kusaka Yachiryu, the vice-captain, and Nirvana, the captain of the 12th Division Yuri and the vice-captain Nie Yinmeng.

Fuck, one-third of the captains of the Guarding Team Thirteen are here.

ps: emmm, do you really want to continue the water? I'm a little embarrassed myself.

Chapter 155 Why Are You Looking For Me?

"Yosie, let's have a big fight."

Ichigo is gearing up.

"Lenji, don't hold me back, let me go up first and let them see how powerful our Death God is."

Renji looked expressionlessly at Ichigo who was sprinting forward, and then looked at the distance of more than ten meters between himself and him.

Facing friends who fell in love and killed each other, he uttered a single word mercilessly.



Ichigo resolutely gave up this opportunity to pretend, he was reckless, not stupid, with so many people in front of him, one of them could kill him at once.

No way, no way, no one really thinks that there are people who deliberately seek death in the world.

Suddenly, there was a burst of wild laughter, and a figure roared past him, Zaraki Kenpachi charged straight up with his notched Zanpakutō.

"Hahaha, let's fight to our heart's content."

The huge spiritual pressure overwhelmingly pressed towards the opposite side, and his Zanpakutō had already slashed out.

In the next second, there was a snap.

Ichigo looked at the idiot who flew back upside down with a blank expression, oh, I almost forgot, this guy Saraki is not a normal person.

Bai Feng's face was full of black lines when he was standing next to him. These days, who doesn't bb before a fight, and puts some harsh words to prove that he is very educated.

Think back then, emmmm, forget it, there was no year.

He looked at the two sides who were already fighting together, and sighed helplessly.

"Your Excellency is a friend of Yihu and the others, why don't you help them?"

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded from his ear, and Uzhi Huaretsu came to his side.

"Ah, I also want to help, but who told me that I'm just an ordinary person with no power to restrain a chicken."

Bai Feng waved his hand, indicating that he was just an ordinary person.

"It's Captain Unohana, why don't you help?"

"I think so, too, but I'm just an ordinary medical team leader. I'm not good at things like fighting."

Hearing the same answer as he had just now, Bai Feng curled his lips, it would be strange if he believed you.

This woman, originally named Unohana Yachiryu, is the first **** of death to have the title of "Sword Eight".

And he is also the founder of the eleventh team fighting team concept.

Such a person doesn't know how to fight, and there are not many people in the entire soul world who know how to fight.

"That's really a coincidence."

Bai Feng was perfunctory.

Unozhihualie didn't care, but just glanced thoughtfully at Baifeng and Nilu beside him.

In this way, a group of three people in stark contrast to everyone in the great war was born.

Baifeng: Eat melon jpg.

Nilu: eat melon jpg.

Uno Hana Lie: I don't care about jpg.


Violent smoke and dust rose, and a whistling sound passed by the three of them.

"Baga, Lu, how dare you treat me like this."

In the smoke and dust, a huge figure stood up slowly, and Yami looked at the battlefield angrily.

Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Bai Feng and his party who were eating melons and watching the show, and his anger could no longer be restrained.

"How dare you watch a play by the side like this, and look down on me so much, it's unforgivable, unforgivable."

I saw his whole body soaring, and his spiritual pressure soared to the sky.

"Get angry, angry beast!"


Accompanied by the angry shout, Yami's aura also rose to the peak, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a mountain of meat.


Yami let out a breath of foul air, and the number on his left shoulder changed from 10 to 0.

Seeing Uanohanaretsu who was obviously surprised, Yami laughed triumphantly.

"Who do you think this uncle is? This uncle is the only man in the ten-blade suit who can change the ranking after liberation."

"My uncle's liberation is called Angry Beast. As the name suggests, the more angry you are, the stronger my uncle's power will be."

"The me now, compared to the me just now, is not at the same level. Please die, and repent for your arrogance."

Yami roared and opened his mouth wide, a burst of spiritual pressure gathered, it was Wang Xu's flash.

The violent spiritual pressure smashed the air into a depression, causing a sense of vibration.

Looking at this scene, Bai Feng was speechless for a while.

Damn, I'll just eat a melon quietly, and I can suffer from it. I mean, the protagonist in this world shouldn't be that guy Ichigo.

Read The Duke's Passion