MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 61

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Chapter 111 The Death of Shen Er

The rider didn't move, so Bai Feng was naturally too lazy to do anything, after all Miss R is still very eye-catching.

Rider frowned and looked at Bai Feng: "Who the **** are you? An existence with your strength should be very famous."

"Me, I'm just an ordinary ninja. Everyone calls me the Great Immortal of the Six Paths, the father of the protagonist, the man who smashed the moon with his bare hands, the husband of the world, and the leader of the chat group..."

As soon as Bai Feng opened his mouth, it was Balabala who introduced his nicknames. Of course, most of them were given to him by himself.

Seeing that the rider didn't speak, Bai Feng continued: "How about it, do you think it's so powerful that you can't speak, but don't worry about it, those are just false names, I actually hate these gaudy things the most .”

The rider continued to be speechless, did I just feel so powerful so I didn't speak? I just can't find the words to describe a brazen person like you.

Damn, how can this kind of person possess such great strength, Rider gritted his teeth and decided to give it a go.

I saw her body bent forward, and she pulled her hands together: "The reins of riding a hero!!"

A pure white pegasus appeared under her body, and rushed towards Shen Er with an unparalleled speed.

She never thought of fighting this dangerous guy from the very beginning, because her controller is a person without magic power, and it is too difficult to win.

She just wanted to rescue Shen Er and escape.

However, in the next second, Bai Feng appeared in front of her eyes again, and stopped the sprinting Pegasus horse with one hand.

Rider's face was startled, he didn't expect the speed of the other party to be able to catch up with his own Noble Phantasm, and he could easily stop it.

Helpless, she could only retreat, circling around the roof of the teaching building, looking for opportunities.

At this time, Shirou had already come to Shen Er, looking at Shen Er who was crying bitterly, he said lightly: "Shen Er, destroy the Command Seal."

Shirou didn't think about killing people, all he thought about was to make Shinji lose the Command Seal and be removed from this Holy Grail War.

"How is it possible, how can I drive the rider without the Command Seal, how can I obtain the Holy Grail to realize my ideals."

But looking at Shirou who was getting closer, he could only respond: "Don't come here, I'll just destroy it."

After listening to his words, Shirou stopped walking: "Then you can do it yourself."

"Okay, okay, I'll do it, I'll do it." Shen Er looked at the unsuspecting Shirou, his face suddenly became ruthless: "I'll make you paralyzed, go to hell."

He directly opened the book in his hand, fired a powerful spell from it and shot it at Shirou.

The spell hit the ground, kicking up a lot of dust, and Shen Er stood still and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, hahaha, you still want to solve me, who do you think you are?"

What he didn't know was that, according to the laws of the heavens and the world, there was no harm to Shirou when there was smoke.

Sure enough, the next second, the smoke cleared, and Shirou was wrapped in an energy skeleton without any injuries.

Seeing Shen Er's smile that has not disappeared, Shirou shook his head: "Shen Er, you let me down too much, if that's the case, then let me help you destroy it."

"Don't come here."

Shen Er yelled as he stepped back, suddenly, a wooden stick appeared at his feet, without any precautions, Shen Er stepped on it and slipped, his body lost his balance and fell directly towards the ground.

Shirou wanted to run to the rescue, but it was too late, and he could only watch helplessly as Shinji fell to the ground and died instantly.

Bai Feng on the side watched this scene, smacked his lips, and looked at the rider: "Since your riders have been eliminated, it's time for me to send you on your way."


The rider looked at the arm protruding from his chest in disbelief, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

Bai Feng stuck his head to the rider's ear: "I hope to see you next time, we can be friends, Miss R."


Looking at Bai Feng's face, the rider suddenly smiled, bastard, you want to be friends with me even after inserting me so hard, you are dreaming.

If I can still meet you, I have to insert it back. If I don’t insert you into a hedgehog, I won’t be called Medusa, bastard.

It's just that there is no way to protect Sakura anymore, but with that guy around, Sakura should be fine, and Sakura is also a genius who can summon two heroic spirits at once.

With all kinds of thoughts, the rider gradually turned into a point of light and dissipated into the air, and her Noble Phantasm disappeared along with it.

Baifeng came to Shirou's side, looked at him sullenly, and asked, "Are you guilty of Shinji's death?"

Shirou looked at the corpse on the ground, was silent for a while, and then said, "I can't say I'm guilty, it's just a little sad. After all, I used to be friends."

After watching his plot, he knows all the plots. Although he still wants to be a partner of justice, he is not as naive as the original novel.

What's more, Shen Er's behavior just now was completely intended to kill him.

He can and will sacrifice himself to save others, but not this senseless sacrifice.

"Then what did you tell Sakura?"

"Let's tell the truth, she should also know about the Holy Grail War."

"Whatever you want, anyway, it's not me who will be troubled by then."

Baifeng jumped to the ground, looked at the corpse on the ground, took out a scroll and sealed it, and handed it to Shirou.

Looking at Shirou's suspicious eyes, Bai Feng said, shouldn't you carry your brother-in-law back with your own hands?

Well, Shirou just went back holding the scroll that sealed the body of his brother-in-law. Baifeng can imagine the violent storm that will happen later.

Sakura left sadly, Shirou chased after him, you are the wind and I am the sand, lingering and wandering around the world.

But having said that, Sakura and Rin Tohsaka are still two sisters. Shirou, this guy, actually played with sisters, which is really enviable... Bah, it's shameless.

ps: Chapter 2.

Chapter 112 The Betrayed White Wind

Back home, unexpectedly, Sakura was still at Emiya's house.

This made Shirou a little confused. He looked at Baifeng as if asking for help, but Baifeng just shrugged his shoulders. It is difficult for an upright official to break up housework, so I slipped away first.

Shirou, who was left in a daze, endured the pain alone.

Shirou looked at Sakura, a little at a loss, hesitated for a while, and finally took out the scroll and handed it to the other party.

"Inside, is Shen Er's body, I..."

Shen Er is Sakura's elder brother, although they are not relatives, but they have lived together for a long time.

The rider was originally summoned by Sakura, and it should be Sakura who participated in the Holy Grail War, not Shinji.

It's just that Sakura didn't have the slightest fighting spirit, so she transferred the Command Seal to Shinji.

Originally, Shirou was ready to comfort the sad Sakura, but she just took the scroll calmly.

Then he raised his head and looked at Shirou: "Senior, if my brother became me today, would you attack me?"

"how could be."

After hearing the answer, Sakura took the scroll and was about to leave, when Shirou stopped her: "Don't you blame me?"

"Senior, did you do it on purpose?"

Shirou shook his head: "Although it was Shinji who stumbled and fell to the roof, there was also a reason why I forced him."

"That's fine. I know a little bit about his character. Senior, you will persecute him. You must have done something disgusting."

Sakura looked at Shirou, and suddenly laughed: "Senior, don't blame yourself, we will go to school together from now on."

"Huh? Oh."

Shirou was a little confused, because this was completely different from the weak girl in his impression, on the contrary she was very strong, so strong that it was a bit scary.

At this time, Bai Feng came out, looking at the yard where there was only one person left, and was a little curious: "Gone?"

Shirou nodded, looking at this scene, Baifeng was a little disappointed: "Nothing else happened?"

Dude, what's the matter with your disappointed look, are you looking forward to something?

If I can't beat you, believe it or not, I will kick you out of Xingyue World right now.

Damn, how could I have been deceived by lard at that time, so I easily listened to this guy and let him come here.

Bai Feng squinted his eyes and looked at the boy: "Why do I feel that you are thinking about something impolite?"

Shirou was speechless, why is this guy's intuition so sharp, so he had to type a haha: "How come, you are so interesting."

Shirou silently gave himself a thumbs up, do you know what a high EQ is?

Low EQ: You are a sand sculpture.

High EQ: You are so interesting.

Take a look, the gap is reflected in a second.

"Is that so, then I'll trust you just once." Bai Feng let this guy go with half-belief.

The two went into the room and sat down. Shirou stared at the ceiling and suddenly said, "Why don't we sleep in the same room tonight."

"Fuck? What do you want to do?"

Bai Feng was shocked, and looked at Shirou in disbelief, are all young people nowadays so straightforward and open?

Could it be that his handsomeness has broken through the boundaries of gender and can attract a normal man in just a few days?

Then should he wear a mask when he goes out in the future? He suddenly remembered that he seemed to have met a **** on campus that day, and suddenly felt that the world was so scary.

"No, what kind of eyes do you have? Don't get me wrong. Hey, I just want to ask you some questions."

Hearing this, Bai Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and asked curiously, "What do you want to ask?"

"Ah, just to ask what you think of the follow-up situation."

Bai Feng thought carefully for two seconds, then said slowly, "I want to stand and watch."

He even wants to lie down and watch, sit and watch with popcorn if he can.

Well, after all, comfort is the most important thing. It would be even better if two long-legged girls rubbed their shoulders.

Shirou was speechless, is this what I asked you? He sighed and opened his mouth slowly.

"I don't actually want to kill Shinji today, I just want him to hand over the Command Seal and withdraw from the Holy Grail War."

Today's accident, what should I do if it happens later, what should I do when facing Tohsaka Rin, Sakura, and Illya.

Childhood sweetheart, official cp, and my own sister, if I really killed all their followers in front of them, I might be done with it.

Well, be confident, it's not possible, it's certain, Shirou thought sadly.

Bai Feng thought for a while, and probably guessed his thoughts. After all, it is not enough time for a person who is self-sacrificing to others to suddenly become a decisive person.

Of course, if time is enough, it will definitely change, just like turning into a red a, it is very decisive.

"You don't necessarily need to kill the opponent's servants to win the war, you can also make them give up on their own initiative."

As for how to get those people to give up, have you ever seen a casserole-sized fist that can give you a concussion?

Shirou sighed: "That's the only way to go, I hope things can go as smoothly as imagined."

"Bai Feng is here, no surprises, who am I, don't worry, um, at worst, I'll just run away."

Shirou remained expressionless: "You have spoken out what's on your mind."

"Ahaha, mistake, mistake."

Bai Feng laughed, and the atmosphere in the room also improved.

He was just joking, thinking how popular he is in the chat group. If he really did such a thing, would he be worthy of the folks and elders in the chat group.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and looked at Shirou with both eyes: "Then shall we sleep together now?"

Shirou looked terrified: "I just said we were together because we wanted to discuss something, but now that the discussion is over, you still want to talk about sleeping together. What is your intention?"

What the hell, Bai Feng looked at Shirou with a dumbfounded face, are you going to betray our camp with thick eyebrows and big eyes?

Alas, are the people around me destined to betray me? Naruto is like this, Zhang Chulan is like this, Limuru is like this, even you, a so-called righteous partner, is like this now.

PS: Chapter 3

Chapter 113

Bai Feng fell asleep with endless sadness and helplessness, endless pain and pain.

He came to his room alone, lying on the bed, trying to use the warmth brought by the quilt to light up his heart that had fallen into darkness.

Read The Duke's Passion