MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 6

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Facing the eyes of the two hulks, Stark inhaled, raised his chest, raised his hips, stretched out his fingers and ticked towards the opposite side: "You, come here!"

Zhang Chulan: Holy crap, hot eyes.

Bai Feng: At this moment, your hips have surpassed Captain America.

Zhang Chulan: Stark, which one is better between me and Captain America?

Although the chat group was very happy, it seemed as if a hornet's nest had been ignited. The eyes of Hulk and Abomination immediately turned red, and they slapped their chests vigorously with both hands, and then rushed straight towards Stark.

In the process of running, the tanks were directly trampled and exploded, turning into debris all over the place.

Stark was unhurried, showing his bossy temperament: "Jarvis, choose the best route, and start running away into the wild."

"Good sir."

At the same time, he was frantically chatting with Aite Baifeng.

Stark: Boss, come here quickly, I'm going to die.

Looking at the two big guys getting closer and closer to him, he would be caught within ten minutes at most, and then he would be chopped into pieces.

I don't know what the world will be like after death, whether there will be heaven and hell, whether there will be angel sisters or demon sisters.

Also, catgirls from different worlds, fox spirits, snake girls, etc., um, there seems to be succubi.

Bah, bah, bah, what am I thinking, how can there be beast mothers in hell.

Just when Stark's thinking diverged, they had come to a mountain range.

Suddenly, Hulk accelerated and stepped heavily on the ground, causing the ground to split open due to this force.

With the help of this power, Hulk jumped up high, and slapped Stark who was flying in the air with a huge palm.

It's over, it's over, seeing this scene, Stark wailed directly in his heart, now he really wants to go to **** to play with the devil.

With a bang, there was a violent collision sound, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. Stark didn't feel any pain, so he opened his eyes and looked.

"Damn it, boss."

At first glance, it was Bai Feng who helped him block the attack just now, and smashed Hulk to the ground heavily.

Baifeng knew that Stark was on the live broadcast, so he waved his hand in the air.

Limulu: Let's go, I can't watch this group of live broadcasts.

Why are you still staying here now, waiting to see Baifeng show his holiness in front of others, pretending to be slapped in the face, that's so boring.

Zhang Chulan: It's boring, it's boring, let's go.

Regarding the two major scourges in the group, Bai Feng didn't care about it at all, and the two were **** off.

Looking at Stark in front of him, Bai Feng couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "Big shit, your battle armor looks really cool."

Stark looked at Bai Feng with the eyes of meeting a confidant: "Heroes see the same thing, and it turns out that mechas are the romance of men."

But he forgot that he was wearing a mecha, and Bai Feng couldn't see his eyes at all.

"Since we get along so well, why don't you give me a few sets later."

"No problem." Stark blurted out, and immediately reacted: "Wait, what did you say?"

He is not like in the future, he has a lot of mechas, and now he only has two mechas in total.

"The screen is recorded, the screen is recorded, and the group of friends are watching. This is Stark's own promise."

It's a pity that Baifeng didn't give him a chance to react at all. Although it's useless for him to take it back, it can be given to his lovely student.

Iron Man vs. Ninja, it's exciting to think about that scene.

The two above had a heated chat, but Hulk and Abomination below would quit.

Why, Stark, you old scumbag, you were still teasing the two of us vigorously just now, now you have a new love, you turned your face and didn't recognize anyone, right?

Especially Hulk, he was thrown hard just now.

The two giants looked at each other and saw the same feeling from each other.


The sky-shattering roar sounded, and the size of the two giants became larger again, from a dozen meters to tens of meters, and their huge size was comparable to a mountain.


looking at this scene,

Stark couldn't help swallowing, and asked Bai Feng beside him, "Can this thing be solved now?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Baifeng waved his hand, motioning for Stark to stand behind, then turned around, looked at Abomination and Hulk: "It's just that, actually, I also like to use force to overwhelm people, Susan."

With the fall of the voice, the kaleidoscope Sharingan in the eyes spun, and chakras began to emerge, spread, and splicing around the body.

But in the blink of an eye, a giant with a height of hundreds of meters appeared on the spot out of thin air.

Bai Feng stood in it, looking down at the Hulk indifferently. The huge figure just now was as small as an ant in his eyes.

Limulu: Damn, is this really something I can watch without charging money?

As far as Susanoo's special effects are concerned, isn't this more exciting than those so-called blockbuster movies in the previous life?

Zhang Chulan: Damn, he pretended to be there, and I told you to slip away, and you still don't believe it.

Stark: By the way, you two are going to quit the live broadcast room, why are you still here.

Seeing Bai Feng's posture, Stark knelt down immediately, and he has become a salted fish who can only shout yo.

As the saying goes, behind every successful man there is another woman who silently supports him. Although I, Stark, am not a woman, I can support him behind the boss.

Bai Feng didn't know that Stark was thinking of becoming the man behind him at this time, otherwise Bai Feng would have already done it without the two Hulks.

Looking at the Hulk who was still clamoring, Bai Feng raised his fist as huge as a mountain, and threw it directly at the two Hulks below him.

Seeing the falling attack, the red light in the eyes of Hulk and Hate receded, and under the threat of death, their rationality finally returned to their original bodies.

But even if he regained his sanity, it would be too late to escape from such a wide-ranging attack.


Cursing inwardly, before they had time to think about it, the two had no choice but to bite the bullet and bump into the falling fist.

The huge fist collided with the Hulk and hated the two with violent gusts and sonic booms.

The two sides seemed to be in a stalemate for a while, and in the next second, the two of Hulk were smashed into the soil by Susano at a faster speed than when they came.

Feeling that the vitality in the two of them was still strong, Bai Feng nodded, even though it was just a movie version of the Hulk, it was very durable.

Immediately no longer keep your hands, raise your fist, drop, raise, drop...

The rumbling sound kept ringing, and the ground was trembling. Hakukaze controlled Susano to hit the ground again and again.

Visible to the naked eye, the height of the mountains is dropping a little bit, and the ground is also slowly dropping.

Stark manipulated the mech to move towards the back to avoid unintended disasters, silently praying for the Hulk in his heart.

"Banna, may God bless you, I hope you won't get lunch so soon, of course, if you can't hold on, then go, I will help take care of your wife, oh no, you don't have a wife yet, then It's a sad story."

Chapter 10 The Serious Ninja

High-end ingredients often only need the simplest cooking method, just like our ancestors told us, concentration is the essence.

After repeated beatings, our hated classmates have deeply understood this truth, and the size has changed from tens of meters to the size of an ordinary person.

Seeing the disgust on the ground fainted, Baifeng was very satisfied, his naked body was wrapped in flour and fried until golden repeatedly, and the Hulk next to him was sobbing.

Speaking of Hulk, Baifeng has a bit of a headache, because in Marvel's settings, Hulk's power comes from anger. The more angry, the greater the power. No one knows where the upper limit is.

After a few minutes of father beating his son, Hulk said that he was so angry now that instead of shrinking, he grew slightly bigger.

The current Hulk vividly interprets what is the gap between genuine and pirated versions. For example, the pirated version of Hulk Abomination will wither in a few minutes.

Seeing that Hulk, who had been ravaged for a long time, not only showed no sign of shrinking, but became more and more ferocious, Stark couldn't help shouting: "Boss, you don't seem to be able to satisfy him."

Bai Feng has black lines on his face, why can't I satisfy him, if he can't speak, just keep his mouth shut.

In the live broadcast room, many members of the group who watched this scene also felt that it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and they booed.

Zhang Chulan: Boss, Stark is right, the Hulk is so big, you really can't satisfy him.

Rimuru: What, pass it on, Stark said the boss is too small.

Stark: What, the Hulk thinks the boss is too small.

Yakumo Zi: What, the boss can't do it.


Those who ride horses, this group of hairy people.

Seeing the more and more outrageous speeches, Bai Feng's face darkened, and he directly closed the live broadcast interface.

Seeing the Hulk getting bigger and bigger, Bai Feng actually wanted to shoot him to death.

But think about it, at least it is Stark's future friend, and it would be unethical to kill him directly.

Forget it, it's better to knock him out, although it's a little troublesome, but Bai Feng already has a solution.

Zi said, men eat soft but not hard, women eat hard but not soft. Of course, soft and hard here are not adjectives.

To deal with a reckless man like the Hulk, just hang him to death.

Thinking of this, Baifeng untied Susano, and said lightly behind him: "Stark, stay away, the movement will be a bit loud later, I don't care if it affects you."

Hearing this, Stark flew towards the periphery from his heart and moved the live broadcast view to Baifeng.

Zhang Chulan: Get out of the way, I'm going to start pretending.

Rimuru: It's okay, it's a little worse than me.

Spider: That's right, after all, he was the great magician who wanted his colleagues to destroy the 256g hard drive before he died.

Rimuru: ...

Damn it, why are you targeting me, I'm just a slime, I just want water, what did I do wrong.

The huge chat group is full of backstabs everywhere. In the long run, where is the future of the chat group and where is the hope of the group members.

Thinking of this, Limulu's body made of water burst into flames.

Lan Ya: "...Master Limuru is very hot."


Limulu was so ambitious at this time, she didn't notice anything wrong with Lan Ya's words, and spoke directly in the group.

Limulu: In order to have the ambition to sacrifice, I dare to ask Ling Yun to exchange for the blue sky.

Group reminder, group member Li Mulu withdrew a message.

As soon as she sent it out, Limulu regretted it immediately, and rolled around on Lan Ya's back, so shameful.

Zhang Chulan:? ? ? screenshot.

Yakumo Zi:? ? ? screenshot.

Rimuru: ...

Chat group, record the moment of social death.

Because Baifeng blocked the chat group, he didn't notice this scene at all. Otherwise, he would definitely make trouble for Limulu, one of the double evils of the chat group.

At this time, Baifeng followed the basic common sense of ninjas, and clapped his hands together: "Water Dun. Who will repair the dam."

Isn't a ninja just clapping his hands, shouting whatever he wants, no one who is serious will make a seal, you're right, Kisame.

Endless chakra gushed out from Baifeng's body, and immediately after, a huge stream of water descended from the sky.

Now in terms of Baifeng's strength, even a small c-level ninjutsu can exert devastating power in his hands.

This is the same as the Huo Dun used by Lord Dancer Ban, but it's even more exaggerated than that.

Shocking noises sounded, and the huge pothole formed by the indiscriminate bombing by Susan just now was quickly filled by the surging water.

Immediately afterwards, the boundless water continued to fall, drowning the trees, the mountains, and the Hulk. Finally, the original mountains disappeared, replaced by a huge lake.

Although Bai Feng can continue to expand this range if he wants to, but it is not necessary, this level is enough.

Read The Duke's Passion