MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 59

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"You are all standing up and talking, you don't have a back pain. If you go up, I'm afraid it will be solved by the other party at once. Why do you look at me like this? Am I wrong?"


A group of people are chattering, making people's ears buzzing, Lancer may not be able to hear, but Shirou is a member of the chat group.

In the middle of the battle, he was always disturbed, and several times it was because these people yelled at Jill that he cut it crookedly.

However, he was worthy of being a spearman with a+ level agility, but he was a little less lucky.

And Lancer, who was being chased and beaten, also noticed this, but he couldn't see the projection of the chat group, he could only see Bai Feng chattering there alone.

Although it was because Shirou was disturbed that he was able to dodge these attacks with ease, but this was not what he wanted.

How could a battle between real men require the interference of others to win.

Thinking of this, he rushed towards Bai Feng with his spear in hand, planning to deal with this guy first.

Anyway, the witnesses can't let it go. As for whether there will be any accidents, I'm sorry.

It's fine if Shirou Emiya cheats, but he doesn't believe it. The other one he met is also cheating. If so, it's better to let him cool off on the spot. This Holy Grail War is a fart.

However, I was about to attack this person, why did the cheating kid still not respond.

In the next second, he knew the reason, because this product was also a cheat.

With a bang, Lancer stared dumbfounded at Baifeng pulling out a long and big baby from his crotch.

That thing looks about the same size as a tree. How did this thing come out?

Bai Feng looked at Gatlin, who was emitting blue flames in his hands, and grinned: "I'm eating shit, my lord."

As he said that, he pulled the trigger, da da da da da da...

Damn it, Lancer cursed secretly, but he couldn't dodge in the sprint state, so he could only choose to take two hard hits with less deadly places.

Landing on the ground, clutching his injured left hand, Lancer looked at Bai Feng with an ugly expression.

"You are an Archer, so let's put it this way, that kid is not just a passerby, he is also a participant in this Holy Grail War."

"Congratulations, you got the answer right, although there is no reward."

Bai Feng immediately made a big jump while holding Gatling, and threw Gatling towards Lancer.

Lancer was speechless: "Hey, hey, you're breaking the law, what kind of close combat is an archer playing?"

Bai Feng just curled his lips at this, an archer who can't melee is not a good archer, and I am an archer, isn't it common sense to play melee? Do you know what gun fighting is called?

Seeing Bai Feng chasing a gunman with Gatling, Zhang Chulan yelled from the side: "Here we come, classic scene of bullying honest people."

Limulu also nodded, and commented: "To use a modern hot weapon to hit someone with an ancient spear, isn't this bullying an honest person?"

"That's right, that's right, if you can't afford it, don't play it if you can't afford it. I strongly despise this kind of cheating players. It really makes hardworking and honest players like us unable to survive."

Hearing this voice, everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at Zhang Chulan in silence, saying that you are cheating, you guys have a lot of cheating.

And Limulu, you are still nodding beside me, do you still have too many hangups?

Regarding this, Zhang Chulan could only touch embarrassingly: "Ahaha, it turns out that I was cheating too, so it's okay."


On the other hand, if Baifeng's panel is attribute-oriented, all attributes must be higher than that of Lancer.

Therefore, even with a bulky Gatling, he could easily catch up with Lancer's speed and beat him black and blue.

At this moment, a burst of powerful energy suddenly shot from a distance, blasting straight at Shirou.

Sensing the energy fluctuations contained in it, Shirou fixed his eyes and directly used his kaleidoscope ability, the shield of protection.

The shield and the incoming attack canceled each other out, and did not cause any damage to Shirou, but the courtyard was completely bombed.

On the top of the distant building, Hong A has a serious face, what is going on, I don't remember that I had this kind of strength before.

Suddenly, the door of the building was opened, and Sakura came out from the door: "Gongwei, what are you doing at such a high place?"

"Ah, it's okay, I just suddenly wanted to come up to see the scenery."

Hong A's alias is Lang Shi Gongwei, um, Wei Gong Shirou is just right upside down.

"Really?" Sakura stepped forward, raised her hair by her ears, and followed Hong A's gaze, but she didn't have Hong A's eyesight, and could only see the starlight in the sky and the lights of the city.

Seeing this scene, she nodded: "It's really beautiful."

After watching for a while, she crossed her arms again: "But the wind is quite strong."

"It was my negligence, then let's go back."


It's just that before leaving, Shirou took a deep look at Shirou, and Shirou also glanced in this direction if he felt something, thinking in his mind: "Is it me in the future?"

ps: The first chapter is a bit late, I will code the rest slowly, I was sprayed, and I am in a bad mood.

Chapter 108 The Enemy of Chat Group Members, Bai Feng

Turning around again, I saw that Lancer had already taken advantage of the opportunity and ran away.

Shirou was a little confused, put away the susa on his body, and came to Baifeng's side: "Do you want to chase us?"

"Ah, no need." Bai Feng gritted his teeth and looked at the phantom where the group members were.

There, a few people could be heard whispering from time to time, but although it was whispering, the voice was a bit loud.

"Xingyueding, proud of the world, with me, Baifeng, there will be heaven. Even if I travel across the world, with Gatling on my shoulders, I, Baifeng, can be invincible in the world."

"Open hanging, what the white wind wants, and integrity, also what the white wind wants, you can't have both, give up the integrity and take the open hanging."

"The world is splendid and grand, and you are welcome to return home with your title."


Although the voice is too mixed, I don't know who said it, but I can still hear it, um, hear...

Shirou swallowed suddenly, because he probably listened to it, and it seemed that everyone's voice had it.

Needless to say, there are two pests like Zhang Chulan and Limulu, they must be there, and then Aizen, Whitebeard, Li Xiaoxi, Yakumo Zi are also among several old people.

There are Keqing, Tinker Bell, and Tanjiro, too, although they are a little less.

At this moment, Shirou was thinking, should he say a few more words, otherwise everyone else has said it, and if he doesn't say it, is he a little out of the group, and will he be excluded.

Suddenly, Baifeng seemed to sense Shirou's inner thoughts, squinted his eyes, and looked at him.

When Shirou saw this look, he suddenly felt that this was pretty good. I hate this kind of people the most.

Looking at Shirou who calmed down, Baifeng nodded in satisfaction, and patted him on the shoulder, "Very well, I appreciate you young man, and I will cover you from now on."

Then, there were these old bastards. Bai Feng felt disgusted when he saw these annoying figures and listened to their persuasive voices.

However, don't think that I can't do anything like this, even if the world is across, I can still shut up you bastards.

next second.

Group reminder: Baifeng closed the live broadcast room.

All of a sudden, the group was extremely quiet, and no one spoke. This has never happened since someone joined the group.

After a few seconds, the chat group suddenly boiled over.

Zhang Chulan: He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry.

White Beard: Alas, I heard that people with small bellies will not have very good luck.

Aizen: Scientific research shows that people don't care about anything when they are in a hurry.

Doraemon: I understand this, I understand this.

Saitama: Ah, what happened just now? I heard that the slogans you shouted were quite passionate, why did you suddenly disband.

Tanjiro: Hakukaze-san is so pitiful.

Tanjirou thought for a long time about ghosts destroying the world, but decided to help Baifeng, otherwise, what if he can travel normally and come to him.

Well, just in case, it's better to be steady, after all, the momentary refreshment is only temporary, not permanent.


In reality, Shirou looked at Baifeng, hesitated to speak, but this made Baifeng a little confused: "What's wrong with you, are you constipated?"

"No, I mean, have you seen their chats in the chat group?"

"Oh, what are you talking about, I already knew the characters of those sand sculpture group members, so I blocked all chat group messages as soon as the live broadcast was closed."

Seeing Baifeng's triumphant look, Shirou couldn't help but want to complain, what's so proud of it.

What he didn't notice was that on a big tree in the distance, Tohsaka Rin and Saber were looking at this side with solemn expressions.

"The strength just now, Saber, can you handle it?"

"It can be solved, but there are some troubles."

The two of them were talking about Shirou, of course, they just saw the whole process of this guy's battle with Lancer from a distance.

Hearing Saber's words, Tohsaka Rin breathed a sigh of relief. It's okay, but is that really the strength that a magician can achieve? This kind of strength is completely an alternative follower.

Rin Tohsaka narrowed his eyes: "However, I really didn't expect that strange guy to be a follower. I didn't feel anything strange at all. It was no different from a normal person."

"He is very dangerous." Saber added: "The feeling he gives me is just like the feeling I had when I was learning martial arts for the first time when I faced my teacher. It is unfathomable."

"Even you can't beat it?"

"In battles, there are too many factors for victory. It's not just a comparison of combat power. No one knows until the end, but..."

After finishing speaking, Saber turned to look at Rin Tohsaka, and said seriously: "Rin, I will always be the sharpest sword in your hand until I help you obtain the Holy Grail."

Rin Tohsaka looked at Saber who suddenly became serious, blushing a little, Saber looks so handsome, what should I do.

How can people be so good-looking?

Rin Tohsaka's heart thumped, and at this moment, she seemed to see a blooming lily.


"Ah, yes." Tohsaka Rin heard a few shouts, and then came back to his senses.

Saber looked at her worriedly: "Are you not feeling well, why did you not respond after calling for a long time, and your face was still so red."

"No, no, nothing, I just thought of something suddenly, let's go back first."


After speaking, the two walked towards Tohsaka's house, as to why the two were here.

Because the two of them suddenly remembered that even if they didn't care about being seen and let this innocent passerby go, Lancer was not the two of them, and they would definitely chase after him.

After finding out Shirou's address, he rushed over all the way, only to see the scene of Baifeng and Lancer fighting.

In Wei Gong's house, Bai Feng laughed suddenly, which made Shirou who was sitting across from him bewildered: "Why are you laughing like that all of a sudden, it made me panic."

"Ah, it's nothing, I just suddenly felt that your Susan suits you very well."

Isn't that right, the eldest wife Tohsaka Rin was kidnapped by Saber, and the younger wife Matou Sakura met the future self-defense Gong Shirou, um, it's really gratifying, gratifying and congratulating.

"It always feels like you're thinking about something bad."

Shirou was speechless, and then suddenly thought of something, what would Sakura and the others think if they saw their courtyard like this tomorrow.

Terrorist attacks! Kidnapped! Cannonball baptism...

It's over, it's over, and the kind of magic that I can't repair myself, how should I explain tomorrow.

Bai Feng looked at Shirou who suddenly collapsed to the ground: "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to die. I was too busy fighting just now, and the yard has been messed up like that by me."

"So it's like this, it's okay, leave it to me."

Bai Feng patted his chest, facing this boy who disdained to gang up with other group members to deal with him, he decided to help the boy.

ps: Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 will come later, well, that's it, I'm decadent.

Chapter 109 The Daily Life of the Emiya Family

A few minutes later, Shirou looked at the trees all over the yard with a blank expression: "So this is the solution?"

Read The Duke's Passion