MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 45

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You, I am a skeleton, but I am also a skeleton with life, can I be the same as those skeletons?

Ainz glanced at the Nian Beast that was getting closer, and then at Aizen who was getting further and further away. He was ready to lie down gracefully on the ground.

"Where is the Nian Beast, here I come."

Saitama was wearing a cloak, and landed heavily in front of Ainz, looking at the Nian Beast charging towards him, his eyes showed excitement.

"Wow, Saitama, you are so fast."

Bai Feng floated in the sky, looked at Qiyu on the ground and sighed, beside him, eyes appeared one after another, Yakumo Zi, Spider and Li Xiaoxi also appeared together.

At this time, a voice came from a distance: "Pass it on, Mr. Baifeng said that Qiyu is very fast."

Accompanied by the sound came a flash of thunder, and the person who came was Zhang Chulan who had the ability of thundering fruit.

"Put it on, the boss Baifeng dislikes Qiyu too fast."

At this time, Limuru also arrived, followed by a free-flying Stark.

Damn, these two black sheep.

Before Baifeng could speak, the next second, with a bang, Daiko's transformed Tiga brought Keqing, Whitebeard and Tanjiro to the scene.

Dagu turned back into a human body and sighed: "Wow, you are all so fast, I am the only one who is slower. Is this because I took the body strengthening and lasting pill?"

Baifeng looked at Dagu heartbroken, he never expected, Dagu, did you also suffer from Limulu and Zhang Chulan's poisonous hands?

Thinking of this, Bai Feng looked at Zhang Chulan and Li Mulu with a murderous look on his face, and you two will give back to my old honest brother Dagu.

At this time, Lan Ran walked back gracefully with a mirror in his waist, "It seems that this should be the last gift that the chat group prepared for us, how about it, how to divide it."

Looking at the elegant Aizen now, and thinking about the Aizen who ran in front just now, Ainz suddenly understood why Aizen was able to transform successfully.

Whitebeard waved his fists: "Kulala, how do you divide? Of course we went together."

Spider also waved his small fist: "Hey, I like teaming up to fight bosses the most."

Li Xiaoxi immediately made a decision: "Then it's settled. If we go together, the chat group should not be so stingy and won't give us red envelopes."

At this time, our background Bannian beast finally appeared on the stage, roared at several people, and rushed forward with its teeth and claws.

ps: Chapter 3, there is another chapter, happy new year everyone.

Chapter 81

"Oh, come, come, I'll go first."

Saitama accelerated and came directly in front of Nian Beast: "Look at my continuous ordinary punches."

The fist wearing the red glove was obviously just an ordinary swing, but under the blessing of Saitama's terrifying power, it was full of aura of destruction.

The fist brought up a violent hurricane, which fell on Nian Beast like raindrops.

In just a few seconds, Nian Beast's body that could move mountains and fill seas was blasted into the air.

The clouds floating in the sky, like a girl molested by a gangster, disappeared in an instant.

"Saitama is amazing, such pure physical strength."

White Beard looked at the Nian Beast in mid-air, and was amazed. He didn't know what the limiter was, which could make an ordinary person so powerful in just three years.

And this kind of strengthening has not stopped, it is still going on, far from reaching the upper limit.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Nian Beast was kicked around like a rubber ball. Saitama's speed was as terrifying as his strength. Except for a few people, others could only see some afterimages.

After beating for several minutes, Qiyu finally stopped, looking at the Nian Beast who had nothing to do except some skin trauma, his expression was full of excitement.

How long has it been, how long has it been since I have had such a hearty feeling, in the world of one punch, those weirdos are either killed by one punch or killed by one punch.

When you meet someone who is stronger, you have to control your own strength, so as not to be so mean to kill him in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, his fist speed became faster and faster: "Hahaha, I'm really high right now."

So the scene was deadlocked like this, Qiyu couldn't beat Nian Beast to death, and Nian Beast couldn't fight back.

It's like a boxer hitting a steel plate. Although the steel plate can't fight back, you can't do anything to the steel plate.

Ainz raised his hand to block the gust of wind caused by the violent attack: "By the way, should we just watch like this?"

Bai Feng looked at the naked hand-to-hand fight of one man and one beast, and estimated that it would take a long time to end, so he calmly pulled out a few decks of cards from his backpack.

"Fight the Landlord."

"Isn't that one less person? How come."

"Hey, you don't understand this, the one who loses is just replaced."

In just a few seconds, a group of people quickly decided what to do next, and the action was so fast that it was almost like a rehearsal.

"Come, come, sit down soon, a new round of civil war in the chat group has begun."

Everyone sat down quickly and divided into four groups, leaving two people to replace them.

"Snatch the landlord."

"No grab."

"don't want."

Bai Feng looked at the cards in his hand: "Wang Zha."

Zhang Chulan was stunned, what the fuck, there are people who play cards like this.



"Shunzi, I only have one card."

Um? That's not right, the landlord only had these cards, Zhang Chulan and Limulu looked at each other, and they both saw each other's thoughts.

"It's shameless to hide the card, show it to me."

Seeing the two vicious dogs rushing for food, Bai Feng immediately put away the cards: "Hey, hey, I can't afford it, can't I? Damn it, who is pulling my pants, you bastard."

Cough cough, this is actually just an accident, the members in the chat group are still very harmonious, loving and full of trust.

Ainz: "Wang Bo. Super magic. Fell into the sky."

Aizen: "Four a's with four k's, a series of explosions, let's break it, it's a mirror image."

Dagu: "Three, four, five consecutive explosions, Zapelio light."

Okay, it's hopeless, this fight against landlords is more intense than Qiyu's side.


Four hours later.

Bai Feng: "Hurry up, I'm waiting until the flowers are about to wither."

Zhang Chulan: "You play cards really well."

Rimuru: "..."

Why do these two people have their own voice packs? Why don't I have one?

Limulu: "A pair of two, I only have one card left, be careful."

Bai Feng: "One against three, crush to death."


Seeing the two of them squatting and staring at him with dead fish eyes, Bai Feng quibbled: "Is 3 bigger than 2? Can a pair of 3 overwhelm a pair of 2?"

"You make a lot of sense, but is there anyone like you who fights landlords?"

After a noisy meal, Bai Feng's eyes rolled, and while neither of them was paying attention, he shuffled the cards in his hand and threw them into the pile: "I won't play anymore, you two can't afford it."

At this moment, the Nian Beast, which had been flying in the air for four hours, suddenly landed near them, sending up a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Yo, is Saitama finished?"

Hearing the question, Qiyu nodded: "That's fine, after all, this Nian beast belongs to everyone, so it's impossible for me to keep it all the time, right?"

Although I still want to continue to flog this Nian beast, but we are all good friends, between friends, it's okay to suffer a little bit.

Looking at the dying Nian Beast, Bai Feng shook his head: "We can do it together, lest he continue to be tortured."

Hearing Bai Feng's words, Nian Beast's huge eyes immediately revealed a look of relief.

Ma's bald head is not human at all. While beating me, he said it was cool and laughed all the time. Killing me or not killing me is just torturing me. Who can bear it?

A group of chat group members didn't know what Nian Beast was thinking, and when they heard that it was possible to make a move, they immediately rushed forward like crazy.

"The sword light is like mine, and it cuts off all the offal."

"Super magic. Fell into the sky."

"Thousands of broken paths. I yelled."

"Ten million volts, Thunder Dragon."


After a burst of brilliant skill special effects, Yakumo Zi and Baifeng made up the knife again.

"The realm of life, erase."

"Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!"

With an endless look of relief, Nian Beast gradually turned into a pile of red envelopes and floated in the air.

Looking at the 15 red envelopes floating in the air, there are still words printed on them.

They are: Handsome, Forceful, Reader, New, Year, Fast, Happy, Big, Lucky, Big, Lee, Love, You, You.

ps: I didn't expect it to be so long late, but it's the fourth chapter.

Chapter 82 Return

Konoha Street, in Baifeng's house.

Bai Feng stretched his waist and finally came back. Although the life in the modern city makes him charming, the life here is crying for him.

So, after four days of thinking, he made a difficult decision to come back.

I looked at the time on the clock on the wall, um, yes, the time has not changed.

bang bang bang...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Bai Feng was a little curious, who would come to find him, early in the morning.

Opening the door, a middle-aged ninja was standing at the door with a dejected expression on his face.

"Yo, isn't this brother Xing, what's wrong with you."

The ninja named Brother Xing was the captain he led when he first joined Anbu. I don’t remember his real name, but everyone called him Brother Xing. He is a very old ninja.

I saw Brother Xing with a frustrated face, walked into the room, sat on the chair and sighed.

"Baifeng, I used to know that the ninja world is very dangerous, but now I know that the human heart is a more dangerous thing."

"Ah, what happened?"

"See for yourself."

Brother Xing said and handed a stack of letters to Bai Feng.

Bai Feng glanced at it, it was a letter between Brother Xing and a believer named Xiao Lin.

Looking at the name, the opposite should be a girl, I can't tell, Brother Xing is so old, but the old tree is blooming, playing this kind of tune.

However, shouldn't he be happy about this kind of thing? Why be depressed.

Curious, Bai Feng looked down.

The first few letters were just daily exchanges, and there was nothing interesting about them. The closer they got to the later, the more intimate the communication between the two became.

Until the last few letters.

Letter from Xiaolin: Brother Xing, I don’t seem to have that thing recently. Am I sick? I’m so scared.

Brother Xing wrote back: Ah, is it serious, Miss Xiaolin, do you want to go to the hospital to have a look.