MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 22

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"Hey hey hey, I see."

White Beard waved his hand indifferently, and took out a jug of wine from somewhere and continued to drink.

On the other side of Whitebeard, several captains ran over and put away Whitebeard's flagon again.

On the other side, Zhang Chulan and Stark glanced at each other, and laughed gleefully.

Zhang Chulan wrote a picture of walking a bird in the sun and pasted it on Limulu's forehead, while Stark developed a picture of walking a bird that he had just taken and pasted it on the paper.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, the two gangsters clapped their hands together and jumped up.

Yakumo Zi watched from the side, and couldn't help blocking the front with an umbrella. They were really two nasty guys who didn't call her for doing such a thing.

As for Aizen, well, I don’t know where to go to the ship to study things.

On the other hand, Bai Feng closed the chat group after seeing the coded video. This year's sand sculpture group really disappointed me, there wasn't a single warrior who went to code.

Just at this time, a port appeared in front of him, so he flew towards it.

Landing on the small island, Baifeng came to the alley, watching the pirates coming and going, he rubbed his chin and thought for a while.

Well, it's polite to ask for directions, so Bai Feng randomly selected two lucky spectators.

Crackling, looking at the two strong men with bruised noses and swollen faces on the ground, he asked, "Where are the free gifts? Big brothers, thank you very much."

Cough, slip of the tongue, what Baifeng asked was if there were any Tianlong people nearby.

Facing Bai Feng's polite question, the two strong men also responded very politely, with their bodies on the ground, and their bodies tightly pressed against the ground, giving Bai Feng the highest respect.

"My lord, we don't have any Celestial Dragons here, they are big figures that only appear in the Chambord Islands."

"The Chambord Islands are right in front of our island, less than fifty kilometers away."

The two scrambled to answer each other, both striving to be a polite and good young man.

Bai Feng got the answer and nodded in satisfaction. Sure enough, convincing people with reason is the most important thing. You see, the information is just like this.

ps: It’s too late, I’m late, Chapter 4, I’m really sorry, big brothers who want to make a fortune order a little, um, gifts that require money are fine, just order me a little free one and it’s ok.

Chapter 38 The So-Called Justice

When he got the answer he wanted, Bai Feng was about to leave. Seeing this posture, the two actors immediately nodded and bowed.

"Brother, go slowly, come again next time."

Take a look, what is charisma, Bai Feng looked at these two tricks: "You two, what are your names, which pirate group."

Dragon suit armor immediately replied: "Brother, my name is Hou Mian, and his name is Qian Mianjin. Our pirate group is called Deep and Simple Pirates. The captain is an eel man who ate the eel form of the animal devil fruit."

Bai Feng thought for a while: "You captain, can you go to sea after transforming?"

"Brother, are you kidding me? How can a devil fruit capable person go into the sea, but he likes to drink sea water, because sea water is salty."

Another actor also continued: "Yes, yes, our captain often said a catchphrase, called the taste of the sea, I know."

Hiss, respect, respect, Bai Feng did not expect that there would be such a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in such a small shipping port.

It's a pity that he has to do the mission now, otherwise he has to get to know this hero in the past, at least he is a strong master of Master Qiu Mingshan.

After tidying up his clothes, Bai Feng flew away, leaving only two dragon suits looking at each other in dismay.

"The look in his eyes just now is admiration."

"Is our captain very powerful?"


The more the two thought about it, the more they felt that this possibility was very high, and they immediately ran back to verify it. They had a strong sense of substitution, and they were already fantasizing about how to kick the Four Emperors and punch the One Piece.

On the other hand, because of the news that the navy was about to execute Ace, there was a huge disturbance in the sea.

Ace, the son of the Four Emperors Whitebeard, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, is a well-known figure in the whole sea.

The Navy's public execution of Ace means that there must be a big battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Four Emperors.

The Shichibukai, which are located in various locations on the sea, were also forcibly transferred to the Navy Headquarters by the Navy.

In each naval branch, apart from leaving some troops just in case, the rest of the forces are also moving towards the naval headquarters.

This is a once-in-a-century battle.

At this juncture, all the pirate groups, as well as the navy, are doing things in a low-key manner, because the navy does not allow accidents to happen at such critical times.

But in this world, there are accidents. There is a group of people who think they are superior to others and are the masters of the world. They ignore the rules, and of course they also play with the rules.

They are called Tianlong people.

On the Chambord Islands, a figure with a pot belly, wearing a fish tank, swaggered on the street, and everyone who saw him had to kneel down.

His name is St. Charles Rose, a noble Tianlong in the world. Even at such a tense moment, the navy assigned two important lieutenant-level powerhouses to protect him personally.

I saw two lines of snot hanging from his nose, looking at the people kneeling all over the ground, he was very upset.

Some time ago, he was severely beaten by the society here. Although he heard that all the prisoners were beaten to death in the end, he was still very upset.

A mere pariah dared to resist himself. Thinking of this, he couldn't help pulling out the gun in his arms and shooting towards the crowd.

All of a sudden, many people were hit and fell to the ground, howling.

The two lieutenant generals behind him looked ugly, but they didn't stop them in the end.

"Wow... woo woo woo~"

In the crowd, a little girl was so frightened that she burst into tears when she saw this scene. The mother next to her quickly reached out and covered the little girl's mouth, but it was still a step too late.

St. Charles Rose raised his pistol and aimed at the mother and daughter: "You two, come out for me."

"My... my lord, we didn't do it on purpose, please forgive us this time."

The woman's face turned pale, and her body couldn't help shaking. She knew how tragic what would happen next.

"Lord Charles Rose, this is not good."

"Huh?" St. Charles Rose turned his head, his face angry: "Dog slave, it's none of your business, what are you, dare to control the noble Tianlong people."

As he spoke, he fired two shots at the lieutenant general.

Fortunately, the lieutenant general was physically strong, so he didn't suffer any injuries.

Tianlongren ignored the lieutenant general, looked at the mother and daughter again, and raised his gun again.

"This girl dared to cry just now, just beat her to death, as for you."

Looking at the young mother, St. Charles Rose nodded: "It's not bad, come here, pull it back, just in time to breed my pet dog."


Behind him, several marines rushed up and walked towards the pair of mother and daughter.

Seeing that the tragedy was about to happen, no one dared to stand up and speak. They just bent their heads lower and even walked away from the mother and daughter silently.

Looking at this scene, the woman had no choice but to pin her last hope on the lieutenant general who just spoke.

However, facing the woman's gaze, the lieutenant general lowered his head.

For a moment, the woman felt all hope was lost. Looking at the daughter in her arms and the approaching navy soldiers, she couldn't help crying loudly.

Another lieutenant general behind Tianlongren couldn't help turning his head, not wanting to see what happened next.

Now he only felt that the word justice on the cloak behind him was so ironic.

As a navy that maintains the order of the sea, and a navy that shouts the slogan of justice, what it is doing at this time is not even as good as a pirate.

In just a few minutes, the woman was pulled away by the navy soldiers, leaving only a helpless little girl in place.

Seeing that her mother was moving away from her, she couldn't help but want to run over to seek some comfort.

next moment.

Boom! !

A gunshot spread throughout the square, and the woman couldn't help closing her eyes, tears streaming down her face.

However, this was a figure in front of the little girl, who caught the bullet, looked at the group of people in front of him indifferently, and spoke lightly.

"Is this the so-called noble Tianlong people of the world? Is this the so-called navy that maintains the order of the sea and protects the justice of the world? It really opened my eyes."

ps: In the first chapter, I always feel that my head is empty and I don’t know how to write it. Lords, please give me strength. Here are two pictures to wake me up.

Chapter 39 Shocked, the Tianlong people screamed in the street

Although I already know how disgusting the Tianlong people are, but I really saw it with my own eyes, and the original disgust is much stronger than before.

One, it's like you brushed a **** video while eating.

One, it's like someone **** in front of you while you're eating, which one is more uncomfortable is self-evident.

"Who are you, why don't you kneel down when you see the noble Tianlong people."

Facing the questioning from the opposite SB, Bai Feng ignored it, and just patted the head of the little girl beside him to calm her down.

"Damn bastard, dare to ignore me."

Seeing this scene, the Tianlong people were immediately furious, and no one had ever dared to treat themselves like this.

(Luffy: You were beaten by me.)

Immediately, he raised the gun in his hand and fired several shots in a row: "Go to hell, hahahaha."

Facing the incoming bullets, Bai Feng just glanced lightly, slow, too slow.

In his eyes, the speed of this bullet is no different from that of a snail.

Immediately, he slowly stretched out his right hand and grabbed a few bullets in his hand. Looking at the terrified Tianlongren, Bai Feng flicked the bullets in his hand lightly: "Send you a gift in return."

call out!

In the next second, the bullet shot back at a faster speed than when it came.

Before everyone could react, the bullet hit the five limbs of St. Charles Rose.


There was a scream, and the people around were shocked to see this scene, and someone actually beat Tianlongren.

"Run, the Tianlong people have been beaten, and the admiral is coming."

In an instant, panicked shouts sounded everywhere, and the people who were kneeling on the ground just now fled in all directions.

At this moment, the little girl's mother, taking advantage of the stunned efforts of the soldiers, fled back, hugged her daughter, and wept with joy.

"It's better for you two to leave here quickly, otherwise you will be fine if I'm here. If I leave, then it's not certain."

Who knows if this group of cerebral palsy Tianlong people will think about revenge afterwards.

Hearing Bai Feng's words, the woman came to her senses and hurriedly thanked Bai Feng, then hurriedly left with her daughter.

At this time, the soldiers realized that they quickly raised their guns and pointed them at Bai Feng.

The two lieutenant generals behind the Tianlongren had already noticed that someone was coming, but for some unknown reason, they didn't make a move.

Now seeing the Tianlongren fell on the ground, they could no longer pretend to be invisible, and turned around one after another, staring at Baifeng.

"Who are you and why did you attack the Tianlong people?"

Although questioning on the surface, the two lieutenant generals said in their hearts that they did a good job.

Don't you see that the two of them didn't care about the Tianlongren who was rolling back and forth on the ground, and they were still watching Baifeng with the old god.

At this time, the Tianlong man was still yelling while rolling: "Kill him, you kill him for me, I want to watch you tear this **** into pieces."

Hearing the roar of the Tianlong people, the two lieutenant generals made a decisive decision and immediately said: "Come here, did you see that Lord Charlos was injured? Hurry up and send him down for treatment."

Hearing the order, several soldiers immediately reacted and began to carry Tianlongren away in a hurry.

Bai Feng looked at the two lieutenant generals, feeling a little bit interesting, but he looked at St. Charles Rose who was about to be carried away, and listened to the non-stop words in his mouth.

"You don't need to carry it down, anyway, you will die later."

When the two lieutenant generals heard the words, they immediately narrowed their eyes. If the Tianlong people were injured, they would be scolded at most, but if the Tianlong people were dead, the consequences would be different.

"Your Excellency really want to do this? If you leave now, we can pretend we didn't see it."

Regarding the words of the two, Bai Feng said, I don't want to either, but the system rewards me.

Read The Duke's Passion