MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 19

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A group of people sat in the office with serious expressions.

Aokiji looked at Sengoku and asked, "Marshal Sengoku, do you know what is the reason for calling us here this time?"

Sengoku squinted his eyes: "The time for Ace's execution is coming. Logically speaking, the Whitebeard Pirates should be deploying personnel and preparing to rescue Ace. However, the news we sent back from the secret sentry that stared at Whitebeard is that they are Have a party."

Akainu didn't care, with a gloomy face: "Pirates are all evil creatures, isn't it normal to abandon their companions?"

He believes in absolute justice, and he doesn't believe that there is any friendship between pirates at all.

He would think so, but no one else, especially someone from Whitebeard's time period.

Chief of Staff Crane shook his head: "I know Whitebeard well, he will not abandon his companions, there may be some kind of conspiracy planned for this banquet."

When Garp heard this, he didn't know what it was like, yes, Whitebeard would not abandon his family, so what about me, how would I choose.

One is his belief and responsibility for many years, and the other is his family. The two choices make him a little breathless in the middle, and his gray hair looks a little older.

Zhan Guo looked at the old friend with his head bowed next to him, and knew what he was hesitating now, and also knew his current difficulties. Although he also wanted to help his old friend who had been with him for many years, as the admiral of the navy, he could not do so .

Next to him, the fourth general newly established by the navy, Thunder God Enilo said in a flat tone: "No matter what conspiracy he White Beard has, it is empty talk in the face of absolute strength, why should we go to war for a small banquet like this. "

Listening to his words, the yellow ape at the side raised his legs and looked indifferent: "Oh, oh, it's really scary."

I don't know if it's the white beard that's scary, or the Enilu who just spoke.

Warring States looked at Ai Nilu and shook his head. Although this newly promoted general has strength and skills, he doesn't like this arrogant character very much.

Patting the table, Sengoku said lightly: "No matter what, the Whitebeard Pirates are still the top force in the sea, and Whitebeard is also the top combat force in the world, so we should not take it lightly."

Whitebeard, who was far above the great route, never imagined that he would attract so much attention just by holding a banquet.

On the boat board, Bai Feng took a sip of wine and looked at the white beard beside him: "Bai beard, your health is not very good, do you need me to treat you?"

Hearing this, White Beard was a little surprised: "You know this?"

"One hundred million points, one hundred million points."

Hearing Bai Feng's answer, Baibeard was a little speechless. After spending so long with this group of sand sculptures, he knew whether Bai Feng was talking about one hundred million or one hundred million.

He nodded: "Then I will trouble you, Boy Baifeng."

"I thought you would object." Bai Feng was a little surprised.

"Why should I object? I'm not stupid."

White Beard is speechless, I am the man who has the script now, okay?

In fact, if he was the former him, he might really refuse, but after being infected by the sand sculpture group, his thoughts are not quite the same as before.

Bai Feng was taken aback for a moment, it seemed that he was also misled by his previous impression.

But he didn't care, stretched out his right hand, and there was a light spot floating on it.

This is the power of yang, which can give others vitality, which is the ability used by Naruto in the original Naruto after saving the eight gates.

With the power of yang entering Whitebeard's body, Whitebeard only felt that the hidden diseases in his body were being slowly repaired, and his aging body gradually regained its vitality.

This feeling was like being irradiated by the warm sunlight, and White Beard's hunched body slowly stood up.

Clenching his fists tightly, White Beard carefully felt the vitality of his current body.

How many years, how many years has he not felt this way, now he can't wait to find a field and plow it back and forth a hundred times.

Bai Feng looked at the white beard who was at least twenty years younger, and stretched himself.

"Okay, it's done, but most of the hidden diseases in your body are caused by the backlash of the Zhenzhen fruit. It's better to use it less in the future. After this mission is completed, open the group mall to see if there is anything that can eliminate it. side effects."

White Beard didn't care, and laughed twice: "Ku La La La, Bai Feng Boy, thank you so much."

Saying that, a white halo appeared above the fist, and it was thrown towards the air, and the power of the shocking fruit contained in it spread to the surroundings. In an instant, a huge tsunami appeared above the sea.

"What happened?"

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates sensed this familiar force, and immediately looked at their father.

What happened, why did Dad do it.

Seeing the huge tsunami coming, Whitebeard smiled boldly, and threw his hands forward again. The overwhelming tsunami was smashed into pieces, and light rain began to fall from the sky.

Only then did everyone notice the change in Whitebeard, and Marco couldn't help asking: "Father?"

"Kulala, it's me, what's the matter, Marco, you won't recognize me when you get younger."

Hearing the familiar voice, all the captains were pleasantly surprised. After some discussion, they realized that Bai Feng did all of this.

White Beard put his arms around Bai Feng's shoulders, and laughed loudly: "Ku Lala, children, Boy Bai Feng is my good brother, you should treat him like your father from now on."

"Yes, father."

Then a group of people saluted Bai Feng again: "Hello, Father Bai Feng."

Seeing this scene, Bai Feng felt a little toothache, what the **** is this guy, Baibeard.

When I come to another world, so many sons are born in an instant, good guy, this nima, if you go back to the Northern Song Dynasty, you don’t have to do anything. With one order, one hundred and eight sons rushed directly to Liangshan, Do a big job.

On the other side of the boat, Zhang Chulan was a little dazed when he heard the voices of these guys. What's going on, I just had a drink, and there are so many people robbing me of my father?

Then he suddenly realized, what the fuck, then don't I have a lot more competitors?

In front of him was Limuru who was already drunk, and he had turned into his original form now, rolling around on the board of the boat.

Yakumo Zi next to him sipped his wine, sitting in mid-air, using his ability to view the world.

On the other side, Aizen was a little eager to try, wondering if Jinghuashuiyue would be useful in a different world, but after thinking about it, he gave up this idea. If he really tried, he would be really helpless in the chat group.

ps: There is another chapter, the author's boring code words

Chapter 33 The Redemption of the Kidney Peeler

After healed the white beard, Baifeng sent away those big men who called his father.

Ma, who can stand this, he really hopes that someone calls him father, yes, but he hopes that the person who calls him father is a girl with fair skin, beautiful skin and long legs, not a face full of stubble, arms thicker than his thighs Thick guy.

His grandma's, the boy Baifeng suspects that the old boy Baibeard did it on purpose.

Seeing these people walk away, Bai Feng looked at White Beard and asked, "How long is it before Ace's execution?"

"Seven days."

Bai Feng rubbed his chin, seven days, it's still early: "Then I'll go out for a walk first, to see the protagonist of this world."

After all, that is a man that Bai Feng envies, he can be long or short, big or small, rubber fruit, so many men's dreams.

Well, although I don't need this kind of fruit ability at all with my huge strength, but readers need it, and now I urge you to send a gift, and you can get a rubber fruit for free.

White Beard knew who the protagonist Bai Feng was talking about, and nodded: "Okay, then I will drive the boat to the coating first, and enter the naval base as in the original plot."

Bai Feng was a little curious: "Aren't you afraid that the traverser will do something to ambush you?"

As soon as I finished speaking, I realized that my side is cheating players, or a group of cheating players, and a traverser on the opposite side is at best a krypton gold player, how to fight.

Excuse me, I'm superficial, goodbye, Baifeng waved his hand at Baibeard, and flew away into the distance.

Looking at the flying white wind, some people couldn't help but marvel.

"Wow, it's flying, it's really Papa Baifeng, but what kind of devil fruit ability is this?"

"Is it the ability of the bird form of the animal department?"


Everyone said disdainfully, if it is really an animal, then they have to transform, the key is that they haven't transformed either.

"After listening to your discussion, I think we can discuss it again."

"Stop arguing, I just unified your discussion and summed up the following three points:..."

A group of people started a heated discussion around the newly added father in their family.

Bai Fengfei was flying in the air, thinking about the current location of Luffy in his mind, well, at this point in time, he should be advancing the city.

But where is the promotion city located? Hiss, I was careless, I should have asked clearly before coming out.

Forget it, just find a direction to move forward, and just ask when you meet someone.

Finally, after nearly half an hour, a small island appeared in his perception.

Bai Feng landed on the edge of the island, and then walked towards the small town.

Suddenly, when he passed a corner, a pair of hands stretched out to hold him.

Bai Feng turned his head and looked, it was so big, bah, no, it was so white.

The person who came was a young lady in ragged clothes, with long blond hair, a charming face, and a half-covered body. Hiss, I immediately played a set of radio gymnastics with enthusiasm.

"Brother, can I ask you for a favor?" The young lady blinked Kazilan's big eyes and asked pitifully.

"Of course I can. I have to be tough with the ball."

Hearing Bai Feng's answer, the young lady's face showed joy, and she said coyly: "Can you come with me to my house, because my husband's health is not good, we have been married for three years without a child, so I think... But you Don't worry, I will pay you back."

Fuck, is this another world's version of asking for a child with a lot of money? But how can I, a man of three feet in the white wind, do such a nasty thing.

"Where is your home, why don't you show me the direction, and I'll carry you away."

The young lady looked at Bai Feng like this, lowered her head shyly, and pointed in one direction.

With a swish, after a while, the two of them had arrived at the place.

Finally, the two stopped, but looking at the dilapidated house in front of them, Bai Feng looked playful.

In his perception, the two men were hiding behind the door, looking at the young lady in his arms, Bai Feng squinted his eyes: "The redemption of the Kidney Slicer?"

Good guy, on the first day I came to another world, this kind of thing happened to me. Sure enough, the world of Pirates is full of love and peace.

Seeing Bai Feng's sudden stop, the younger sister was a little anxious: "Brother, why don't you go in."

Bai Feng smiled: "No need, I like something exciting."

"Here? It's not good, it's not good to be seen, or we'd better go in."

The young lady was a little anxious, holding Bai Feng's hand and going inside.

"Are you sure? I'm big."

"It's good to be big."

Larger kidneys are better and more expensive.

"That's good, I'm afraid you can't stand it."

Bai Feng smiled, and suddenly a huge hand appeared behind him, and slapped towards the house.

Boom! !

In the dull eyes of the young lady, the house was slapped to pieces.

She turned her head in disbelief: " devil, you are the devil."

Bai Feng shrugged: "I told you I'm big, but you still don't believe me."

Looking at the trembling woman, Bai Feng didn't bother to tease her anymore, and asked directly: "Which direction should I go to get to Jinjin City, tell me."

Hearing Bai Feng's question, she finally came to her senses, and quickly stretched out her hand: "It's in the northwest direction, just go straight to the northwest direction."

Seeing the other party like this, he shouldn't dare to deceive himself. Bai Feng stood up, looked at the woman, and shook his head: "It's a pity, such a good pair."

After finishing speaking, his figure soared into the sky and turned into a small dot.

In the same place, the woman who had just escaped a catastrophe just breathed a sigh of relief, and the next second, her eyes suddenly became dull, and she fell to the ground without breath.

Bai Feng is not a person who likes to kill, but he is never soft on those who show malice towards him.

With a direction, Baifeng headed all the way west, bah, all the way west was the work of Tang Seng and his disciples, and he himself was going all the way northwest.

With his current speed, he had already reached his destination in a short while.

Looking at the advancing city in front of him, and estimating the distance he flew, Bai Feng nodded in satisfaction: "I'm really fast. With my speed, which young lady wouldn't like it."

After being intoxicated with himself, Bai Feng carefully looked at the prison in front of him, which was said to be impregnable and no one could escape.

Well, after looking at it for a long time, Bai Feng really didn't know how to describe it, and finally he could only say two words: "Damn it, it's so big."

However, I am uneducated, so I can walk the world with a single sentence.

ps: Chapter 4 is up, hahahaha, I managed to code 8,000 characters, it’s okay, I will strive for 10,000 characters tomorrow, and all warm-hearted readers, please order a reminder and send me a free gift. The hard-working author, Juncha, has a bite of food.

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