MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 16

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White Beard: Didi, I’m driving. The traffic rules tell us that the driving is irregular and the relatives are crying.

Zhang Chulan: Confused, Uncle White Beard, I told you not to communicate with Limulu, you see, you are all infected by him now.

Limulu:? ? ?

Limulu is so angry, don't you know who is the biggest pest in your group?

Baifeng is used to Zhang Chulan and Limulu's love and killing each other. He is not afraid of too many sand sculptures, but a nest of sand sculptures. He just wants to say one thing to them, MDZZ.

After looking at the chat records, well, Aizen's words are as usual as usual.

Yakumo purple, huh? The water monster is not there, Bai Feng thought for a while, maybe he is eighteen years old, Chunxin started looking for a partner.

The fellow group leader is also not there, well, she said that she will participate in some college competition, but I don't know how many days she has passed there.

Of course, according to the setting of the novel, it is also possible that his fellow villager was suddenly invaded by aliens during the competition, and then she tried her best to turn the tide, was valued by the big shots, and was sent to practice in the secret realm of heaven and earth.

While analyzing, Bai Feng took a sip of Coke happily. What surprised him was that he could actually drink the taste of Coke from the Coke.

What's even more amazing is that there is actually a reminder button below, and the number can be changed when you click it. You think it's amazing.

ps: Hahaha, starting tomorrow, I can explode my liver, Wuhu, take off.

Chapter 27

After a wave of perfect analysis, Bai Feng took another sip of the cola-flavored cola, and happily touched the top of Dilu Beast's head next to him, um, it was soft and very comfortable.

Baifeng: By the way, Stark, did anything special happen after I left last time.

Now he is very curious whether the unknown mysterious will is angry because he can't find himself.

Stark: No, it's just that the gem you took away, boss, appeared in my hand again inexplicably, what's wrong?

Is it such a coincidence? Logically speaking, the soul gems constructed by the Marvel universe should randomly appear everywhere in the universe, but this happened to Stark who had contact with him.

Whether it's a coincidence or, Bai Feng doesn't know, the Marvel world is too deep for him to grasp.

Well, it's decided, Bai Feng clapped his hands, and before going to Marvel World next time, he will first ask the system if he can cover up his breath, and if he can't, he won't go, his life matters.

Bai Feng: It's okay, but you may be targeted by a super boss.

In the Marvel world, Stark is working on the next version of the battle suit with Dr. Banner, and even Pepper is thrown aside by him.

He had just obtained a breakthrough, and before he had time to be happy, he saw the message from Bai Feng.

Stark: How old is the big guy?

Bai Feng: It's not that big, maybe it's just an easy life.

Stark was Spartan on the spot, it was over, and Barbie dunked.

Doesn’t this **** want my old life? I’m getting old, and I still have to be a hero and work hard everywhere. It’s fine if I don’t give me a reward, but now I’m doing this for me?

Bai Feng: But don't worry, he's probably following you because of me, and it won't cause any harm to you.

Stark breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the words behind Baifeng, but then his face became subtle again. Doesn't this mean that he was being broadcast live when he was working hard?

What is this, Stark ゲソ's battle in the red light district, the story that Iron Man and the big star have to tell, Victoria's Iron Man...

Hiss~ I can't think about it, I can't think about it, this is too scary, it seems that I will not be close to women in the future.

Seeing Stark's changing expression, Banner was a little worried, reached up and touched his forehead, and found that he didn't have a fever, so he was relieved, as long as he was fine.

Seeing Banner's actions, Stark couldn't help but shudder, and moved his footsteps calmly, well, men can't get close.

Now he decided to put all his mind on research and explode all night.

One person, one pen, one night, one miracle, I, Stark, the word perpetual motion machine.

On the other side, Zhang Chulan saw the end of the chat between the two, so she also intervened.

He has been hiding for 12 years, always thinking that he is an outlier, and he didn't know his future until he entered the chat group.

However, he doesn't like that kind of future very much, he is too tired, but he knows that this is his own destiny that cannot be avoided.

So he cherishes the time in the water group very much, and likes the atmosphere of the chat group very much. Whenever he has time, he will go online.

However, just today, he received a notice that his grandfather's tomb had been stolen. He knew that this was the beginning of the plot.

Zhang Chulan: Big brother, help me, I'm about to be buried.

Bai Feng: Oh? That would be really great, then I will definitely ask Naruto to hold a spiral pill in front of your grave, you are so beautiful.

Rimuru: Don't forget about Sasuke's Chidori Flower Hand.

Bai Feng is because Zhang Chulan has been persecuting him all the time, and if he finally gets a chance, it will definitely make him worse.

As for Limulu, what, I am the beautiful monster princess of Jura Great Forest, one of the two evils in the chat group, isn't it commonplace to entrap members of the chat group?

Zhang Chulan was furious when she saw what Limulu said. It's fine for others to make trouble, and you, the pest duo of the chat group, came to persecute me.

Hehe, the whole group is full of infighting, and the members of the group are full of betrayal and indifference. This group, eating jujube pills, does this group have a future.

The air is shaking and cold, when will the chat group stand up, and punish these **** properly.

Zhang Chulan decided that he couldn't go on like this anymore, he wanted to shout out, and he wanted to change the status quo of this chat group.

If he is so young, he will dare to laugh at Huang Chao for not being a husband. I, Zhang Chulan, are super brave.

Zhang Chulan: Dad, I was wrong. I would like to use Lilum's 20 years of being single in exchange for your forgiveness.

Limulu:? ? ? ?

Limulu: Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, in the grassy sky.

Zhang Chulan: Sand sculptures, even if you don’t make up the lessons, you dare to teach others, which is missing two words.

Rimuru: That's right, no Bilian.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the group took a breath. Limulu's behavior is more than just making up lessons. Damn, she just moved the bookstore.

Seeing Limulu's fierce offensive, Zhang Chulan had no choice but to retreat. She forcibly ignored Limulu's speech and continued to cry.

Zhang Chulan: Dad, have you forgotten Xia Yuhe by the Daming Lake back then? He was my mommy.

Bai Feng was speechless, this guy has really gone a long way on the path of the cheap.

Bai Feng: Forget it, let's go to Pirate World and beat Enilo to death, and grab his thunder fruit and send it to you.

The previous teasing was just teasing, Bai Feng liked the people in the chat group, and he would help if he was in trouble.

Moreover, the compatibility between Leifa and Thunderbolt Fruit should be quite high. Baifeng also wanted to see the faces of those people when they saw Zhang Chulan summoning Thunder Dragon with one hand.

White Beard: I can find you a few Devil Fruits in advance. If you don’t get the Thunder Fruit, you can check if there are other suitable ones.

Rimuru: Do you want me to give you a name in the past, hahaha, I am very strong.

Zhang Chulan: No, thank you, I have a name.

Zhang Chulan rejected this guy's request with a blank face, and give me a name? I'm afraid you want to be my father, hum, dreaming.

But even so, he was very touched.

Group reminder: Zhang Chulan sent a red envelope, everyone come and get it.

Ding, Baifeng received the red envelope and the golden light curse.

Ding, Limulu received the red envelope and obtained the Yang Wu Lei Fa.

Ding, Whitebeard understood the red envelope and obtained the Golden Light Curse.

Ding, the spider received the red envelope and obtained the origin of the body.


In ancient times, the daughter of King Yanzhao bought horse bones, but now I, Zhang Chulan, bought red envelopes for the love of my fathers.

I believe this matter will definitely become a good story like buying a horse bone with a thousand gold, hahaha, I am really very smart.

ps: I thought I could explode my liver, and then I remembered that I had to pack up and leave. Damn, I was too naive

Chapter 28 The Door to a New World Opens

Zhang Chulan: The most precious things in me are these cheats, although they may not be useful to everyone.

He is still very accurate, because of the difference in the strength of the world, the top skills in his world may be average in other worlds.

Bai Feng: It's okay, Dad is covering you.

Take a look, what is sensible, that brat Naruto has no eyesight at all, so he takes jujube pills.

Feeling the sudden information in his mind, Bai Feng squinted his eyes, is this the Golden Light Curse?

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of all qi, extensively cultivated for thousands of kalpas, and proved my supernatural powers. Inside and outside the three realms, only the Tao is the only one, with a golden light shining on my body..."

He is trying to run this exercise, and other people in the group may not understand it, but he was born in China in his previous life, and he still has a little research on meridians.

After all, which boy is not in the second grade, which boy has not lived the dream of flying over the roof and walking on the wall, holding the sword to the end of the world.

I once dreamed of walking across the world with a sword and seeing the prosperity of the world...

Well, although he is already flattened now.

With the chanting of the mantra, he felt a heat flow slowly entering his body, and then overflowing outward.


A soft voice echoed in the house, and a strong golden light came out from the body, even covering the whole house.

Fortunately, he has already bought this house in full, so he doesn't have to worry about anyone complaining about him.

However, is this the Golden Light Curse? Bai Feng felt it carefully, it was amazing.

It was as if he had entered a warm place, and that warmth slowly surrounded him, wrapping his whole body tightly.

Bai Feng even moved up and down twice, well, to sum it up, it's just one word, very comfortable.

Opening the chat group panel, Bai Feng was going to ask if this exercise is useful for other people.

Bai Feng: Let me tell you how your skills are going.

White Beard: Okay.

Limulu: I strongly disagree. This is discrimination against me as a slime. Woohoo, what did I do wrong?

Spider: Plus one, I can't use it either.

Well, these two are not human, and their meridians are different, so it's normal if they can't use them.

Bai Feng: I feel okay.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Chulan was ready to die. Generally speaking, only those who can't or are not very good will say it's okay.

Zhang Chulan: It's normal to not be able to learn it. It took me a month to barely learn it.

Zhang Chulan: Let me tell you my experience. Let's do this first...then this...then that...well, have you learned it yet?

Rimuru: Is this what you said... Is that what it is... Well, it's useless to learn.

Aizen, who has been diving for many days, made a rare opening and took a selfie.

Aizen: Is that so? (selfie jpg)

In the picture, he is shrouded in golden light, and with his elegant face, he looks very charming.

Whitebeard also posted a selfie. In the picture, he is naked from the upper body, his muscles are bulging, and he is holding a big knife. Coupled with the golden light all around, um, he has the temperament of a gangster.

Bai Feng also sent a selfie.

Bai Feng: I'm so weak. (selfie jpg)

Zhang Chulan: ...

Zhang Chulan: Damn it, do you even have to do exercises?

The most important thing is, if people from another world are involved with me, will this world give Xianyu any right to live.

Bai Feng stroked his chin and ignored the howling of the defeated dog. Was it because of his strength? He, Aizen, and White Beard belonged to the group of people who stood at the top of the world.

The stronger the strength, the broader the horizons, and those who understand by analogy can be practiced in an instant.

Speaking of which, what would happen if Dagu Jinguang was cursed, um, man-made Shining Tiga, I get excited just thinking about it.

Dijia knows martial arts, and no one can stop him.

Read The Duke's Passion