MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 14

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Pulled back by Naruto's voice, Kakashi shook his head: "It's nothing, it's just a bit of a sigh. I didn't expect Naruto to be so strong, but you can only take one bell, and return the rest to me."

Of course, there are reasons for his underestimation of the enemy and his weird ability, but it is true that Naruto has snatched the bell, but, wouldn't his original purpose be useless in this way.

Sakura and Sasuke, who were hiding in the dark, were looking at Naruto in disbelief.

Although Naruto with Baifeng is not the tail of the crane, but his grades are just in the middle, but now, this person has successfully defeated a Jonin.

"Impossible, I don't believe it."

Sasuke felt uneasy, angry, and frightened in his heart. With his current state, when would he be able to seek revenge from that man.

If Naruto can do it, so can I. I was number one in school.

Thinking of this, Sasuke no longer hesitated, and quickly jumped out of the grass, with seals forming in his hands, and sprayed a mouthful of old phlegm towards Kakashi: "Fire escape. Great fireball technique!"

A huge fireball spewed out from his mouth, and landed heavily on Kakashi's position. Naruto was not affected because he was already far away.

However, Naruto swallowed his saliva looking at the big hole made by Sasuke's powerful fireball technique, "Sass, is your shot too hard, and will it kill Kakashi-sensei. "

"Hachi, how could Jonin be so weak." Sasuke never thought of defeating the enemy with one blow, he just wanted to use this ninjutsu to find flaws.

But, looking at the big hole he made, why hasn't Kakashi come out for so long, isn't it? not good!

Just as Sasuke was about to leave the spot, the next second, a pair of palms appeared under his feet to firmly grasp him.

"Tudun. The art of beheading in the heart."

Sasuke was buried in the soil in an instant, leaving only one head exposed.

Kakashi appeared again, looking at Sasuke: "Sasuke, the essential quality of a ninja is not to let down your vigilance under any circumstances. You are still far behind."

After teaching Sasuke, only Sakura was left. Kakashi sensed it carefully, and then noticed the movement in the distance.

Immediately, a teleportation technique disappeared in place, and reappeared, already above Sakura.

It's just that Sakura didn't realize that there was a person above her, and she was still muttering to herself: "Sasuke-kun, wait for me to save you."

She has already thought about it now, she rescued Sasuke-kun, and Sasuke-kun secretly promised her, and from then on the two lived a life without shame and impatience, and then had a litter of children.

"Hey, are all girls so precocious nowadays?"

Fortunately, I have never had a girlfriend since I was a child, but I have several male and sexual friends.

Kakashi, who was suddenly attacked in her heart, passed an illusion, there was no torture, no killing scene, just a simple Sasuke being beheaded, and then she passed out.

ps: Hahaha I'm finally going to be liberated, dinner tonight, the last day tomorrow, and then a holiday, I want to explode my liver, I want to cultivate immortality, hahaha, don't stop me, I'm not crazy.

Chapter 24 Good Brother

When Sakura woke up again and found that she couldn't move anymore, she realized that she was tied to a stake.

This surprised her, could this be the **** paly she saw in the notebook, it was so exciting, bah, so shy.

Then she looked left and right, and saw Sasuke-kun who was tied to the stake like herself, and Naruto standing beside her, and realized that she was thinking too much.

At this time, Kakashi came to the three of them with a gloomy expression: "Only Naruto got the bell in this assessment. According to the rules, the remaining two of you have to return to the Ninja School to start classes again."

Sakura looked at Sasuke beside her, and fell into a **** state. She didn't care if she could live a two-person world with Sasuke-kun, go to class again, and so on.

And Sasuke, who heard this next to him, had a gloomy expression, and went back to the ninja school to accompany those little kids in class, what kind of jokes, if this continues, when will he find revenge on that man.

At this time, Kakashi suddenly said again: "But I decided to give you two brats another chance, and re-assess in the afternoon. I don't need to say the punishment for failure."

After finishing speaking, he threw a lunch box to Naruto: "As a reward for the winner, you have food to eat. As for the two of them, they are hungry, and you are not allowed to feed them. If you find out, you also go back to school and go back to school." .”

After speaking, Kakashi took out his little **** book and found a place to continue admiring it.

"Kakashi." Baifeng suddenly appeared behind Kakashi and patted him on the shoulder.

Kakashi put Qin Tiantian into his arms with a nonchalant expression: "Hey, Baifeng, shouldn't you be taking your disciples now, why are you here with me?"

"I'm faster."

"I know you're fast, but what does that have to do with you coming to me."

The implication is that I have nothing to do with rain.

Bai Feng: ...

Baifeng: I want to create a world without Kakashi, brother Obito, let's join hands.

Bai Feng coughed twice: "Kakashi, we are good brothers."

Kakashi looked disgusted: "I am not."

"Oh, that's a pity for my photobook of secrets from faraway countries."

Kakashi looked at the book in Baifeng's hand called Teacher Cang's Photo Collection, and the provocative picture on the cover, and immediately changed his face, vividly showing us what a man is Eel changed.

"Ahem, I was joking just now. You are my best friend. I have always treated you as my own brother. Look at this..."

Bai Feng casually handed over the photo album, and Kakashi immediately held it in his hand to look through it as if he had found a treasure, exclaiming from time to time.

"It turns out that you can still pose like this."

"Si Guoyi."

"Learned, learned."

"Hiss~ this, this, this..."

Seeing the back, Kakashi was so shocked that he could not speak. As a well-informed man, he saw a wider sky for the first time.

"Cough cough, Kakashi, wipe away the nosebleed." Bai Feng looked contemptuous, short-sighted.

Kakashi wiped his nose quickly, closed the book reluctantly, and patted his chest boldly: "My good brother, if you need my help with anything, just say whatever you want, as long as I can do it, I will go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate."

You call me a good brother when there is a little **** book, and you tell me to **** off when there is no, heh, man.

Baifeng put his arms around Kakashi's shoulders, whispering in his ear.

After listening, Kakashi suddenly realized: "Isn't it just to train Naruto well, what a joke."

"What training." Bai Feng corrected: "That's my dear relatives and friends, brothers and sisters, that's called exercise."

Then Bai Feng looked worried: "Recently Naruto has become a little abnormal, and he speaks strangely, and I don't know who he learned from, bastard, don't let me catch him."

Speaking of the back, there was another burst of gnashing of teeth. The previous Naruto was at most naughty, and the recent Naruto has learned to pierce his heart. In a few years, will he turn over and ride on his big brother?

After hearing this, Kakashi looked at Bai Feng expressionlessly, the guy you mentioned is actually yourself.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Kakashi shook his head: "It's nothing, I seemed to see someone's brain fell to the ground just now."

Kakashi and Baifeng, who were hiding in the dark, reached a py deal in this way.

At this time, Naruto who was standing below suddenly shuddered, tightened his clothes, and muttered, "Why does it feel like someone is thinking about me?"

However, looking at the two Sasukes who were **** in front of him, he felt a dilemma, whether to divide the meal between the two, otherwise it would be embarrassing to eat alone.

After hesitating again and again, he finally opened the lunch box, picked up a chopstick and handed the food to Sakura: "Sakura sauce, let me have some for you."

"It's okay, I'm not hungry, and if Kakashi-sensei finds out, we'll all be sent back." Sakura just finished speaking, her stomach growled, and this sudden scene made her blush .

On the other side, although Sasuke wanted to eat it in his heart, but Naruto didn't give it to him, so he naturally wouldn't open his mouth.

Standing in the dark, Bai Feng slapped his thigh, confused Naruto, how could you neglect Masamiya, you deserve it for chasing Sasuke for so long.

Naruto comforted Sakura: "It's okay, Mr. Kakashi doesn't know where he is now, he won't find out."

After hesitating again and again, Sakura finally couldn't help her body's instinct to eat it.

Seeing Sakura eating, Naruto came to Sasuke again, picked up another chopsticks of food, and handed it to Sasuke.

Sasuke looked at Naruto in disbelief: "We ate all of you, what do you do?"

You must know that because they listened to Kakashi's words, they didn't eat breakfast in the morning.

Naruto looked at Sasuke affectionately: "It's okay, you will have the strength to face the next test when you are full, and I have already passed it, it's okay to skip a meal."

The sudden light in the air hurt Bai Feng's eyes staring at this side: "My eyes, my 24k titanium alloy eyes."

Looking at the white wind like this, Kakashi became more sure of his previous thoughts.

Kakashi shook his head, and continued to watch Naruto's movements blankly, but there was a smile in the corner of his eyes, and he had already recognized his three disciples in his heart.

Sasuke below was still moved by Naruto's actions, Naruto opened his mouth, and wanted to continue persuading, the next second: "Hi~"

Damn, the devil fruit in the morning was too big, I was full.

The atmosphere at the scene froze immediately, Sasuke looked at Naruto expressionlessly, the hesitation in his heart disappeared, and he ate the food in his mouth.

"One more bite." Sasuke said.

"Hey hey hey." Naruto couldn't help laughing seeing Sasuke like this.

Sasuke was a little uncomfortable seeing his eyes, and his face was embarrassed: "What are you laughing at?"

"It turns out that Seth is a tsundere."

"You are the arrogant one, get out."

"Hey hey hey, I am."

The simple Sasuke was no match for Naruto who had been trained by Baifeng for three years, and soon blushed and was defeated.

Xiao Ying watched this scene from the side, bursting into tears, feeling like a pickled fish, sour and redundant.

The joys and sorrows of people are not the same, and I even think they are noisy.

Seeing this, Baifeng pushed Kakashi's shoulder: "It's time for you to appear."

Chapter 25

Kakashi looked at the **** scene in the **** scene, and nodded as well, it was time for him to appear.

He was so bold at such a young age, but it's okay when he grows up. He and Obito were not so arrogant back then.

The only family of my best friends, the teacher's children, I cannot let you go astray.

Kakashi appeared in front of the three of Sasuke with a teleportation technique, furious: "You three..."

The three of them paid you back just now, but the next second, they were frightened by Kakashi who suddenly appeared, and they dared not move, trembling.

Just when the three of them thought they were finished and were about to be sent back to school, Kakashi's voice sounded again.

"All three of you are qualified."

Looking at the bewildered eyes of the three little ones, Kakashi smiled: "Anyone who breaks the rules and iron laws of the ninja world, we call him trash."

"However, people who don't know how to value their companions are worse than trash!"

These words deeply shocked the three Sasukes who had just become ninjas.

"Okay, in order to celebrate the establishment of the seventh class, I invite everyone to dinner."

Bai Feng suddenly appeared behind Kakashi at this time, and patted him on the shoulder forcefully: "I'm so sorry, Kakashi, let's go, I've already ordered something, and I just need you to pay for it. "

Although he himself is rich, prostitution for free will always be one of the instincts deeply engraved in the genes of human beings.

Kakashi was speechless: "You bastard."

Naruto was surprised: "Brother Baifeng, why are you here?"

Bai Feng pointed at Naruto, heartbroken: "I just came to see your assessment situation, but I didn't expect that I actually saw you hooking up with other boys."

"You're talking nonsense, I didn't."

Naruto blushed immediately, and said something between partners, can it be called hooking up, and then said something incomprehensible that we are partners, and those who don't cherish their partners are even worse than trash.

Bai Feng and the others burst into laughter, and the air was filled with joy.

Just like that, Shirokaze and Kakashi walked shoulder to shoulder towards the barbecue restaurant in the center of Konoha Street, followed by three children who had just become Genin.

Who would have thought that two of them would be the future saviors of the ninja world.

When I came to the barbecue restaurant, I opened the box where Ya and the three were located: "Hey, my lovely disciples, do you miss me?"

Tooth: "Aww."

Akamaru: "Wow woof woof..."

Zhi Nao: "Don't fly around the big needle bee, come quickly and let me touch it."

Read The Duke's Passion