MTL - Napoleon II Reborn-Chapter 507 Killing Liwei

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Chapter 507 Killing and Liwei

After Youn swore the oath, McCain and George reluctantly agreed that Youn would be the city defense commander of St. In the next battle, heroically kill the enemy and defend the city of St. Paul. Both of them were very helpless when they wrote this announcement. At the same time, they also very much doubted whether You En would keep his oath. They did this just to reassure themselves.

Seeing that both McCain and George wrote the notices according to their wishes, Eun couldn't say how happy he was. He kept telling himself that from now on, he was the highest military officer in Sao Paulo. After McCain and George wrote the notice, You En asked people to 'send' them to a residence specially prepared for them to rest. At least until the end of the war, both will have to spend time in that place. Eun did not dare to release the two of them. Although McCain and George had already written a notice agreeing that Eun would serve as the city defense of Sao Paulo, if the two returned to the army and regretted it, Eun would have let the tiger go back to the mountain.

After sending McCain and George away, Ewan immediately asked Ketmara to send a telegram to Cavester, telling him that the operation had been successful. And he led the large troops to the eastern barracks. Now, as long as the last process is being completed, the entire Sao Paulo completely belongs to him.

Eun's infantry division has already been assembled. In order to successfully receive the marines and sailors this time, he dispatched a total of 3 infantry regiments. And also carry a large number of heavy weapons. Although the individual combat effectiveness of the Marine Corps is stronger than that of the infantry, the disadvantage is the lack of heavy weapons. Coupled with the heavy losses now, it is difficult to compete with You En's infantry.

Half an hour later, You En led the troops to the gate of the eastern barracks. Looking at the luxurious gate, You En said to himself in his heart, starting today, this place belongs to me. Even though he had entered the Eastern Barracks through this gate countless times before, the impression it gave him was far less profound than this time.

A group of soldiers in the eastern barracks who were in charge of guarding the gate were already stunned. They saw a large number of infantry carrying weapons heading towards the barracks to the east, and they panicked immediately. "Is there internal strife?" Almost everyone had this idea. Before these people had time to report to the barracks, they were all disarmed, and the gate was also controlled by You En's people.

After entering the eastern barracks, Ewen's three infantry regiments immediately dispersed. You En led a regiment straight to the school grounds, and a regiment was responsible for controlling important places in the barracks. The other regiment headed for the barracks. Each of the 3 regiments has its own goals. The American marines and sailors encountered along the way were all brought under control.

The U.S. Marine Corps and sailors didn't even notice the sudden attack of Ewing's infantry division. They had no idea that their former comrades would attack them at this time. Therefore, in less than an hour, the entire eastern barracks was controlled by You En's people. All the marines and sailors were also disarmed and taken to the school yard in the center of the barracks.

Around the school grounds, the regiment led by You En was responsible for the defense. They all held guns and maintained a high level of alert. At the flag stand where You En was, they even set up heavy machine guns. If the US Marines and sailors below dare to resist, these heavy machine guns will definitely start shooting without hesitation.

The US Marine Corps and sailors assembled tens of millions of people, all of whom were forced to gather in the school grounds. Most people still don't understand the situation. "What the **** is going on? Why did the people from the Army disarm us?" Many people were discussing.

Some people even thought that Eun had already betrayed, otherwise he would definitely not have attacked his friendly forces at this time.

Looking at the noisy group below, You En frowned. Then he shouted loudly: "Everyone be quiet, I have something to announce now."

The U.S. Marines and sailors who were discussing below were stunned when they heard You En's shout, but then discussed again in less than 3 seconds, and they didn't take what You En said seriously at all. In their impression, You En is just a brigadier general and commander of the army, and he has no control over them.

The performance of the US marines and sailors made You En feel very embarrassed. He felt that he was being ignored by these little soldiers. He is now the city defense commander of Sao Paulo, and they dare to ignore the highest military officer of Sao Paulo. This made Eun very angry. He winked at the guard next to him.

The guard understood immediately what he meant. When he came to a heavy machine gun, he directly pulled the trigger. Suddenly, the heavy machine gun roared "da, da, da". It's just that the shooting direction has changed, instead of aiming at the US marines and sailors, it is aimed at the sky. After all, these people are also indispensable in the next battle, and they cannot be lost so easily.

Hearing the gunshots, the U.S. Marines and sailors immediately screamed in panic. Then it was discovered that the army soldiers were shooting towards the sky, and then they became quiet. Everyone didn't dare to speak anymore, and they all looked at You En standing on the high flag platform with terrified eyes.

You En enjoyed the terrified eyes of the soldiers very much. "I'll say one more thing, keep quiet. I have something important to announce. If I speak next time, I can't guarantee that the direction of my heavy machine gun will change next time." You En said in a threatening tone .

"General, you can't do this. We are all American soldiers, you can't slaughter us like this at will." A junior officer of the sailor said angrily.

"I have the right to execute any soldier who does not obey orders. Don't forget that this is a time of war, and I can take extraordinary measures." You En said coldly.

"We are the Marines and sailors, not the Army. You have no power over us," said the sailor officer.

"Now, the entire city of St. Paul is up to me. You have the right to disagree, but you must obey my orders." You said after scanning the following.

"We are honorable naval soldiers. It is impossible for us to obey the orders of an army officer." The sailor officer said proudly.

"Okay, very good. You are openly challenging my authority. Someone, pull him out and shoot him on the spot." You En ordered.

Immediately, several wolf-like military police rushed into the crowd, dragged the low-level sailor officer out, and dragged him away like a dead dog. In less than 5 minutes, there was a crisp gunshot.

The rest of the people immediately fell silent. Although they didn't see it with their own eyes, in their imagination, the brave sailor officer had been killed by You En's people. This made the remaining people extremely fearful, and they no longer dared to raise objections. On the one hand, they admired the spirit of the sailor officer, but on the other hand, they loved their lives even more.

Seeing this situation, Eun showed a satisfied smile. The scene just now was completely done on purpose by him. In fact, it was simply that he bribed a sailor officer to perform a play. However, the effect of this scene was obviously very good, and it fooled all these people.

"Now, I have something important to announce to everyone. According to the appointment of the Supreme Military Commander in South America, Cavenster, now I, Brigadier General Youn, officially take over as the commander of the city defense of Sao Paulo. All soldiers in the city of Sao Paulo, from now on, all Leave it to me to command." You En said proudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the discussion started again below. You En coughed unhappily, and immediately fell silent again.

"I know many of you don't believe it but I want to tell you that it is true. Generals McCain and General George have followed the orders of General Cavester. They are out of office .This is a notice written by the two generals. If you don’t believe it, you can send a representative to read it.” Youn said, and then all the letter of appointment given to him by Cavenster and the notice of resignation written by McCain and George Take it out.

There are tens of thousands of US marines and sailors in total. Of course, it is impossible for everyone to see it, so I had to select more than 20 people to watch it. Those who were selected were also uneasy. I'm afraid that if you offend You En, You En will definitely not let them go. So, after reading Cavenster's letter of appointment and McCain's and George's resignation notices, they all agreed with one voice that this was true and they were willing to obey Ewan's orders.

As for the people below, although they were a little puzzled, under the gunpoint of the army soldiers, even though they had doubts, they all buried them in their hearts.

In this way, Eun easily gained the command of all the troops in St. Paul. In order to ensure that the U.S. Marines and sailors would not rebel against him, Ewan forcibly ordered all their heavy weapons to be confiscated, and the ammunition depot was also taken over by the Army. In this way, the marines and sailors lost their lives, the most powerful weapon against Youn.