MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1184 Net of fish

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The first thousand one hundred and eighty-four chapters of the fish

The holy road of the holy road is a fist, and everything is turned into powder.

Seeing the wilderness, he quickly promoted the chaos and protected the body.

Fortunately, he used the chaos of gas to save his life. Tiandao Shengquan is really powerful, but he can't help the power of the source.

The Holy Path saw that Takino was not injured and could not believe his eyes.

"Too Takino, how did you do it." Without doubts in his happiness, he did not have the mind to continue.

It is impossible for Takino to tell his own cards to the holy road. Naturally, nothing is said.

"Holy, it seems that your boxing is just like this."

He said that while taking the opportunity to use the chaotic gas to smash the ruin of the heavens, he launched a storm on the Holy Path.

His many means, it is better to destroy the sky.

The ruin of the heavens is inherently powerful, with chaotic gas urging, and the power is multiplied.

The Holy Path also felt the power of ruining the sky, and his face changed slightly, and he did not dare to pick it up.

He had to give up attacking Takuno, and began to dodge with all his might, so as not to be destroyed.

The ruined sky has become very large, and the scope of the shroud is also very large. The speed of the sacred road is astonishing, and it is still a bit embarrassing, and it has almost been destroyed in the sky.

Takuya has not dared to be so many, and the madness has spurred the destruction of the sky.

The sacred path was finally inevitable, and he had to urge the power of the gods to harden.

"Boom." A loud noise.

The power of the Holy Ghost has been cracked, and his arm is almost broken. It must be known that his physical strength is extremely amazing, comparable to the high-grade fairy, destroying the sky. Wei, almost broke his arm and made him inexplicably inexplicable.

Under such circumstances, the Holy Way thought of the shadow hidden in the dark, and immediately gave the order: "I am holding up the Takino, and you take the opportunity to attack."

Originally, with the identity and strength of the Holy Path, he did not bother to do such a thing, but the strength of Takino was too much beyond his expectations. He was more and more jealous of Takino in his heart, and he would think of it. The shadow team joined hands to kill the wilderness.

"Tiandao Shengquan."

No matter how much the sacred road is, the display of the heavenly sacred boxing is hard and the battle is fierce, and the battle is fierce.

The reason why he is so crazy is to give the opportunity to give a shot.

The energy of Takino is all urging the battle of destroying the heavens and the holy road. If the film is really to deal with him, it is really hard to prevent.


Longchen's battles were even more dazzling. Longchen used the transparent beads to break the law. On several occasions, he commanded the army to break the big array of the saints, and caused great casualties to the saints.

However, the Sanctuary is indeed powerful, and every time it can turn the tide, re-stable, and let the saints do not collapse.

In the face of the strong guards of the SanGuard, Long Chen felt a little helpless.

As for the strong gold fairy, it is even more difficult to separate the winners and losers.

Even if the ancestors of the four major sects have the upper hand, it is very difficult to defeat the opponents. If their opponents want to escape, they may not be able to stop.

On the contrary, there are some powerful beasts under the wilderness of Takuno, such as Black Skull, Jin Dali, Huofeng, Zidian, Jinda, Jinji, Xueda, Xueyu and Xueni, who gradually occupied an overwhelming advantage. The opponents can't breathe, just give them some time, they will be able to solve the opponent.

Of course, many of the eight powerful forces of the Golden Wonderland have fallen behind, but they can still protect themselves for the time being. I am afraid that they will not be able to win or lose without a few days and nights.

The situation is like this, it is difficult to change, unless there is some gold fairy power in one side.

When the situation is deadlocked, frost, ice thunder, and five elements of the beast appear.

They are all top beasts, their body recovery speed is amazing, their injuries are suppressed in a short time, and they will not affect their shots for the time being. As long as they are not evenly matched opponents, they can fully cope.

After the five elements of the beast arrived, the five elements of the beasts joined forces to instantly suppress a Shengzong's Golden Wonderland tyrant, and liberated a golden fairy power strongman from Tianyu League, so that he could help other Tianxianmeng elites.

Frost and ice mines split their actions to help different gold fairy powers and help suppress opponents.

They all got the order of Takino, trying to catch the opponent as much as possible.

The Frost Dragon and the Five Elements of the Beast were chosen by the early prime ministers of Golden Fairy, and they easily suppressed the enemy.

They quickly shot and constantly suppressed the golden fairyland of the Holy Family.

Especially the five elements of the beast, their five elements of the beast together, almost no enemy.

In less than three minutes, the five elements of the beasts have suppressed the six golden fairy powers, and the frost and ice mines are also good, a total of four strong gold fairy strong.

In a short period of time, Shengzong lost ten Golden Wonderland strongmen, and Tianyu League has ten Jinxianjing strongmen who have freed their hands and joined the battle. Then there are ten holy sects of Jinxianjing who have been desecrated. In the face of the two Jin Xianjing strong attack, even if you want to get away, you can't do it.

The five elements of the beasts succeeded in their success, and the golden celestial strong man of the holy sect saw the wrong situation and yelled out: "The enemy has come to support, we will withdraw first, and then find a solution."


As the order was issued, the saints were madly counterattacking and wanted to escape and escape.

Not to mention that the rest of the 90-year-old Jin Xianjing strong, the majority of the people left the body, and only a part of the Golden Wonderland was entangled.

Like the ancestors of the five major sects, they cultivated high and matured, and they were each entangled in a golden fairyland.

The powerful Jin Xianjing strong under the Tianyu League also entangled the opponent, and the two-on-one ten-strong opponent also entangled the opponent.

Frost, ice, and the five elements of the beast see the enemy to escape, they split their actions, each entangled an opponent.

Counting up, there are more than 30 Jinxian Wonders who are entangled in the 90th Golden Wonderland.

The other strongmen got out of the way, and more of the Golden Wonders made their hands, and they quickly suppressed those who were entangled.

This time, Tianqi City, Tiandan City, Jianxianzong, Ziyuepai, Xiaoyaomen, Xuan Mozong, and Huanxipai were among the seven forces, each of whom got a strong gold fairyland, and Tianyu League was the most powerful, and it was suppressed. Twenty-five gold fairyland strong.

In other words, the Holy Family was suppressed by 32 gold fairy power strongmen, and only 58 gold fairy powers escaped.

Coupled with the suppression of the golden fairyland before the five elements of the beast, Tianyu League suppressed a total of 35 gold fairy power strong, a huge harvest.

The saints of the Golden Fairy have escaped, and the underworld strong and the heavenly powers under them have also begun to withdraw.

Long Chen commanded the strong men to attack the madman. Only a part of the Guards of the Sanctuary escaped. The sacred sect of the sect was more than 60%.

The San Guards had a total of five million. They lost some of them before, and lost some when they fled. There should be 3.6 million Guardian strongmen who escaped.

Speaking of it, the strong guards of the SanGuard are really powerful. They are clearly in the downside and can escape and escape. It depends on their enthusiasm and tacit understanding, otherwise they cannot escape.

"Catch, you can't let them run away." Long Chen yelled out.

The Eighth Route Army is chasing after the chase, and they are all very fast.

Everyone knows that this battle is a decisive battle between life and death, and absolutely cannot let the enemy escape.

If the strong guards of the Sanctuary escaped and eventually concealed, they would be a huge threat to the eight forces.

Therefore, the strong powers of the eight major forces are very united. No one wants to think about the treasures of the deceased, and all of them will destroy the Holy Guards of the Holy Family.

The Golden Wonderland had just finished fighting and found the Sanctuary’s escape.

"Block them."

The Golden Wonders of Tianyu League all took action and rushed to the SanGuard.

The frost dragons first appeared, they changed the body, the huge body, and stopped many of the Sanitation strongmen's way.

Soon, the five elements of the beast and other strong men also rushed to each other, each showing their own, and blocked some of the strong forces of the Sanitation.

"Distracted and fled." The strong men of the SanGuards saw the situation is not right, and they fled and fled, and they did not end.

They are very clear that once they are in a row, it means that they are all trapped and scattered, and at least some of the strong can escape.

After all, the Golden Wonderland is limited, and each of them can stop a lot of strong, but there are still millions of San Guard strongmen who have escaped their control.

"Repress them." The Frost Dragon, the Five Elements, and other strong beasts have crushed the San Guards who were stopped by themselves.

Long Chen, they rushed to the scene, immediately divided into small teams, and scattered to chase the squad to escape the strong.

To be honest, the combat power of the Sanitation team is obvious to all. No one wants the Sanctuary to have a net of fish.

The strongest of the eight forces are very united, each divided into a number of small team strong, scattered to kill those people.

"Everyone must go all out, and definitely can't let the strong guards of the Sanctuary slip through the net, otherwise they will have troubles in the future." Long Chen said.

In fact, you don't have to say it, everyone knows.

The strongest of the eight forces, each showing their skills, began to chase the escaped million strong.

Millions of strong people, one by one, are very slippery, it is really not easy to take them down.

However, as long as it is the strongguard of the Sanitation team that has been caught up, it is basically the end of being killed and suppressed.

The eight forces have taken an absolute advantage, and often dozens of strong players deal with one person, of course, hand in hand.

A moment later, those who were in the golden fairyland suppressed more than two million Guardian strongmen, and nearly two million of them were suppressed by Tianyumeng’s Golden Wonderland.

"Catch, can not let the strong guards of the Sanctuary escape." Jin Xianjing strong did not idle, but also began to chase.

The Golden Wonderland was too fast, and although they started a little slower, they quickly caught up with some of the escaped Sanctuary strongmen.

The Sanctuary strongman who was caught up by the Golden Fairy Stronger, needless to say.

The whole bone witch battlefield has become a mess, and there are strong players flying everywhere. Many strong people chase and kill, it is simply wonderful.

The pursuit lasted for three days and three nights. Finally, statistics showed that most of the strong guards of the SanGuard were suppressed and killed. Only less than 100,000 people escaped and did not know the trail.

It is estimated that the remaining Guardian strongmen will meet with the Golden Wonders who escaped from the Holy Family, and the top eight forces will have some pressure.

There are still 58 gold fairy powers in the Holy Family. Except for Tianyu League, the other seven forces are not the opponents of the Holy Family.

Therefore, Moyu and others were anxious and said: "We must find out the strong people of the saints to destroy them, or they will endless troubles."

Sword Wuji said: "Yes, there are so many gold fairylanders in the Holy Family. If they attack our sects in the future, then we are really hard to defend."

Long Chen said: "Now we are divided into two teams, a strong team to find the sacred fish, a team of strong people to see the situation of the extension of the wilderness and the holy road, ready to help to expand the wilderness, holy road Not dead, the threat to us is the biggest."

No one refutes his words. The powerful forces of the eight forces quickly split into two batches and acted on their own.