MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1128 Frighten everyone

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The first thousand one hundred and twenty-eight chapters scare everyone away

"The son, I also did not intend to find you in a coma, so I took you back to my place of residence. I was in the Ukrainian family. I have no status, so I can only hide you in my room. I can't let anyone know. Otherwise, your life will not be guaranteed," said Ulina.

"Miss Lina, I can call you like this."

"The son, just call me Lina, I am not a lady, in fact, there is no difference with the servants in the house." Ulina said.

Takino took the time to scan the room, the room was very simple, I can see that Ulina really did not pay attention, there is no place in the room.

He thought about it and said: "Lina, I have a very serious injury. I may need to recuperate for a few days. I will not have to stay in your room until then. I will try not to trouble you."

"The son, you can live with peace of mind, I will not have any trouble." Ulina is very kind, otherwise she will not live in her own fragrant with a strange man, and live for forty days. Also take good care of it.

"Lina, I am a lot bigger than you, you call me Tuoba's big brother." Takuya said.

"Tuo 跋 big brother." Urina is very cheerful, not at all.

"Lina, I want to have such a sister like you." Takuya wild laughed.

He also made a sight to Ulina and wanted to become a brother and sister with Ulina.

"Take my brother, I have always been alone. If you are my brother, I will ask for it," said Ulina.

"Well, starting today, Ulina is the sister of my Takino. Like my sister, if I bully you, I will never be light." Takuno said loudly.

At this time, there was a loud cry outside: "Ulina, you are a small monk, there is a man hidden in the house, you are more and more courageous, just looking for death."

"Too's big brother, it's awful. I am the big sister and the second sister. If they see you, they might kill you." Ulina didn't worry about herself, but worried that Takino was dangerous.

Takuno was very moved and said: "Lina, you are my sister now, don't worry, they don't want to bully you again, because I don't agree."

He barely supported the body and got out of bed and sat in the chair.

If you let him see his bed in Ulina, it will affect the reputation of Ulina.

Takino is sincerely going to accept Urina as a sister, of course, to consider for Ulina.

However, the injury on his body was too serious. He just got out of bed and got a cold sweat. He didn't say anything.

He just sat down and the two girls came in.

The two girls are similar to Ulena in seven or eight, and they are all beautiful, but their eyes are cold and completely different from the personality of Ulena.

When they entered the house, they saw Takino, and one of them said loudly: "Ulina, you really have a man in the house, and your courage is too big."

"Ulina, you are dead."

"Big sister, second sister, I am wrong, you have to spare the big brother of Tuoba." Wu Lina asked for help.

"Ulina, you can't keep it yourself, and you can plead for the wild man, you can save it."

"That is, you are too courageous. Just tell the family elders that you are dead."

Wu Lina pale and sullen, she also knows that this time is a bit big, I am afraid that it is in jeopardy, she is not afraid of death, maybe she is a relief for her, but she does not want to watch Takuya to accompany her. dead.

She grows so big, as long as Takuno really values ​​her, she still needs to be her sister.

Takuya knows that he should stand up. He said plainly: "Lina, you don't have to be afraid. There is a big brother here. I don't allow anyone to hurt you. If anyone dares to hurt Lina, I will kill."

"Take a big brother, you have to leave, if you stay, you will really die." Ulina worried.

Takuya said with a smile: "Lina, my injury is still not good, I can't go, I want to see, who dares to move you."

Even if he was seriously injured, even if he could not use the strong man in the Netherland, he was not afraid.

"Take his brother, what do you do when you are injured?" Ulina exclaimed.

"Haha..." Urina's two sisters laughed. The older sister said: "The kid, you are all injured, dare to be so arrogant, really looking for death, second sister, immediately inform the family elders, I have to look at the family elders How to deal with this matter."

"Big sister, they are dead." Wu Lina's second sister Wu Liyun sneered.

Ulina fell to the ground and was terrified.

It seems that she knows the situation. Once the elders know that her reputation is damaged, only one is dead.

Not long ago, the family elders had just assigned him to Xue Yizhen, the second son of the city of Oolongcheng. Their marriage contract had already spread to Wulongcheng. If she had a private man in the camp, I am afraid. Will be in a capital punishment, will also affect the relationship between Wujia and the city government.

Takuya really wants to kill Ulina’s big sister and second sister directly, but they are Urina’s sisters, and Urina doesn’t speak, and he’s not good at it.

"Lina, there is a big brother, don't be afraid." He only comforted him.

"Kids, you are hard to protect yourself, but also comforting Ulina." Urina's eldest sister Wu Lixiang sneered.

Takuya wild cold channel: "If you don't see you as Lina's big sister, I can kill you with one look."

He even dared to offend the strongest of the demon level, not to mention the woman who was cultivated in the area.

Ulina's big sister and second sister are all cultivated in the fairyland. The talents should be fairly good. After all, they are just a small family. It is extremely difficult to cultivate two young strongmen who are cultivated in the fairyland, and Ulina’s It’s much worse when it’s repaired, and it’s really a time to cultivate the fairyland, and it’s a slap in the face. It’s no wonder that it’s squeezed out.

"Kid, be careful not to blow the dragon skin." Wu Lixiang did not believe it.

"Hey." Takuya wilderness snorted, the power of the gods urged a little, one look at Wu Lixiang, Wu Lixiang suddenly body cold, the whole body can not move.

A few breaths of time, Wu Lixiang was soaked, as if he had gone in hell.

Takuya received the power of the gods, and Wu Lixiang fell to the ground, looking at Takuno wildly with a look of fear.

"How, I want to kill you, I don't need to shoot at all."

Wu Lina saw Wu Lixiang fall to the ground, only to know that something happened. She did not think that Takino was so powerful, she almost scared Wu Lixiang with a look.

"Take a big brother, she is my big sister, you let her go." Ulina pleaded with Wu Lixiang.

In fact, Takuya has long seen that Ulina is kind and will inevitably plead for her big sister and second sister, so he does not want to start.

"Lina, don't worry, I just scared her. I don't bother to kill her. Of course, if I don't look at your face, I have countless ways to make her disappear instantly."

Takuya has a calm face and he has no lie.

Wu Lixiang was scared, and no longer dared to speak up.

A moment later, a group of people poured into the cabin of Ulina and filled the house.

"Ulina, you really have a man in the house. You not only ruined your innocence, but also made the Ukrainian shame. What do you say?" A majestic old man sighed.

Ulina kneels on the ground and asks for mercy: "The elders, I know that I have committed a crime of death, I am willing to die, only to ask the elders to let go of Tuoba."

Although she saw that Takuno wilderness scared Wu Lixiang, she did not know the specific strength of Takino, and naturally believed that Takino was not an opponent of many elders such as the elders.

What's more, Ulina’s father’s black wind has arrived. He is the first master of Wu’s family, and his strength is strong.

"Ulina, you are still pleading for the wild man at this time, you are so stupid to my kindness." Wu Yufeng cold and shouted.

Takino wildly glanced at these people and said: "Lina is my savior, and I just recognized her as my sister. I don't care who you are. If you want to hurt her, ask me first. Whether or not."

At this point, Wu Lixiang had stood up, someone was supporting her, and her courage was big again.

"Father, this kid has some evil doors, and his strength is not weak. However, he has been hit hard and can't move. This is a good opportunity to kill him." Wu Lixiang cold channel.

Urina did not ask for mercy, she stood up and guarded in front of Takino.

"Father, you have to kill Takuya, kill me first." Urina is very firm.

"You go to die together." Wu Yanfeng coldly said: "Do it, kill them, so as not to tarnish the millennium reputation of our Wu family."

The unrequited love of the black wind makes Ulina very desperate.

Takino is not waiting for those people to shoot, urging the power of the mind to form a pressure, directly pressing the strong in the field to breathe.

"You want to kill me, it is a dream. Even if I am seriously injured, I can kill you with one thought."

His words, like a sledgehammer, hit the chest of those strong, including the black wind, all of them spurted blood.

"Too's big brother, you are so powerful." Ulina exclaimed.

"Ulina, do you want your uncle, but also kill your elders, big sisters, and second sisters." Wu Haofeng forced to resist the pressure and said.

"Take your brother, you spared them, they are my loved ones after all," said Ulina.

She was very painful because she could see that she was redundant in Wu.

"Get out of the way, I am wounded in my sister's room, if anyone dares to bother and kill innocent." Takuya wild cold shouted.

He put away the pressure, and they felt that they had recovered their freedom. In just a few moments, they walked away from **** and they were all soaked.

"This predecessor, we don't know Taishan, we just get out." Wu Haofeng said quickly.


The hurricane wind took the elders and flew away from the room of Ulina, and could not see the back in a blink of an eye.

Urina showed a smile: "Tekyo, thank you for letting go of my father, thank you."

"Lina, they are so right for you, you still beg for them, if you put it on me, maybe I have to deal with them personally."

This is what Takuya said on the mouth. In fact, when he was young, he still let go of the two grandfathers who bullied their mother and son. He also couldn’t help himself.

"Take a big brother, I really can't think of it. You have been so badly hurt so much. Can you teach me?" Ulina didn't want to mention her loved ones because she would be very sad.

"Lina, wait for me to be better, leave with me, I will teach you the way to practice, and make you a powerful person." Takuya said.

Ulina said plainly: "Too's big brother, I don't want to be so powerful, I just want to protect myself."

"If you want to protect yourself, you must practice well and try to improve your cultivation." Takuya said.

"Take my brother, I know, I must seriously cultivate and become a strong." Urina nodded,