MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1110 Concealed

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Chapter 1 110 is concealed

Yuzhu sneer and laughed: "Li Tianba, don't think that I am afraid of you, if I join a certain force, my repair will not be worse than you, even if it is not as good as you, I will not lose to you. ”

It can be seen that the jade bamboo monster is still very confident.

"Yuzhu strange, I want to kill you." Li Tianba was furious.

He did not think that Li Tianqi was killed by Takuya, even if he got the news, he directly ignored it.

Because he does not believe at all, a strong man in the early days of Xuan Xianjing can kill a peak of the mysterious fairyland.

"Oh... your opponent is me." The **** demon roared.

He only listened to Takino, and since Takuno asked him to deal with the mid-term power of the mysterious fairyland, he recognized Li Tianba.

The **** demon god's momentum is amazing, not worse than the mid-term of the mysterious fairyland, so that Li Tianba's face is difficult to see.

Not waiting for Li Tianba to shoot, the **** demon **** rushed to Li Tianba, launched a storm.

The **** demon's suffocation can affect the opponent's strength, extremely powerful, and he has no entity, even if he is attacked, he will not be hurt. It is most suitable for him to deal with Li Tianba. He is enough to contain Li Tian. Hegemony.

Li Tianba is not afraid to care about the **** demon, only to invest in it and concentrate on fighting.

The battle mode of the **** demon is extremely strange, and Li Tianba has been struggling, and he does not know how to deal with it.

Since the blood magic beads, the **** devil's blood is very powerful, not only can affect the strength of the opponent, but also confuse the enemy's mind, a little careless, it will be mentally dysfunctional.

The **** demon **** and Li Tianba started to fight, and the jade bamboo monster also rushed to a golden fairyland strong, fighting together.

In the Devil World, the Golden Wonderland can be free to shoot, and there are no rules.

In this way, they can kill and kill.

And Takuya wild first released a large number of monsters, let the monsters deal with those who are strong in the fairyland.

However, the magic object shot, has never left alive, he has no way to order the magic to keep hands.

"Kid, let me kill you first." Another Golden Wonderland rushed to Takino.

He looked down on Takuno, so he was very casual.

Takuya sees his opponent like this. He wants not to use his direct attack and end the battle as quickly as possible.

When he thinks about it, he still gives up. Even if the golden fairylander looks down on him, the protection of the soul is still very strict. He must be completely relieved of his vigilance. It is best to consume the other god’s power. In order to be fully grasped.

Takuya has no idea of ​​confrontation, but he relies on his body to evade and avoid the opponent's attack.

How strong the attack of the Golden Wonderland is, and the extension of the wilderness is incomparable.

"Kid, you are just like this, you are dead." The strong man of the Golden Wonderland saw that Takino had no power to fight back, and he was even more arrogant and more aggressive.

He is good at close combat, and a pair of iron fists are invincible.

His fists were hit by a few times in the middle of the field, and the punches were swept, and the clothes of Takuno were broken.

He continued to retreat and let the enemy despise him.

One thing, no matter who attacked more fiercely, he can get out of the way, every time there is no danger, let the opponent secretly pity.

No matter how fast the opponent is and how strong the attack is, he can always be faster.

After a storm, his opponents found that something was wrong.

"Kid, your speed is really good, but the speed is useless. I want you to know how big the gap between the strong man of Jinxian and the strong man of Xuan Xian."

It is natural to say that the biggest gap between the strong man of Jinxianjing and the strong man of Xuanxiang is the power of God.

The power of the gods of the Golden Fairy is definitely not comparable to the power of the mysterious fairyland.

It is very difficult for the Xuan Xianjing strong to challenge the leapfrog, because their power of knowledge is far less than that of the Golden Wonderland.

Toshio Kanno listens to the meaning of the opponent's words, presumably to use the power of the gods to attack.

He was prepared and didn't care at all. What's more, he wouldn't want his opponent to use the power of God to attack and weaken his opponent's power of knowledge. Then he will use his power to attack and easily put his opponent down.

Sure enough, the opponent began to attack with the power of the gods. Although he is not good at using the power of the gods, the mighty power of the gods of the golden wonderland is enough to kill the strong man of the mysterious fairyland.

However, his sacred attack is like a sinking sea, with no sound.

"what happened."

"What is going on." Takuya's pretense does not understand.

"Is my attack lost." Du Xianbin secretly said that Takino's opponent is Du Xianbin, who is also a good player in the early days of Jin Xianjing, because his physical strength is very strong.

He rarely uses the power of God to confront the enemy, so he will think that the attack of God is defeated.

In fact, it is impossible for God to attack, because the power of God can automatically lock the target.

His attack entered the body of Takuno, and he was immediately dispelled by the power of God. Naturally, there was no sound.

"Kid, I don't believe you can't kill you." Du Xianbin was furious.

He attacked with his fists and exerted a sensational attack. He took the two-pronged approach and he vowed to kill Takuno.

He constantly attacked with the gods, and all the results were sinking into the sea, and did not cause damage to the extension wilderness.

He has lost his mind and continues to storm.


He yelled as he stormed.

Seeing that Du Xianbin’s power of gods is steadily weakening, Takuya has a smile.

He didn't think that the opponent was so easy to hook up, and it worked well.


The **** demon **** became a group of rich and bloody, and without the entity, he also used all the strengths. As long as the opponent could not find the blood magic beads, he could not pose a threat to him.

Today's **** demon is centered on the blood magic bead, and consciousness is attached to the blood magic bead.

And the blood magic beads together with the **** gas, even if the power of the gods of the wilderness is difficult to find the existence of the blood magic beads.

Li Tianba's strength is good, but he can't find the blood magic bead. He attacked wildly and broke the **** gas. The **** gas immediately gathered again and slowly surrounded him.

The **** gas is extremely powerful, and it has already begun to affect the strength of Li Tianba. In order not to be affected by **** gas, he has to mobilize a lot of energy and the power of the gods to fight against the **** gas, and he cannot attack with all his strength.

The **** demon **** does not seek merit but seeks nothing, just entangled Li Tianba, did not defeat the opponent's idea.

In this way, Li Tianba wants to use the **** demon gods, and he can only use it. He only constantly attacks, and intends to dispel the **** gas.

The **** gas was attracted by the blood magic bead, and the four scattered, and immediately gathered again, let Li Tian hegemony.

"Ah... I am mad at me." Li Tianba roared again and again, and it did not help.

For the first time, he faced such an opponent, no matter what attack did not work.

He also tried to use the gods to attack the **** demon, and the result was lost.

The soul and consciousness of the **** demon **** are hidden in the blood magic bead. Unless the Li Tianba can crush the blood magic beads, the **** demon **** can not be injured.

Li Tianba can't even find the blood magic beads, let alone crush the blood magic beads.

Li Tianba is more and more irritable and consumes a lot. He has hardships.

I know the power of the **** demon, and let him look at Tuoye.

"What kind of person is Long Yu? Not only is his own strength, but he is also a perverted person."

He regretted a little, afraid that he would provoke people who could not be provoked.

As for the revenge for Li Tianqi, he has long been left in his mind.

To be honest, the devil of the devil is weak, not to mention the many brothers of Li Tianba. It is not a bad thing to die. He just feels that he lost his face and will personally avenge Li Tianqi.

As a result, revenge is not successful, but instead struggles.

Not only did he fall into a hard battle, but another Fang Jinbin, the early strongman of the Golden Wonderland, was also suppressed by Yuzhu.

The jade bamboo blame is the leader of the strongest in the early days of Jin Xianjing, and Fang Bin can only be regarded as the general strongest in the early days of Jin Xianjing. Naturally, it is not the opponent of Yuzhu.

At the beginning of the battle, the Yuzhu blame used a stick of jade bamboo to suppress Fang Bin, and did not give Fang Bin a chance to fight back.

If it is not for Takuno to live, I am afraid that Yuzhu can quickly kill Fang Bin.

In order to stay alive, there is no way for Yuzhu to blame, only to limit the opponent and not let the opponent escape.

Fang Bin counterattacked several times, and the results were all hit by Mo Yuzhu, and eventually had to defend all the way.

He hoped that Li Tianba could save him. He found that Li Tianba was surrounded by **** gas. He couldn’t see the situation inside. He only heard Li Tian’s roaring and screaming again and again, as if the situation was worrying.

"I thought that this task was very easy. I didn't think that the opponent was so strong. It was really bad." Fang Bin was extremely depressed.

When he saw that Du Xianbin had the upper hand and had been chasing Takuya, he finally saw some hope.

He has no way to speak, he can only silently pray, hope Du Xianbin can solve his opponent quickly, and then come to help him.

As the battle progressed, Du Xianbin was unable to resolve his opponent, but instead made a loud noise, letting Fang Bin’s heart fall to the bottom.

"How could this be."

The jade bamboo blame seems to have seen Fang Bin’s thoughts and smiled: "Know that our son is so powerful, you can see it slowly. Our son has not yet exerted strength. He is just playing with your companions."

"Yuzhu strange, you blow, your son is one of the eight sons of the devil." Yuzhu blame, the other side of the suppression is not so strong, Fang Bin also opened.

"What is the eight sons of the devil world, it is not the opponent of my son." Yuzhu strange disdain.

Fang Bin laughed: "Ha ha... jade bamboo strange, you are too big to say."

"Let's walk." Yuzhu is full of confidence.

He has a deep understanding of it, and he thinks that the strength of Takino is far above the eight sons of the Devil.

"I would like to see if your family has three heads and six arms, or what is not a problem," Fang Bin said.

The two chatted and the battle was not intense before.

The idea of ​​Yuzhu is very simple. Just wrap around Fangbin. Other things he is too lazy to manage can save some strength. Of course he will not waste energy.

Fang Bin had a chance to breathe and did not dare to launch a counterattack. He was hit several times by Mo Yuzhu and his taste was uncomfortable.

He secretly said: "First take a break and look for opportunities to get rid of the jade bamboo monster."

His idea is good, but it is not easy to get rid of the jade bamboo monster.

The scope of the attack of Mo Yuzhu is very large, and it is easy to jump out.

Yuzhu blame does not know Fang Bin’s thoughts. He said: “My son has no three heads and six arms, and there are a lot of powerful abilities.”

"I think he has been dodging, the ability to escape is not weak." Fang Bin disdain.

"Really, I didn't know that the son's speed was so fast. It seems that the son is still hiding from me." Yuzhu sighed.

Fang Bin listened to the words of Yuzhu, and he was in a complicated mood. He still thought that the jade bamboo monster was bragging about the strength of the wilderness.

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