MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2134 Different people do not share the same fate

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【Mystery makes me strong】【】

At this time, Chongzhen was overjoyed when he heard the words.

He ordered: "Since this is the case, then I should confer this auspiciousness."

"Think about it, my lords, how should I seal it?"

Someone stepped forward and said, "In the past, Emperor Sejong once canonized himself as the Emperor of Longevity, why not canonize that **** as the God of Longevity."

In fact, this person satirized Jiajing.

Jiajing played Taoism and ignored things for decades, and the decline of Ming Dynasty started from this.

"Oh, by the way, it must be Emperor Sejong who descended to earth to help us, His Majesty, this is a great auspicious sign." Someone said ecstatically.

"It turned out to be like this." Chongzhen didn't hear the good words, "Very well, now order the Ministry of Rites to draw up a title immediately, and build a temple to worship him."

Everyone in the Ministry of Rites looked at each other, and then the left servant of the Ministry of Rites came out and said, "Observe the order."

The Minister of Rites did not move.

He is a loyal believer in Confucianism, and those with strange powers and gods should be kept at a respectful distance.

How could he worship a monster?

Even the so-called gods.

But the gods of the world will not appear.

What appeared was the monster.

This is the view of the saints.

Afterwards, the Ministry of Rites was thinking of a way to give the monster, no, a god, a title.

It's a hundred words long.

It begins with "Jingtian..." and ends with "Longevity God".

Then began to order the people everywhere to start building temples.

When the news reached Wen Rensheng through the post station,

Can't help but laugh and cry.

Eight Banners is trying to find a way to eliminate this monster.

Daming here regards it as a sweet pastry to worship.

It can be seen from this that it is no wonder that Ming Dynasty lost to Manchu.

Manchu cruelty.

But their strategic vision is still very accurate.

After all, it belongs to the rising period.

Just like the three major forces fighting, the Peasant Army just didn't realize that after the Ming Dynasty was over, they would face the Manchu Qing directly.

So much so that Li Zicheng only brought one-third of the main force into Beijing.

Yes, he did not concentrate his superior forces against the Manchus.

When the Manchu Qing discovered that the peasant army had entered the capital, they were keenly aware that a strategic decisive battle had arrived.

So all males between the ages of 15 and 60 were conscripted, and then the Mongols were ordered to send troops, plus the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty... together with more than 200,000 people, they entered the customs together.

Chased Li Zicheng all the way with superior forces. Li Zicheng's forces were scattered everywhere, and he was pacifying the place, and was troubled by the rebel forces of the landlords.

As a result, it was impossible to concentrate, so it was obvious that they could be evenly matched and defend the capital, but they couldn't defend it in the end.

All the way to defeat, unable to recover after a fall.

Wasted opportunity.

In the final analysis, the strategic vision is not enough, and the main threat cannot be seen.

Otherwise, the civilization would not be destroyed so quickly, but to accumulate and develop in the south first, and then go to Beijing after gaining a firm foothold.

As long as he doesn't fight the capital, if Man Qing wants to come in, he has to either make a detour or fight Wu Sangui.

It's a pity that the strategic vision is still not long-term enough.

They still thought that Man Qing just came in to grab a grab and leave.

They subconsciously thought that everyone had enmity with Ming, and when they destroyed Ming, Manqing would be neutral with them.

I have to say that this kind of thinking is naive and ridiculous, which is caused by the lack of strategy and overall view.

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【Mystery makes me strong】【】

Just like now, the Jurchens once again keenly realized that the evil **** was the main opponent.

After destroying the evil god, other forces are still no match for them.

Even for this reason, the measures against the Han people can be changed.

Change ahead.

It is necessary to integrate the Chinese and the Chinese.

They are desperately accumulating power and preparing to push down the evil **** in a wave.

However, after the Manchu Qing conquered Ming Dynasty, they began to absorb nutrition.

At the same time, he covered Daming with his most backward side.

Like the relaxed folk atmosphere, strong commercial atmosphere, and unrestrained ideological trends in the late Ming Dynasty, they were all overwhelmed at once.

The sea ban was also enforced.

Originally, the southeast was already full of underground seas, and there were overlords like the Zheng family, but in the Qing Dynasty, there was nothing left.

There is only one Guangzhou* as a trade window.

The land in the south of the Yangtze River has been reduced to a riot.

Barbarism triumphed over civilization for the last time.

At this time, civilizations all over the world are here and are conquering barbarism.

Only Daming fell into the last crisis, what a pity.

But Wen Rensheng also understood that this was bound to happen.

Geographical isolation led to a closed unified dynasty.

A closed feudal dynasty can only lead to such results.

There will be no second result.

Travelers may be able to change, but most of them cannot.

I don't have the will and the time.

Geography controls the mind.

Just as matter determines consciousness.

At this time, Daming began to build temples, give titles, and offer sacrifices to those monsters.

Not to mention that in the eyes of those local officials, the temple was built as soon as it was built.

Really useful.

These monsters do not eat the living.

They only eat carcasses, and rotting carcasses at that.

For the local government, it also saves burning and burying roads.

They ordered the corpses to stay in Yizhuang.

And those monsters eat corpses in Zhuangzi.

After eating the corpses, the monsters learned to hide underground again.

They learn to burrow underground and hide themselves.

Don't let people find out.

When the terrain is huge, it begins to change.

They are transforming into earthworms, or earth dragons.

No longer pursue the previous big ship form.

This shows how fast they evolve.

Big ship form is too intimidating and too easy to target.

And turned into an earth dragon, hiding in the ground.

The snakes on their bodies turned into claws for digging, comparable to piercing armor.

It can excavate two meters per hour.

Even if the ground is rocks, it can be solved by first corroding it with body fluids and then digging.

So one by one behemoths are hidden in the ground.

Only when eating, will it come out and drag the corpse into the ground.

Not to mention the military strength of this era, even in the 21st century, it has become impossible to deal with it easily.

Unless human beings completely concentrate their power and spend all military expenditures with great confidence.

Bait, bait, and all kinds of routines are used, which may be able to eliminate it.

As a result, more and more foolish people worship them.

However, there are still some filial sons and grandchildren who hate these monsters very much.

"Monsters are monsters. They eat corpses. This is destroying the filial piety of parents. Let the living have nowhere to worship their parents!"

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【Mystery makes me strong】【】

"Do you have the heart to have your parents eaten?"

"Do you still want your ancestors to be at peace?"

The filial sons even joined hands to present themselves to the emperor.

If it was placed in the early and middle period of the Qing Dynasty, one would count as one, and they would all be confiscated and exiled, and the leader would be executed.

Dare to collude with each other, form a knot, and oppose the imperial court.

Is this worth it?

Must kill!

Absolutely will not budge.

Especially Qianlong, when encountering this matter, he would never consider who is right or not. He immediately considered that these scholars were rebelling, threatening the court, and not obeying the rules of slaves.

must be killed.

But now, although Chongzhen was very angry after seeing it, he was helpless.

These dogs, he was delayed by these reputations.

He was cheated to death by various scholars.

For example, he did not dare to go south.

In fact, Chongzhen had long wanted to go south.

But he himself does not want to bear the infamy, and he does not want to be scolded by scholars, so he hopes that the minister will bear this responsibility, and the minister is not stupid, nor will he bear this reputation.

To avoid being pushed out by Chongzhen to be beheaded in the future to quell public grievances.

And like Cixi, if she wants to escape, she will run away decisively, so she doesn't listen to what you scholars say, and she doesn't want any reputation.

What is guarding the gate of the country? There is nothing to do. People run away as soon as they run away, and they run away twice.

People don't care about face, how many scholars can scold Cixi?


This is the advantage of the Eight Banners having its own basic disk.

Once the scholar finds something to do, kill him directly and replace him.

They are not afraid that the Shilin collective will not work, and there are plenty of people who want to be officials.

Just leash the dog.

As long as there are officials to work.

Chongzhen just cared about face and wanted to get lizi.

In the end, he couldn't run away even if he wanted to, so he was forced to commit suicide.

It's ridiculous.

But now, Chongzhen still has the courage.

He kept these memorials and did not publish them, nor did he go to court to discuss them.

Anyway, as long as the monsters don't rebel, it's fine.

He has no money and no food, so he can't mobilize an army to deal with these monsters.

Fortunately, he did not order, otherwise, the oppression and unfairness within the Ming army would be ten times higher than that of the Jurchens.

The Jurchens are cruel, but they still know how to pay full military pay to grassroots soldiers.

This is the reason why many Ming soldiers took refuge in the past and immediately became extremely brave.

The savages have not yet learned the ways of the shrewd scholar.

After learning it, he quickly became stupid and depraved, without any fighting power.

At this point the monsters have formed a fixed territory.

Each monster happens to be distributed along those slaughtered cities.

The location where they are distributed just constitutes a defense system.

They are not randomly distributed.

This happened because the Jurchens entered the customs and slaughtered the city, and the route they used to slaughter the city was the main route to enter the customs.

Monsters are distributed in the land of massacres.

It seems to be a coincidence, but it is inevitable.

Because you have to eat the four bodies.

But in the eyes of the emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty, it would become a monster. Sure enough, no, it was Xiangrui who took the initiative to help them defend the Jurchens from entering the customs.

The route of Jurchen's entry and exit is stuck.

In this case, their military castles and castles do not need to be defended.

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【Mystery makes me strong】【】

It's enough to let the monsters eat those carrion there.

After eating, they burrow into the ground, and come out again when they encounter those dangerous Jurchens.

Because they carry great resentment.

It's very attractive to monsters.

And once these monsters settle down, they don't move around at will.

It is to drill in the ground and wait for the body to appear.

Once they eat, they can last for five or six years.

In the eyes of others, it becomes a **** defending Daming.

Some people began to congratulate Chongzhen again.

"Sure enough, it's Xiangrui!"

"Yes, with them, we can save food and military pay for the frontier army. We can save at least 200 taels of silver a year, and there are 2 million shi of grain. The main reason is to save land transportation consumption."

"That's right. This is really auspicious. Next time the Jurchens come again, they will face the auspicious attack first."

Everyone talked one after another, and Chongzhen was also very happy.

at the same time.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he didn't bother to care about these things.

Anyway, monsters in the north can't affect their south.

And he no longer has any scruples.

His own army retreated from the front of the Jurchen.

Still afraid of these second-rate teams in the south?

He desperately introduced more advanced technology from the West, and then manufactured various factories.

Factories use the existing Western system to form various companies to solve their quality, efficiency, and innovation.

He originally wanted to form the various East India* companies in the West.

It's just that their kind of company has advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that they are only for profit, they only pursue profit, and they do not pursue the assimilation of the territory.

Aboriginal people were not forced to learn their languages.

Because this is a very costly thing, you have to invest in teachers to invest in paper and classrooms.

Teachers alone are hard to find enough of.

They will only choose the temporary and most profitable business.

Rather than assimilating the local area, take root in the local area and turn the land into the land of the mother country.

, Therefore, as time went by, various East Indian companies made a lot of money at that time, but in the end, with the rise of the people, the land was lost and the resources were gone.

The large amount of maritime trade profits earned was consumed in various luxury life at that time, and it was not transformed into real sites, population, and factories.

And what can be passed on to future generations is the greatest benefit that the ancestors left for the descendants.

Just like the Maoguo Maoxiong of later generations, he passed down the territory and population.

From this point of view, Daming has left a lot of good things for future generations.

Wen Rensheng thought that ideas, territory, and population are real profits that can be passed on to future generations.

Everything else will be lost later.

Therefore, Wen Rensheng has made great improvements, combining the advantages of the East and the West, and transforming those factories of the company system into a part of the corresponding education system.

Wen Rensheng can't think about the future, so use the existing one to change it.

All variants of Psychology, Neo-Confucianism, Western philosophy, and Western logic are all taken over.

And teach those children of refugees.

He taught with a modified mixture of ideas.

"If you don't learn, you are not allowed to eat at night."

"This is the last lesson. If you don't study hard, you won't have another chance in the future."

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【Mystery makes me strong】【】

He is not If the evil **** spreads, there is really no chance to learn these things again.

There is not enough time for everyone to kneel and pray.

Afterwards, Wen Rensheng decided to speed up.

In this world, Xiao Huan's sudden intervention will ruin it sooner or later.

It's better to tidy up, think about ideas, and hurry to the next world.

His mysterious seed also seemed to have been silent for a long time.

Soon, Wen Rensheng began to think about which world to go to.

Daming is almost done here.

The evil **** broke into the real world.

This means a loss of rationality in the real world.

This moment.

Wenren was promoted to the family.

"What do you think our son is doing?" Ouyang Ling asked her husband.

Wen Rende was looking at a collection of poems: "Isn't he playing in various worlds?"

"You said that this child didn't give birth to a few grandchildren for me, so he ran around."

"Do you think we should give him a child-bearing cheat so that he can have more children?"

"Hey, that's fine, we are all immortals, grandchildren are not so important." Wen Rende was also a little confused.

Bringing Xiao Huan alone will kill him, and he wants to bring a few more, will he be exhausted?

"Besides, don't you have a good granddaughter?"

"That's true, but it's still a bit regrettable."

"What is there to regret, Xiao Huan is obedient and obedient, and besides, she has a sister."

"Yes, sister Xiao Huan seems to be busy all the time. She is really a sensible child, and she never has a day off."

"One plays every day, and the other is busy every day."

"It's really different for the same person."

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