MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2131 damn it

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Those captured young and strong suffered heavy casualties.

They were unarmed and terrified.

Among the battalions, the losses are the greatest.

After all, Coating also has some simple tools and weapons.

It is powerless to deal with Jurchens.

Fortunately, the treasure is in another camp, so the loss is not big.

Mangurtai was very surprised.

He didn't know why the roar broke out.

You must know that they have always brutally suppressed Bao Yi. Those who have lived to this day and survived the era of Lao Khan are the most submissive, the most winking, and the most tolerant group.

Now it exploded.

His savage temper came up, and he ordered that all the rebel coats be beheaded.

At this time, someone advised him, after all, there are still thousands of coats.

Many of them are the official coats of various flags.

It doesn't hurt to use it, but if you go back and lose too much, it will make other banner owners have great opinions.

Originally, Manggurtai's current situation was not very good.

Has been faintly suppressed.

That is to say, Huang Taiji changed a little, so that he could avoid the fate of suffering in history.

In fact, it deserves it.

Killers will be killed after all, and there is nothing to complain about.

Mang Gurtai finally ordered eleven killing orders.

He didn't know his order, which led to a new camp roar at night!

This time it's the armored bannermen.

They belong to the elite of the Eight Banners, second only to the vest and the white armor.

They are the backbone of the battle.

They are the main force of more than 60,000 Eight Banners soldiers.

And they had a roar!

This surprised him.

You have to know that the main force of the Eight Banners is very patient, and the military discipline is very strict, and they will obey.

It mainly grows in the harsh wild environment, so it can endure hardship.

It is not enough to be a child of the Eight Banners who has grown up under the new life.

Indiscriminate killing and hacking everywhere!

The depression and fear brought about by Baylor, Beizi, and being restrained by military law, and beheading at every turn, even with the coating and massacre to vent their anger, broke out again at this time.

"kill you!"

"Let you **** the Nan girl I snatched!"

"Damn Baylor, go to hell!"

"Damn Aixinjue*, we are all your slaves, and you are only Daming's slaves, if you can rebel, so can we!"

"Kill the old slave!"

"Damn old slave, you killed my mother because you didn't get off the sedan chair at his door!"

He is so distressed!

The Eight Banners soldiers are elite, armed with armor and knives, and there are more people, so they are even more vicious in hacking and killing.

Even him and the Bai Jias have to stay away!

It can't be solved by killing them all in one go like before!

"Die, die, die!"

"Damn it, what's going on!"

"Are you all crazy?"

One after another, the Eight Banners soldiers were hacking and killing each other, and there was chaos everywhere in the camp, full of flames and blood.

No wonder the generals are most afraid of camp roar

These servants, who were obedient and brave in the past, rioted, and they fell into madness one by one.

Mang Gurtai had no choice but to lead the white-armored guards and a small number of sane soldiers around him, and retreated to the distance.

They have no way to stop it.

No matter how much you shouted, it was useless.

A few cavalry teams hastily organized by Gu Shan wanted to rush in to separate the fighting sides, but they were shot by a burst of arrows, or died together.

Even if Mangurtai wanted to break his head, he didn't understand why.

If it's Bao Yi and the slaves going crazy, he can understand.

But these Eight Banners soldiers have been treated very well in the past two years.

Every household has coated clothes, and their food and clothing are much better.

It's much better than before under Lao Khan's management.

I used to be an ordinary Eight Banners person, and I would starve to death.

Gongzhong can't give too much rice, and each household can only provide one bucket of rice.

At this time, no matter how stupid Mangurtai was, he understood that something was wrong.

He naturally thought that this should be the cause of the big ship monster.

Someone suddenly said: "Although the big ship monster is dead, its curse remains!"

"Yes, it's a curse!"

"Look for the shaman!"

someone suggested.

Mang Gurtai would definitely behead them if he changed to normal times.

At this moment, he felt fear.

It's the fear of the unknown.

In the past, the person he feared the most was Lao Khan.

Because no one can resist only Lao Khan.

One command and one dies.

Later it was Huang Taiji.

Originally they were on equal footing, but later the opponent's prestige became higher and higher.

And he can always find his faults, and combine the power of everyone to suppress him.

It made him more and more aggrieved, but he couldn't rebel.

But now it seems that he is not the only one who is oppressed and aggrieved?

Historically, Xianglan Banner, one of the majestic Eight Banners, was forced by internal strife to rescue the captured Emperor Yongli and rebuild Ming Dynasty.

This is history, and this is the historical joke produced by being oppressed to the extreme.

Mang Gurtai understood that these soldiers of the Eight Banners were usually suppressed too hard by them.

Under this kind of fear, they have to vent and fight.

Wait until dawn, the sun shines, dispelling the fear and haze of the night.

Even people who have watched horror movies will get a rare psychological safety in the sun.

The sun is definitely the greatest patron saint of mankind.

none of them.

Man can survive in extreme daylight, but not in darkness.

However, Mang Gurtai looked blank.

"Master Baylor, after inspection, we still have 2,200 red armors left, and there is no loss of white armors."

"What, I have an army of nearly ten thousand, and only two thousand are left?"

Mangurtai is incredible.

This is an amount that has not been lost for decades.

It turned out that there were so many in one night!

If he goes back here, he has no chance of survival at all.

It is impossible for Huang Taiji to let him go, and it is impossible for other Eight Banners dignitaries to let him go!

After all, these soldiers belonged to more than just him.

Many of them were drawn from the public.

He had no choice but to try his best to treat him.

And he was full of fear.

He worries about it again.

So it was rare to see and began to be gentle with people.

He even ordered the release of the captured young men, and gave the soldiers drinks.

This is a completely unthinkable move.

In fact, he thought he was going to die when he went back anyway, so why not see if he did different things to see if the scream would still happen.

In this way, he may still have a chance to survive.

After all, no one wants this to happen again.

Fortunately for him, it didn't happen that day.

He immediately ordered to set off the next day.

Only walked 20 miles.

This pair of well-disciplined and well-trained Eight Banners is definitely crawling.

They travel at least 60 miles a day.

Still fine on the third day.

He continued to walk for 15-20 miles, and he still ate good wine and meat every day.

And keep those wrappers full too.

Finally, two months later, the Jurchens withdrew from the pass one after another.

And in the land of above the court hall, taverns, restaurants, hotels, streets and alleys, all began to spread rumors.

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"I heard no, the Jurchen was scared away by a big monster."

"I heard that it seems that the monster is as big as a boat."

"Where will that monster go in the future?"

"Who knows?"

"Looking at it this way, it's actually a good thing."

"That's right, it shouldn't be called a monster, it should be called a god." Soon some foolish people even began to worship that evil monster.

It's just that they don't know that the other party has split into many little monsters.

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