MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2113 sticky stick and agricultural book

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Wenren was promoted to be a soldier, this is his official position, which is very different from being relied on by others before.

So this means that his industry can expand again.

After all, it is impossible for others to equal too many things for you, only you can equal too many things for yourself.

Ordinary nobles and relatives mainly focus on pleasure in their daily lives, and they don't spend time on the painful, tiring and troublesome business of doing business.

They don't do reading, let alone this kind of thing?

They will only do one thing, and that is to sit back and reap the rewards.

Anything that is difficult, their first reaction is to refuse and resist.

Even Zheng Zhilong, after dominating the eastern ocean, lost his aggressiveness and became a guard dog.

There are still few heroes like Cao Cao and Liu Bei who earn and fight for a lifetime.

This time Wen Rensheng began to intervene in maritime trade.

The way to intervene is to prepare 100 tans of raw silk, which can make a profit of 100 taels. The silk farmers receive 90 taels, sell it to the sea merchant for 180 taels, and the sea merchants sell it to the island country for 340 taels.

That is of course superior.

This is an extra ten thousand taels of profit.

Wen Ren was promoted to generals who had shown loyalty and bravery in the previous battles, and directly used the decadent feudal win-win method to give money to Tian to his win them under the banner of his Kuaiji Shipping Company to serve as sailors and guards.

This is actually the servant.

The soldiers of Ming Dynasty were enthusiastic about this.

Ordinary people who want to be servants have no way at all.

You have to change your surname, you have to recognize your godfather, and you have to fulfill the feudal duty of loyalty and filial piety.

This is the main path for promotion in the army. The other paths are too narrow, not the mainstream, but exceptions.

For example, to be appreciated for being brave in battle, and to make great achievements under the eyes of everyone: first enter the city, behead the general and capture the flag, protect the master and escape...

These credits are not easily taken away.

One can imagine the difficulty.

Wen Rensheng accepted 81 names in one breath.

All changed their surnames to Li.

Is this kind of thing taboo?

Of course it's a taboo, but it's the end of the Ming Dynasty, and officials have long been accustomed to it.

The firm expanded rapidly.

Cooking is very simple, directly merge the original line of business.

From gold and silver shops to grain shops, to cloth, silk, blacksmith shops, carpentry shops, all merged...

In the city where Li Bingbeidao is located, one street, two streets, and three streets of Li's family appeared, and the speed was very fast.

Don't make new cakes, just eat old flatbreads.

The advantage is security.

The people who are promoted and replaced are all loyal and capable people. With the same method and the same process, the work efficiency is 50% higher than before, and it is even several times higher.

Because the original shopkeepers and clerks ate too much, just like the Xue family and Jia family in the Dream of Red Mansions. Later, they collapsed by themselves, and the servants and shopkeepers got up.

As long as these guys are killed, the original profit can be greatly improved.

The disadvantage is that the originally filial officials and dignitaries are looking for trouble.

This is simple, Wen Rensheng directly wraps up all the original filial piety and gives them a unified.

How many dignitaries are willing to offend Bing Beidao himself?

They are just places after all.

Behind Wen Rende, there are high-ranking officials in the ministry, and Wang Shilang has already entered Beijing.

Of course, going to Beijing these days is also looking for death, which is far worse than being a local official in Jiangnan.

Anyway, there are still 20 years of happy life to live.

Entering Beijing as an official means the invasion of Eastern captives once every two years.

Unable to live in peace every year.

Enjoy with trepidation.

As for the senior officials of the Ministry, they are only deterrent and have a good reputation, and their life is far worse than that of their colleagues in the southeast.

But at this time, at least it can help Wen Rensheng to deter the local dignitaries, princes and eunuchs.

The vassals had very little actual power.

Emperor Chongzhen seems to be worried about the privacy of his relatives, but once the vassal kings show their desire for power, even if it is for King Qin's rescue, they will immediately turn their faces.

Therefore, Wen Rensheng was not afraid of these vassal kings. If they dared to seek trouble, if they intended to threaten the local ministers and intend to rebel, they would be put to death directly.

It's just that everyone doesn't want to play so hard.

Anyway, Wen Rensheng walks with two hands, relying on power with one hand and military strength with the other. By doing so, the resistance of the old system can be minimized.

On the other hand, he is just an image of a military leader, just like Zuo Liangyu and Li Chengliang.

After doing all this, Wen Rensheng began to check his opponent's progress.

At this time, he spent two years to prepare the army and make an annual profit of 300,000 taels. He is definitely a big man.

It can support 5,000 family members and 400 large and small ships.

After these things go down, there are only 50,000 taels of mobile silver taels left.

But don't worry, as an official, he still has routine filial piety, routine...a year can reach 7,000 taels to 15,000 taels of silver.

A fifth-rank civilian officer and soldier prepares the way, located in the southeast, and there is not much money.

In three years, the prefect was cleared, and one hundred thousand snowflakes were awarded.

This is not an exaggeration.

His official position and dispatch are much more powerful than the magistrate.

But now, he wanted to look at the opponent's level of strength.



Shengjing of the Great Jin Kingdom.

Player a has become a big sweat.

Yes, Wen Rensheng saw at a glance that this guy turned out to be a profuse sweat.

The old trick was used, relying on the ability of social skills to win over Big Baylor and Third Baylor, intimidate Second Baylor, and then kill the mother of the three brothers Azig, Dorgon, and Duoduo to prevent them from forming a joint force.

In the end, let the Eight Banners go up and down, and they all agreed that he was the most capable of leading the Dajin to win the living space under the attack of the Northern Captives, the Eastern Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty.

At this time, inside the Great Khan Palace in Shengjing.

"Use the Manchus to control the Han, the masters to control the slaves, the Eight Banners to be the clan of force, and the weak and incompetent Nikan to be the farming clan to support the full-time Eight Banners force. In this way, I can raise 70,000 out of 200,000 Eight Banners. At the same time, everyone can practice it every day."

The player Huang Taiji sat on the sweat seat where the four of them were and said.

Many little Baylor, Beizi, and Gu Shan Ezhen nodded their heads one after another.

What Khan said won their hearts deeply.

The old Khan from before was crazy.

In the end, kill all the innocent people.

Anyone who does not have five buckets of rice in the family will be killed.

Felt it was too much work to support them.

As a result, many people's coaters were also killed, and they had to handle field affairs by themselves, and they couldn't cry out for their hard work.

Because the entire Daikin is still a slave militaristic system.

Military law is strict.

The entire Dajin is slavery headed by the Great Khan, and the slave owners are the Great Khan and his direct descendants.

As for why it can still be maintained under such strict military laws, of course it is because of the threat of the giant Ming Dynasty.

At this time, none of the Jurchens thought they could destroy Daming.

At most, he thinks that he can achieve the great cause of Qianjin, which is to occupy the land north of the Yellow River, and at most he can rule the Yangtze River with the Ming Dynasty.

Under this kind of external pressure, they will endure harsh military laws in order to survive.

At least 70% of the people believe that this harsh military law has maintained their victory, maintained their reputation of invincibility, and helped them survive.

Under such circumstances, the execution of those who violated military laws will not trigger a large-scale backlash.

The dignitaries of the Eight Banners will not talk about the wrong military law in private.

The Great Khan was able to deal with those who had the same interests by relying on righteousness and military law.

If the external environment is relaxed, some people will hate the harsh military law.

Just like after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, the Eight Banners quickly fell. Because I found that there are no opponents, I can enjoy myself with peace of mind.

If you want to use harsh military law at this time, no one will listen to you, they will secretly oppose you and resist you, so what if you are a big sweat?

The later Emperor Jiaqing was assassinated twice in his own palace, one by a cook, and one by Tianli attacking the palace, and the ministers just watched with their hands tied.

Doesn't Jiaqing want to use harsh military law?

It's useless, the most he can do is to directly behead the relevant people and others who have committed the most crimes, and he can't even implicate the Nine Clans.

"Khan, your will is very good, but we are still short of food, and now we plant an acre of land, and the seeds can't be harvested, so what's the use of so much coating for us?" Sanbeile said directly.

"Oh, what Sanbeile said is very good. I once ordered Shanxi merchants to look for good seeds in Ming Dynasty for me, and got two kinds of gods, one is sweet potato and the other is corn. They can adapt to drought and can produce one stone of grain per mu To two stones, the key is to produce even in drought.”

"I am now ordering under the Eight Banners to draw ten Zhuangzi each to plant two things, and I will allocate grain from the public to these Zhuangzi."

"In addition, this is the "Nongshu" written by a great Confucian scholar named Xu Guangqi in Ming Dynasty. Now we recruit a lot of scholars among the Han people and let them specialize in interpretation and promotion of agricultural production."

"In this way, the Han people can grow more food. The more Han people we have, the more food, more food, more armor, and more firearms. The stronger our Eight Banners are."

"The Ming Dynasty can only mobilize 150,000 troops at a time, but military discipline is corrupt. We only need to mobilize 70,000 troops, and they are no match for us. When we can mobilize 200,000 troops, the Ming Dynasty will be destroyed!"

"Long live the sweat!"

"Mieming, Miming!"

A group of young Baylor, Beizi, and Gushan Ezhen were all encouraged by the prospect painted by Dahan.

Yes, as long as more food is produced, each family can feed more and create more wealth, and their military strength will be stronger.

Anyway, there is a lot of land in Liaodong, and at least tens of millions of acres of land can be reclaimed. It was impossible to reclaim it before. The main reason is that the grain output is low and the temperature is cold. If you grow food, you will lose money.

Therefore, there is no profit motive to support Bao Yi, but he is just snatched to be a slave.

The stronger the troops, the more coats they will grab.

As Huang Taiji clapped his hands, the two eunuchs held out two plates.

Well, Donglu has learned to grow high-yielding crops.

However, high-yielding crops still need to improve varieties and find ways to grow them.

The output was not high at the beginning, otherwise the local officials would not be crazy if they really wanted to share three to four thousand catties per mu with later generations?

Officials don't plant them, and the big local households are not stupid, so they must rush to force the tenant farmers to plant these crops.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he immediately understood that the difficulty was increasing dramatically.

Huang Taiji in history did not have such a way, but he improved the strategic situation of the Kingdom of Jin.

Pacifying the imperial court and forcing them to pay tribute; and occupying the eastern Mongolia, they can avoid the heavily guarded and costly Shanhaiguan Pass and enter through the Mongolian side wall.

From now on, things are completely over.

It is meaningless to invest more than ten years to build a fortress with 4-7 million taels.

The Manchu Qing changed its country name and entered once every two years. After digesting it, it invaded again. Relying on the flesh and blood of Ming Dynasty, it survived the famine and supported the Eight Banners, becoming stronger and stronger.

This is the biggest problem with fortress tactics: you can't beat your opponent in field battles, and the opponent has the initiative, and you can kill you as long as you make a detour.

Huang Taiji then said to everyone: "Very well, I am very happy today. Everyone is wise and knows that we are under great pressure. There is the Eastern Dynasty in the east, Mongolia in the west, and Ming Dynasty in the south."

"We must grit our teeth. By next year, we will be able to plunder Daming and grab more coats, especially scholars, not Juren and Jinshi."

"Everyone understands?"

"Yes, sweat." Everyone was convinced.

Da Bei Le glanced at it, and suddenly said: "The wisdom of the Great Khan is far better than that of the Ming Emperor in the Southern Dynasty, but the Ming Emperor can sit alone facing the south, how can we offend him?"

With that said, he got down from the chair where the four of them were sitting together.

Then he knelt down and kowtowed to Huang Taiji.

"Second brother, how can this be so, please get up quickly." Huang Taiji showed joy, and hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, "I wait for brothers to be of the same heart, how can it be compared with the imperial court of the Southern Dynasty?"

At this time, Erbeile and Sanbeile also quickly got off their chairs and knelt down reluctantly.

But Big Baylor, their second brother knelt down, if they were still on top, it would only cause dissatisfaction among the powerful.

What's more, Huang Taiji, with his good seeds and future vision, coupled with his usual win over, has already won over the big and small Eight Banners dignitaries, and his power has become established.

They also had to come down.

Seeing this, Wen Rensheng had to sigh.

This player really combined Huang Taiji's previous personality and abilities, and then added his own abilities.

In this way, the growth of the opponent's power in a year will far exceed his own.

After all, the opponent is a military group with 200,000 people.

Now I only have 10,000 people, and the centripetal force is far less than that of the other party.

But my own advantage is that I rely on the red-haired people and have overseas trade.

The huge profits of sea trade are worthy of a battle.

Wen Rensheng decided to set up a secret organization.

"Now I set up sticky poles. If there is any noise, you will eliminate it for me." Wen Rensheng found fifteen adopted sons and said to them.

"Yes, adoptive father!" The fifteen people said in unison.

No one dared to object.

To oppose is to die, to lose everything you have.

Their ambitions, the biggest at this time, are nothing more than getting ahead, UU reading gaining official titles.

"Very well, I will set up three places for finding sound, sticking sticks, and deep frying, and give them to three of you, each of you will have four people under your command, and then assign 100 servants to each place, and all expenses will be smuggled."

Wen Rensheng said.

"Yes, adoptive father." Everyone spoke in unison.

Then Wen Rensheng gave them a copy of the book "Yongjian" written by the ancients to study.

This is what the ancients already had.

How to buy secret agents, spy on opponents, buy servants, buy women who can walk around the streets, and know things about the front yard from the backyard...

Wen Rensheng told them to practice first after all these things.

It takes a lot of practice to use it.

The training object was naturally Bencheng at the beginning. If anything happened, he also had enough influence to deter the county magistrate and let him release those people.

Read The Duke's Passion