MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2108 attack red hair

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120,000 taels, Wen Rensheng took out 50,000 taels to train 500 troops in the governor's bid camp.

It is equivalent to one person consuming 100 taels of silver a year.

A decent salary this year is 2 taels of silver a month.

With real pay, he can beat most teams.

Then there are food silver, armor, weapons, horses, fodder, beans, eggs, stirrups...

When the miscellaneous items are added up, another 50 to 80 taels will be consumed a year.

Of course it can be reduced, and the combat power will also be reduced.

Of course Wen Rensheng would not do that.

It is not a long-term solution to rely on others like this now.

Chinese people pay attention to integrity and obedience.

If the name is not correct, soldiers will have doubts in combat, and doubts will easily shake their morale.

But he already has a solution, that is to go to sea to train soldiers.

There are many islands overseas, find an island overseas, and increase your military training.

And the routines in the sea are not from the background of the government like Daming.

It's the red grasshopper fighting with swords and guns, in the jungle on the sea.

Fighting at sea requires fast boats and sharp guns.

The king of the offshore is a large number of fireboats + galleys, winning by the method of crowding and colliding.

Even the red-haired people lost to the Zheng family's fleet.

And he can replicate that move.

But the Zheng family cannot control Yuanyang.

Because Zheng Zhilong has no big picture after all, he is just a pirate + sea merchant with a heart.

Of course it was old.

He obviously had a lot of money and was very wealthy, but he didn't systematically study the Westerners' shipbuilding methods.

However, in the offshore field, relying on fireboats and gunpowder tactics, the Zheng family is still the dominant family. They defeated the red-haired people several times, and they were all big victories, forcing the red-haired people to choose to back down and reach a stable trade cooperation.

Since then, the two sides have reached a balance.

One side relies on the official background to form land supply channels, while the other dominates overseas trade.

The two sides balance each other and do not interfere with each other's routes.

The Zheng family monopolizes the short-range routes to Japan and Southeast Asia, and dominates in East and Southeast Asia. It takes a ship to pay a safety certificate, and a command flag costs three thousand taels for a large ship.

But the red-haired people can still monopolize the ocean routes to Europe, and they can still occupy many islands in Southeast Asia.

This also prevented the Zheng family from intervening in the many islands in the southeast. Zheng Sen came to power and wanted to change this situation, but he died young, at the age of 39, and it was said that he died at the age of 38.

There are only a few islands in the north, and Dayuan Island is the largest. How can it resist the Manchu Qing occupying the entire hinterland?

The Zheng family, which was able to break the game, lost its strategic depth because of Zheng Zhilong's short-sightedness, completely sank, and failed strategically.

If they can vigorously develop ocean-going shipbuilding and fight the red-haired people at all costs, instead of focusing only on making money from maritime merchants, they will win half of the world.

Of course this is inevitable.

Talents formed under feudal rule can reach the level of the Zheng family, which is considered a ceiling.

At least give people hope.

And we can't completely blame them. Although there are many Ming people who settled in the southeast, the total number is still small, and they were killed by Xiya Hongmao so badly that they couldn't develop.

As a result, the Zheng family has not set their sights on surrendering to the many islands in the southeast, nor has they established them as their foundation.

After all, it is just a family, not a country.

And Wen Rensheng also knew that the most profitable business for the Zheng family was to collect raw silk goods and ironware from Jiangnan, and then sell them to the island country.

Then buy copper-containing silver from the island country, come back to refine it, and get another 10% profit.

One to one, is several times the profit.

At least twice as much.

Moreover, most of this route can be driven by the shore, and there are very few ocean routes, which can be regarded as extremely safe and mature.

Sailing northeast from the coast of Jianfu, passing through Dayuan Jinmen and Mount Keelung, and then heading north along the coastal waters of the Ryukyu Islands, you can reach the island country of Yakushima.

This route is quite safe, usually a hundred times, only a few accidents.

It's pretty safe.

The Zheng family occupies this steady line of making money without losing money, and has accumulated a net worth of tens of millions, with an annual profit of around one million.

So later, Zheng Chenggong organized thousands of armored soldiers with his own strength, confronted the main force of the Manchu and Qing cavalry head-on, and forcibly smashed the opponent under the city wall of Yingtian.

It's a pity that he is not familiar with land warfare, and he also has the intention of winning the first battle, so he brought a large number of family members and women ashore.

After being charged by the opposing cavalry, the soldiers saw their family members being attacked, their morale was shaken and collapsed, and the good situation was over.

Then he could have made a comeback, after all, he had a lot of wealth, but he died of a sudden illness.

Then, in order to contain the Zheng family, the Manchus used the cruel method of moving borders and banning the sea, killing countless people, which caused the Zheng family to lose their goods on land and gradually declined.

Speaking of it, the reason why Zheng Zhilong surrendered to the Qing Dynasty was actually because his lifeblood, the channel for stocking goods, was controlled by the Qing Dynasty.

If he wanted to collect raw silk and sell it to island countries in a stable manner, it would be impossible.

In this case, he chose to bow his head.

Instead of finding ways to contend.

It's a pity that he forgot that the Manqing is not the Ming Dynasty. The Manqing relies on the Eight Banners as the core, and has a hard heart. He has long decided to pull out his poisonous sting.

It was impossible for Han feudal towns to survive in the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Wen Rensheng can't use advanced technology and ideas now, but it is still no problem to copy the Zheng family.

After all, the failure of the Zheng family lies in their lack of foresight.

Wen Rensheng is now a Juren.

But juren can still not be an official.

It is a little dangerous for Jinshi not to be an official.

A Juren has a considerable status in the Southeast Shilin.

He now has a good excuse he can use to stand on his own.

half year later.

The elite of 500 people has been trained, and they have become an independent battalion in the standard battalion, called the Selected Frontier Battalion.

Wen Rensheng deliberately added swimming and boat training to his training.

The excuse was to fight the red-haired man.

Then Wen Rensheng found Governor Wang.

He proposed to conquer the red-haired people who occupied Pengdao.

"Uncle Shi, the red-haired people were repelled last time, and they are coming again this time. We want to set up prefectures and counties on it once and for all, and at the same time occupy the Dayuan Island behind." Wen Rensheng said directly.

"That's all for Peng Island. Why do you want to occupy the big people? It's called Dongfan, but it's a barren land." Governor Wang was a little worried.

He is a bureaucrat who only wants to make meritorious service and doesn't want to be troublesome.

"Uncle Shi, the land is fertile, especially the fresh water in the north, and the climate is colder. It is similar to the north. It can take in a large number of refugees and take them away, which can reduce the hidden danger of rebellion." Wen Rensheng said.

"But it is a serious crime to take the emperor's people overseas." Governor Wang shook his head.

"Since that's the case, it's better to stay on Penghu Island for the time being, but please recommend me as the prefect of Penghu."

"You are already a juren, and now you are a magistrate of a prefecture, so why go to this wild place overseas to be the magistrate?" Governor Wang was puzzled.

"The eastern captives are tyrannical and have won many battles, but they are not good at water warfare. We occupied Pengdao to reclaim and farmland, just to prepare for the future." Wen Rensheng said.

Governor Wang frowned a little: "No matter how strong Donglu is, he is just the second Mongol, and it is impossible to shake the foundation of our Ming Dynasty."

Now it is the first year of Chongzhen, and the sage is coming to court, and the ministers are quite cheered up.

How did they know that the danger was imminent. In the second year of Chongzhen, the Eastern Prisoners would detour to Mongolia, climb over the side wall and invade the land of Gyeonggi to plunder.

During the most dangerous Little Ice Age, he survived the famine with Daming's blood.

But Ming had nowhere to plunder, and was too corrupt. The rice in the south of the Yangtze River could not help the famine in the north.

In the end, the peasant army was completely shaken down.

So Wen Rensheng shook his head and said: "Now that the eastern captives have formed an alliance with the northern captives to dominate the northern grasslands, they were unable to defeat the Shanhaiguan Pass and the Ningyuan defense line before, but now they can bypass the grasslands. In this way, they will be defeated in a few years He became a captive in the Jiajing and Wanli years."

"Ah!" Governor Wang was shocked when he heard this.

In fact, this situation has been seen by many discerning people.

It is also enriching the strength and defense of the important towns near Jiubian and Gyeonggi.

But still the same sentence, financial bankruptcy, corruption from top to bottom, powerless intentions, can only sit back and watch the danger come.

As you can see, it doesn't work.

Everyone knows that they are going to die, and who can escape?

"In this way, the country will be in danger at that time. In the former Song Dynasty, the Song family was attacked by the Jin people and floated in the sea. Now we have to find a way out for the royal family in advance."

Why did Wen Rensheng say that?

Why not make a fortune in silence?

It's very simple, he can't use advanced technology and advanced ideas.

We must try our best to give full play to the greatest power of this era: the gentry and the government.

The former far outweighs the latter.

If he emigrates silently, he may only get hundreds of thousands of people in seven or eight years.

Still can't do the full potential.

If the imperial court dominates, there will be over one million people a year.

This is not bragging.

Historically, Zheng Zhilong will immigrate officials in the official name in the past few years.

Southern Fujian suffered from frequent droughts, and flocks of hungry people.

With the support of Fujian Governor Xiong Wencan, Zheng Zhilong once again recruited tens of thousands of Zhangzhou and Quanzhou disaster victims. "One person will be given three taels of silver, and three people will be given a cow."

It's just that his steps are still a little smaller.

According to Wen Rensheng's approach, millions of people were immigrated directly.

As for how to eat on the island.

The Huaxia people have been herbivorous people since ancient times, and the officials are now covered with grass, just eat it.

Eating it all can also solve the problem of malaria caused by too many mosquitoes.

Of course, words cannot be said exactly like this, but things can be done like this.

At this time, the government still has no enforcement power.

Otherwise, all the hungry people in Shaanxi, Gansu and other places will be taken overseas and exiled.

But this difficulty is too high.

If the bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty could do this kind of thing, they would have wiped out the Donglu long ago.

However, the Qing Dynasty was able to do it.

Because they are brutal enough.

Isn't it more difficult to move the forbidden sea than this?

Want to know how many people are there within 30 miles of the coast?

There must be tens of millions of people.

Anyway, they are just four words, kill if you don't leave!

Kill it and leave.

Daming didn't dare to do this. He was worried about his reputation because he didn't have a core to support force. Once he did something, his court's legitimacy would be lost.

Later, under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, Zeng Shatou learned this trick from the Manchu ancestors. There are too many people and not enough land. What should I do if I rebel?

Divide the land after killing them all.

It's that simple.

If it wasn't for the invasion of foreigners and the rise of the new army, this trick could be used for tens of thousands of years.

This is the eternal skill...

After Wen Rensheng finished speaking, Governor Wang was greatly shocked: "My nephew is indeed a loyal minister of the country. He can think about others but not. If this is the case, of course I will help."

He also thought, if he establishes such a foundation, won't he be able to become the best in the future?

Are you afraid that you won't be the chief assistant?

So the two discussed it, starting with driving the red-haired man away.

Only by expelling the red-haired people can we get great merit from the court and get the name of a pioneer.

Then Governor Wang played.

There was some discussion in the court.

The emperor has just ascended the throne, full of enthusiasm.

The imperial court issued an order for the red-haired people to occupy Pengdao again, and ordered Governor Wang to summon the navy to drive away the red-haired people.

Then Governor Wang issued a governor's order and called in two general soldiers to discuss.

They are Yu Datao, the commander-in-chief of Jianfu.

Zhou Ming, the commander-in-chief of Zhangzhou, the former commands the navy, while the latter has a relatively strong servant team.

Wen Rensheng observed the two of them.

It was found that both of them had the intention of making contributions, and they were not generals waiting to die.

Moreover, Yu Datao is more loyal and serious, he is considered to be a person in the end of the dynasty who still wants to move forward bravely.

"The red-haired people have powerful ships, they have many cannons, and they are good at muskets. They are really difficult to deal with." Yu Datao said directly.

It seems that he usually studies his opponents a lot, so he knows the enemy.

"Li Tongzhi, what do you think?" Governor Wang directly asked Wen Rensheng to speak to the two of them.

"That's right, so we have to use our own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses. Their strengths are big ships and cannons, and their weakness is that they come from afar and have few people. We can dispatch tens of thousands of people, but they can dispatch at most two or three money. "

"Their ships are big but the total number is small, our ships are small but the total number is large."

"We have an advantage in the coastal waters. We can pretend to attack. The opponent will definitely come to surround our port, and we will ambush a large number of small boats nearby. Once the opponent approaches the port, we will immediately dispatch the opponent from all sides to besiege him. We will win with fireboats!"

Wen Rensheng said in an orderly manner.

"This plan is very good. UU Reading" Yu Datao agreed as soon as he heard it, because this is what he wanted to do. He originally thought that the other party would talk about it on paper, but unexpectedly he thought of one place. It seems that this For the first time, you don't have to worry about running into a bombastic civil servant.

"Before we use fire boats, we need to practice more. This time, I ordered Kuaiyun Shipping to reimburse 200,000 taels of military expenses, and at the same time requisition 200 fire boats to transform them into fast and flexible ships. Since it is a fire attack, we must use fierce fire." Oil, there is a huge nail on the bow, once it hits the opponent, it will not come off."

"However, if the opponent is outside the port and they rely on the wind to deal with it, it will be difficult for the small boats to catch up, and their cannons are quite accurate, because the range is very far, and our fireships will lose morale after a short period of time." Zhou Ming asked a question.

"It doesn't matter. The red-haired people have always been arrogant. As long as we lower the range of the turret, they will definitely shoot close to the inside of the port. We will take the opportunity to send out the small boat quickly. Their large ship turns slowly, and they will definitely be entangled by the small boat."

"Of course, this is only the first strategy. We can also offer a wide range of rewards to find the place where the red-haired people are stationed and take the initiative to attack."

"However, regardless of the kind, strict training is required to make the soldiers proficient in this method of warfare."

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