MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2105 replace southeast

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After Wen Rensheng finished his recommendation, Governor Wang called these people together.

"You are all recommended by my nephew. I believe in your ability. As long as you do well, I will recommend you as a ninth-rank miscellaneous official based on your merits..."

Hearing this, the tents kneeling on the ground were all grateful.

If you really become an official, you will reach the sky in one step.

How difficult it is to go from the people to the government.

The route that ordinary people can know is to take the imperial examination.

Everyone understands the difficulty of the imperial examination.

Many great talents who are knowledgeable about the past and the present may not be able to be selected in their entire lives, or even failed to be selected as a scholar.

But they may become officials, no, even if they become officials, it is good.

Wen Rensheng looked at these people and shook his head in his heart.

Governor Wang's words are just like drawing big cakes.

With so many people, how could it be possible to recommend them all?

And they don't know how difficult it is to do it well.

But life-threatening.

Land, this thing, is enough to make people take risks.

They dare not attack the governor, don't they dare to attack specific clerks?

These people are honest in nature, and they must not have thought of this level, and they will definitely check and clean up carefully.

It is so easy to offend people.

Originally, their character is easy to offend others, otherwise, they would not be downcast.

Anyway, the current Daming is already very corrupt.

However, for Wen Rensheng, there are still 5% outstanding people in this rotten Ming Dynasty.

It's just that no one is organizing these people together.

If these 5% of people can be organized together, they will definitely become very powerful.

The population of Ming Dynasty is between 100 million and 200 million.

5% is 5 to 10 million.

The rise of the Manchu Qing Dynasty was only based on 60,000 soldiers and 200,000 Dingkou.

In the middle, the savage Jurchens were constantly captured to make up for the loss, and at least tens of thousands of people were lost before and after.

If these 5 million people gather together, Wen Rensheng believes that they will be invincible.

Just relying on the most traditional and backward thoughts of loyalty and filial piety is enough to crush everything.

How does the question bring these people together?

Then we have to develop ancient logistics.

But the transportation in ancient times was too poor, and the only good transportation was water network transportation.

For example, why spend a lot of money to open the canal?

The cost of land transportation is more than 20 times that of water transportation.

To transport grain, a cart needs two mules and a driver, and it can only pull 700 to 1,000 catties, and at most it cannot exceed 2,000 catties.

The vehicle needs to be maintained from time to time, and the wheels and other parts need to be repaired if it can't run for 100 miles.

A coachman with two mules can travel up to 60 miles a day, and it takes more than half a month to travel hundreds of miles, and he needs to eat a lot.

Similarly, an ordinary boat can carry 2,000 to 7,000 kilograms of things. It only needs 2 people, and even if it goes smoothly, 1 person can go on the boat.

Not to mention that the sea can be sailed by wind, no manpower is needed, and it is more economical.

People must eat less than mules, and the maintenance cycle of ships is much less than that of cars.

After all, one has to constantly rub, collide, and roll on the rough road; the other is to travel on a gentle waterway, as long as it doesn't touch the reef, it will be fine.

Therefore, those who enter the army and those who have waterways must go by waterway. Unless necessary, such as a surprise attack, few generals insist on going by land.

So Wen Rensheng thought of a way.

Set up maritime logistics along the coast.

Build river logistics along the river.

Don't touch Lulu.

There are too many forces involved in the land route.

In contrast, river and sea transportation is relatively less.

After all, you have to have a boat to set up a card on the water, and it has to be a better boat, which ordinary country gentry can't do.

Just like no one in later generations can set up cards in the air to collect taxes...

After the logistics is established, among the 5 million people, Wen Rensheng may gather 200,000 people.

After all, there are still many densely populated cities along the river and along the coast.

It can be said that these people are more selfish than public, they are all willing to serve until death, and they are all willing to save Daming.

Even if Daming sucks, they are still willing.

In the final analysis, it is the loyalty and filial piety that have been practiced for many years, which has penetrated into their hearts.

There are still quite a few people loyal to Ming Dynasty, such as Lu Xiangsheng, Hong Chengchou, and certain generations of generals. What about the You family, the Ma family...

He family.


Those generals, although they drank the blood of soldiers, they were still willing to fight to the death to save Daming.

It's a pity that they can't concentrate, they can only be implicated by those trash, dragged down on the battlefield, and lead to collapse together.

As a result, the overall situation seems to be a lot, but when it comes to the battlefield, it is more with less.

After finishing this matter, Wen Rensheng left the governor's mansion.

He went to find a shop to take refuge in himself.

What kind of shop are you going to do?

One is a blacksmith's shop, the second is a carpenter's shop, and the third is a cloth shop.

These are all related to shipbuilding.

Of course, he is still in the northwest, and sooner or later he will transfer to the southeast.

The southeast water network is the best place for the development of the logistics industry.

Because he can't use leap-forward advanced technology, it can only be integrated.

And integration is the use of prior technology combined together.

He ordered Xie Changgeng to look for him.

Soon, seven or eight families were found who were willing to take refuge.

In fact, many merchants have nowhere to go.

Where do they have a way to get under the governor's door?

Even officials like county magistrates and master bookmakers cannot be trusted.

They are struggling to survive, coping with the oppression of government servants and various gangsters, and one day they will be slaughtered as fat sheep.

Those businesses that made a lot of money were opened by officials with backgrounds, nobles, eunuchs, and vassal kings.

Such as salt, such as silk, tea, raw silk, cash drawers, etc...

There is no need to find another backer from the beginning.

Wen Rensheng asked these people to take refuge in his name and gave them the post.

If something goes wrong, take the post to the concierge.

Now he is a scholar and a celebrity in Futai.

He didn't touch the cakes of those big merchants.

It's just to find some small shrimps to be their backers.

The general bureaucrats will still give this face.

It's a big deal to eat others.

Anyway, businesses are like weeds, which are cut this year and will grow again next year.

They naturally don't care, what a terrible thing will grow out in the end.

Thirteen large and small shops were affiliated successively. The highest cost was Xie Changgeng's 20,000 taels, and the lowest was only 200 taels.

A total of 50,000 taels of business capital.

He is an aide with a background in Futai, and he can still cover it.

As for why the other staff didn't do this, it was too much trouble.

They don't want to support others every day, what they want is easy money.

For example, if you eat dry stocks, you don’t have to worry about everything.

However, they forgot that in that case, they would be unpopular and unpopular.

When Wenren was promoted to enrich the store and integrate the store's talents, Governor Wang's actions also began.

Clear the fields.

In just half a month, they cleared 20,000 mu of land from the eunuchs of the palace.

It also exceeded Governor Wang's expectations.

This is all official land occupied.

That is to say, it was originally the land of the government. The properties of the land in the Ming Dynasty are very complicated. There are civilian fields, official fields, imperial estates, military fields, vassal-owned lands, and eunuchs occupying land.

There is a lot of land that is very fertile.

If the town has an extra 20,000 mu of official farmland, it can produce 80,000 shi of fine grain a year.

The reason is simple, those lands are along rivers, with canals and even waterwheels.

A good place is worthy of the eunuch's efforts.

Guaranteed harvest from drought and flood is not empty talk.

Even with a little more effort and more refined management, there is no need for any leading technology. As long as the things mentioned in the agricultural books of this era are used, one stone can be produced per mu, that is, an extra 20,000 stone can be produced.

In fact, the spread of agricultural technology is extremely slow.

Even if there are agricultural books, most people are illiterate, and scholars disdain to learn miscellaneous learning, so they devote their energy to the stereotyped classics of the imperial examination.

As a result, the hard-earned technology cannot be spread and cannot promote social progress.

The harm of a Confucian family is no greater than this.

Although a few Confucian scholars also realize the importance of miscellaneous learning, it is difficult to change the mentality of everyone.

After clearing 20,000 mu, Governor Wang announced that it would stop.

This also brought an abrupt end to the undercurrent that was about to move.

Anyway, it was the end of the two eunuchs who were pocketed, and the feudal lord did not have an advantage over the governor.

What's more, the governor has increased the cost of the court.

The emperor will only be happy when he sees it.

As for the theory of "kissing", in the face of 80,000 shi of grain, which is about 40,000 taels of silver, even if half of it is given to the tenant farmers, there are still 20,000 taels. What are two eunuchs?

It is impossible for the emperor to dismiss one of the governors for this matter, he will only praise the other party for doing things well.

Unless the opponent provokes a greater force and troubles the emperor, the governor will be unlucky.

For example, Xue Guoguan in the later period of Chongzhen, this old man was very brave, and proposed that "the loans of the officials and officials abroad shall be borne by us; the loans of the emperor's relatives and relatives inside must be decided by the emperor."

Obviously it was for the sake of the court, but Xungui took advantage of the prince's illness to spread rumors and counterattacked. Chongzhen himself did not take responsibility, feared and flinched, but secretly hated this old man, and finally killed him while someone was impeaching him.

You must know that the other party is the old minister of the pavilion. Since Xia Yan was killed, he is the second minister to be killed.

There are many such things, no wonder Li Zicheng attacked BJ in the end, no one defended, no ministers resisted, 90% directly knelt down and surrendered.

Chongzhen had nowhere to escape, so he could hang himself.

deserve it.

I don't know what is good or bad, I have no responsibility, and I don't know who is for the country.

Even though this dude has personal issues, he has good intentions and good intentions.

So Wen Rensheng would not serve this man.

Of course he will only work for himself.

A brother is right, relying on mountains to fall, relying on rivers to dry up, only relying on oneself.

Jurchen can conquer the world, and there are many conspiracies and tricks, but the core is still the core of 20,000 armored men, 3,000 Baiyala, and 1,500 Gebushxian.

Their advantage is the formation of infantry, the two wings of the cavalry, fighting after the formation, using a powerful infantry bow, and the heavy armored infantry, attacking in formation, attacking the enemy's wavering, and then outflanking the enemy with the two wings of the cavalry.

In the end the enemy retreated and slaughtered with cavalry.

Every time you win a big victory, you will wipe out the enemy completely. If you lose, you will be defeated by a small one. With the cavalry in the formation, you can retreat most of them calmly.

It is equivalent to retaining the core strength and continuously increasing experience when playing games.

Many Bai Yala are veterans of more than 20 years, and the top three never die, fighting non-stop.

When going into battle, you can line up on your own initiative, discover the enemy's gaps, and shake the enemy's morale.

Throwing, shooting, hand-to-hand combat, physical fitness, and endurance skills are all full.

They usually enjoy the highest treatment, and they are not involved in internal fighting, and they have been fighting professionally.

Wen Rensheng also wanted to build his own core force.

Then we must engage in dimensionality reduction strikes.

Use sea and river transportation to establish a large-scale logistics system to establish superior arms, which can crush opponents.

Using a boat as a rider, the loser boards the boat and flees, and the winner captures the city.

The most regrettable thing is Zheng Chenggong, who died at the age of 39. Although he suffered a disastrous defeat in Yingtianxia, ​​he was still able to continue to recover later because he had a strategic advantage.

His navy is absolutely powerful and has absolute superiority at sea.

He made a successful comeback.

It was not until the Kangxi period that the Qing Dynasty could defeat the already declining Zheng family navy. At that time, Zheng Chenggong had been dead for 20 years.

At that time, the Zheng family was in chaos, and there was really no way to fight.

Another key point is his father, Zheng Zhilong, after all, he was only from a sea merchant, not from an ethnic group, and he didn't have a clear goal, which led to the good situation being given away.

Zheng Chenggong saw the recovery of Taiwan and used it as a base, and his strategic vision was more than ten times stronger than his father's.

The reputation of later generations is even stronger by a thousand times.

After Wen Rensheng determined his own development direction, he began to continue to support Governor Wang, while looking for a governor in the south of the Yangtze River.

That is the governor of Jianfu.

It is most suitable for him to seek refuge.

It is best for Governor Wang to change.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng felt that time was running out.

On this day, he went to find Governor Wang.

"Master Futai, do you want to make great achievements in restoring the land?" He asked directly.

"Oh, don't provoke yourself, the emperor will only be angry." Governor Wang has just cleared the fields and received an award. He is expected to become a governor in the future, or return to Beijing to serve as the head of one of the six departments. Of course, he doesn't want to make big troubles.

Wen Rensheng also noticed that this is the disadvantage of many Ming bureaucrats.

Once you have achieved something, you don't want to move on.

They tend to enjoy leisurely life rather than hard work.

Governor Wang still wanted to do something, so he found a soft persimmon and squeezed it.

It was almost a pain in the ass, but luckily he drove that Wu Xun away in advance.

Otherwise, the problem will be troublesome.

"What my nephew is talking about is not this place, but the governor of a place in the southeast. There are red-haired people occupying our island, but they have not recovered for a long time. According to my observation, the red-haired people are too few. We just need to besiege them with small boats. , the red-haired man will inevitably retreat, such a great effort in restoring the land is enough to be worthy of a book." Wen Rensheng said directly.

Governor Wang was moved.

"Even if it fails, it's a good thing to stay away from this bitter cold and dangerous place in the northwest." Wen Rensheng continued.

Governor Wang fully understood.

He decided to do it. UU Reading

So he began to mobilize the power in Beijing, adding the credit he had made before.

So one month later, he was successfully transferred to governor of Jianfu.

And Wen Rensheng naturally accompanied him.

When he was accompanying him, he ordered the thirteen merchants who took refuge in him to pack their families, old and young, and set out on the road together.

Some people naturally don't want to.

If you don't want to break the house, don't follow.

Wen Rensheng won't be used to them.

Since you rely on yourself, how can there be such a simple good thing?

He wants to use military law to manage businesses that rely on him.

Just like the Qing Dynasty, it was only by relying on the brutal and cruel military law, coupled with being able to eat and take captives, that it maintained a team of armored men with combat effectiveness.

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