MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2090 Kowtow 9 times

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Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2090 Kowtow Nine Times

When Xun Yu left, Lu Zhi thought about it for a long time before going to sleep.

Early the next morning, he went to the four-character school in T-size.

Scholars, farmers, businessmen.

He thought that the official name was the most popular, but no, it was the agricultural name.

Farmers have the most people.

The business word is next.

Work third.

Shi word actually ranked last.

Shouldn't it be?

Those who rule people are always on top, no matter how it changes, as long as it is still coordinating manpower and coordinating the collection and dispatch of money and rice, it is the best position.

Because the chef will never starve himself unless there is no rice for the pot.

However, here, Shizi School has the least number of people.

Then he realized that it wasn't that people didn't want to go in, but that the qualification requirements were too high.

"A test every month, a competition every six months, and a competition every year."

"The laggards are eliminated."

This is the system Wen Rensheng created.

The difficulty is comparable to that of subject three, and many high-achieving students claim that subject three is more difficult than the college entrance examination.

Because the level of the college entrance examination is determined before the exam, even if you perform abnormally, as long as you are not seriously ill, you are basically at a level of 90%-80%, and you will not be far behind.

But for subject three, you have prepared 100% for it. If you have a psychological fluctuation and one is unlucky, you will die.

Have to start all over again.

Luckily, you can keep taking exams, and the time cost is much less than that of the college entrance examination.

But for busy adults, it is not small, the key is to torture people.

Many people can't fall asleep before the exam, and they repeatedly simulate in their minds.

And this is exactly the case with the examination of the word class.

Each rule, each process, let you memorize it thoroughly.

Wen Rensheng knows that compared with later generations, this era lacks the influence of a lot of modern concepts, so he uses the mechanical learning method, plus the unified product polishing method.

I have polished one person after another into officials who can only operate and respond according to a fixed process. When encountering something, I should go through the process immediately, and I only have this set in mind.

I don't know how to work around, and I don't need to work around.

It is the minority management that is flexible.

The people who are mainly monitored are also a small number of people.

Thus saving costs.

"Any transfer of money and rice must have a plan, which must be submitted first, then approved, and finally transferred. Those who deal with the transfer must not touch the real thing."

"Those who touch the real thing cannot see the text, and the two do not touch each other."

"Everything depends on the distribution of documents, and the distribution of secret notes."

"Seventy percent of money and rice are stored in private treasuries, and 30 percent are in government treasuries."

"Private treasury bears unlimited liability. The manager of the official treasury and his family members within three generations are jointly and severally liable. Those involved in the investigation must pay compensation."

Seeing this, Lu Zhi noticed these regulations, couldn't help sighing, and then asked the teacher who was leading the students to recite the regulations: "This elder, everyone has selfish intentions. Zhi once served as a local official, the local treasury, Most of them are short-lived, and there are rice on the books, but there are rats in the warehouse, can they be restrained by these regulations alone?"

The elder teacher sighed: "Master Ming is too polite. Master Taihang Mountain people also said that this is an eternal problem, which can only be alleviated, not cured. Therefore, the private government is used to control the public, and the two are bound. Store the money and rice in the private treasury , no matter how greedy a private person is, in the end there is still a place to be held accountable.”

"In case someone goes boating..." Lu Zhi shook his head.

Yes, going overseas these days is death.

"We can only subdivide as much as possible, divide into small, divide into many, and disperse. Although it will bring about a decrease in efficiency and slow technological updates, there is no way."

When Lu Zhi heard this method, he nodded first, then shook his head.

But it's better.

But the good is limited.

In fact, Wen Rensheng certainly has a solution, but that will take a long time.

Then the teacher asked the students to recite it by themselves.

The two of them just discussed, discussing the places involved in various regulations.

Lu Zhi has too many years of experience as an official.

This is where his most valuable value lies.

He directly reflects the management system of this era.

How to prevent managers from stretching out their hands on the rice of management.

"Maybe it's better to change it once a year?"

"For those who are interested, even one day is enough."

"It seems that it is better to be on guard from time to time."

"Only those who are thieves for a thousand days."

"Master said that there is a secret report system, and everyone can report secretly to the Supreme."

"That will only make everyone centrifugal." Lu Zhi shook his head after thinking about it.

"By the way, Master said that people should be trained to be machines, that is, objects in mechanism art, such as waterwheels, which only know that they will move when there is water, and they will not move when there is no water. .”

"This is too cruel, no wonder there are so few scholars."

"Don't be afraid, some people want to do this business."

"That's true."

Lu Zhi couldn't help feeling deeply frightened.

This Taihang Mountain native is terrified when he thinks carefully.

Then he came to the engineering school.

The mood suddenly improved a lot.

Compared with the various worrying things just now, this place is too clean and pure.

Everyone is studying all kinds of knowledge.

Many seem to be Mohist, famous, Yin-Yang...

"Small hole imaging, how to use it?"

"It can be used to make movies for people's entertainment."

"Playing things and losing one's mind."

"You are wrong. Master said that only by letting the rich play wildly can wealth circulate, and geniuses among the common people can be cultivated with food. It is difficult to expect too many geniuses to be born with the very small base of the rich."

"That's right, the rich live to be 80 or 70 years old, so much wealth can't be spent. We should try our best to develop the skills of having fun and spend their wealth. This is good for them and good for us."

"That's right, this can help the poor earn money legitimately."

When Lu Zhi heard this, his eyes were wide open.

A small hole imaging, a small skill that Confucian disciples have always dismissed, actually hides behind it the avenue of "equalizing the rich and the poor, and the world is in harmony".

For a while, Lu Zhi couldn't help feeling ashamed that he had been obsessed with Confucian classics.

No wonder the emperor did not adopt his suggestion.

Except for a few of those suggestions, most of them not only failed to solve the problem, but also made the emperor a fool.

For example, let the emperor disperse his private wealth. The emperor has no money. If there is another rebellion, who will pay for it?

If the emperor goes out of the world, he will be gone, and the emperor will come out sooner or later.

But if the ministers don't come out, the world is gone, and they can continue to be ministers.

Obviously, the ministers will definitely not pay, at least not more.

He, Lu Zhi, was born in a poor family and was the ancestor of Fan Yang's Lu family. He was indifferent to fame and fortune all his life.

I don't care about money, but others don't think so.

Future generations will not think so.

"There should be a unified weight and measure."

"Didn't Emperor Qin do it?"

"He did it before, and the emperor of the Han Dynasty did it again, and he didn't make it precise, and he didn't fully promote it. Once a person dies, it's over. I really think that the world is so big. The next emperor's edict, the people the next day Learn how to use it?"

"That's right. Up to now, there are still many different units for measuring meters. Different units are used in different places, at different times, and even between different tycoons."

Lu Zhi nodded, this is the difference between reality and history books.

The history books say "Qin Huang unified weights and measures", but the standard of Qin Huang unified weights and measures is based on a certain part of himself.

Like a foot or something.

No founding emperor was willing to use the standards of the previous emperors to measure himself, so he would use himself as the new standard, and the weights and measures of different dynasties would be different.

This is the crime of the damned feudal emperor.

Only for one's own selfishness, regardless of the interests of the world.

He has a face, and the whole world will be tortured, so that the catties, sizes, weights of the Qin and Han dynasties... are completely different.

Lu Zhi was surprised to find that such a rebellious concept appeared in his mind.

You must know that he never dared to think of such a thing before.

It is common sense that the emperor is sacred, just like water is drinkable.

He then heard the students discuss what to look for as a unit of measure.

Some people say, use our master's.

Some people despised, you are insulting the master, you are comparing the master to a vulgar emperor.

Oh my god, these students have only studied in the school for a few months. For a year, they even regarded the emperor as vulgar.

How did he know that in later generations there will be a devil king like Li Kui, who will kill the emperor bird and let my brother Song Jiang take the throne.

"Then we have to find an eternal quantity, no matter when and where it is measured, it is fixed." A student suddenly said.

Lu Zhi looked at the student and couldn't help being shocked.

There are so many talents in the world.

I usually can't think of this.

And when I was only a teenager, I thought of it.

"What is eternal?"

"The sun, the moon, Mount Tai, Taihang Wangwu Mountain, these things will not change. If one part of the mountain is used as the unit of length, it can be guaranteed to remain unchanged."

"The mountain will also change, the wind blows and the rain hits."

"Then measure the length by how far we are from the sun."

"Too hard to measure."

When Lu Zhi heard these things, he only felt that the science of engineering was broad and profound, far greater than the so-called Confucianism.

And for 50 years of my life, I just went around in those few books of the Four Books and Five Classics, thinking that it covers the way of the world, which is really ridiculous.

Can that thing increase the grain by a catty?

Can you save one of the people from starving to death?

Can it make the land more fertile?

Lu Zhi went from one extreme to another in no time.

But when he heard about Shang Xuetang, he understood the role of Confucianism.

"We must first learn the Four Books and Five Classics for those barbarians, so that they understand the principles of life before they can do business!" said a businessman.

He never expected that the businessmen whom Confucianism despised the most liked the Confucian classics the most.

"Yes, some savages are simple and honest, they give more and take less, and some just suffer if they don't get the advantage."

"Both of these are not good for us. Because the former is easily satisfied and unwilling to roll up and work."

"You have to give them Confucian classics, and then let them understand what it means. If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening."

"It means that if you listen to our Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening and leave the land to us." Someone joked.

Lu Zhi also smiled, but couldn't stop laughing.

Because he found that many people did not laugh.

"The Confucian classics are the most suitable thing for us to develop a business environment. Of course, I mean the five points of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust, not the father and son of monarchs and ministers."

"Yes, if you don't pay attention to benevolence and righteousness, you will be oppressed too much and attract resistance. If you don't pay attention to etiquette, you will reduce consumption. If you don't pay attention to credit, everyone will not be able to collect money."

Lu Zhi nodded.

He suddenly felt relieved.

It seems that the Confucian classics I have studied are of great benefit.

At least it is unique in making people work hard.

Then he came to the agricultural school again.

There are the most people here.

Because there is no threshold, everyone can learn farming.

There are no tall buildings these days.

They all live in bungalows. Vegetables can be grown behind the house, saving a lot of productivity.

After all, long-distance transportation of vegetables is too difficult.

And people do not eat vegetables, it is easy to cause various diseases.

"Growing vegetables requires attention to solar terms, soil strength, and temperature. The best thing is a family greenhouse. It is used in winter. How should the greenhouse be done?"

"Do it with glass."

"Now there are only glazed greenhouses, which are quite expensive, but it will not be expensive if we produce more in the future."

"Why can glass keep the temperature? This is what the engineering school learned, we just need to know."

"Cover it with straw, open it during the day, and close it at night. It takes a lot of effort. But in winter, there are vegetables to eat, and they can also be sold to the rich for a variety of novel vegetables. With a small amount of land, such as a half-acre greenhouse, you can In exchange for 20 mu of food from the rich, your family will not starve to death."

"And serving this kind of greenhouse vegetables is very tiring. The rich will never do it, and it is difficult for servants to do it. They will only leave this opportunity to the poor."

When Lu Zhi heard this, he found out again that the people of Taihang Mountain had really worked hard and thought hard in order to gently take food from the rich and participate in the exchange.

This Dao sage is also.

above the saints.

He couldn't help but sincerely agree.

That's right, just like Wang Mang, it's easy to say that each person will share 100 mu of land equally, but who can listen to him?

Besides, how many years can it last?

But half an acre of land is always easy to maintain.

And if it doesn't work, the burden of renting half an mu of land is always lower than renting 20 mu.

All kinds of technological improvements can really make people rich.

From the treasury of powerful landlords, food, coins, ironware, cloth, medicine... can be exchanged.

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After all, Lu Zhi is a great Confucian and a famous official. This IQ and aptitude, in later generations, will be understood by elementary school students, mastered by practice, and the existence of Olympic seedlings.

And these don't involve complex laws of nature and formulas.

Of course he understands.

Listening and listening, he just felt happy all over.

It's like the whole person is several years younger.

Because he turned from worry to hope.

He felt like he could save the world.

And the people in the village, what they ate and used, also proved this point.

There are also rich people in the village, such as Xun or those sons of scholars.

They also buy a lot of things every day, such as fine wine, paper and pen, calligraphy and painting, beautiful utensils, porcelain, beautiful clothes... He used to think that this was luxury, waste, and unworthy.

Now he feels that this is precisely helping the poor.

If they want to buy these things, they must spend money. UU reading

Where does the money come from?

from home.

Where did the money come from at home?

The produce of the land in the seller.

The family land was merged with ordinary people.

The common people have no land, but they can sell their labor to brew fine wine.

Suddenly, he cursed:

"Damn manor Hao Qiang, Wu Bao, you really are the biggest pests!"

Because he thought that if these tyrants were still closed and self-sufficient, they would not need to consume these things from the market, and would not sell the grain in the manor.

In that case, there will always be no food in the market.

The common people outside have no heart and energy to work hard, but they don't know what to do in exchange for food.

At this time, Lu Zhi was still alone and had no family, so he would not consider the interests of the family.

Before his death, he was also buried in a single suit, with impeccable personal integrity.

He suddenly and completely understood the core of Taihang Mountain people's lectures.

After understanding, he heavily kowtowed nine times in the direction of the school where Wen Rensheng was.

Nine knocks and nine strikes.

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