MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2088 Lu Zhi came to attend the class

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Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2088 Lu Zhi Comes to the Lecture

However, Huangfusong just remained indifferent.

Lu Zhi had no choice but to get up and leave.

In fact, he already knew that he was doing useless work.

Huangfusong is such a person who strictly abides by the operating procedures of the court.

When there is an edict, he will send troops and do his best to fight a good battle.

Without an edict, even if they had the most elite Northern Army in their hands, they would not use them to do anything more.

He is Huangfusong, a rare classic professional military officer in ancient dynasties.

He never relied on the military power in his hands to send troops to do things on his own. He only looked at edicts, seals, tiger charms, and angels.

No matter who is in power, whether it is good or bad, I will send troops if you issue an edict through the Secretary of the Shangshu.

His personality is destined to rise in troubled times, and it is impossible for him to rise.

Just like when Dong Zhuo was in chaos, someone advised Huangfusong to take an army of 30,000 to fight Dong Zhuo.

As a result, Huangfu Song refused, and went to Luoyang alone under the imperial edict.

Immediately afterwards, Dong Zhuo used an imperial edict to lift his military power, and then he was imprisoned and almost killed. Fortunately, a son pleaded for mercy.

If this matter is placed on Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, it will definitely have two results.

As a result, a very strange scene appeared in the land of Jizhou.

It is clear that Rensheng is there to cultivate and prepare for war, recruiting soldiers and bravery.

Huangfusong just wrote a letter, one is that Jizhou is dilapidated, and asks for a one-year tax reduction, and the other is that the Taihang Mountain people may cause chaos.

But he just didn't take the initiative to send troops, he just had to wait for the imperial edict.

His anti-insurgency army, more than 30,000 elite soldiers, was stationed somewhere east of Taihang, but he was indifferent to it.

Huangfusong's movements were naturally taken into consideration by Wen Rensheng, like reporting three times a day.

On this day, he preached to the students: "If you are a general, you are as righteous as the emperor, even if you change the king every ten years, it will not cause bloodshed."

All the students nodded.

Wen Rensheng said again: "Which of you can analyze Huangfusong's real psychology and his personal character. After analyzing it, we can cultivate such talents in a targeted manner."

At this time, Xun Chen said, "In fact, Huangfusong is good at being wise and protecting himself, but it's just that in today's troubled times, he still holds on to his old ideas."

"He only knows that as long as he follows the rules of the court, no one will have personal enmity with him. He only knows that as long as he acts according to the rules, he will have a place for anyone who comes to power."

"Many people who held military power before, such as Zhou Yafu and Huo Guang, were defeated by this. I think he must be very vigilant about this."

"No, I agree with everything else you said. It is enough to say that Huangfu Yizhen is wise and wise. He has also written to the emperor many times to open the ban and impeach eunuchs. He offended many people for this. He just did what he should do. He will do his best to do things that are within his duties, and he will not do things outside of his duties, even if he has the ability to do them, such as sending troops without permission." Xun Or shook his head.

Wen Rensheng smiled.

In fact, his school system is to train a large number of people like Huang Fusong.

You don't need to care about how the court changes, just do your own things well, do it step by step, and finally get a result.

If there is a problem, just deal with it according to the rules.

If everyone is like Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao, who wants to interfere with the choice of the monarch when he has military power, the world will never be stable.

He admired Huangfusong very much.

Only people with this kind of philosophy can change the situation of Wufu ruling the country, and it will not cause the shame of Jingkang.

Of course Huangfusong didn't know that he just saved his own life by doing so.

If he really dares to attack, then he will soon understand what crushing is.

He knew very little about Taihang Mountain, but Wen Rensheng knew him from the beginning to the end.

At this time, everyone was also thinking about how to cultivate talents like Huangfusong in batches.

After all, Huangfusong may be an exception, and what they need to do is to use a system to train these people in batches.

Soon Guo Jia said: "Master, it is impossible for us to cultivate one Huangfusong, but we can cultivate three people to form a Huangfusong."

"Divide the power of affairs, financial power, training and deployment of troops, so that unless the three of them rebel at the same time, it is impossible to rebel."

Wen Rensheng nodded.

In the Qin society, it was difficult for losers in the court to end up other than death (or lifelong house arrest).

He wants to change that.

Only in this way can the participants give up the motivation to use force to participate in the competition.

Just like Cao Shuang, he just believed in Sima Yi's Luoshui oath that he would be treated like a rich man, and then gave up fighting with force.

The result was that Sima Yi was not a son of man, directly broke his oath, and killed Cao Shuang's family.

As a result, several important ministers who served as guarantors were so ashamed that they committed suicide.

Sima Yi's great evil became poisonous until later, so that in court disputes, everyone would fight to the death.

This is also the disadvantage of the place where Gu is raised: there is nowhere to go, and I can only fight in a bottle. I am most at ease when you are dead.

Exile outside will not have so many worries.

"In this way, the efficiency will be terribly low. Every time we march and fight, we have to ask for food and grass, and argue with logistics and personnel. It is not suitable for this troubled world." Xun Chen shook his head.

Wen Rensheng also smiled.

They are all very good, but they forgot one thing.

The most important thing is to open up the wisdom of the people, so that soldiers are also educated and understand what they are fighting for.

In this way, when a traitor seeks the throne, no matter how many confidants he wins over, if the core and most bottom-level soldiers do not believe his words and are unwilling to do anything, he will not be able to succeed.

This is the root of everything.

Why do those with military power rebel more in feudal society than in modern times?

Because the leader of the feudal society is to listen to whoever feeds him. Many people only know that they are going to rebel when they hit the imperial city, and they are shocked.

But it has come, so it can only continue to rebel.

Modern times are different. All soldiers are educated and can understand the current situation.

Although it is impossible for them to understand too many strategies and tactics, at least they know that they cannot interfere with the election of the king.

The concept of common consciousness is established from top to bottom, and everything can be done easily.


at the same time.

Lu Zhi, who failed to persuade Huangfusong, left the army with his disciples in an ox cart.

In fact, he was originally imprisoned because he offended the **** when he attacked the Yellow Turban, but because of Wen Rensheng's sudden rise to the army, he didn't have this experience, but he also lost his military power and was demoted to a commoner.

There is another thing that he didn't tell Huangfusong, that is, he also felt that the way of the Taihang Mountain people might solve the real problem of the big man.

The friendship between Huangfusong and him is very good, or Huangfusong is very upright, after pacifying the Jizhou Yellow Turban, he said that all the credit was done by him before.

This is military merit, it was too late for others to **** it, so Huangfusong gave it away directly.

This allowed Lu Zhi in history to be restored to his original post.

If Huangfusong really wanted to send troops to fight, he felt that the opponent might not be able to win the fight.

He thought for a while, and instead of returning to his hometown, he walked towards Taihang Mountain.

Know yourself and your enemy.

You have to know the enemy before you can be targeted.

He only learned from the mouths of businessmen and scholars that people in Taihang Mountains advocate: "The king wants the people to choose."

This is clearly rebellion.

Of course, at the end of the Han Dynasty, there were countless gentry and powerful families who wanted to change the emperor.

There was Huo Guang before.

Later there were Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shao.

This is all brilliant.

In comparison, the words of the Taihang Mountain people are just a step further.

"It's just how to ensure that a wise king can be selected? Can only one wise king solve the problem?"

After thinking of this, Lu Zhi, in his forties, came to the Taihang Mountains with full loyalty to the big man and sorrow.

He was born in 139 and died in 192. Now it is 185. He naturally doesn't know that he has a few years to live.

He was disappointed and confused before, and just wanted to go back to hermitage. Now that he has people from Taihang Mountains, he wants to fight for another 20 years.

When he came to the mountain with his disciples driving an ox cart, he heard that he came to listen to lectures, and registered step by step on the opposite side, and distributed food books.

"This is for temporary use. If you settle down, it will be given to you permanently. This is a basic food subsidy for listening to lectures. It does not cost money, but it needs to be assessed. After three assessments, you will have to spend money to buy it." The registration officer said.

This is new.

With the increase in food, it became a rule to subsidize the lecturers.

This is very common in later generations, because it takes too much time for a laborer to go to school, especially these days, children at the age of five can go to the fields, pull weeds, and pick up wheat to do a lot of work.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources and switch, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

Only subsidies can make parents send them one after another.

If you still want to charge tuition fees, only a few knowledgeable parents will be willing. Most of them are vulgar and would rather let their children work at home.

Bai Luzhi was shocked when he heard this.

Although there is also a subsidy for going to Luoyang to attend lectures, it is the orthodoxy of the court.

And the other party is only a separate territory, and it is very scary that they can do this kind of thing.

Then someone took them into the lecture place.

They came to a hut on a large hillside.

"When you first come, go to the T-shaped class first. It is divided into four categories: scholars, farmers, businessmen, and you can just go in and listen without disturbing others." The leader pointed to the bottom house with wooden slips hanging on it.

Lu Zhi nodded, and quickly chose a room to enter.

He entered quietly through the back door, and his disciples followed quietly.

Nobody cares about their entry.

It's like no one knows that he is a great Confucian in China.

At this time, there was a high platform in front of the room, and on the high platform, two children were arguing.

The child is only about ten years old.

"Last week's homework, how to ensure that the court does things for the people, my idea is this, I have to pass the exam strictly, I almost dragged out and beheaded..." Child A said so.

Hearing this, Lu Zhi was shocked.

Here, the two boys can discuss the imperial court?

And they don't seem to have any fear of the court at all.

Nothing like those folk kids cringe.

Child B said: "Your method is wrong. The officials should be elected by the people. In this way, in order to keep their positions, the officials will try their best to please the people. Just like every time I want to eat candied haws, I have to please my father."

Lu Zhi was shocked when he heard this.

He felt like Confucius met the two children to distinguish the sun.

Even the sage Confucius knew nothing about the distance between the sun and the earth.

But these two children can speak clearly and logically.

He remembered the eight books he had written to His Majesty before:

Yongliang: let the prefectures and counties approve the virtuous and appoint them as they please.

Yuanjin, imperial guard, preparation for bandits, body repair, respect for Yao, royal servants, scattered benefits.

It also includes the performance appraisal of officials.

However, this cannot be carried out, and His Majesty has not adopted it.

But now the two children are discussing this issue in depth.

At this time, Xiaoer A said contemptuously: "If you use the people to push the officials, the people are ignorant and only look at the eyes. Even if they are civilized, they only pay attention to work and food. In order to become officials, they will compete to please these people. Today you say you choose I will give you five hundred coins, and tomorrow he will say, choose me to give you one thousand."

"As for where the money comes from, it's still the imperial court's money, the imperial court's reserves. They won't worry about what will happen to them in the future. After all, everyone can only be an official for ten years, and they will just take it and leave."

Lu Zhi nodded.

This makes sense.

The current nuclear promotion of virtuous and virtuous people is based on reputation, isn't it just that some people are concocting all kinds of rumors about filial sons?

Some of them sounded too brutal to him.

Buried his son to be filial to his mother, abandoned his own son, and took his nephew on the road.

If it is recommended by ordinary people, whoever promises the most will get the most support.

At this time, Child B said: "In this case, you can take a step back and appoint the superior, but the promotion and punishment will be determined by the voice of the people."

Child A still shook his head and said, "It's still not right, because there are long things to do and short things to do. When I was in office, I didn't collect taxes and borrowed money to give alms; when you were in office, you spent 9 years collecting labor and building water projects. Who do you think the people will say is good?"

Lu Zhi was taken aback.

He couldn't help getting up and said: "I never thought that although you are still young, you can speak so profoundly?"

At this time, the two children laughed together and said: "Mr., you are late. If you listen to our ancestor's lectures more, you will know that what we are talking about is the most superficial thing."

Lu Zhi nodded modestly.

He is a great Confucian.

The kind of true Confucianism.

Open-minded and eager to learn.

Don't be ashamed to ask, this word is not good, what is up and what is down?

The four words "don't be ashamed to ask" embodies the ridiculousness of superiority and inferiority.

The so-called great Confucians, it is difficult to say that great Confucians are good at governing the country, the gap between strength and weakness is too great, but they are indeed top-notch in terms of personal cultivation. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

"I wonder when your patriarch will give lectures?" Lu Zhi asked.

"You have to be promoted to a higher school, level A, B, C, D, and finally promoted to a school named A, where you will be able to hear the lectures of the ancestors."

"There are assessments every ten days, and if you pass the assessment, you will naturally pass."

"This assessment is the homework. How to ensure that officials work for the people?"

Lu Zhi thought for a while, then took out the bamboo slips and wrote them with a brush.

"Be a man before doing things, and cultivate your mind before you cultivate your body. When people are upright, things are upright, and when people stand up, things will stand up."

He then elaborated on a set of Confucian norms.

This problem can be solved by letting people cultivate their hearts and minds to become a gentleman first, and then let the gentleman become an official.

People today find it ridiculous, but for more than two thousand years, people in this land have thought so.

The best way to hit a person is to hit his character. Once his character is bad, no amount of merit will work.

For example, Li Shimin, the word "killing brothers" made him spend countless energy to settle it.

Then he put the article he wrote on the high platform.

After child A saw it, he immediately shook his head and said, "It stinks, the smell is unbearable."

After child B saw it, he also shook his head and said, "It's a mess, it's a mess."

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