MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 12 Seeds of Narration

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"The gear of fate is turning again, and the girl is caught in a difficult choice."

"Do you stay behind and criticize others with peace of mind; or do you rush forward and become the object of criticism?"

"The girl once again came to the gate of fate, and this time, no one can give her any guidance, because the only one who can guide her is her true heart."

"A girl in confusion, see your true heart, noble or humble, brave or cowardly, resolute or hesitant... All will be decided at this moment of fate."

"Remember, you have no chance to delay. When you miss this choice, it will never come to you again."

Zhao Han looks weird, this **** alien is talking nonsense to me again, narrator seed, you come out, I promise not to kill you...

Thought so, but she made a decision quickly.

Alien types should still be hidden as much as possible, but because of hiding, they should not give up chasing the evil, stop the danger, and save the innocent.

If he is the kind of fly that only "buzzes" on the hero's corpse, this alien species can't be activated by itself, because it is aloof and cannot tolerate the slightest humility.

It only favors the minds among human beings who have the potential to reach some kind of highest point.

After Zhao Han wanted to understand, his temperament changed, as if he had some kind of enlightenment in an instant.

"Sister Yunshuang, Sister Wu, there should be a list of suspects from the inspectorate now. After all, they've been following them for a month..." She pleaded.

"Oh, of course, but it is an extremely important confidential document. If you want to see the list, you must go through Teacher Wen Rensheng to get it." Xu Yunshuang seemed to have a hint of relief on her face.

"Okay, then do you have the teacher's phone number? I want to know the information of those suspects." Zhao Han said seriously.

"Okay, I gave your teacher's phone number. At this time, the teacher should not have slept." Xu Yunshuang took out her mobile phone.


Zhao Han was speechless for a while, it's only 7 o'clock, is the other party still a primary school student?

When she was a child, she read the news every day, and she was forced to go to bed at 7:30.


In the south of Dongshui City, Wen Rensheng's villa.

He was leaning on the sofa, watching local news in the lobby, and there were some fruits and vegetables in front of the coffee table.

"According to reports from front-line reporters, a sandstorm of unknown scale occurred in several countries such as Shagor in the central part of the continent, and the impact was severe. Our country has taken relevant measures. I hope the citizens will pay attention and not travel or work in the country in the near future."

"The weather is hot recently, and the extreme temperature in this city will reach 40 degrees. Please pay attention to avoid the heat, keep your mood cool, and prevent dry air from rising and excessive anger. There are many people on the Dongshui River, so please pay attention to safety."

While watching the news, Wen Rensheng received a call. After listening for a while, he nodded and said:

"Oh, hard work, I'll send you a list, remember to delete it after reading it, and don't tell anyone else."

Then he hung up the phone, swiped the phone screen, and opened the "Secret Key" app, but the color of his app was different from Xu Yunshuang's, it was dark purple, and the latter was blue-black.

After one operation, he got the current list of suspects, and when he saw the top two names, he frowned.

"Liu Jian? He really is on it."

"Liu Bo, the father of Liu Jian, a freelancer, used to be the owner of the xenogeneic species. Later, he failed the qualification examination and was deprived of the xenogeneic species, which caused sequelae and caused both legs to be disabled. The main suspect is the character, but no reliable evidence has been found."

There are some names in the back, which shows that this month, the Inspectorate has not put in less effort, and they are probably only one step away from the truth.

He thought about it for a while and sent Zhao Han a text message.

After a busy day, he looked up at the wall clock. It was already 7:30. Okay, let's take a shower and go to bed and read a book.


Zhao Han held the mobile phone and looked at the text message sent by Wen Rensheng. She remembered the other party's instructions and did not show the information to the other two people.

She was still a little embarrassed, and wanted to explain a few words to Xu Yunshuang, after all, the other party took care of her so much.

"No need to explain, the teacher did this to protect us." Xu Yunshuang smiled.

Zhao Han immediately understood that whoever gets the list may become the target of the behind-the-scenes murderer; if the list leaks, it may become a new target of suspicion.

So she embarrassed: "Those two seniors, I'll go back first."

She didn't explain why she wanted to go back, and neither of them asked.

"Would you like Shan Shan to send you?" Xu Yunshuang asked with concern.

Zhao Han looked at the expressionless Wu Shanshan, and said with a dry smile, "Uh, it's fine, I'll just take the bus and go back."

"It's not safe that way, let's go together." Xu Yunshuang stood up, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Let's go first, I want to stay and work overtime." Wu Shanshan snorted and sat down to continue sorting out the materials.

Zhao Han looked at the already darkened sky outside, and thought about the records he made during the day. There was no reason for fear, so he nodded in agreement.

The two left the club together. After going downstairs, a Mercedes-Benz was parked at the entrance of the main entrance of the building.

A woman in business attire over 30, got out of the car and greeted her in small steps.

Zhao Han was not surprised when he remembered Xu Yunshuang's identity.

But when she got into the car and revealed her current address, the woman in business attire was surprised, but didn't say much.

Xu Yunshuang smiled: "So that's the case, you and Teacher Wenren don't live too far away."

"Uh, I am staying at my uncle's house." Zhao Han admitted.

She doesn't really want people to know her true identity, but she doesn't want to hide it from the friends she just made.

"Then your uncle should be President Zhao, right?" Xu Yunshuang continued to ask.

"Yes." Zhao Han nodded, a little embarrassed, she didn't want this friend to think she was related.

Although her uncle was kind to her, she understood very well that there is no free lunch in the sky. If you always borrow the other's kindness, it will be ten times more difficult to repay it in the future.

Fortunately, Xu Yunshuang didn't ask any further questions, and changed the subject to talk about other things.

Zhao Han was a little grateful, and while responding, he looked at the other person's profile, his face was white and clean, no flaws could be seen, and there was a faint smell on his body, not that kind of perfume, silver long hair, just like in the second dimension The goddess who came out.

Really beautiful people, the bigger the world you see, the more outstanding people you can see.

She couldn't help looking at it for a while. When she swept the other side's slender neck, the car bumped slightly, her silver hair fluttered, and she seemed to see a slight scar.

But she didn't care. There were several scars on her legs and knees from running and exercising, and there was a small pit on her forehead covered by hair, and her face was a little dark. After all, reality is not a two-dimensional element. Scars are real.

The car was driving fast in the afterglow of the setting sun, and when it reached the place, it was already dark.

Finally stopped in front of a large villa, Zhao Han got out of the car, said goodbye to the two, and the car left again.

In the villa in the dark, the lights have come on.

She walked to the courtyard door, pressed her index finger on a fingerprint lock, and a side door opened.

Zhao Han looked at the villa with a complicated expression. She originally wanted to follow the path under her feet and turn to a separate wooden house on the right.

Just after walking a few steps, the phone rang. She took out the phone, and a thick voice rang.

"Is Xiaohan back? It just so happened that your aunt made dinner by herself today and came over to the restaurant to eat together."

"Okay, uncle."

She hung up the phone, thought about it for a while, rubbed her face vigorously, put on a smile, and walked towards the main body of the villa.

Pushing the door and entering the villa, she turned a few steps. She came to the dining room and saw three familiar people sitting beside a long wooden dining table—the uncle with a big belly and a warm face, and a young man with a polite and cautious face. My aunt, and the rebellious cousin who was playing with his mobile phone with his legs crossed.

There were also three male and female servants serving respectfully. At this time, there was an empty seat and a tableware beside the dining table.

She greeted several people one by one and said, "Hello, uncle and aunt."

The young woman got up quickly, bowed to her, and smiled humbly.

Mr. Zhao sat and nodded, but glared at his son who was playing on the phone next to him:

"Zhao Xu, I just know how to play. When my cousin is here, I don't know how to get up and say hello. Don't you know the manners your mother taught you?"

"Okay, daddy, our family is a nouveau riche, learn the style of a wealthy chaebol." Zhao Xu continued to play with his mobile phone, raised his head and said impatiently, revealing an ordinary face with acne.

"Xiaohan, come and sit down," Mr. Zhao greeted, ignoring his rebellious son, and asked with concern, "How is your class in the company today?"

"It's good. Everyone takes good care of me. Manager Wenren even took me to an internship, and he takes me seriously." Zhao Han replied with a smile.

"It's a good start. It seems that you can make a big improvement soon. Come, eat quickly, don't wait for the food to get cold." Mr. Zhao stretched out his hand to serve her.

"Cut," Zhao Xu put down his phone when he heard the words, and said disdainfully, "Zhao Han, I admire you sometimes, but you can't even say it with a dark face, but you can even boast..."

Zhao Han's face froze, but he didn't answer. He just sat down, lowered his head and started to eat.

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