MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 274 Little Qianji, I'm coming in!

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  The man with legs on this side has been hacked to death by Ji Que and Ning Hongyu, the husband and wife team who chop vegetables with spoons, while Chen Laoshi over there is still confronting Xue Linghua with a disgusting mentality, but he still can't stand it anymore.

  Chen Laoshi is not an ordinary peak of the natal realm of the five realms, he is only a thin line away from the great master of the moving mountain realm, in other words, there is only a membrane in between.

  But his style of play is doomed to have many hidden injuries on his body, and he is a bit old, and his physical strength cannot keep up.

  In the past, if Ji Que and Ning Hongyu fought first, he would naturally find a chance to make a difference, but this is the enemy's lair after all, he was suddenly dragged into a protracted battle, and fell into a disadvantageous situation.

   Xue Linghua, who is holding a pipa in front of him, has the strength of a mountain-moving master. If he hadn't been focusing on defense and constantly peeping, which affected Xue Linghua's mentality, he might not have survived for so long.

  But no matter how smooth and smart his style of play is, no matter how seasoned his experience is, he is really in trouble.

  The terrible sound of the pipa came towards him with sharp force, like a raging tide, and he had a feeling of suffocation.

  Especially at this time, Xue Linghua didn't care about being taken advantage of by this old man, and played the pipa herself while playing.

  A big white leg kicked out fiercely, directly hitting Chen Laoshi's face.

  Seeing that Bai Shengsheng's big feet hit him, Chen Laoshi still showed a perverted appearance on the surface, but he was crying in his heart.

   He might not be able to hit this kick.

  So at the risk of internal injury, he yelled "Tongue!"

  With a bang, Chen Laoshi opened his mouth wide open, and stuck out a tongue, which suddenly became longer and fatter, and hit Xue Linghua's foot with a snap.

   Xue Linghua's dull kick was resisted, and what made her even more angry and scalp numb was that Chen Laoshi actually used it to make a "cracking" licking sound.

  Don't look at Chen Laoshi's licking and changing, it's all a strong execution of tactics.

   Xue Linghua disgusted him, so he made the opponent unbearably disgusted, otherwise he would have no chance of winning.

  The strength in the bodies of both parties is constantly wrestling with the tongue and feet as the fulcrum.

  However, this "turning a deer into a horse" has turned his tongue into this way, which is enough for Chen Honest to drink a pot. Now it is really difficult to lick it, so that his cheeks are flushed and the veins on his forehead are exposed.

   At this time, he suddenly found two human heads stuck beside him, and he was sweating from fright.

   As a result, he soon discovered that these two heads, one is handsome and the other is extraordinarily beautiful, are not Ning Hongyu and Ji Que!

  At this moment, Ji Que observed Chen Laoshi's tongue, and couldn't help asking: "Is it possible to go so far as to turn a deer into a horse?"

  Ning Hongyu said: "It stands to reason that it can be done."

  Ji Que glanced twice, and said, "My lord, have you been a little damp lately? Your tongue is so yellow."

  Ning Hongyu replied: "It's damp heat and excessive liver fire."

  Hearing this, Chen Laoshi was about to burst into anger.

   "Ugh, uh, uh." (OS: Don't watch the show, please help!)

   While licking, he let out a strange cry.

  Ji Que asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

  Ning Hongyu was stunned and said: "It seems that he can't bear it anymore and needs help."

   "You can see this?"

   "Because His Holiness cried."

  At this time, Ji Que realized that Chen Laoshi was in tears.

   "If you want to help, you should have said earlier."

   "Uh! Uh! Uh! Uhhh!"

  The next moment, Ji Que and Ning Hongyu shot at the same time.

  Ning Hongyu slashed towards Xue Linghua's ankle, only to hear a chirping sound, as soon as her blade cut open the opponent's skin, she was staggered by the manic zhenqi.

   It can be seen that the zhenqi in Xue Linghua's body is powerful and domineering.

  It is terrifying that Venerable Honesty can stick his tongue for so long.

   Ji Que's technique was much lighter, he didn't even use a sword, he just put his hand on Xue Linghua's big toe.

  Only heard a slap, Xue Linghua's big toe penetrated into the foot immediately, just like those heads that Ji Que knocked in.

   Three pops, like lighting firecrackers.

   Xue Linghua had three more toes pierced in.

  At this time, she couldn't bear it anymore, kicked her big foot forward, turned over and floated in the air, looking like a fairy, but her right foot, which had lost four toes, was shaking slightly.

   Ji Que's hands were also shaking.

  The bones of the opponent's toes were so hard that his hands were also quite painful from the shock.

  Xue Linghua floated in the air, her waist twisted like a water snake, and said seductively: "You are so cruel, they still want you to have a baby."

   "You don't even look at how faceless you are!"

  Ning Hong murloc didn't say much harsh words, and with a wave of his hand, the demon knife in his hand turned into a bewitching red light, directly attacking Xue Linghua's face.

  Chen Laoshi just rolled his long tongue into his mouth, took a breath, and joined the gang fight queue.

   Ji Que frowned, and the sword bracelet on his wrist turned into a stream of light with a swish, and rushed out.

  When attacking Xue Linghua, Qianji Sword almost collided with Chen Laoshi's natal, because they all attacked Xue Linghua's skirt.

  Two flying swords and a demon knife turned into three cold lights of different colors. Because of the high speed, the air shattered, and gray turbulence appeared in the tail.

  If Ji Que were to describe it, it would be like three missiles roaring out.


  Xue Linghua flicked the pipa with her right hand, bringing out a string of flying blood beads.

  At the same time, a ray of clear light diffused out, rolling the blood into pieces, forming a cover to protect her in it.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Yaodao and Feijian collided with the clear light cover one after another, making a huge sound, like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening.

  The clear mask was shaking, and if there was clear water flowing on the surface, it was not broken after all.

   Chen Laoshi bit his long tongue, and when he exerted force, his body trembled involuntarily.

   Trembling with him was his natal flying sword.

  The flying sword was stuck on the surface of the clear mask, and the sword body kept trembling and piercing in, like a tadpole trying to break through the film.

  Ning Hongyu's realm is the weakest here, without any hesitation, he opened his left eye which had been closed all the time.

  The blood demon knife, which was already as bright as a blood demon, suddenly became more alluring. The temperature of the blade body rose sharply, and steaming heat came out from the part that was attached to the clear mask.

   Facing Chen Laoshi and Ning Hongyu's sudden force, Xue Linghua felt the pressure, her right hand holding the pipa tightened even more, and blood flowed profusely from her fingertips.

   With a swish, Ji Que flicked his hand, and the Qianji Sword was immediately returned to his hand, and quickly spun around his wrist.

   At a very early age, he studied how to communicate with Qian Jijian. This communication is not only about being able to follow his heart, but also about achieving a deeper integration.

  This degree of fusion is no longer limited to making Qianji Sword "obedient", but the sublimation of what I have in you, and you in me.

   "Xiao Qianji, I'm coming in!"

  Ji Que closed his eyes, and the zhenqi in his body rushed into the sword bracelet transformed by Qianji Sword like a tide, bringing out steaming heat.

   What entered together with the true energy was his mental power, and even part of his soul.

  This level of communication, to a certain extent, surpasses the harmony between men and women.


  Ji Que's vision suddenly changed.

  He found himself in the sword body, or in other words, his soul came in the Qianji sword.

  This feeling of the unity of human and sword is really mysterious, he only feels that his body has become extraordinarily light and hard, as if he is the hardest sword in the world.


  Ji Que thought about it, and the Qianji sword flew out with a swish.

   It's just that what flies out is not the whole body, but the front end, followed by the middle section, and finally the sword tail.

  The momentum of the three-stage flying sword was astonishing, and there was an extremely ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, and even the wind in the night sky was shredded by the sword body.

  With a bang, the first flying sword pierced into the clear light cover like a nail, and the cover trembled.

   Immediately afterwards, the second sword was pierced at the same location, causing a thunderous explosion.

  The clear mask cracked, and the cracks spread like a spider web. Xue Linghua was terrified, and the third flying sword came at this time!

   Crack, crack, crack!

  The cracks in the clear mask spread to the extreme at this time, and then turned into countless fragments with a bang, like broken glass.

  The weapons of the three people were no longer blocked immediately, and they rushed towards Xue Linghua.

  Chen Laoshi's natal sword arrived first, and pierced Xue Linghua's lower abdomen with a bang. After entering the body, it trembled continuously in the flesh and blood, causing Xue Linghua to scream in pain.

  The trembling of Chen Laoshi's flying sword on this side has just begun, and Ning Hongyu's demon sword on the other side has already slashed over.

  The demon knife cut through the skin and flesh, like cutting butter, and the scorching power contained in it, even Xue Linghua's domineering zhenqi could not stop it at all, and melted like ice and snow.

  But she still didn't give up, the pipa in her hand sank, and knocked away the demon knife with a bang.

  Almost at the same time, Pipa Yin entered the body following the true energy, forcing Chen Laoshi's natal flying sword out of his body.

   Before Xue Linghua had time to catch her breath, Ji Que's natal sword Qianji had arrived.

  I saw the three flying swords that collided together spinning, with brilliant sparks, they merged into one in an instant!

Xue Linghua swayed her huge body, her green hair fluttered, and the cyan liquid penetrated from her hair into her body in an instant, trying to quickly heal the injury, but at this moment, the dark blue sword light had penetrated her pupils, bringing There was a muffled sound.

  Afterwards, Qian Jijian, who was driven by Ji Que at a high speed, was flying in the air. Because of the high speed, the air was full of sword shadows and the sound of sonic booms from frictional air.

   This voice even overwhelmed Xue Linghua's painful roar.

   "Faster than me!" Chen Laoshi, whose tongue was fighting, blushed and shouted.

  Ning Hongyu opened his eyes, holding the fiery demon knife, with complicated eyes.

   After all, he was surpassed by this guy.

   At this time, the scene of flying swords to kill evil reached its climax.

   With a buzzing sound, the sky was full of sword shadows, and the Qianji Sword returned to Ji Que's right hand, turning into a short and thick weird shape.

  Yes, in the eyes of Chen Laoshi and Ning Hongyu, this thing is short, thick and weird, but in the eyes of Ji Que, it is a rather abstract pistol.

  Because of the unity of human and sword, Qianji Sword has already become his shape, but the sword also has limits, and it is not easy to become like this.

  The next moment, he got up, turned around, turned his back on Xue Linghua, and pulled the trigger with his backhand.

  With a bang, the "pistol" turned into a flying arrow and shot itself out.

  The moment the bullet collided with Xue Linghua, Xue Linghua's entire body that was still in the air exploded, as if a coloring shop had been opened, and red, black, and purple blooms would come out, as gorgeous as fireworks.

  The shower of flesh and blood poured down, and the Qianji Sword turned around and spun around Ji Que, like Bai Lian, isolating the flying flesh and blood.

   With a bang, when the rain of blood drifted away, the Qianji Sword had already turned into a sword bracelet, clasped on Ji Que's wrist, clean.

  Because of the barrier of Qianji Sword, Ji Que was quite clean, while Chen Laoshi was covered in blood.

  He looked at Ji Que, opened his mouth wide, held back for a long time, and finally choked out a sentence - "Isn't it my finale?".

  As the venerable of Jiangmolou, a senior with rich experience who has seen countless worlds, and the existence with the highest realm among the three, he should be the leading role, and the previous battles were also like this.

  But this time, Ji Que completely replaced his role, and he became a handyman.

   It can only be said that this child is so terrifying!

  Even Chen Laoshi was a bit overshadowed, and Nanning Hongyu was even worse.

   They looked at the mess and laughed after a while.

   What Chen Laoshi likes is that Ji Queqing is better than Lan when he came out of Lan. He can only say that there are successors in Jiangmolou, and there are successors in the righteous way!

  What Ning Hongyu likes is that she has always been the target of being chased by this guy, and it feels good to chase him now.

  You go up and down, I go up and you down, up and down, there is passion and motivation.

  The originally extremely noisy battlefield became extremely quiet, only the wind blowing through the sea of ​​flowers brought the humming sound.

  Chen Laoshi smiled and laughed, suddenly his body froze, and he slanted down.

  Ji Que and Ning Hongyu surrounded him and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

  Chen Laoshi cried and said, "It hurts."

   "Where does it hurt?" Ji Que asked.

   "It hurts everywhere, but it's so cool." Chen Laoshi said with a face of pain and joy.


   "Damn, pervert."

  After hearing this answer, Ji Que and Ning Hongyu ignored him, but looked around.

  Ji Que walked through the broken flesh and blood on the ground, searched for a while, and said, "Why are there no treasures at all."

   It stands to reason that if such a big boss is killed, something should explode.

  Unfortunately not.

  The only thing that caught his attention was the lute, but it was destroyed by him in the previous attack and turned into scum, which was worthless.

  Ning Hongyu looked back and said, "Her net worth should be all in that black house, maybe there will be something to gain."

  Hearing this, Ji Que's eyes lit up, and he said, "It's not too late, let's go and have a look."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Hongyu also froze and fell down.

   "Shangfeng, what's wrong with you?"

   Ji Que stretched out his hand, hugged Ning Hongyu in his arms, and said with concern.

  Ning Hongyu looked tired and relaxed, "It's just that I'm too tired, I want to rest."

  Maybe because Ji Que shot too hastily, one hand just happened to be placed on her buttocks.

  Even through the pants, the touch is still very clear.

  Seeing Ji Que's concerned expression, she always felt that Ji Que was taking advantage, and it didn't seem like that, but pure concern.

  Chen Laoshi lay there watching this scene, with a face of pain but also a happy face, and said: "I am really talented in Jiangmolou, and it seems that the fat will not flow to outsiders."

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