MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 256 Is it more stable to pedal three boats?

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  Ji Que stood next to the pothole in his yard with the suckling pig in his arms, covered in blood.

  If anyone saw him climbing up from below like this, he would definitely be terrified, especially in the dead of night.

  Actually, Ji Que was also frightened himself. The **** water below and the horror of dismembering the old man just now were no less than when he met Chen Hanshi underwater, and even stronger.

   This is also because the other party has not released obvious hostility.

  That person is not only strong, but also perverted, so that he is slightly inferior.

  Who would have thought that such a monster existed underground in Tianren City?

   Yes, the devil.

  Thinking about the gushing blood, this word came to Ji Que's mind.

  He was even confused about what kind of realm this was. To be able to create such a world, Chen Laoshi, who was at the peak of the five realms of life, could not do it, and Ling Qianhu, who was at the six realms of moving mountains, had not shown his ability in this regard.

  Ji Que looked at the suckling pig in his arms, then looked at the house, and couldn't help sighing: "It's a suckling pig, or frozen pork, after all, it's a big loss."

  If it wasn't for the fact that the strength shown by the other party is too terrifying, and he seems to be a psychopath, he will definitely find the other party to make a theory.

  It's a pity, I can't beat it.

  He felt that he couldn't beat anyone.

   "That's it, it's better than nothing, at least the problem of disturbing the people should be temporarily lifted."

  However, Ji Que is a little bit uneasy. This devil has been living underground in Tianren City. Will he cause other disasters and affect his business?

  Unfortunately, these are not problems that he can solve at present.

   Go back first and discuss with the two at home.

  After Ji Que left, two more people appeared in the terrifying pool of blood.

  A middle-aged woman with a white cloth on her eyes was walking on the pool of blood, and the ripples under her feet were like flowers.

  The other one is a beautiful young girl, lying on a chair, but she seems to be sitting on a small boat, sliding over gently.

  Looking at the person coming, the eyes of the man who was almost dismembered by Ji Que were filled with blood again, and he took a step forward excitedly, but the right calf that had just been glued fell to the ground again.

  He joined the right calf again, and the blindfolded woman and the beautiful girl kept staring at his right leg.

  The man said unhappily: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a leg catch?"

  The girl was wearing a purple robe and a high ponytail. This kind of dress should belong to the capable category, but it looked very charming.

   Facing the man's complaints, she couldn't help but said after all: "Well, you're pretending to be reversed."


  The man looked down at his feet and said, "No?"

  The girl said with a look of disgust: "Your **** is in front."


  It wasn't until this moment that the man noticed the abnormality, so he held his waist and shook it. The buttocks that were originally in the front came to the back, but the legs were still on the opposite side.

   Just now, Ji Que dismantled it so that his face was covered in blood, and he was a little uncomfortable. He adjusted it himself, but he didn't expect to put his lower body upside down.

  The man swept the hair on the top of his head, and couldn't help sighing: "Oh, I'm old after all, and my eyes are blurred."

  But at this time, a look of indignation appeared on his face again, and he said: "This kid has a good heart, even a little perverted, he is almost catching up with my uncle, but his realm is too ordinary.

  Xiaoyi, do you need to treat him like this and give him these things? "

  Tang Yi said: "Make the best use of everything, I am lazy, and it is wasted on me."

  The woman followed and said: "Entering the mind at the age of twenty, this talent is not bad, and there are several peers in this Dasheng Dynasty who can compare with him."

   "Trash! It's all rubbish!"

  Hearing this, the man's eyes protruded, and he could even hear the sound coming out of his eye sockets.

   "Come on, you're not trash. If it wasn't for your elder brother to help you back then, you might not be as good as him." The woman continued to mock.


  The man's eyes bulged out again, and his body was constantly heaving. It looked like countless blood was about to gush out of his body.

  However, he seemed to have remembered something, pressed his eyeballs back with a snap, and recovered his silence, as if his whole body had softened a lot.

  Because he remembered many past events.

  Beautiful and warm past events.

  The devil who killed countless pigs also has beautiful and warm memories.

  In other words, it is these beautiful and warm memories that allow him to live rationally until now.

   Sitting on the edge of the blood pool, Tang Yi showed a nice smile and said, "I think Ji Que is very powerful, but he just endured the pressure he shouldn't have to bear."

  The middle-aged and elderly man nodded and said: "Indeed, who at this age can get into so many troubles? Just a foreign body club is enough for him to drink a pot, let alone he has something to do with Laojun."

   "Anyway, the sky pig has been given to him. How to use it is his business. We can no longer take care of this matter. People in the mountains are old and disabled. We can't make too much noise and expose it."

  The woman rarely agreed with the man, and said: "Yes, if we let those things know that we are still alive, they will probably go crazy."

  At this time, her eyes showed a touch of sadness, and she said: "Last time, the elder brother stood up, but this time no one can stand up."

  Tang Yi stretched his waist and said: "The future is our young people's business, so be it."

   As she spoke, the deck chair under her floated away like a small boat.

  When Ji Que, covered in blood, carried the suckling pig home, Lin Xiangzhi almost jumped up in fright.

   "What did you do? Why is there so much pig blood on your body?" Lin Xiangzhi asked in surprise.

  Ji Que took out the suckling pig wrapped in ice in his arms, and said, "I'm going to ask for the bill."

  Lin Xiangzhi twitched her cheeks and said, "Don't say that you went to get a piglet and made the whole pigsty bleed like a river."

  Ji Que scratched his head and said, "Almost."

   As he spoke, he leaned over.

  Lin Xiangzhi said in distaste: "Go and wash quickly, those who don't know think they went swimming in the **** water."

  In the early morning, with the frozen suckling pig on the table, Ji Que and Lin Xiangzhi looked at each other.

   "This is definitely not an ordinary pig." Lin Xiangzhi looked through the ice and said.

   "What do you mean, what do you see?"

  Ji Que remembered that the old man said, "Whether it's worth your broken yard, you can find out by looking for someone with good eyesight." Such words.

  The old man looked like a master of masters, if he hadn't been fooled, he might not be a fan.

  Lin Xiangzhi looked carefully for a while, and said: "I can't see what it is, but my experience thinks that this pig must be unusual. How did you get it?"

  After that, Ji Que briefly explained what happened in the cave, and Lin Xiangzhi couldn't help but said, "I really don't know whether it's good luck or bad luck for you."

  Ji Que hugged the suckling pig and said, "I'll go to the building and ask old man Chen later."

  After finishing the breakfast of three dishes and one soup made by Lin Xiangzhi, Ji Que decided to go to Jiangmo Tower, Lin Xiangzhi couldn't help asking: "What do you want for lunch?"

  Ji Que thought for a moment, and said, "Maoxuewang."


   Lin Xiangzhi couldn't help but despise him when he thought of his appearance covered in pig blood.

  Before leaving, Ji Que couldn't help but said, "Xaori, you don't seem to be wearing socks today."

  Lin Xiangzhi looked down at her snow-white calf, and said, "In half a month, I haven't worn it for only three days."

   Immediately she blushed and said, "You are so perverted!"

  On the table of Jiangmo Lou, there was still the frozen suckling pig.

  This ice cube seemed to never melt, and it was slightly cold.

   Chen Laoshi looked at it for a while and said, "This is not an ordinary suckling pig."

  Ji Que said seriously: "Then what kind of suckling pig is it?"

  Chen Laoshi fell into deep thought again, and after a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "Look at its appearance, especially its cortex, and the faintly exposed essence, it may be the overlord of pigs, the **** of pigs."

  Ji Que was still puzzled and asked, "The king of pigs? What is that?"

   "Still a pig."

  As soon as these words came out, Ji Que almost fell off the stool.

  Ganqing watched this for a long time, pondered for a long time, and estimated for a long time, but there was still no result.

  Chen Laoshi couldn't help but concluded: "In short, this thing doesn't seem to be a mortal thing, it's very extraordinary."

   Ji Que didn't know what to say about him for a moment.

  The next day, Ning Hongyu returned.

  As the most knowledgeable, the richest, and the one with the biggest **** among the women Ji Que knew, Ning Hongyu sighed "Huh?" when she saw this suckling pig.

  Ning Hongyu put Fengmei on the table, looked at it carefully for a long time, and said, "This is not an ordinary suckling pig."

  Ji Que felt that the words were familiar, and said, "Then it is"

   "It's far more than simple as the best among pigs. The overflowing spiritual energy is very strong, as if it is not a mortal thing." Ning Hongyu explained.

  Listening to this answer that was very similar to Chen Laoshi, Ji Que had a headache and was at a loss for a moment.

   Still don't know what the **** this is.

   "You brought out the cornucopia in the God of Wealth's treasury. Do you think it is a mortal thing?" Ning Hongyu continued.

  Ji Que quickly shook his head and said, "That must be a fairy baby."

  Things that can continuously emit gold and silver, how could they be mortal things.

  Ning Hongyu pondered: "This suckling pig is also such a thing."

  Ji Que's eyes lit up, and he said, "Very valuable."

  Ning Hongyu shook his head and said: "This needs to be determined what it is before deciding, but ordinary wealth should not be enough to measure its value."

  Ji Que said, "It's more expensive than my house by the river?"

  Ning Hongyu looked puzzled and said, "What kind of waste is that house of yours?"

   "Waste product? That's a house in Linhe with every inch of gold and earth." Ji Que couldn't help reminding.

  Ning Hongyu said affirmatively: "Compared to this pig, it is indeed a waste product."

  Ji Que picked up the suckling pig, and murmured, "The old man didn't lie to me, he really is a treasure."

   "Old man? By the way, where did this pig come from?" Ning Hongyu couldn't help asking.

  Ji Que briefly explained his previous experience.

  Ning Hongyu frowned slightly, and said, "Is there such a person underground in Tianren City?"

  She has a relatively good understanding of the cultivation world in the north. There are indeed some hidden masters in the major sects, but they haven't made a move for many years, and they don't know the specific weight. The number and strength of the masters who have shown their strength are indeed far inferior to those in the south.

  And if what Ji Que said is true, it is indeed an unusual discovery.

  Just from the story, it can be inferred that the strength of that person will be higher than Venerable Chen Laoshi.

   This kind of person gave Ji Que such an extraordinary thing, it can only be said that Ji Que was perverted by chance.

  So she couldn't help complaining: "When did you get so lucky?"

  In fact, after staying with Ji Que for a long time, she was already used to this guy's bad luck, but she was not used to this sudden good thing.

  But soon, there was hidden worry in her eyes.

  Behind this opportunity, lack of security is a greater disaster.

  Because it can be deduced from Ji Que's description that that person is very dangerous and even looks perverted.

   "You actually forced that person to tell you to leave quickly." Ning Hongyu couldn't help complaining.

  She thought that if she was there at that time, she could persevere, but she would definitely not be as perverted as Ji Que.

   At that time, I still think about eating Maoxuewang. Is this something that people can think of?

  She found that at this point she lost again.

  Unknowingly, Ning Hongyu, who almost never admits defeat, found that she has gradually gotten used to the fact that Ji Que is better than herself in some aspects.

   After all, this is his own man, the man who has kissed, it seems that there is nothing wrong with a woman being weaker in front of her man.

   But she is not used to this after all, it has something to do with temperament.

   Like she likes being on top, like being on top.

  Thinking of this, she couldn't help kicking Ji Que with her feet wrapped in black socks.

  Ji Que couldn't help but said: "Shangfeng, when are we going to make a fake show?"


   "It's agreed that you are pregnant with my flesh and blood."

  Ning Hongyu said with a surprised face: "I just kicked you, and you thought I was pregnant with your flesh and blood."

  Ji Que replied: "This is not very normal."

  Ning Hongyu shook his head and said, "I'm not ready yet."

  Ji Que said seriously: "I'm ready!"

Ning Hongyu shook his head and said, "I don't think you have, and Lin Xiangzhi and I can't accept the fact that you are in two boats. He and I didn't kill you, that's because whoever strikes first will push you to On the other hand, it’s quite a disadvantage.”

  For a while, Ji Que didn't dare to continue to argue, but muttered to himself: "The two are really unstable, so wouldn't it be better to add one more?"

  Finally, Ning Hongyu decided to go to experience with Ji Que.

  Ji Que thought for a moment, and said: "This time I received such a big gift, it would be impolite not to go back and return the gift. We can also take a look to see if he has any other good things in it."

  Ning Hongyu said: "Are you still thinking about his baby?"

  Ji Quadro nodded and said: "The old man has a brain problem. If you guide him more, he should spit out something. If you don't use the good treasure, it won't be a waste."

   As a result, the two retook the path Ji Que walked that night, and they encountered a stone wall, which was still a stone wall after it was broken.

  The underground cave seems to have disappeared suddenly.

  Ning Hongyu pondered: "Small world? Did you enter the small world that night?"

   "What is a small world?" Ji Que couldn't help asking.

"It's some kind of secret method of the masters of the mountain-moving realm and higher-level masters, similar to the world of heaven and earth. There are also gaps between the mountain-moving realms. Even if they are all masters, people who can master this kind of secret law control have always been Very rarely, I haven't heard of anyone using it for many years." Ning Hongyu explained.

  The world of Qiankun has been removed, so Ji Que and Ning Hongyu naturally cannot visit again.

  Ji Que's plan that had been pounding in his mind suddenly came to nothing.

As a result, that night, Ji Que heard the angry voice of the old man in his ears - "What's the matter with you, I'm talking about my affairs everywhere, don't you know how to keep it secret? Especially that big mouth named Chen Zhu, tell him to shut up, Otherwise, I will cut him off!".


  Ji Que woke up suddenly, looked around, but saw no one.

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