MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 241 Daring evildoer, I can tell at a glance that you are not human!

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  Chapter 241 Bold monster, I can tell at a glance that you are not human!

  Ji Que entered the Treasure House of the God of Wealth, and felt the same as Lin Xiangzhi before. He only felt that the place was too small due to the filling of mud and rocks, and he could see the end at a glance.

  In this gloomy environment, his spirit is still relaxed, because through practice, he knows that his strength is still at an "acceptable" level, and he can still handle it in general.

  Finally, Ji Que looked at the floor of the building he was in, and confirmed that there were footprints here, guessing that someone has been active here recently.

  The man in black or the spiritual master?

   Faintly, he felt a little strange, because the time when he came in was not far from those men in black robes, unless he stayed in the air for a long time, otherwise they would not have disappeared.

   And if it is said to be a master of spirituality, isn't this foot too long?

Ji Que is very good at looking at women's figures, but this spiritual heart is average in length, so he doesn't look at it much, and the humane robe is wide and keeps covering his feet, so that now he can't figure out whether the other party is Bigfoot Dao The length is still the length of Jinlian Xiaojiao.

  Now Ji Que can only take one step at a time. He followed the footprints and came to the soil layer of the attic.

  Similarly, he also found a hole that looked quite hidden.

  Yes, it looks secretive, this is the first impression that popped up in Ji Que's mind.

  He even felt that the entrance of the hole was covered with mud of inconsistent color, which was a bit deliberate.

  But as a guy with decent strength, he didn't care whether this thing was intentional or not, so he just slid down the cave with a sliding shovel.

   A moment later, Ji Que appeared at the other end of the cave, his brows raised slightly.

  Under the dim light, the space inside is much larger than he imagined.

   To his disappointment, those footprints disappeared when they got here.

  Ji Que looked down, and saw that the bottoms of these connected buildings were seriously waterlogged, and some places turned into puddles.

  The dim yellow light projected on the green water, carrying an extraordinarily deep meaning.

  He jumped straight and landed lightly on the water.

   Arriving here, Ji Que discovered that the water is not deep. If these dilapidated buildings had five floors, the water would almost cover one and a half floors.

  Standing here, his sharp eyes scanned the surroundings one by one, and found nothing special.

  A gust of wind blew, and the vines between the buildings couldn't help shaking with the wind, like tens of thousands of snakes swaying there.

   I have to admit that this place is quite suitable for shooting ghost movies.

  Ji Que continued to step on the water and walked in, only to feel that the more he walked, the more humid it became, so that water dripped from the rotten wooden beams.

  The dim yellow light refracts through the water surface into rippling water light. Standing here, people will not only feel eerie, but also give birth to a particularly lonely feeling.

  In Ji Que's feeling, this place has not been popular for many years, and he walked inside alone, feeling isolated from the world.

   Right at this moment, a faint singing sound came from the depths of the building.

   Ji Que moved his ears, waded through the water, and walked towards the place where the sound came from.

  The sound echoed through the terrible buildings, as if someone was singing in every house.

   Ahead, the stagnant water gradually receded as the terrain rose. Ji Que landed on the shore and saw a huge screen.

   This screen is at least five or six people high, standing there like a wall.

  There is a plum tree painted on the screen, and the plum tree is full of blood-like plum blossoms, which is particularly dazzling.

  Looking at the screen, Ji Que frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable.

  Because it's too new and too clean.

  There are mud and rotten buildings all around, like a black and white ghost film, but only this screen is new and clean, as if someone just made it, cleaned it, and placed it here.

  In the treasure house of the God of Wealth covered by mudslides, who has the time to do this kind of thing?

  His first reaction was the so-called God of Wealth guard.

  Ji Que didn't hesitate, and continued to walk forward. The closer he got to the screen, the clearer the music would be.

  The sound of the song is melodious, with the charm of a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, but with a faint sense of thickness, like the morning bell and evening drum in an ancient temple.

  Passing around the screen, the picture in front of him has changed.

  It was a very high stage, and the red silk on the stage was flying with petals, carrying a fairy air.

  And on this fairy-like stage, there are seven fairies dancing.

  They wore light and bright red dance clothes, revealing skin as white as snow.

   I have to admit that their dancing postures are extraordinarily graceful and their figures are enchanting, but you don't have too many evil thoughts.

  They exude a halo, like a divine apparition, with a solemn and solemn temperament.

  Yes, on the huge stage, the seven dancing girls are like fairies flying out of the murals, it is easy to get addicted.

  The premise is that they are not so big.

"too big."

   This was the first thought that came to Ji Que's mind.

  Of course, it doesn't refer to the breasts, but the size of these seven fairies. Of course, their **** are too big to be compared with a big watermelon.

  The tallest dancer danced around the stage like a tower, while the youngest dancer was almost ten feet tall with a charming posture.

  There was a crowd gathered in front of the stage, Ji Que walked over and found that these people were all in a state of intoxication.

  This group of people is really too perverted, are they so obsessed just because they are young?

   Don’t you think it’s disgusting if it’s too big? not afraid

  Yes, from Ji Que's perspective, although these seven dancers have graceful postures and graceful dance steps, they have a creepy feeling.

   Not only because of their surprisingly large size, far beyond human cognition, but also because of their faces.

  Their faces are also beautiful, and they also have a smile, but it just gives people a false feeling.

  It seems that there is an unspeakable strange desire hidden behind that smiling face.

  The people around were completely immersed in the dancer's dancing posture, unable to extricate themselves. One of them had a big mouth, and a few black bugs flew into his mouth and writhed. He didn't feel it, and he was still drooling.

  Ji Que watched for a while, but didn't notice the existence of those men in black robes.

   Or did they come in and change costumes?

   This is a very weird dance watching experience. Only the dancers on the stage are dancing, while the melon-eaters below are just watching obsessively, without even a little cheering.

   This made Ji Que who went to the brothel Goulan very uncomfortable. You must know that when the dance music of Goulan started, a group of old perverts whistled and yelled.

   Ji Que couldn't help but slapped the head of the person next to him, but the other party ignored him. After his head sank, he quickly returned to the original position and continued to watch.

  At this time, the dancers on the stage moved faster, and the frequency of the music also accelerated. It seemed that there was a smell of rosemary in the air, which made people want to indulge in it.

  The seven dancers on the stage jumped lightly, and their bodies left the stage straight away, flying in the air.

  At this moment, it seems that the mural of the flying fairy has turned into reality.

  The crowd raised their heads in unison, and their eyes became more fascinated. Coupled with the heavier singing, it was like a solemn prayer, or even a sacrifice.

  Ji Que couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly, because of this point of view, many dancers have been seen.

   And in front of his eyes, a butterfly flew out quietly.

  The moment the butterfly flew out, the dancing girl who was flying in the air disappeared.

  The stage and the screen are still there, the tall dancers are there, and the onlookers are also there, but their postures are completely different from before.

  Many of the onlookers standing here had a pickled smell, as if they had just crawled out of a kimchi jar.

  The dancers were all lying on the ground, wriggling like earthworms, and their original solemnity had long been lost.

  Ji Que felt that the situation was wrong for a moment, and silently retreated behind everyone.

  Obviously, it was "Getaway" who broke the illusion just now, and he was able to see the truth.

  Ji Que tidied up his messy hair, and decided to stay away from right and wrong places.

   As a result, not long after he walked a certain distance, he saw three people walking towards this side with narrowed eyes.

  The three of them have a bald head, a young master holding a folding fan, and a swordsman. The clothes they are wearing are of good quality.

  Although it wasn't the black clothes in the first entry, Ji Que guessed that it might be the few people who sneaked in before.

  He and Lin Xiangzhi followed into the treasury of the God of Wealth, so naturally they had no way of knowing what was going on outside the door, but Ji Que was already guessing, could this be someone from Tianliang Zhao's family?

   Anyway, I have no good intentions.

  Seeing that they were being confused, Ji Que naturally wouldn't stop them, and said silently: "Let them go to die."

  The three of them entered the "crowd" lecherously, and even kept pushing forward, and all of them went onto the stage with a smirk behind them.

   And those dancers have cave-like mouths, waiting for their presence.

   As a result, at this moment, the bald head suddenly emitted a burst of golden light, and immediately after that, a loud roar resounded—"Bold monster, I can tell you that you are not human! Dawei Tianlong, World Honored One!".

  Ji Que didn't expect this bald head to have two brushes.

  The next moment, I heard the bald head yelling "Master, run!", and rushed off the stage first.

   I have to say that the three of them are surprisingly skilled, only slightly worse than him.

  Especially the young master folding fan in the middle, who is full of brilliance when he raises his hand, he should have sacrificed a magic weapon.

   If his prediction is correct, this should be a son of the Zhao family.

  The other party was not kind, and it was so weird, Ji Que decided to find Lin Xiangzhi first.

  So when the two sides were fighting, he left there silently and searched.

   As a result, he had just walked through a corridor when he heard a woman's voice—"Man, is such a strong man going to help me practice?".

  In a vague way, he felt that the voice was still a little familiar.

  So he climbed over two walls, and saw the Taoist woman in Tsing Yi was waving the whisk in her hand, with a confused look on her face.

  In front of her, two palm-sized puppets were constantly dancing, their bodies exuding a dim yellow light.

  Ji Que took a look, but he didn't expect to meet his own people.

   Isn’t that the spiritual master?

   It's just that the situation of the other party seems a bit wrong.

  He walked over, waved his hand, and with a surge of Tai Chi strength, he smashed the two puppets into pieces with two bangs.

  After seeing Ji Que, she froze for a moment, then suddenly shouted: "Bold and evil, you actually pretended to be again, look."

  Before she could say "Show!", Ji Que punched her on the nose.

  The head of the spiritual female Taoist head was thrown back, nosebleeds were flying, looking at Ji Que's casserole-sized fist, she was completely awake, and howled: "Ji Que, it's really you!"

  In the Ning Mansion, she had seen Ji Que punch, and she was very impressed with his fists.

  Looking at the hot eyes of the other party, Ji Que waved his hand, signaling for him to keep a low profile, and said, "What happened just now?"

  Looking at the puppet fragments on the ground, the priestess of spiritual heart said, "This place is very evil. When the poor Taoist came in, he didn't see you coming down. He found that the terrain is complicated, so he started looking for you, and then encountered an accident."

  Ji Que recalled what the female Taoist had said about the strong man, and stretched out his hand, "Don't worry about the Taoist priest, I probably understand. After you came in, did you see my assistant?"

  The female Taoist shook her head, and said: "Pin Dao just came here and saw a few naked men dancing. I could tell at a glance that they were not human."

   Immediately, she glanced at the broken pieces of the puppet on the ground, blushed, and said, "Those men kept tempting me, but fortunately, I have good concentration, otherwise I would have fallen."

  Ji Que secretly said: "I think you will fall soon."

  The psychic female Taoist was still in shock, and couldn't help asking: "Ji Jushi, the evil door is tight here, what should we do?"

  Yes, a pair of small puppets almost want her to fall, this place seems to be beyond her ability to handle.

  Ji Que said: "Find my assistant first, why don't we split up and we can use it after we find it"

   "Oh, my old waist, Jushi Ji, the poor Taoist is injured, I think I'd better follow you." The spiritual female Taoist said with a painful expression on her face, clutching her chest.

  Ji Kuang nodded, and said, "It's fine, but the Taoist priest is injured a little bit, and the back pain has been transferred to the chest."

  The spiritual female Taoist immediately reacted and moved her hand to her waist.

   "I see you!"

  When this voice appeared, Lin Xiangzhi was so frightened that she almost burst into tears.

   Immediately afterwards, the bell rang in the ear, and the dancer suddenly turned around and saw her.

  The dancing girl stared at Lin Xiangzhi, disgusted: "Where did the ugly cat come from!"

   As she said, she waved her sleeves, and Lin Xiangzhi felt a gust of wind blowing, and her whole body was blown away.

   After that, the dancing girl left.

  Lin Xiangzhi, who turned into a cat body, let out a long sigh of relief.

  A cat with broken arms and short legs is far inferior to a human body in a head-on confrontation, but it can indeed confuse opponents.

  As the tall dancing girl left, the place became quiet again, like a grave.

   It took a long time before Lin Xiangzhi dared to go out quietly. Now she just wants to find Ji Que quickly and leave this ghostly place.

  What God of Wealth, what treasure house, she no longer wants to care about it.

  No. 5 said he was at the bottom of Yuexiu building, maybe he was in this certain tank.

   Even though she has turned into a cat, Lin Xiangzhi is still very cautious, for fear of being pickled in jars by those dancers.

  She poked her head out stealthily, and after realizing that there was nothing strange outside, she jumped out.

   Lin Xiangori pulled her ponytails up and walked with her head buried. At this moment, two people walked towards her.

  The two sides met each other and almost jumped up.

  Especially the Taoist priest, like a frightened bird, shouted: "Bold monster, the poor Taoist can tell you are not human at a glance!"

   Ji Que pressed her shoulder all of a sudden, and said, "My own."

  Lin Xiangzhi looked at Ling Xin and Ji Que, but without the slightest excitement, she suddenly said, "You two, take off your shoes, let me make sure."

  Ling Xin Dao grows up and panics, saying in horror: "It really is a monster! Ji Jushi, you and I are united."

   Before she finished her lines, she realized that Ji Que next to her had taken off her shoes, revealing a pair of strong and powerful feet.

  The spiritual master was shocked and horrified, but seeing Ji Que do this, he immediately took off his shoes.

  Seeing that the two of them had twenty toes on their four feet, Lin Xiangzhi threw herself into Ji Que's arms with a meow, and said joyfully, "It really is you, you scared me to death! Auntie thought she would never see you again!"

  Ji Que put on his shoes and said, "Why do you want to look at our feet?"

  Lin Xiangzhi immediately looked at Master Lingxin, and said, "Before, there was an evil spirit that pretended to be her, with only three toes, and almost killed me."

  Both Ji Que and Taoist Lingxin were a little startled when they heard that, Ji Que thought about it and said: "It seems that there are indeed evil spirits pretending to be people here, let's walk together."

   Right at this moment, a bewitching voice suddenly sounded—"Let's go together, where are we going?".

   Behind, a big head as big as a truck was twisted around the corner of the corridor.

  The head was stuck there, with a plum blossom hairpin tied on it, looking at them coldly

  The dancing girl is back again, in a snake-like pose.

  The Taoist Master Lingxin reacted very quickly, and immediately jumped behind Ji Que, shouting: "Bold monster, the poor Taoist can tell you are not human at a glance"

  Lin Xiangzhi looked at her in bewilderment, and said to herself, "Do you need to say that?"

  (end of this chapter)

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