MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 234 Are you here to rob someone too?

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  Ji Que and Ning Hongyu's happy time is coming to an end soon.

   They didn't even have time to fake the show, and Ji Que was put under house arrest.

   Before they had dinner together, the four guys who had practiced Qigong invited him to another house.

   This time, it was a package meal, but the meal was naturally not Ning Hongyu's kind of pearl powder, bird's nest, etc., but a very simple three dishes and one soup.

  The other party was quite polite to him, but this small courtyard was actually more luxurious than his residence in Tianren City.

   But this is real house arrest, Ji Que doesn't like this method, so he wants to go out several times, for several reasons.

  For example, want to go out for a stroll, want to find an open place to shit

   Twice the two sides almost moved hands.

   It turned out that Ji Que should eat and drink, and made troubles from time to time. He seemed very angry and enjoyed it, but it made the four old guys a lot of pressure.

   This is all due to the attitude of the Patriarch Ning Chenghai.

He also seems to be in a tangled situation. You say that he treats Ji Que badly, but you don’t count him as food and drink, and he lives in an ordinary courtyard that is used to receive distinguished guests. But if you say you are good to him, that is naturally not true. of.

  Let’s not talk about allowing his son to challenge Ji Que along the way, it’s very rude just to put him under house arrest.

  In the mansion hall, the wrinkles on Ning Chenghai's forehead were a little deeper.

   This matter is really difficult to handle. First of all, he has to bear the pressure from the Tianliang Zhao family.

   The two families were originally married, and the woman was pregnant before marriage. Now that wild man came to the house ostentatiously, the young masters of the Zhao family reacted quite fiercely.

   Whoever is guilty of this matter will be angry. If this matter is not handled well, the two families will not be able to get married, and they are afraid of resentment.

  Now the Ning family has something to ask from the Zhao family, and they don't want to see these conflicts.

   It's not that he didn't think about killing Ji Que directly, but he thought that the other party was the father of the child in his stomach. If he really did this, with Ning Hongyu's character, I'm afraid this daughter will be lost.

   In the middle of the journey, Ji Que passed all the way, and before he knew it, he still had the meaning of cherishing his talents.

  But it was this hesitation that made the situation of the Ning family even more embarrassing.

   After all, Ji Que doesn't have much background, and compared with Zhao's family, it's really not enough.

  Thinking of this, the "Chuan" pattern on Ning Chenghai's forehead couldn't help but become deeper.

  Director of Qingqi Division, King Li was wearing a slightly tight black robe, admiring the man in the painting.

  She looked very carefully, as if she didn't want to miss every detail of the man in the painting.

  Finally, she raised her head, looked at her subordinates, and said, "Where is Ji Que now?"

  The woman in black replied respectfully: "He is in Ningfu, and the informant's information is that he should be under house arrest."

  Li Wang Lizi opened her beautiful big eyes and said, "The pillar of my Dasheng Dynasty, is he under house arrest like this?"

  The woman in black didn't know how to answer.

  Since the prince saw the portrait of the boy, his whole attitude has changed.

  Before, she seemed to be watching the fire from the other side, but now she seems to want to jump into the fire herself.

   "Send a message to the Ning Mansion that the king wants to see Ji Que." Li Zi thought for a moment, then said.

  The black-clothed men backed away quickly, thinking to themselves while retreating: "This is really jumping into the fire."

  In the hall, Li Zi picked up the scroll again, and said seriously: "The more you look at this face, the more you look like a pillar of great prosperity."

  At noon, Ning Chenghai heard Prince Li's request to see Ji Que, and thought about it: "Tell the prince, Ji Que is tired from the journey and he is in poor health. After recovering, let him come to the door as soon as possible."

  After the people from the Wangfu left, the second young master of the Ning family couldn't help but wondered: "When did Ji Que get in touch with Li Wang this time, father, is it really okay to reject the prince like this?"

   Leaving aside the noble status of King Li, the Qing Qi Division under him who oversees the world is enough to make people pay attention.

  Ning Chenghai said: "Who do you think released the news that your sister is pregnant?"


   "Red Fish and Li Wang have been friends since they were young, and she contributed to this incident. Since she didn't officially say that she wants to see Ji Que, let her let it go." Ning Chenghai poured himself a cup of tea and said.

  The second young master of the Ning family thought it was reasonable, so he couldn't help but nodded.

   Immediately, he couldn't help but said: "Then father, how will the Zhao family explain, the fourth and fifth children of the Zhao family have been calling."

  Ning Chenghai flicked his sleeves and said, "The old ghost didn't say anything. If the kid likes to scream, let them scream more, just let them set fire."

  The brothers of the Zhao family in Tianliang have a very good relationship. The second brother who was going to marry the proud daughter of the sky somehow encountered this kind of thing, and they also became green.

  Because several people knew that the second brother was interested in Ning Hongyu, otherwise, with his character, he would not have agreed to the marriage arranged by the family so easily.

   This was originally a great thing, but suddenly a male subordinate appeared and made the belly of the future sister-in-law bigger.

  Patriarch Ning Chenghai spoke lightly and acted very calmly, but as his second son, the second young master of the Ning family could clearly feel the pressure from his father.

   As a result, at this time, the housekeeper hurriedly came to report—"Master, the Venerable King of Jiangmolou is asking to see you.".

  Ning Chenghai stood up involuntarily, and said, "Wang Zun?"

   "Yes." The old butler replied.

  The atmosphere between the venues quickly became subtle.

  There are seven great subduing demon venerables in the subduing demon building. It is quite mysterious that the dragon never sees its head and tail.

  Verun Jiangmo has always been low-key, the only one who is not so low-key, it can be said that this is the Venerable Wang.

  So in the eyes of ordinary people, Wang Zun can be said to be the person in charge of Jiangmolou, representing the will of Jiangmolou.

  The Ning family has a mediocre relationship with Jiangmolou, but daughter Ning Hongyu has some connections with Jiangmolou because of her relationship with Jiangmolou.

  But Ning Chenghai knew that another Chen Zun who was acquainted with his daughter, he didn't think his daughter had such a big face that he could move Wang Zun here to calm things down.

   Venerable Wang came to the door in person, which seemed to give enough face. Naturally, Ning Chenghai didn't dare to neglect, so he had to go to greet him in person.

  Verun Wang looks short and fat, wearing a golden thread coat, he doesn't look like a monk in the clouds, but more like a businessman.

  After seeing Ning Chenghai, he couldn't help showing a kind smile.

  Ning Chenghai hurriedly clasped his hands and said, "It is truly glorious to visit the humble house, Mr. Wang Zun."

   Wang Zunzhe smiled and said: "Brother Ning is too modest, if this is a humble house for you, then the three melons and two dates in Jiangmolou are not thatched houses."

   Soon, Ning Chenghai and the Venerable Wang were drinking tea in the hall.

  Ning Chenghai couldn't help but asked: "Your Majesty, you always see the head of the dragon but never see the end. I have tried to visit you several times but have never had the chance to meet you. What advice can I give you for this visit?"

   Venerable Wang quickly replied: "Don't dare to be a teacher, I really don't dare to be. It is well known that Qianyuan is close to me in Jiangmolou. My old buddy Chen Laoshi almost regards her as an apprentice."

  Ning Chenghai hurriedly ordered: "Don't let anyone call Red Fish over."

   Venerable Wang quickly said: "There is no rush, in fact, the main reason for coming here this time is for that kid named Ji Que."

  Ning Chenghai's face darkened, and he said, "Ji Que?"

   "To be honest, Ji Que is the youngest demon descendant in my Jiangmo Tower, and the sky rank is a certainty. Several of our old guys are getting old, and some of them even train him as their successor.

   I heard that he offended my elder brother and the Tianliang Zhao family because of his youth and absurdity, so this old man came to be this thick-skinned.

  Anyway, someone in the building said that he spent most of his life looking for such a pleasing successor, and if he missed it, he would be gone. "

   Venerable Wang speaks in a very relaxed tone, as if chatting with you, but no one knows the weight of his words.

  The meaning he wants to express is obvious. The successor of the Venerable Jiangmo, the future successor of the Jiangmo Tower, whoever wants to go too far, these old guys are not vegetarians.

   Venerable Wang left after drinking tea, leaving Ning Family Patriarch Ning Chenghai in a mess.

  In the top ten aristocratic sects in the south, official and semi-official organizations such as Qingqi Division and Jiangmolou have always been excluded, but people in the practice world are aware of the importance of Qingqi Division and Jiangmolou.

   That definitely does not belong to the so-called top ten sect families.

  In just one day, the top leaders of Qingqi Division and Jiangmolou expressed their attitudes, and the person from Jiangmolou even visited the door in person, saying that Ji Que was the future successor of Jiangmolou.

  In this case, Ji Que is no longer a duckweed without any foundation.

  Just saying that the future venerable of Jiangmolou is enough to bluff people.

At this time, that Venerable Wang was standing on a street in the inner city, and the subordinate next to him wondered: "Your Honor, you and Venerable Chen are not very close, why do you help him in this matter. "

  Before Ji Que came to the capital, Chen Laoshi sent someone to send a letter, asking Wang Zun who was in the capital to take care of him.

  It is obvious that Venerable Wang's care is very thorough.

He looked at his subordinates who had been behind him for many years, and murmured: "I'm telling the truth. We old guys are all old, and some of our thoughts are not in the building. In this building, old man Chen and I are the ones who care the most." , What he said made sense and moved me.”

   "I would like to hear more about it." The loyal subordinate said respectfully.

   "Talent! Damn, the most lacking thing in my building is talent! Nowadays, if these young arrogances are not from the Zongmen family, or they will be sucked clean by the Zongmen family.

  Put it outside and let those Tianjiao choose by themselves, and they will not choose Jiangmolou. "

   "Only Ji Que and Ning Hongyu"

   "It's just these two fish that haven't caught yet? Thinking of that kid beating up some young master called the Ning family along the way, I feel at ease, very at ease."

   "Let's go, go and listen to the music today!"

   As he spoke, the Venerable Wang, who looked like a businessman, walked towards Goulan Street

  He was listening to the music in Goulan, but Ning Chenghai was caught in a dilemma.

  If Wang Zunzhe is dressed like a businessman, then Ning Chenghai is not like a businessman at all.

  This huge Ning Mansion is not so resplendent and magnificent, but it walks the way of elegance.

   I have to say that sometimes you have too much money, but you will not be happy, and you even want to break up with it.

  Since Wang Zunzun left, the head of the Ning family has become even more unhappy.

  He had hesitated before, but the balance in his heart was in favor of the Zhao family.

  After all, no matter how talented Ji Que is, he is a rootless duckweed after all. Of course, it is the best policy for the Zhao family to deal with him as they are happy.

  But what Wang Zun said made him re-examine Ji Que.

  Whether it is the Zhao family or Jiangmolou, the Ning family does not want to offend.

  Thinking of this, Ning Chenghai became angry. This situation is developing, how could he become angry at both sides?

   It's all the fault of that guy for not taking care of his own bird!

  In the evening of that day, the head of the family, Ning Chenghai, hadn't finished worrying, when someone came to visit him again.

  He and the second child looked confused.

  The second young master asked doubtfully, "What is Xiao Qianhu doing here?"

  The old butler replied: "I don't know, I just came to ask to see you, the Patriarch."

   Ning Chenghai didn't want to see him, because he had enough worries recently, but when he thought of the high mountain in the military headquarters, he could only sigh and said, "Let nephew Ling Xian come in."

  Dele, the ones who came were all the masters he didn't want to mess with.

  The Ning family is very prestigious in the capital, otherwise the Tianliang Zhao family would not choose to marry the Ning family, but because they are businessmen, Ning Chenghai really does not want to offend too many people.

  At this time, Xiao Qianhu was wearing a purple robe, and someone came over with a few loads of gifts.

  Seeing this, Ning Chenghai said, "Nephew Ling Xian, what does this mean?"

  Xiao Qianhu clasped his hands and said: "Uncle, my father asked me to send it on my behalf. He is not in the capital now, so it is a bit inconvenient."

   It is a rare thing for Ling Qianhu to give gifts to others.

  Ning Chenghai hurriedly sent someone to accept it, and couldn't help but said: "My nephew is here this time, isn't it just to give gifts?"

  Xiao Qianhu said: "Naturally, I came to look for Ji Que. I heard that he was imprisoned by your uncle."

  Ning Chenghai replied: "Ji Que is resting at home, why are you looking for him?"

  Xiao Qianhu said: "I came to pick him up to the General's Mansion. My sister is interested in him, and my father likes him very much. Since he offended you, Uncle, why not let him come to the General's Mansion to marry my sister.

   My Ling family picked up this hot potato. "

   Ning Chenghai was surprised: "Your Ling family wants to recruit him as a son-in-law?"

  Xiao Qianhu cupped his hands and said, "That's natural. I came late, and my sister complained about me."

  Ning Chenghai suddenly became cautious, and asked: "Is this what you and Lingmei mean, or your father's?"

  Xiao Qianhu smiled and said: "Uncle, you know that my father is the most stingy person. Even the Queen Mother celebrated her birthday. He didn't give any decent things. I don't know if he will be heartbroken for a long time with these loads of things."

  Hearing this, the Ning family fell silent.

  First Li Wang from the Qingqi Division, then the Venerable Jiangmolou, and now there is another killing **** Qianhu, Ji Que, this hot potato, suddenly became a sweet potato?

   No, this is not a sweet pastry, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a golden pastry!

  At this time, Ning Chenghai winked at the second child in the family.

  The second child understood at once, and said: "Young Master Ling, Ning Mansion cannot afford such a big gift."

  Xiao Qianhu asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

   "Ji Que and Sister She fell in love with each other, and the two of them have already had flesh and blood. Your Ling family wants him to be a son-in-law, how can my Ning family agree. How can there be such a good thing in this world?"

   As he spoke, the Second Young Master issued an order to expel the guests.

  Xiao Qianhu walked away with an expression of reluctance. When she was sent out, she even yelled Ji Que's name and said things like becoming a son-in-law.

  After the little Qianhu left, the second son of the Ning family and Ning Chenghai both let out a sigh of relief, as if they were afraid that Ji Que would be robbed by this person.

  At this moment, the second child came to his senses and said, "Father, you don't really want to recruit Ji Que as your son-in-law, do you?"

   Ning Chenghai frowned, thinking: "I'm afraid it's not that easy."

   Only this time, his tone was not so firm.

  Ji Que is satisfied with this meal, after all there is meat in it.

  But he is very displeased with this kind of house arrest that prevents him from seeing the female peak

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