MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 227 eat human

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  Ji Que carried the tripod on his shoulders, and he and Lin Xiangzhi both returned home.

   When passing a mountain depression, Lin Xiangzhi suddenly stood there and burst into tears.

  Ji Que stood beside her, carrying the cauldron with one hand, while covering her shoulder with the other hand.

  He knew that Lin Xiangzhi must have sensed her father's departure.

  Cats sometimes do have great intuition in this regard.

  Lin Xiangori cried and cried, and suddenly buried her head in his chest.

  After that, Ji Que felt wet.

  Tears penetrated his clothes like no money, and stained his skin, which was wet.

  In winter, in the dilapidated temple, the nail spurted a mouthful of blood, and the blood-stained right fist kept shaking.

   After nailing seven masters of the Lin family to death, the nail was still injured, but his eyes were still fierce.

   "The second master has just left, and the boss of the Lin family is so impatient. Boss Lin, I will **** you!"

  When Nail vomited blood and was about to move again, Ji Que and Lin Xiangzhi were eating Maoxuewang in the cold winter.

  The cold wind is blowing outside, and the sky is freezing, which further sets off the warmth and warmth of the house.

  Hayashi Kaori's plump lips were as hot as a peach, and she murmured, "Why haven't I heard of this way of eating blood before?"

   "That's because you have little knowledge."

  Lin Xiangzhi punched him habitually, and Ji Que spat out a mouthful of blood with a puff, spilling Lin Xiangzhi's pants, followed by another burst of soft fists.

  Afterwards, the two mentioned whether they would be exposed if they killed Lin Yunxin.

   Lin Xiangori's opinion is that it depends on when the nail falls.

  Ji Que's method is very similar to that of nails, and nails also have a motive for killing. Because of the crazy attribute, he usually doesn't explain it.

   Now that this winter is almost over, no one from the Lin family has come to make trouble, which means that their planting was successful.

  But Lin Xiangzhi was well aware of the method of the uncle of the Lin family. If he found that there were fewer things in the Taisui Ding and the cave, sooner or later they would not be able to hide their framing. The nails only temporarily attracted the firepower.

  However, Lin Xiangzhi stayed with Ji Que for a long time, and on the contrary, she has the same optimism as Ji Que, or to put it another way, she has a somewhat reckless personality, and she is not overly worried.

  After the heavy snowfall, Tianren City can be said to be their territory.

  As Venerable Honesty gradually recovers from his injuries, the surrounding sects have a good relationship with them, and the two are not masters that anyone can easily move.

  The most important thing is that Ji Que is getting stronger and more slippery.

  Stronger than nails, but also slippery than nails, even if the person in power in the Lin family wanted to touch them, he would have to shed a layer of skin.

   Unknowingly, Ji Que also gained a bit of fame in the Northland. Most people in Jiangmo Building, Qingqi Division, and sects around Tianren City became very polite when they saw him.

  Here I also have to thank the good girl Zhang Yishan for winning Ji Que's reputation. Now that she is lying in a wheelchair, she has to say thank you to Ji Que.

   After all, Ji Que was the key person in the illness incident, how could it be the embroidered pillow who could be praised by people like Ling Qianhu who cherish words like gold.

   It's just that Ji Que's luck is still the same, and there have been several waves of thieves at home.

  However, after experiencing three consecutive house collapses, Ji Que has become numb to the loss of money that is not too much.

  During this time, Ji Que and Lin Xiangzhi have not relaxed their research on Tai Sui Ding.

   It's just that this thing is too ancient and mysterious, and they didn't discover too much.

  This feeling is like stealing a safe, but suffering from no password.

  That day they kept trying to find the dossier about the Taisui tripod. Second Master Lin put the tripod in the deepest part of the labyrinth, and after being immersed in you for so many years, he must have a lot of virtue.

  Unfortunately they didn't find it.

  This tripod is too heavy for ordinary thieves to steal it. If it hadn’t fallen to the ground like the house last time, it should be very difficult to steal.

  Because it looks quite unpleasant, Ji Que keeps putting him in the firewood room next to the kitchen.

   Such a random placement method is even less likely to attract the attention of others.

   That night, Ji Que suddenly woke up.

  He was hungry and wanted something to eat.

  After waking up, Ji Que naturally went to the kitchen to see if there were any leftovers. It would be best to drink some sweet wine.

  Eating supper in the middle of the night is not good for health, but it is indeed a rare enjoyment.

  And his body has been trained to this level in this life, it would be a pity not to do something harmful to his health.

  As a result, as soon as he arrived in the kitchen, he heard a whistling wind.

   The sound of the wind did not come from the yard, but rather from inside the woodshed.

  The doors and windows of the firewood room are closed, how could there be such a strong wind.

  Ji Que opened the window to look, and his body tensed up.

   Sure enough, there was wind in the firewood room, and the wind was not small.

  The wind carried a swirling suction, as if it wanted to **** him in.

  However, Ji Que's legs quickly took root and stabilized.

   At this time, he saw a strange scene.

  A man with a square scarf wrapped around his head was holding tightly to the edge of the Taisui tripod with a look of fear.

  The huge suction force seemed to have a pair of invisible hands trying to drag him into the tripod.

  After seeing Ji Que, the man in the square scarf's eyes lit up and struggled: "Help me."

  At this moment, the sound from his mouth seemed to be sucked in, very weak.

  Ji Que was amazed, and sighed: "No wonder I didn't hear such a big commotion here."

"help me."

   "Help me."

   "I'm really just here to borrow some firewood."

  This person has a square scarf and night clothes, and he often "borrows" things from people at first glance. Ji Que hated this kind of person very much in his life, so he didn't save him, but observed carefully.

   This suction should not be able to help him, but the unevenness will suddenly become larger.

   It is not worthwhile for a male thief to take risks in order to save a thief.

   While the man was struggling to get rid of the Tai Sui Ding, Ji Que faintly heard someone talking.

  The voice was so soft that he couldn't hear it clearly, but he was sure that it was definitely not the voice of the gentleman on the beam asking for help.

   Faintly, Ji Que couldn't help but think of someone—"Lao Jun".

  The Lord of Heaven.

  This voice seems to be separated from the clouds, but an old and wise figure can appear in your mind.

   It's just that this figure is similar to this voice, it's very vague, and you can't even be sure if it's a human form.

   At this moment, there was only a bang, and the gentleman on the beam finally couldn't bear it anymore, and was dragged into the Taisui tripod.

  The whistling wind stopped abruptly, and the suction disappeared.

  The firewood room was suddenly extremely quiet, as if everything just now was an illusion.

  Ji Que looked at the fine texture on the Tai Sui Ding, and had the illusion that it had malicious intentions.

  He walked into the firewood room cautiously, wanting to see what happened to the person who fell into Tai Sui Ding.

   As a result, he looked in along the mouth of the tripod, but saw only darkness.

  Tai Sui Ding is quite tall, almost reaching the level of Ji Que's shoulders, which also means that it is very deep.

  But Ji Que didn't expect that he didn't see the bottom.

  He had already stood on the edge of the tripod with both feet, and when he looked inside, he still saw darkness, as if it was not the inside of a tripod, but a bottomless abyss.

   Such a change is very strange, Ji Que naturally did not dare to go down easily.

  The next moment, he was so frightened that he fell from the side of the tripod to the ground of the woodshed.

  At that moment, he saw a terrifying human face emerge from the darkness.

   With two slaps, one hand grabbed the edge of the Tai Sui Ding, and with a lot of force, a person crawled out from inside.

  The man had a black square scarf wrapped around his head, and he was wearing night clothes.

  He glanced at Ji Que who fell to the ground, and fled in panic.

  Ji Que grabbed him and asked, "What did you see down there?"

   "Snake! What a big snake!"

   As he said that, he tore off his sleeve and ran away.

  Ji Que didn't chase him, because he was in surprise and a little bit of fear at the moment.

   Judging from the man's attire, he should be the one who was just sucked in by Tai Sui Ding, but after only a short period of time, the one who came out changed.

  The person who went in was obviously a young man, probably not more than thirty years old, but the person who just came out had wrinkles and old spots on his face, and his eyes were very cloudy, so he might be in his late 80s.

  From falling into the tripod to coming out, it took less than half a cup of tea, but this person has aged so much all of a sudden?

   Is this the longevity being sucked away?

   This was Ji Que's first guess, but he didn't feel like it.

  The guy just now looked as if it had really taken a long time to become old, it didn't look like he was sucked dry all at once.

  Sleepy Lin Xiangzhi also heard the movement at this time, yawned and said: "Even if you want to eat supper, can you be quieter?"

   As a result, she didn't see Ji Que in the kitchen, but in the woodshed.

  Lin Xiangori noticed the weird atmosphere, and asked, "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"eat human."


  Lin Xiangzhi's hair stood on end, thinking that Ji Que was possessed by something evil.

   "Watching people and eating people." Ji Que added.

  Lin Xiangzhi calmed down and complained: "You can't finish talking at once."

  As a result, the next moment, her hair exploded again, and she said, "What are you talking about eating people?"

  So Ji Que told Lin Xiangzhi what he saw and heard just now.

  After listening, Lin Xiangzhi involuntarily moved away from the cauldron, and said, "This thing is so evil."

  Ji squinted his head and said, "I think so too."

   "But how can it attract people? Is there a switch?"

  At this time, half of Ji Que's body had already penetrated into the Tai Sui Ding, leaving only a pair of feet outside, which scared Lin Xiangzhi into a cold sweat.

   "Come out!"

   Just when Lin Xiangzhi couldn't help but want to pull Ji Que out, Ji Que came out by himself, patted the dust on his body, and said, "I didn't find anything."

  Lin Xiangzhi said anxiously: "This tripod is so weird, let's throw it away, don't touch it?"

  Ji Que was surprised and said: "How can this happen? I haven't figured it out yet. Besides, although it is quite scary, it is good at preventing theft."

  The next day, an old man in Tianren City suddenly went crazy.

  He was nearly out of his mind, and while going crazy, he cried: "How is it possible, how is it possible!"

  He kept telling others that he was only twenty-eight years old this year. When others glanced at him, they could only reply politely: "You look a little anxious."

  The old man kept saying that he was bewitched. He remembered where he was going to steal things, but he changed as soon as he came out.

  Everyone thought he was crazy and stayed away.

  The old man could only run in the direction of the Yamen, but as soon as he saw the gate of the Yamen, he suddenly froze and died.

  His appearance is standard.

  Ji Que and Lin Xiangzhi watched him die.

  Ever since Tai Sui Ding swallowed the thief and he crawled out again, Ji Que and Lin Xiangzhi did not give up on observing him.

  Relying on the marks left by each other, Ji Que and the two quickly caught up with each other.

  They have been observing him from a position not too far away, without exposure, just like watching his most authentic reaction.

  Sometimes, coercion and temptation cannot actually get the truest answer.

   After the thief escaped, he hid in a corner to rest until sunrise.

   It all seemed normal until he saw his own face in front of a puddle.

  He checked repeatedly several times, and even kicked away the stagnant water in panic. After that, he changed to a new place to look at his face, suddenly feeling ashamed.

  Ji Que and Lin Xiangzhi saw fear crawling all over the face covered with age spots.

   After that, they followed each other all the way, watching him go crazy.

   Later events showed that the thief did not remember what happened after he fell into the tripod.

  He couldn't even remember where Ji Que's home was.

  He just kept telling others that he went into a family's house in the middle of the night and wanted to borrow something, but it ended up like this.

   "There must be a ghost in that family!"


   These are the words that this lover of borrowing things said the most before his death.

  Although Ji Que has witnessed this weird and bizarre process, he still hasn't found the mystery of the Tai Sui Ding.

   Later, he began to try various methods.

  For example, he and Lin Xiangzhi worked together to catch a lot of Shushu, which he hated very much, and kept putting Shushu into the tripod.

  Some live animals were thrown in directly, some were bled and thrown in while bleeding, and some were even thrown in in a sacrificial way, such as putting mice in various poses or nailing them to a cross wooden frame.

  Unfortunately, there is no response.

  Tai Sui Ding was still stuck there, the wrinkled texture was gloomy, without any response.

   "Is it necessary to be suitable, or to use a special sacrifice method?" Lin Xiangzhi analyzed.

  Because in the Changxu view, when Dan Lingzi faced the viewer, his posture was very sacrificial.

  Although there is a great possibility, Ji Que's research has come to an end, and it is impossible for him to really experiment with living people.

   And at this time, when the spring breeze blows and everything recovers, Ji Que received a letter.

  A letter from the south.

  The owner of the letter is the female peak Ning Hongyu whom she hasn't seen for a long time.

  Ning Hongyu wants Ji Que to go to the south because she is trapped.

   And she needed his help.

  Because what trapped Ning Hongyu was a marriage contract.

  The most expensive marriage contract of the Dasheng Dynasty.

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