MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 224 Understand, sword woman!

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  Chapter 224 Comprehension, Sword Woman!

  Ten days later, as the ice and snow melted, especially those bugs that were mixed in the snow were scorched by the sun. After the ice and snow melted, the entire Tianren City gradually resumed operation.

   It's just that it will take a longer time to return to the previous full of fireworks.

  Fortunately, it is already late autumn, and the most important grain in the field has been harvested before, otherwise there may be more crises that follow.

  After that, the entire Tianren City was slowly recovering like a patient recovering from a serious illness.

  After this crisis, Ji Que's desire to become stronger has never been so strong.

  Although the Fenglian Sect has been uprooted, Ji Que knew that with his luck, there might be new crises.

   After all, judging from his experience, this world is too dangerous.

  A bustling city like the Northland can be destroyed because of one god. What if there are more similar gods in this world?

   This is also the reason why Ji Que wants to become stronger.

   If he is not strong enough, he may not be able to save his life, not to mention saving his assets and food in the city.

  After this snowfall, Ji Que's comprehension bar in the sea of ​​consciousness reached an unprecedented fullness, even a little red and purple.

  He feels that if this management continues, it will be a great success if there is less talk.

   Meanwhile, his bad luck continued to strike.

  The house he lived in had been safe and sound, but suddenly half of it collapsed on this day.

  The house that wasn’t crushed by the snow disaster turned out to collapse after the snow melted, which is quite outrageous.

  He followed the collapsed pillar to investigate, and was almost bitten by a man.

  In this heavy snowfall, some people died and some people were missing. No one was alive or dead.

Ji Que and the others have analyzed that the few people who disappeared went to hard-to-find places, such as the wilderness on the outskirts of the city. After being buried by snow, the bodies were washed away due to snowmelt and avalanches. It is very likely that they were dead. And resurrected people.

  These people have wind lotuses on their bodies, which are quite lethal to people, and they are quick to move.

  It is easy for them to escape.

   And now there is one here.

   This buddy got stuck in the corner post for some reason, just like getting stuck in a wall-penetrating BUG.

   This thing should have been gnawing on the pillars. After so many days, it finally gnawed through the pillars, leading to the collapse.

  Ji Que saw him in pain, so he had to send him on the road, but because of his excessive strength, half of the house collapsed.

   "What a bad luck."

  Ji Que came out with a gray face, and couldn't help complaining.

  After that, he saw Lin Xiangzhi coming out with a bowl of dusty braised pork.

  He especially wanted to eat this bite these days, and it turned out

   "What a bad luck."

   Ji Que couldn't help but sigh again.

   Before he could finish cleaning up, there was a knock on the door.

   It was a young policeman who came to tell Ji Que that the water house in Shuiliu Lane had collapsed and also smashed a neighbor's wall, asking him to pay for it.

  The young policeman looked at the collapsed house behind him, and said in surprise, "Master, your house has also collapsed? You should take it easy recently."

   Without his reminder, Ji Que and Lin Xiangzhi's scalps were already numb.

   Not long after Ji Que paid the money, the door was knocked again.

"No way?"

  When opening the door, Lin Xiangori became nervous.

   It was the tenant of his house near the river.

  The house was collapsed by termites before, and he simply rebuilt it with stones. The house facing the river is like a prison.

   I didn't expect to really like his taste, so I rented it at a high price.

  Lin Xiangzhi once suspected that this person was trying to use it for some unscrupulous business, but turned into a cat and went to see it a few times, and found that the family was really living a good life there.

   Now the tenant said with a look of panic: "I said Brother Ji, your house."

   "Collapsed?" Ji Que said tremblingly.

  The tenant shook his head.

  Ji Que just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but the other party replied to him: "It fell into a hole."

  ? ? ? ! !

   "Fall in a hole?"

The tenant gasped and said: "When the snow melted before, I was glad that the snow disappeared very quickly. Who would have thought that at noon, my wife and I were lying in bed, only to hear a bang, and the whole bed would fall apart. shake.

  I hurried out to check, and found that the kitchen and the latrine had fallen into the hole, and my wife was so frightened that she peed her pants on the spot.”

  Ji Que and Lin Xiangzhi could see clearly, until now his legs were still shaking.

  The autumn wind is rustling, bringing bursts of coolness.

  But now Ji Que's heart is cooler than the autumn wind.

  He stood on the edge of the black hole, and could only see a shed of the hut.

  The big kitchen and hut just disappeared.

  The most important thing is that this hole actually gives people a feeling of unfathomable depth. Standing on the edge, you feel like you are facing an abyss.

   "Isn't this too outrageous?"

  Under the watchful eyes of the tenants, Ji Que slipped and went down, frightening the young couple.

  They thought Ji Que was unsteady because of the house and fell down?

   As a result, seeing the scene of Ji Que walking on the cave wall as if walking on the ground, the wife's eyes were straightened.

  She had long thought that the landlord was young and handsome and had a house, but she didn't expect to have such skills?

  Such a Mr. Landlord is really impressive.

  While the young wife was thinking about where to go, Ji Que had arrived near the thatched shed hanging on the cave wall.

   Arriving here, the area below is already pitch black, and I don't know how deep it is.

  Ji Que continued to lower his feet as if they had grown suction cups, and the blade of the Qianji Sword emitted a soft light behind him.

   Until this time, the hut and kitchen that had already been smashed to pieces appeared in sight.

  Looking at those broken stones, Ji Que was heartbroken for a moment.

  At the beginning, he rebuilt the house to make it stronger, but he spent a lot of money. Who would have thought that the kitchen and the hut would be gone like this.

  The most important thing is that the house can be rebuilt. If such a big hole is stuck here, wouldn’t the area of ​​the house be smaller?

  No, no one else would dare to live here in such a big hole, and not everyone loves cliff villas.

  Three suites in a row suffered serious losses today, and Ji Que only had one feeling in his heart—"It hurts, it hurts too much!".

  After experiencing the strange snow incident, his bad luck had probably stopped, but who knew that he would be hit three times in a row.

   After Ji Que came out, he found that the tenant not only didn't blame him, but the tenant's wife comforted him very gently.

  Ji Que was very moved, and his depressed mood improved slightly.

   It's just that this house can no longer be rented, and it is even rented out with a high probability.

  The real estate investment he was proud of gave him a sap, and he didn't recover much.

  Suddenly such a big hole appeared, not to mention Ji Que's small courtyard, even the surrounding rooms were affected and fell a lot.

   It can be said that after the snow disaster, Ji Que's small courtyard made the already falling housing prices even worse.

  Ji Que knew that his limit was almost here.

   Assets are one aspect, and it is easier to affect others.

   For a long time, his bad luck was basically his own business. For example, when a group of people walked together and met a tiger, the tiger must be chasing him;

  But after holding back for an unprecedentedly long time this time, this bad luck has a tendency to spread to others.

  Large-scale disasters like snowstorms probably have little to do with his luck, but his own house has a lot to do with it.

  Yes, if the hole were bigger, the tenants would probably fall in.

   This is also the reason why the tenant's wife did not blame him, but came to comfort him, and he was very moved.

  Since it is time to use his savvy, he has to think about what is the best way to use it.

  In the room, on the table is a copy of "Natal Object Accumulation Technique".

  Actually, Ji Que had been thinking about this question a long time ago, and Ling Qianhu's advice to him that day gave him an inspiration.

  Ling Qianhu told him that even if he is only in the realm of the four realms of spiritual thoughts, he can start to accumulate his natal objects.

   It is said that this is the standard equipment for a one-in-a-million spiritual genius.

   Later, he inquired about it and found out that Ling Qianhu started to accumulate natal objects in the four realms, and once he raised them, he raised nine more.

  Yes, it is not easy for others to accumulate one natal object due to mental and mental strength, but Ling Qianhu has nine.

   It's just that Ji Que can feel that Ling Qianhu doesn't rely much on natal objects, but is very strong.

  Finally, he decided to follow Ling Qianhu's suggestion and accumulate his natal objects while in the Four Realms Divine Sense Realm.

  He knew that this matter must not be simple, but with understanding, there should be a solution.

  Start cultivating from now on, then you can basically be handy when you reach the five realms of life, which is equivalent to winning at the starting line.

   "Natal Matter Conservation Technique" is a very common practice secret book. It can be said that most of the monks who cultivate the natal object have read this booklet.

  It is not so much a secret book as it is a program manual, similar to the "Compendium of Postpartum Care of Sows".

   "Comprehension, natal object cultivation technique!"

  Ji Que's mind moved, and the purple-red comprehension bar suddenly penetrated into the booklet.

   This time, the booklet did not automatically move without wind, but twisted and swelled, as if the injected energy was too much and was about to overflow.

   But as it twisted for a while, the page finally turned.

  All kinds of methods about accumulating natal objects slip through the brain one by one, and you will understand as soon as you slip Ji Que.

  What is superior understanding?

  Ji Que enjoys this continuous enlightenment feeling very much, he doesn't have the enlightenment of the sage's time at all.

  After comprehending various methods of cultivation, a little bold idea was formed in Ji Que's mind

  Natural objects can be regarded as the monk's bold exploration of magic weapons. They are formed by the monk's hard work and thoughts, so they are closely connected with the monk. Just a thought can come and go as soon as it is called.

At the same time, because of the influence of the monk's state of mind when accumulating, it is very easy to have some wonderful changes. For example, the old man Luo, the concierge, was hurt by love at that time, so after the "Desolate Ecstasy Thorn" cultivated hits the enemy, it will give people A sense of despondency, ecstasy and despair, watching the woman she loves run away with someone else.

   But this time, Ji Que comprehended more than that. If "Natal Life Cultivation Technique" is a manual of methods, then Ji Que has seen some essence through these methods.

  Natal things are not raised in this way.

  No matter how beautiful the natal object has wonderful changes, it is still a dead object after all, and Ji Que wants to make it alive.

   Let it be obedient and sensible, and even have its own thoughts, just like a "pet" that can unite with its own mind, or even a servant who can be in love with God.

   Preferably a maid!

  If he wasn't too single-minded, he already had four favorite women, and he even thought of treating her as a "tool man".

  This idea is undoubtedly bold, with the taste of idiot's dream, but this time the understanding has given this possibility.

  [Name: Ji Que

  Age: 20

   Realm: The first stage of the four realms of spiritual thought

  Strength: not strong enough (self-assessment)

Skills: Amphibious Swimming (Proficient), Running (Proficient), Barbecue (Proficient), Ultimate Taijiquan (Great Accomplishment), Yixue (Great Accomplishment), Qianji Swordsmanship (Great Accomplishment), Escape Tour (Master Accomplishment), Fengshen Leg (Great Accomplishment), Yunji Talisman Law · Water and Fire (Great Accomplishment), Luanfeng Reversal · Huayu (Proficient), Benevolent Hand (Great Accomplishment), Natal Object · Transforming Spirit (Great Accomplishment)

  Savvy accumulation value: not yet opened]

  So that night, Lin Xiangzhi saw Ji Que holding the Qianji Sword and touching it constantly, with various strange smiles on his face.

  Afterwards, Ji Que got busy, took out the Xingyun black iron that he got from Lin Xiangzhi's father earlier, and "upgraded" Qianjijian.

  After the natal object is completed, its material will change to a certain extent, and there is a huge gap with the non-natal object, but the better the foundation, the stronger it will be.

From ancient times to the present, there have always been a small number of practitioners who can go to the step of accumulating natal objects, and the initial practitioners are already satisfied when they reach the level of "Qi Sui Nianqi", and then they inject emotion when accumulating, Let it give birth to changes in the way of cultivation.

  Now Ji Que is a little more radical, that is, to treat it as a living thing, to be cultivated by one person.

  Ji Que understands it as a crazy unrequited love for the "natal object". For example, if you think she is a woman, as long as your heart is sincere enough, your thoughts are strong enough, and your heart is pure enough, she will become a woman sooner or later.

  In fact, this is not difficult to understand. Injecting emotions into the natal object can make the natal object produce wonderful changes. What Ji Que did, but a little more greedy, was to make it come alive and have life.

   Of course, the difficulty is exaggerated. After all, it is very difficult for most monks to cultivate a natal object with wonderful changes, and Ji Que will definitely pay more for this matter.

  But he has this confidence, not only because "Natural Object·Hua Ling (Dacheng will give him the most effective method, but also because he is a unique practice wizard.

  Ling Qianhu can raise nine natal objects by himself, but what happened to him raising a "sword woman"?

  As long as you have the courage, the sword will also be released

   Bah bah!

  Ji Que quickly stopped his overly unrestrained thoughts and decided to start from scratch.

  So at the beginning of winter, Lin Xiangzhi could already see Ji Que "rolling the sword", like she was in the shape of a cat.

  Seeing this, Lin Xiangzhi couldn't help but said, "Are you crazy? You don't feel like your hands are hurting when you touch this thing."

  Ji Que remained unmoved, injected majestic thoughts every day, fed some blood from time to time, and continued masturbating.

  On this day, Lin Xiangzhi was carrying vegetables to the dining table, only to hear a bang, and the vegetables spilled all over the floor.

  Because she saw that the Qianji Sword that Ji Que had been masturbating all day turned soft.

  Yes, it is soft, like a noodle, giving people a very useful look.

   This is really hard work pays off, can an iron sword be turned into mud?

  (end of this chapter)