MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 98

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No one thought that this time, they came to the icy polar region full of hope, but ended up so lonely.

Now, although the memory of the Holy King has not been restored, many painful pasts are placed in the corner like blank paper, but she saw Luo Ranfeng sitting in the snow, the tears in her eyes were blown away by the wind At that moment, her long black hair became as white as snow, and her heart seemed to be strangled by something.

She subconsciously went to look at Song Nianying. With tears in her eyes, Song Nianying hugged Luo Ranfeng, who was falling down, and whispered something in her ear, comforting her softly.

It's like a familiar picture.

It seems that the weather is also like this, and she once lost her favorite.

This time I came here to help Luo Ranfeng, but I didn't expect this to be the result.

Song Nianying once thought sadly that if it wasn't for her, Yunrou would not have come down, locked in the mortal world for a thousand years, and her sister would not have experienced this, and she would have thought, if it wasn't for her, Chu Yu would still be the same now. The aloof Seventh Princess, the admirable head of the Eight Dragons, with her talent, should have already cultivated the righteous way.

The Holy King was warming her milk soup at that time, she raised her eyes, her eyes were quietly staring at Song Nianying: "He De is lucky to meet you."

She is much luckier than Luo Ranfeng.

Song Nianying did not leave her alone.

No matter what she becomes, she will always find her and stay by her side.

Song Nianying's nose sore, she walked over and hugged Yan Chuyu gently.

Outside the window, the north wind howled and the snow fell, but Chu Yu's embrace was so warm.

Pieces of snowflakes fell into Song Nianying's eyes like petals, and she leaned her chin on Yan Chuyu's shoulder intimately, and murmured, "We used to be in pain too."

They have experienced so many life and death partings.

Sometimes, she didn't dare to look back and think about it.

Yan Chuyu raised her hand slowly, hugging Song Nianying: "But you are still here."

No matter what she experienced, maybe she has forgotten it, but Nianying is still there.

They stayed in the extremely cold place to accompany Luo Ranfeng for a long time.

Luo Ranfeng has been silent all the time, the love of a thousand years has taken away everything, leaving only a head of white hair.

She would often fall alone in the wind and snow, sitting on the place where Yunrou's hands and feet were once locked, and gently touching the cold snow with her hands.

The expression, so bleak, makes people feel heartbroken.

Once, she thought that the time when they fell in love but were not free would be the most painful existence in their long memories.

As everyone knows, that is already the happiness that she can't reach in the rest of her life.

Everything finally melted like this cold snowflake on the fingertips.

Song Nianying was very worried about her sister for a while, she was afraid that she would fall asleep in despair.

Luo Ranfeng knew what she was thinking, and she smiled at her: "Ying'er, I told you that I want to attend your wedding and give you a gift."

Although she was mourning, her reason was still there.

In this relationship, she doesn't owe Yunrou anything, the reason why she feels uncomfortable is because the memory binds her.

She wanted to open the cage and run out, but she couldn't.

Song Nianying smiled when she saw her like this, felt uncomfortable, and went back and muttered a few words to Chu Yu, "I always feel that my sister has suppressed too much sadness in her heart, so I don't want to say it out."

Mind readers are bad at this.

She can read the hearts of people in the world, but no one can understand hers.

The Holy King remained silent. At night, she tucked up the bedding for Song Nianying, closed the door, and walked to the edge of the Changhu Lake under the moonlight.

In the middle of the frozen lake, Luo Ranfeng was wearing a white coat, with her long white hair pulled up, as if she had merged with the wind and snow.

She turned her head and looked at Yan Chuyu, "I'm leaving."

The Holy King looked at her and pursed his lips.

She is cold by nature and not good at expressing. In fact, she has a lot of emotions in her heart, but she doesn't know how to express it.

Luo Ranfeng looked into her eyes and nodded slightly.

it is more than words.

"Take care of Shadow."

The last thing she left was this sentence.

She has no way to stay here anymore, this place carries too many memories of her, good and bad, filling her mind day by day, almost breaking her to pieces.

Song Nianying heard Chu Yu's words the next day. She hugged her waist and said softly, "Sister will be fine."

She has gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes, and she has not experienced anything. As long as she is given a little time, she will definitely get better.

My sister is not here, and there is no need for the two of them to stay here.

On the day they returned home, Hua Bairou and Zuo Die extended a warm welcome to the two of them. The petals were scattered from south to north, and red happy words were posted in the house. They also specially bought two sets of pure white wedding dresses inlaid with pearls. , and only one sentence: "I will give birth to a precious son early."

Regarding this, the Holy King raised his eyebrows with a dark face, and Hua Bairou was so frightened that he immediately hid behind Zuo Die.

Zuo Die turned into a little mouse and hid behind his wife.

Song Nianying smiled, and she looked at Yan Chuyu with full eyes, "Your body is almost recovered, and I have gathered countless warnings, we should think about our affairs."

Zuo Die cheered from behind, and was going to share the news with Gu Yuechi tonight, while Hua Bairou saw that something was wrong with the Holy King.

It stands to reason that the Holy King should be happy, why is there still a trace of fear in his eyes?

She came to talk to Sheng Wang at night.

The Holy King was still the same, with a deadly arrogant face, she put it on for a long time without saying anything.

In the end, Hua Bairou had no choice but to risk his life to provoke his wife, "Hey, Holy King, you also know that the most important thing our wife lacks is younger sisters. You were not at home a few days ago, and several younger sisters came to the door. "


The word "oh" was uttered with murderous intent by the Holy King. She turned her head and stared at Hua Bairou coldly.

Hua Bairou bit the bullet, "Why don't you take it quickly?"

She really wanted to ask the Holy King, can't you?

The holy king looked at the sky, the earth, and behind himself, hesitant to speak.

Hua Bairou looked at the movement behind her for the last time, and realized something. She subconsciously asked, "Holy King, are you afraid...of hurting Madam, or are you afraid that you won't be able to control yourself?"

Sometimes, it is not a shame for subordinates to be too smart.

The Holy King stared at Hua Bairou with staring eyes, and Hua Bairou looked at her anxiously.

They stared at each other for several minutes.

The Holy King said slowly, "I'm all afraid."

Hua Bairou: ...

Really, compared to sincerity and cuteness, no one can beat their holy kings.

It's all like this, the Holy King still didn't forget to warn coldly: "You must not tell Madam."

Hua Bairou nodded eagerly, "That's natural, Holy King, who do you think I am? How could I tell Madam about this kind of thing? Let me help you find a way."

The Holy King looked at Hua Bairou expectantly.

Hua Bairou: ...

It's really too obedient and easy to deceive, it's unbearable.

That night, Hua Bairou told Song Nianying the secret, and her original words were straightforward, "Madam, I think it's better for you to go up, with the temper of the Holy King, I accidentally looked through the history and saw that Qiurong sucked his wife before." It's a mummy thing, I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

The holy king, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, is most afraid of losing his wife.

Song Nianying heard this, thinking of her Chu Yu's cute appearance, rubbing her chin with one hand, smiling like a bad fox.

She likes such an innocent Chu Yu very much.

Cute, yet ignorant and dazed.

She had such thoughts in the first place, but she was busy with her sister's affairs and neglected it. Choosing a day is worse than hitting the day, so let's tonight.

Hua Bairou: ...

Look at Madam's eyes, why is it so scary? ? ?

In the evening, Gu Yuechi led the newly discovered and talented vampire Xue Ningsu to the Holy King. Her ability was similar to Luo Ranfeng, she could see through people's minds, although she was not like the ancestor, she could see through people's every time period No matter how long the years are, you can still read the thoughts of that year. What Xue Ningsu read was the person's current thoughts, and the span did not exceed three days, but she also had an additional skill that could affect people's emotions.

Although she is a freshman, the superposition of such abilities is enough to ensure that she will become a powerful existence of the vampire family in the future.

Hua Bairou knew that the Holy King didn't like to be disturbed, so she would discuss with Zuo Die and Gu Yuechi and deal with it if there was anything wrong, but when such a genius appeared, the Holy King had to take care of it.

Xue Ningsu was quite confident at first, her talent allowed her to walk sideways in the group, she could read everyone's thoughts at all times, and her road to promotion was smooth.

When she came to see the Holy King today, she was also full of confidence, and wanted to read about the cruel thoughts of this legendary **** of death.

Is it really like the folks say, always thinking about freezing people into ice cubes and cutting them into pieces?

With one hand behind his back, the Holy King stared at Xue Ningsu with a pair of ice blue eyes.

As expected of a **** of killing, those eyes and aura were too lethal, Xue Ningsu nervously and low-key began to read her mind bit by bit.

――What are you doing today, madam?

Would she really be like everyone else and think I can't do it?

Then... will she dislike me?

Xue Ningsu raised his head in disbelief, and looked at the Holy King in shock. The Holy King narrowed his eyes at her, and she immediately lowered her head.

On the way, the lady came to urge the Holy King to go home quickly.

She rode a spider in leather pants into the snow castle with a smile on her face, "Chu Yu, hurry home, I have something to do with you tonight."

The Holy King was very happy to see her coming, so he nodded without thinking too much, "Yeah."

——If you want to leave immediately, don't look at anyone.

Xue Ningsu read the thoughts of the Holy King, she glanced at Gu Yuechi in a timely manner, and told her that she could retire.

However, this time she came to see the king of the race, she couldn't come in vain, and she left without showing her skills.

So, before leaving, Xue Ningsu lowered his voice and told the Holy King in a simple sentence.

"Holy King, Madam doesn't dislike you, she wants to sleep with you tonight."

The Holy King originally wanted to go to the house to change into a blue shirt and leave, but when he heard such words, his steps froze.

That night, the sky was filled with lightning and thunder.

Song Nianying hummed a ditty and prepared a candlelight dinner. After taking a bath, she changed into a **** nightgown, which was only a thin layer of gauze. She waited with great anticipation for her Xiaolongren to come back, and told her directly with practical actions. It's okay, don't be afraid, she can take the lead.

And she doesn't know.

This moment.

Her Xiaolongren was sitting at the highest point of Xuanming Pagoda, his eyes were bright red, and he was struggling fiercely in his heart.

Beside her, Zuo Die, who had just completed the mission and was promoted, asked in a low voice, "What is in the Holy King's house that makes you so afraid to go back?"

She has been with the king for so long, and she has never seen her so anxious and terrified. Could it be the wolf clan?

Since Mrs. Da told the wolf clan about the pure-blood breeding method, the wolf clan has blossomed everywhere, and each of them has made their due contribution to family planning. Notice.

The Holy King raised his left hand and caught a bolt of lightning, forming an electric ball, and slowly replied: "My wife."

Zuo Die: ...

husband, madam? ? ?

What is the holy king afraid of his wife?

Zuo Die, who is young and has never eaten meat, naturally does not understand.

All she knew was that that day, accompanied by thunder and lightning, the madam rode over on a spider and captured the Holy King as if she were catching a chick.

Immediately afterwards, they did not leave the house for seven days and seven nights.

On the way, Zuo Die was worried. She wanted to visit the Holy King several times, but Hua Bairou grabbed her by the neck, "What are you going to do? Don't make trouble."

Zuo Die was loyal: "I'm afraid that the Holy King hasn't come out for so long, is there something wrong?"

Hua Bairou was speechless: "You little boy, you know nothing."

Zuo Die pouted, and went to see Gu Yuechi for help, but Gu Yuechi covered his mouth and smiled, "Okay, Zuo Die, listen to your elder sister Hua, I promise, the Holy King is fine, he's still very..."

She originally wanted to say "comfortable", but after thinking about it, it was not a good word to say to Zuo Die, so she changed her words: "Happy."


Zuo Die's eyes were full of doubts.

Isn't it happy?

In fact, after the first round of the Holy King, when she looked at the imprint on her shoulder, a strange yet familiar sentence floated in her mind.

——You can give her the perfect **** and love of a vampire, no human being can refuse.

However, before she had time to think clearly, a pair of white and soft arms hugged her waist, Song Nianying smiled, put her head in front of her, and listened to the heartbeat of the Holy King, "How about it? Want to drink my blood?"

She had heard so much from Hua Bairou before, and thought that her family, Chu Yuzhen, had forgotten the basic skills.

But after trying it once, it's not like that at all. She is still the same as before, knowing exactly what she wants?

At this time, the powerful advantages of vampires are revealed.

They don't have to eat, sleep, or even drink water.

As long as you want.

What moved the Holy King the most was that Song Nianying would lean on the head of the bed naked, stretch out two hands to hook, and say in that hoarse and seductive voice: "Come on, let me become a dragon this time. "

Is it enough to become a dragon, madam?

In fact, the dragon tail has many uses, not just being bullied.

When he was really on the scene, all Song Nianying could do was hug Yan Chuyu tightly, even with all his strength, he couldn't restrain the messy loss of control.

Wait until the eighth day, when the two come out holding hands.

Under the smiling eyes of Hua Bairou Zuo Die and Gu Yuechi, Song Nianying raised his eyebrows as before, and turned their ambiguous gazes back, while the Holy King lowered his head with a blushing face.

Seeing her like this, Song Nianying's heart skipped a beat again. It must have been held back for too long. Once this kind of thing is opened, it can no longer be controlled.

Between lovers, such a 100% fit is always the best emotional catalyst.

Sheng Wang not only found confidence, but also felt that his body had never been as full as it is now.

That's the beauty of shadows.

No panacea was needed, and all her old ailments were healed.

In her mind, many images of the past often flowed out, messy and homeless.

The only difference from the past is that whatever the Holy King thinks of, he will tell Song Nianying. Song Nianying will put his arms around her waist and whisper to her what the picture represents.

They have lost too many years of each other.

This hard-won happiness is extremely precious.

The story of the vampire race has never stopped, and there are many rumors about the fact that the gods do not accept the recall of the heavens and still stay in the world.

I have long been tired of the turbulent world and the lack of gluttony.

Song Nianying and the Holy King had a final discussion, and decided to go back to the beginning, where they lived in seclusion in the deserted mountains.

Hua Bairou Zuo Die and Gu Yuechi were naturally reluctant, even Lang Rouyi, Lang Yinuo and Xiaobai were also reluctant, and told them several times, but seeing their resolute attitude, they had no choice but to ask.

After all, they all knew how hard it was for Song Nianying and Yan Chuyu.

That day, amidst everyone's blessings, Yan Chuyu and Song Nianying waved their hands and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Zuo Die's snot bubbles came out from crying, and she said unhappily: "Why can the spider in leather pants accompany my sister to leave, but I can't when I am also an animal?"

Hua Bairou stared at the direction they were leaving with red eyes, sighed softly, and patted Zuo Die on the head, "Okay, didn't they say it? As long as we miss them, we can go to them at any time. "

fair enough.

Lang Rouyi silently held Bai Zhiya's hand, watching the direction in which her sister left.

Thousands of years, they are too tired.

From then on, she was no longer a ghost.

And Yan Chuyu is no longer a holy king.

They are just them.

This is the idle life they were looking for in the first place, isn't it?

They have waited too long.

Thousands of years later, the vicissitudes of the world have changed, and after tossing and turning, holding hands, they returned to their former home. Song Nianying and Yan Chuyu looked at the weeds all over the ground and smiled at each other.

Although the house is gone, the people are still there.

As long as they are there, home is there.

all year round.

Three meals a day.

They are together enough.

The appearance of the Holy King protecting his daughter-in-law has not changed, she will not let the wife get tired, at her speed, after seven days, she gave the wife a hut that is exactly the same as the one they lived in before.

No need for extravagant decoration.

As long as there are them.

Of course, Madam didn't just goof off. That night, she covered Yan Chuyu's eyes and said with a smile, "No peeking, I'll let you open them to open them."

Chu Yu was the one who listened to Song Nianying's words the most. The corners of her lips rose and she nodded slightly.

"Okay, open it."

Following Song Nianying's voice, Yan Chuyu slowly opened her eyes. She thought that his wife would give her something like the love pendant from before, but when she opened her eyes, the two red dowries on the bed clicked. Brightened her eyes.

This is what Song Nianying has always treasured. They came from the city without bringing anything, except for these two sets of wedding dresses.

——You are my wife.

I want to marry you.

The words of the past suddenly rang in his ears. Chu Yu looked at the wedding dress that should have been worn on her body thousands of years ago. Under the candlelight, a line of tears slid down her cheeks.

"Today is our big day, why are you crying?"

Song Nianying was obviously comforting Chu Yu, but she also shed tears.

She took Yan Chuyu's hand, walked to the dressing table, separated her long hair, applied rouge, and put the dowry on her body little by little.

Once upon a time, before Chu Yu fell asleep, what he wanted to see most was Song Nianying in dowry.

No one knew how much pain Song Nianying felt when he rejected her back then.

And now...

Looking at the delicate Yan Chuyu in the bronze mirror, Song Nianying smiled with tears in her eyes, everything is worth it, isn't it? All the suffering is finally over.

They paint each other's eyebrows.

lips for each other.

The bright moon is the proof.

With their arms entwined, they looked at each other and smiled, exchanged two glasses of acacia, and drank them all in one gulp.

The moon is lingering and the starry sky is thousands of miles away. Wearing red wedding dresses, the two people who are as delicate as fire cuddle up to each other to enjoy the moon.

The moonlight fell softly on the body, no longer the taste of tears and parting, but full of affection.

Their hearts have never been so peaceful.

In the past, those pains that could not be overcome, those scars that hurt when you mention them, now, they have become the past in their mouths.

After chatting for a long time, Song Nianying took out the green flute from his waist and put it between his vermilion lips.

In the first half of her life as a **** shadow, she played for the sentient beings in need and for the souls of the dead. Now, she only plays for her lover.

Yan Chuyu looked at her, his eyes were full of starlight, and their other hands intertwined.

At this moment, there was a cool and familiar wind blowing over her frivolous cheeks. Yan Chuyu was the first to notice it. She turned her head suddenly and looked at the grass in the distance in surprise.

Song Nianying jumped up in surprise, "Sister."

Chu Yu: ...

Luo Ranfeng came from among the flowers with a smile, carrying two jugs of wine in her hand, "I didn't disturb your bridal chamber, did I?"

Long time no see.

The sadness between her brows faded away, although she still had that white hair, but there was a little brilliance in her eyes.

Song Nianying was naturally happy to see her sister, "Sister, why are you here?"

Luo Ranfeng tossed the wine into the air, and the priceless wine that she brewed for thousands of years fell into Yan Chuyu's arms. She smiled and stroked Song Nianying's hair: "Sister said, you two are married!" , will definitely come, and I will give you gifts.”

Song Nianying looked into her eyes, felt the no longer heavy breath on her body, and felt relieved a lot.

Three glasses of wine.

Luo Ranfeng told them that since the parting, she had been walking aimlessly all over the place, and she was in pain at first, as if she was trapped in a whirlpool, and she couldn't escape no matter what.

Later, she verified the scenery along the way, and it was also like the shadow of the gods, who rescued many poor people and many animals.

Gradually, Luo Ranfeng found a kind of warmth that didn't belong to love. Perhaps it was because she had lived in the extremely cold place for too long and sealed her heart away.

"Oh, by the way, I saved your sister in Xihai on the way."

"Which sister?"

Song Nianying asked curiously, and Luo Ranfeng thought about it, "She has a very bad temper, she is covered in purple light, and there is a herring under her feet. It was the day when she crossed the catastrophe, and she was struck down by two lightning bolts. She was swearing at me. saved."

Song Nianying: ...

Yan Chuyu: ...

This is... little thirteen?

The first ancestor is the first ancestor. For her, such things as crossing the tribulation have become two thunderbolts, which is an understatement.

Luo Ranfeng glanced at Yan Chuyu and smiled, "She really has a bad temper. I rescued her, but she said she wouldn't let me save her, so she lost her temper."

You know, the dragon clan is proud, and they are the least willing to accept favors from people, let alone the other party is a vampire.

Yan Chuyu looked at her, "Then what did you do?"

Luo Ranfeng smiled slightly: "I drew two more thunders down and returned them to her."

Song Nianying: ...

Yan Chuyu: ...

Although they were not there, they could already feel Shisan's expression of being stunned by lightning.

"I also saw Xiao Jin Zhi."

Song Nianying froze, looking at her sister in disbelief, Luo Ranfeng pursed her lips and smiled slightly, she looked at Yan Chuyu with an indifferent face: "You were the one who saved her last breath and protected her reincarnation."

Song Nianying immediately turned to look at Yan Chuyu, but Yan Chuyu didn't speak, but looked at the bright moon in the sky.

It was her last breath that protected Jin Zhi.

In the past, how much she didn't like Song Nianying hurting herself again and again to save sentient beings, and even lost her temper with her because of it.

But the long years are so long, her heart has long been twisted and turned, and she has been tamed by the madam like water.

She knew that although Song Nianying didn't say anything, the matter of Jin Zhi had always been a scar in her heart.


Fortunately, at that time, because of the technique of rebirth that Yun Rou had inquired about, because Jin Zhi was very powerful before and had the aura of divine shadow, although Yan Chuyu went through some twists and turns, it was not as troublesome as the world's dew. Follow Jin Zhi reincarnation.

In this life, she is not a child who was abandoned and suffered a lot, nor is she a vampire, nor is she a violent and cruel king.

She is just an ordinary little girl from an ordinary family, loved by her parents and enjoying family relationships.

She has forgotten everything about her previous life.

She lived the life she wanted most.

Song Nianying couldn't help but raised her head and kissed Chu Yu's lips, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Chu Yu didn't speak, and under the blurred moonlight, her cheeks were outlined in pink, making her salivate.

"By the way, to be serious, I still want to give gifts."

The main purpose of Luo Ranfeng's visit this time is to give gifts, and she also knows that she is a big light bulb, seeing how the two of them are newlyweds, it's better to hurry up and leave after giving the gifts.

Song Nianying was as curious as a child: "What gift?"

With my elder sister's character, I definitely wouldn't give gold and silver, and it would be clichéd to give jewelry.

She thought the wine was a gift.

Luo Ranfeng smiled slightly, she put down the wine bottle in her hand, and clapped her hands on the ground. At that moment, tens of thousands of petals seemed to flow upstream, and she was floating in midair, stretching out a hand, facing Song Nianying : "Come, Ying'er."

Song Nianying didn't know what her sister was doing, but she still jumped up and put her hands on it.

Looking up at all this, Yan Chuyu took a sip of his wine, feeling that the wine he drank was no longer so good, with a sour taste.

Luo Ranfeng smiled and stretched out her other hand, "You come too, Chu Yu."

Although the former holy king had already lost his achievements and fame, his arrogant personality was still there. Yan Chuyu turned around coldly, facing the ancestor with the back of his head.

Luo Ranfeng looked at Song Nianying helplessly, Song Nianying curled her lips, and she exclaimed: "Wow, it's so interesting, sister, what are you showing me?"

As soon as these words came out, Yan Chuyu turned her head, and she looked at Madam suspiciously, almost without doubt, she jumped up and put her hand on it.

The moment Luo Ranfeng grabbed her, Yan Chuyu realized that she had been cheated, but it was too late.

The three of them had fluttering clothes, their long hair was blown away by the wind, surrounded by hundreds of flowers, and fireflies flying from nowhere surrounded Song Nianying and Yan Chuyu, just like when they were teenagers.

And in their minds, thousands of pictures flew into their minds one by one, as if they were on the scene.

It was they who were still the ignorant Shenying Yulongren's first love;

It was they who went through hardships, one became vicissitudes and the other became a vampire who never gave up;

It was the holy king who was about to fall asleep, and Song Nianying said with tears in her eyes that she was not allowed to leave, and when he cut open his heart and took out the blood from the apex of his heart, they felt each other's pain;

It is the pity that Shenying has wandered alone for thousands of years, and the holy king can only turn into a drop of crystal tears to accompany him;

After they woke up, they fell in love with each other at first sight again;

Little by little, the memories they had forgotten, and the memories that were not known to each other, were all transmitted through Luo Ranfeng's fingertips, and entered each other's minds.

All memories, all details of being in love, are retrieved.

Dusty for thousands of years, the details of those once in love, but like the red wedding dresses on them, shining brightly, so bright.

The wind gently lifts the two of them up, their bodies are spinning, and in front of them is the firefly that Chu Yu attracted for Song Nianying when they were teenagers.

I don't know how long it has been.

Luo Ranfeng had disappeared.

And the two of them, under the moonlight, clasped their fingers together, and looked at each other with tears in their eyes.

Thousands of years have passed, the world has been vicissitudes, and the years have changed.

And they are still them.

never changed.

Ends May 11, 2022

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