MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 96

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--don't want.

Luo Ranfeng excitedly pressed the Holy King's hand, her eyes were full of anxiety, and there was even a wave of air around her body, and she used all her strength to intercept and protect it. The Holy King hesitated for a moment, and looked at the snowstorm.

Just now, because of the sudden incident, the snow-gathered figure came too fast, and ran towards Song Nianying unexpectedly.

Song Nianying reacted very quickly and took a few steps back to prevent it from falling down. Like Chu Yu, she thought that the snowman was going to attack her, but now, seeing clearly, she found that the snowman was actually kneeling on the ground in a kneeling posture. in front of Song Nianying.

It seemed to be very excited, and it made a whistling sound from its mouth.

Song Nianying paused, she went to see Luo Ranfeng, and the Holy King also looked at Luo Ranfeng.

Luo Ranfeng was also astonished. It was Yunrou's soul that was condensed. It's just that she had only been away for a few days. When she and Yan Chuyu arrived just now, Yunrou's breath was still as faint as silk. How could Song Nianying Since then, it has become stronger than ever?

Song Nianying squinted at the snowman. She looked at it seriously. She couldn't see its facial features clearly. It only vaguely knew that it was a person. It knelt at Song Nianying's feet, even though it couldn't even see the specific outline. But people could still feel its excitement, as if it was afraid that Song Nianying would leave, its body trembled slightly, bringing up patches of snowflakes.

Luo Ranfeng: ...

You know, she has been with Yunrou in the wind and snow for thousands of years, no matter when, she is such a calm and self-sufficient girl, even if she suddenly lost her soul a few days ago, she has never been so excited like she is now.

Luo Ranfeng stared at Song Nianying, and asked softly, "Niannian, do you know Yunrou?"

Her voice trembled imperceptibly.

The ancestor's heart also seemed to be hit by something.

She was very unfamiliar with this feeling, and felt uncomfortable all over.

Song Nianying looked at the snowman and shook her head. She didn't know Yunrou, and she didn't know why she was so excited to see her.

In the wind and snow, the holy king, who was always reticent, shook his dress. She looked into Luo Ranfeng's eyes and said slowly, "Your sister Ying'er has many younger sisters."

Luo Ranfeng: ...

Song Nianying: ...

Killing people.

The Holy King, who has been suffering for a few days, has never been as happy as he is now.

She was originally a child at heart, and besides Song Nianying, she was a simple and rude existence to others. Now seeing Luo Ranfeng's expression, she was in an inexplicably good mood.

Song Nianying gave Yan Chuyu an angry look, Luo Ranfeng was silent for a moment, she looked at Yan Chuyu: "Holy King, you can control water, can you help Yunrou strengthen her body."

It's not going to last long enough like this.

Before the Holy King could speak, Song Nianying grabbed her hand, "Don't be a child."

The Holy King stood in the valley where the wind and snow were blowing the most. She raised her hands slowly, her palms seemed to be glued together, and the snowflakes automatically fell on her palms.

Her eyebrows and eyes are like ink, and in the vast white snow, she looks like a character in a painting. Every detail and every outline is depicted with emphasis, and her clothes are elegant and suave.

Song Nianying stared in a daze for a while, the Holy King noticed her gaze, and a lovely blush climbed up his cheeks like plum blossoms.

Luo Ranfeng, who waited nervously while holding her breath: ...

At this moment, she really didn't want to hear the voices of the couple.

——She is so beautiful, I want to kiss her. Forget it, don't let my sister find out.

——Madam is looking at me, am I pretty? And wanting to... let her kiss me.

Luo Ranfeng: ...

Really enough.

The wind and snow quickly gathered in the palm of the Holy King. Like a great magician in the game, she held two huge snowballs in her hands and rushed towards the snowman whose outline could not be seen clearly. One drop.

Following Song Nianying's and Luo Ranfeng's expectant gazes, the snowman was smashed and scattered with snowflakes, collapsing and flying.

Song Nianying: ...

Luo Ran's phoenix hair stood on end, she gritted her teeth and looked at Yan Chuyu: "What are you doing?! I asked you to strengthen her instead of sending her flying."

The Holy King clapped his hands and calmly walked behind Song Nianying.

Seeing the murderous aura gathered on her sister, Song Nianying quickly blocked Yan Chuyu with her body, "Sister, don't worry."

Seeing Song Nianying anxiously defending herself, the corners of the Holy King's lips raised unconsciously, she raised her hand, took Nianying's plain white hand hanging on one side, and gently shook it.

Song Nianying: ...

At that moment, the aura of the wind and snow intensified significantly, and a hurricane formed, making a roaring sound similar to that of ocean waves.

In front of them, the dissipated snowman was condensed little by little.

This time, it was obviously not as condensed as it was just now, it was only about the size of a three-year-old villain, but if you said you couldn't see the eyebrows and eyes clearly just now, then this time it was as clear as a real person, that is Yunrou a scaled-down version of .

Seeing that she was very excited, Luo Ranfeng reached out to hug her, but the snowman knelt down in front of Song Nianying, crying, "Tianzun."

Song Nianying: ...

Holy King:? ? ?

Luo Ranfeng: ...

The wind was blowing fiercely, and Song Nianying didn't know whether he was blown or called by the "Tianzun", his scalp was numb.

She looked at the little snowman in front of her, and met its snow-white eyes. At that moment, the snowflakes drifted away, as if something was drawn away.

In her eyes, she saw a peaceful and joyful scene, with phoenixes with colorful wings flying around, dragons surrounding her, and a large palace maid walking back and forth carrying all kinds of fresh fruits.

Song Nianying saw one after another of immortals with refined temperament and strong aura, bowing respectfully in front of her and saying something, all of them had admiration and submission on their faces.

In a trance, the picture split, she saw herself sitting on the cloud, holding a glazed marigold in her hand, sipping one mouthful after another with her head up, a young girl stood beside her with downcast eyes, with an indifferent expression, not far away, a The white dragon was passing through the clouds, facing layers of lightning, as if it was going through a catastrophe.

Song Nianying wanted to see more clearly, but the cloud suddenly turned into a black mist like overturned thick ink.

Immediately afterwards, a woman who was laughing and crying appeared in front of her on a black cloud.

She was like a cloud of black mist wrapping around Song Nianying, her voice was desolate, "You're here."

As soon as Song Nianying turned around, the cloud of black mist flew away quickly, and the woman's face was faintly visible inside. She raised her slender fingers and pointed at Song Nianying tremblingly: "You came to the world and experienced countless deceptions and betrayals. Aren't you tired of parting from life and death again and again? Doesn't it hurt? Doesn't it hurt?"

Following her words, clouds of black mist wrapped around Song Nianying.

Pictures from thousands of years ago played in Song Nianying's mind one by one like old black and white movies.

It's the confusion and uneasiness she felt when she woke up in the valley alone, dazedly;

It was because she was surrounded by small animals one second, and the next second was blood, a cold corpse, and the coldness of the peeled flesh;

It was Chuyu who broke the dragon's tail, killed the dragon ball, and lay in her arms with tears in pain;

It was she who had only been happy with her for a hundred years, watching her fall asleep, wandering and suffering, the despair and complaints that jumped into the sea;

It was after she lost her memory that she was deceived time and time again by those close to her, and it was the sharp pain when the knife hit her chest...

Each one is a deception.

Song Nianying's body began to tremble, and tears flowed from her eyes. At that moment, more black mist penetrated into her body.

And the group of women who merged into the black mist were still surrounding her, shouting and complaining.

"You are the Heavenly Venerable, why do you need to come down to the earth to suffer like this?"

"God loves all beings and sympathizes with their suffering, but who ever cared about you?"

"Watching your lover pass away in front of you again and again, is your heart bleeding?"

"Why should you give them your flesh and blood?"

"All sentient beings are in pain, don't you feel pain? Don't you feel pain again and again? Why do you have to bear the karma of others?"

"Is it worth it?"

Song Nianying's tears flowed even more fiercely. She squatted on the ground slowly, like when she lost Chu Yu and her friends many times, she covered her mouth with her hand and cried bitterly.

And beside her, in the black mist, all the souls of the little animals that once warmed her vividly were transformed.

——Sister, it hurts so much.

Sister, it's so cold, save us out.

Sister...don't go...

"what happened?"

Luo Ranfeng was startled when she saw Song Nianying who suddenly closed her eyes as if falling asleep in the heavy snow.

The Holy King looked sharply at the little Yunrou who was piled up by snowflakes, with a murderous look in her eyes, "What did you do?"

Luo Ranfeng was taken aback, she knew Yan Chuyu's character, she knew that she could turn the world upside down for Song Nianying, fearing that she would hurt Yun Rou, she quickly stood in front of her, "Chu Yu, don't get excited. "

How not to get excited?

Nian Nian was dragged into an illusion!

It must be the evil god!

She just looked at Yun Rou, that's all, it must have something to do with her.

The little snowman had tears in his eyes. He shook his head, looked at Luo Ranfeng who stood in front of him, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Feng'er."

Luo Ranfeng turned to look at her, "What did you say?"

Yunrou didn't speak, she raised her small snowy arm and spread her palm, in that palm was a red crescent moon jade pendant.

Luo Ranfeng personally put it on for her on the day they confirmed their mutual love.

She is the ancestor of vampires and possesses powerful mind-reading ability. No one in this world can escape her eyes.

But she personally put on this jade pendant for her lover, which can defend against her abilities.

Allowing Yunrou to have her own privacy and her smile, Luo Ranfeng believed in her 100% and placed everything in her mind for a long time on her body, never wavering.

But what is Yunrou talking about?

Luo Ranfeng bit her lip and refused to pick up the jade pendant. Yunrou looked at her with a tear falling from her eyes, "I...I lied to you, I was locked here voluntarily, and I know, your relationship with Tianzun , will definitely come here in the future.”

She is not the simple little fairy that Luo Ranfeng said.

Yunrou used to be Song Nianying's personal protector.

She could have controlled the wind and snow and melted everything in the world.

Back then, when Tianzun's **** shadow descended to earth, she was about to follow her, but was blocked by the rules and regulations of the heavens. Later, because she expected that the road to the **** shadow would be bumpy and easy to be overwhelmed, she took it with her. Down to earth with a mission.

The task of Shenying is to overcome all sufferings in the world.

And as a Dharma protector, her task is to welcome the shadow to overcome the final catastrophe, see through the world of mortals, and return to the heaven.

Luo Ranfeng staggered back, tears were streaming down her face, but she still refused to believe it, "No, it's not..."

Sheng Wang pursed his lips and raised his hand to help her, but he withdrew it abruptly.

Luo Ranfeng refused to accept the jade pendant, and with a trembling voice, Yun Rou put the jade pendant she personally put on on the ground. Her body changes slowly.

once Upon a time.

When Luo Ranfeng saw her, she always looked pitiful with her hands and feet trapped involuntarily.

But now, on her slender and slender body, she is wearing a colorful colored glaze dress, her hair is standing up, and the look in her eyes is not something that ordinary people can have.

Where is there any weakness.

Where is there any pity.

Across the wind and snow.

Yunrou just stood opposite Luo Ranfeng, and called softly, "Feng'er."

At that moment, her expression and tone were very similar to Song Nianying.

Her and Luo Ranfeng's auras were also reversed in two levels.

Luo Ranfeng, who has always been polite, fell down and sat in the wind and snow, her tears kept streaming. It turned out that it was all deception...

She would rather she wear the jade pendant all the time than let her read it.

Is this the ruthlessness and cruelty of the gods?

Show her all the **** facts.

What love, what vows, what waiting.

Thanks to her wading through mountains and rivers, she tried every means, and even exhausted all her energy, to rescue her from the snowstorm.

But who would have thought...

Yunrou came to the world for a walk, just to pick up her Heavenly Venerable back.

She is a god, why should she accept her jade pendant to prevent her from reading her mind?

She is just the dirtiest and humblest existence in this world, how can she get into the eyes of gods and men?

Luo Ranfeng cried and laughed, feeling that the thousand-year-old herself was a joke, she stood up tremblingly, laughing and crying, her eyes were as red as crying blood.

Yun Rou stood opposite her, the redness in the corners of her eyes represented her past affection, "I didn't lie to you all, I once...really loved you."

She has moved her heart.

It's just that this little bit of sincerity in the mortal world is too small.

As soon as the words fell, the air-splitting sword brushed against her cheek, Yunrou held her breath, she tapped her toes lightly, her body seemed to be sliding in the snow, and she dodged the blow backwards.

She looked at the opposite person in disbelief.

They already knew her identity, yet Yan Chuyu dared to attack her.

Luo Ranfeng's tears were like hot red pearls, slipping down one by one, melting into the wind and snow that once made her lost.

In the snowstorm, the Holy King held a sword in one hand, her long hair was blown up, and her eyes were icy blue. Standing beside Luo Ranfeng, she said coldly, "Get up."

Luo Ranfeng raised her head and looked at Yan Chuyu with tears in her eyes, while the Holy King looked at Yunrou coldly, "Cheating a person who has dedicated thousands of years to you, you deserve to mention "love"."

Her tone was full of sarcasm and disdain.

Thinking about Yunrou's status is extremely noble, who would dare to treat her like this?

Yunrou frowned slightly, she knew the relationship between Yan Chuyu's identity and the **** shadow, she shook her head indifferently, looked at Song Nianying who was lying on the ground, "You don't understand, I'm coming to the world, just To wait for the return of Heavenly Venerable."

Luo Ranfeng felt her heart was crying blood.

Holy King: "She won't go back."

Nian Nian is different from some **** gods.

"Is it?"

Yun Rouyou smiled, and she looked at the Holy King: "Do you know what will happen if the heavenly man fails to cross the tribulation? How did the evil **** come into being?"

As soon as the words fell, desolate weeping came from all sides of the valley.

The Holy King pursed his lips and stared at Yun Rou.

Heaven and man cross the catastrophe, or succeed and return to the heaven;

Either fail, fall from the clouds to the earth, be spurned by the heavens, and become a shameless and evil existence in this world.