MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 76

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Zilang is naturally sensitive to danger. After being by Song Nianying's side for so long, he has always been very stable. Only when he sees an extremely powerful danger, will he change his shape rashly.

Like Yan Chuyu before, like this woman now.

The woman was originally curled up on the ground, baring her teeth at the animals. Although she was lying on the ground in the most vulnerable way, the aura radiating from her made the animals dare not approach easily.

Her blood-red eyes stared at the animals, her whole body tensed up, and she bared her teeth as a warning. When she landed on Song Nianying, she was slightly startled when she met those curious eyes, panicked for a moment, Immediately, his body retracted into the rags.

"If I hadn't seen it, she would have bitten the fawn's throat."

The boa constrictor said angrily at the side, the deer was shivering under the protection of his parents. It even felt the woman's teeth close to him several times just now, wanting to bite down and then let go.

Zilang stared at the woman on the ground with a pair of green eyes. Unexpectedly, he could meet a blood race here.

Song Nianying took a step forward, and the little animals around her were startled, "Sister!"

"Be careful!"

Song Nianying has always been like this. Although she is the core conductor of everyone and has powerful abilities, she is too innocent and kind. She has been well protected by the animals in the forest.

She shook her head, indicating that everyone was fine, and then slowly walked over to the woman.

The woman lowered her head, watched the shadow approaching, heard the rustling footsteps, and made a warning sound from her mouth.

Zilang was about to bite her on the head angrily, but Song Nianying gave her an angry look, "Rouyi, you stay here."

How strange.

She found that Rouyi seemed to be at odds with this woman.

It was not like this before, and got along very well with everyone, even the little rabbit dared to climb on it.

Ignoring the warning, Song Nianying carefully leaned over. She watched the woman tremble, her body tensed up, curled up in the sack, she squatted down gently, bent down, and asked softly, "Are you hungry?" gone?"

In the dark night, her face was softly outlined by the torch. The woman stared at her with a pair of bright red eyes, swallowed, and turned to look at her snow-white and slender neck, digging her ten fingers into the grass, leaving deep marks.

In a quarter of an hour.

The little animals were all guarding outside, refusing to leave.

Especially the purple wolf, its fur stood up all over, staring fixedly inside, with murderous look in its eyes.

In the cave, Song Nianying searched for things for a long time, but he didn't eat any women or drink dew.

She is not picky, Song Nianying can tell that these are not her food.

The woman curled up with her foot in silence, watching Song Nianying bustling around.

She is Luo Ranfeng, the ancestor of vampires.

When she was alive, she used to be an extremely gentle woman, somewhat similar to Song Nianying, who would not even harm small animals, and had been a vegetarian for a long time, but now, her body seemed to be on fire, very thirsty, that kind of Thirst breeds a terrible desire.

After waking up, she had been starving for a whole month, walked in a daze, strayed into this forest, saw the fawn, and couldn't take it anymore, so she jumped on it.

But when she overwhelmed Xiaolu, her conscience couldn't let it go, and her instinctive desire and conscience fought repeatedly, making her bite down and want to let go.

When the little animals gathered around, she heard their voices.

"Madman," "The Devil," "Kill Her," "Rip her to pieces, and burn her."

She is a natural mind reader.

Those terrifying cries made Luo Ranfeng's heart almost overflow with hostility, so let's do it, let's indulge, her ability is enough to kill this group of animals, tear their throats open, and fill herself up.


When Song Nianying appeared, the girl had a gentle light, and her body exuded a bright aura like the sun. She looked at her without any accusations, cursing or contempt, only curiosity and curiosity in her eyes. Worry.

Just like now, Song Nianying is still digging through the walls and cabinets to find something for her to eat, and even when she rummages, such and such thoughts will pop up in her heart.

"Otherwise, feed her some of your own blood?"

"Perhaps hair and nails would work too?"

Luo Ranfeng's eye circles suddenly became moist. She has been wandering for so long, whoever saw her was not full of fear and fear, like exorcising a devil, and wished that she would die immediately. Even after so long, she had never hurt anything. They still do to her.

Only she is not.

Just when Song Nianying searched for a long time and found nothing, a dead fish was thrown into him through the window.

Lang Rouyi's voice came over, full of cold disdain: "She is bloodthirsty. Although this fish is dead, the blood on its body is enough for her to eat."

Natural enemies of wolves and vampires.

Just now, if Luo Ranfeng didn't smell the slightest bit of blood on her body, she couldn't restrain her fangs at all.

Song Nianying looked at the fish that was thrown on the ground, fell silent for a moment, took the ceramic basin she used to eat and walked over, put it in, filled some water from the spring, and rinsed it.

She walked to Luo Ranfeng's side and pushed the porcelain basin over, "Can you give it a try?"

Luo Ranfeng looked at the fish, then at Song Nianying, and took a deep breath. She grabbed the fish and put it in her mouth to bite.

She didn't eat the meat of the fish, but really sucked the blood from it as Lang Rouyi said.

The smell of fish blood was unpleasant and very stench, as if someone had eaten a meal, but this was the first time someone offered food to Luo Ranfeng after wandering for so long, and Song Nianying standing beside her was full of pity Looking at her intently, how long have you been hungry?

Luo Ranfeng didn't know what was wrong, she sucked in tears and shed tears.

Song Nianying looked a little anxious, "Don't cry, isn't it enough? I'll ask for another one."

Just as she turned around, someone grabbed her wrist, and it felt cold, causing goosebumps. Song Nianying turned her head, and Luo Ranfeng looked at her, and said with tears in her eyes, "Thank you, no need."

She can speak, and she speaks so softly.

Song Nianying was startled, and asked in surprise, "Are you feeling better?"

She found that the red in Luo Ranfeng's eyes was no longer so deep, but turned into a faint dark red, with black coming up.

Luo Ranfeng forced a smile at her, "It's much better, thank you."

This bit of blood was of no use to her at all.

But staying by Song Nianying's side, feeling the kindness radiating from her, Luo Ranfeng felt that the thirst in her body seemed to be under control a lot.

Song Nianying stared at her face, she was really good-looking, with beautiful eyebrows and red lips, Danfeng eyes are seductive but not gorgeous, although her body is dirty, she looks like the daughter of a rich family.

She covered the rag for too long, not only dirty, but also faintly smelled bad.

Sensing Song Nianying's gaze, Luo Ranfeng bit her lip and curled her body in.

After thinking about it, Song Nianying walked to the small table made of stone, and took a long skirt from it.

This was what Yan Chuyu brought to her last time. She treasured it so much that she was reluctant to wear it.

Seeing Song Nianying brought the clothes over, "You wear this, it looks really good."

Luo Ranfeng looked into her eyes, she could clearly read the reluctance and the preciousness in her heart.

Luo Ranfeng smiled slightly, and she shook her head: "No need."

For a ghost like her, what to wear?

But Song Nianying was very stubborn, she forcefully stuffed the clothes into her arms, and said softly, "After you change your clothes, I'll fetch water for you to take a bath. After washing them, they won't treat you like that again."

Under the curling water vapor, Luo Ranfeng washed her body. She hadn't relaxed like this for a long time. Although the desire in her heart had been stirring for a long time, she cherished this rare kindness even more.

Outside the door, Song Nianying carefully looked at Lang Rouyi's face, and explained to it: "Although she is the vampire you mentioned, she didn't harm the little animals. You can see that she is very hungry, so she will go Throwing down the fawn, it didn't bite down in the end."

Lang Rouyi was silent, it was still tense, looking inside.

Luo Ranfeng's hearing was extremely sensitive, and she heard all of this without any omission.

She fell silent.

Lang Rouyi was really anxious, and she couldn't reason with her sister. How could vampires be good? Song Nianying stroked its fur flatteringly, "I remember the first time I rescued you, you were bitten by a black bear and your intestines flowed out."

The moment Zilang heard this, his tail drooped.

That was its painful lesson.

Its newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. It is a rare werewolf with pure blood in the family. It is a powerful existence. His father once said that when it matures for a hundred years, it will become a wolf king. It will protect human beings and protect the safety of one party. You must hone yourself more.

For this reason, it was acting chivalrously everywhere, and just happened to encounter the black bear spirit as a villain, killing innocent people indiscriminately, killing many animals and humans.

It used to fight, but it didn't expect that it was beaten to pieces with just one move.

At that time, it dragged its **** intestines and lay dying by the river, thinking that it would die just like that. When passing by, many people ran away in fright when they saw it, screaming: "Ah, there are wolves, hurry up!" run!"

Some men even came out with a stick and waved it away.

This is the human being that Lang Rouyi wants to protect with her life.

In the end, it was lying on the riverside, waiting to die in despair. It was Song Nianying who picked it up, revived it with blood, gave it food, and warmed it up a little bit.

"You see, there are good and evil among animals."

"You can't just look at the appearance, can you, Rouyi?"

"Well, our family Rouyi is the most sensible, come on, my sister licks her hair."

"That... Rouyi, let the big python go and find something to eat, okay?"

After taking a bath, changing clothes, and eating the duck blood stolen from the world by the boa constrictor, Luo Ranfeng felt that she had come back to life.

After becoming a vampire for so long, for the first time, she felt that the hostility in her heart was extinguished.

But this still did not delay the seductive fragrance emanating from Song Nianying's body.

After wandering around for so long and walking through so many villages, Luo Ranfeng has never smelled such a sweet smell of blood.

It was clean, without a trace of bad smell, even Luo Ranfeng felt that if she took a bite, it would not only relieve all pain, but also make her change like a whole new body.

Song Nianying looked into her eyes and smiled, "Do you want to drink my blood?"

Luo Ranfeng froze, looking at Song Nianying in shame and fear.

Song Nianying smiled: "I don't blame you, even Rouyi often wants to bite me."

She may have such a physique, and there are often small animals who can't help but bite her when they are injured or vulnerable.

Luo Ranfeng lowered her head, clutching the corner of her clothes with her hands, and remained silent for a long time.

"How did you become like this?"

Song Nianying looked at her and asked softly, Luo Ranfeng bit her lip and sighed softly.

She was originally the daughter of a rich family in a village dozens of kilometers away. Because she was weak and delicate since she was a child, she has been growing up under the love and care of her parents.

Especially her mother, who loves her very much.

In ancient times, without a son, that woman would not be able to straighten the rocker, but after giving birth to Luo Ranfeng, in order to take good care of her, she decided not to have any more children.

But even so, just after her eighteenth birthday, she was dying and was sick.

After seeing many well-known doctors, they went wherever they could. Everyone shook their heads when they looked at her.

My mother washed her face with tears every day, and her eyes were going to be blind from crying, but there was nothing to do.

When all roads are blocked, people will rely on spiritual beliefs. Her mother knelt in front of the moon day and night, praying devoutly.

I pray for my daughter to get better, as long as she lives, I can do whatever I want.

When she was young, she once gave a quack warlock a cold meal at the gate of the mansion. He was very grateful to her and gave her a book, which recorded many spells that seemed unnecessary in the eyes of outsiders.

She looked at each other every day, hoping to find even a little bit that would help her daughter.

Luo Ranfeng couldn't bear to see her mother like this, so she cried and told her not to drag her, if possible, she would be her daughter in the next life.

On the last day, seeing that her daughter was dying, her mother took Luo Ranfeng to her favorite valley, picked wild flowers, made a garland for her daughter to wear, and sat on the raft with her in her arms. drift down.

Without her daughter, she didn't want to live anymore.

Luo Ranfeng closed her eyes reassuringly in her mother's embrace.

But no one thought that when she woke up again, she would look like a ghost.

Mother, but is no longer around.

How scared she is, how helpless, how much she misses her mother.

Her body was in pain, and her throat seemed to be scorched by a hot iron. When people saw her, they screamed and ran away as if they had seen a monster.

Later, she walked all the way home, and her father, who had been loving her all the time, saw her holding a stick and staring at her red-eyed.

Luo Ranfeng stared blankly at her father, who waved the stick while weeping, "She succeeded, she saved you..."

Through her father's tears, Luo Ranfeng realized that her mother sacrificed to the Moon God to save her.

And she...

If she had a choice, Luo Ranfeng would really not let herself do this. She desperately hit the wall, the iron bars, and everything that could destroy her. She even tried to stab herself with a knife.

But... there is no way.

She hated herself so much, but there was nothing she could do, she couldn't even decide on death.

When Luo Ranfeng finished all this, her eyes filled with tears. She kept her head down, not daring to look at Song Nianying, for fear that she would also say that she was the monster who killed her mother.

"Tick" Dou Da's tears fell on the ground, stirring up bursts of dust.

Luo Ranfeng hesitated for a moment, she raised her head with tears in her eyes, only to see the tears on Song Nianying's face, and she cried while wiping them.

The true love in the world that has not been seen in a long time.

Healed the broken heart of the First Ancestor.

That night, Luo Ranfeng looked at the bright moon and felt for the first time that there was a little warmth on the icy waning moon.

She swears to God.

In order to repay Song Nianying's kindness at this moment, she will definitely save the common people in the world like her, and will never kill innocent people indiscriminately.

At this moment, the Seventh Princess was always restless. Because of her recovery, she was invited back to the South China Sea, and she had some important matters to discuss.

The Dragon King worriedly spoke to his daughter, "Last time, don't blame Daddy for being cruel, it's just...the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas has always been peaceful, but the West Sea... has been ambitious to annex the other three seas since the crown prince came to the throne. Our South China Sea is a thorn in his side."

Seventh Princess said coldly, "Am I afraid of him?"

The Dragon King shook his head, looked at his young and vigorous daughter and sighed, "Although Long Ao Ba can't beat him, he is good at attacking the mind. I heard that all kinds of methods are quite ruthless, so you must be careful."

The Seventh Princess is the pride of the South China Sea and the future of the South China Sea. The more she is like this, the more likely she will be regarded as the first one to be removed.

Yan Chuyu nodded to her father, and when she left, she looked back at the snacks on the table, and with a wave of her sleeves, she hid them all.

Song Nianying...Maybe she likes to eat?

When the Seventh Princess returned to her mansion, it was already daylight. Seeing her come back, the boa constrictor guardian reported with a serious face: "Seventh Princess, last night, dirty things came to our jurisdiction."

dirty stuff?

When the Seventh Princess held the water sword and stepped onto the shore, the sun was hanging high on the roof.

She watched from a distance as Song Nianying was holding a lotus leaf with a smile in her hand, made it into the shape of an umbrella, and handed it to Luo Ranfeng, "Here, if you use this, you don't have to be afraid of the sun."

It was the lotus leaf she once held to fill Yan Chuyu with dew.

And what Luo Ranfeng was wearing was the long dress she had carefully selected and sent over for Song Nianying.

Luo Ranfeng accepted it with a smile, and said "thank you", "Ying'er, I'm leaving, this place doesn't suit me."

Song Nianying pursed her lips, and she lowered her head lonely.

Like a big sister, Luo Ranfeng raised her hand and gently stroked her hair: "Don't be sad, we will be reunited one day."

She can read minds, and she doesn't need to get along with her for a long time to understand people's hearts. She handed a crescent jade pendant to Song Nianying: "You are kind by nature, which is a good thing, but..." She pursed her lips, wanting to speak again. Zhi: "If one day, you encounter a crisis, just crush it, the ends of the earth, no matter where you and I are, I will rush to you as soon as possible."

Song Nianying took it, with a sore nose, "Then you have to take care."

Luo Ranfeng nodded, her red eyes stared deeply at Song Nian's film for a moment, and then gently hugged her, "Thank you."

Thank you for your kindness.


The sunny day, the bright sunshine, the warm spring breeze, such beautiful scenery on a good day should make people feel refreshed and relaxed, but the heart of the seventh princess seems to be soaked in the vinegar barrel of an old cellar. She bit her lip, clenched the water sword in her hand, and swung it straight up.

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