MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 64

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Facing the tears in Yan Chuyu's eyes, Song Nianying looked at the clouds outside the window and remained silent.

"Don't you hate me?"

Why should such a precious medicine be given to her, she is a vampire and cannot die.

The Holy King has always been calm and self-sustaining, but at this moment, all kinds of complicated emotions came to her heart, breaking down all her masks.

In her heart, it rained hard.

I don't know when it started, Song Nianying seemed to be connected with her emotions, she frowned, leaned back on the seat, and slowly closed her eyes.

She refuses to communicate with her.

I don't want to see her teary eyes.

Song Nianying's heart was in turmoil, she didn't have such a character.

Although she didn't know where she came from, but since she recovered her memory, she seemed to be abandoned by the world.

Along the way, she has long been accustomed to and numb to the betrayal from relatives, close friends, and others.

Like before, the naked deception from "biological parents" was exposed right in front of her eyes. Song Nianying felt uncomfortable, but it seemed to be numb, and the wind left only traces.

At the beginning, when her best friend Chu Fengjiao pressed a sharp knife against her chest to dig out her heart, she also cried and was in pain.

But as time went by, it gradually faded away.

So what if she doesn't forget?

It's just embarrassing yourself.

She was used to it, hiding in a corner where no one was around, licking her wound silently by herself.

When the sun rose the next day, she was the smiling and cheerful Song Nianying again.

Only Yan Chuyu, only her.

No matter how she treats her, she can't really hate her, and truly "turn a blind eye" to her.

Perhaps, when the deceit and disguise were exposed, resentment to the superior defeated Song Nianying's rationality and said a lot of cruel things to her.

But when she saw Yan Chuyu, seeing her enduring pain, Song Nianying's heart still shrank into a ball.

What she would rather bear is herself.

I don't know where it started, and it goes deeper and deeper.

All kinds of things in this world are mostly like this, there is no reason, and there is no clue.

She didn't want to love another person who came with deceit, but she couldn't control her heart.

Song Nianying fell into a kind of uncontrollable anger and was unwilling to suffer. She didn't want to see Yan Chuyu, but she always appeared in front of her eyes.

The plane continued to fly, passing through layers of white clouds, but Song Nianying no longer had the heart to appreciate it. She kept her eyes closed, her face was pale, and she wanted to sleep, but she couldn't sleep well.

Until a ray of light blue light, with a cool and comfortable feeling of comfort, brushed over her cheeks.

Song Nianying's stinging head was relieved a lot, and she fell into a dreamland heavily.

In the dream, she was wearing a long white dress, with no makeup and loose hair, looking around curiously like a little princess who had entered heaven.

In the air, there is a sweet smell that she likes everywhere.

This is a world made of candy. Not far away, Yan Chuyu was wearing a blue shirt, standing in front of the swing, looking at her deeply.

Song Nianying smiled slightly: "It's been a long time since you dragged me to sleep."

The person in the dream is always the purest, without any attachments.

Yan Chuyu looked into her eyes, emotionally tumbling, "I'm afraid you'll be angry with me."

Only in this way can she dare to look at Song Nianying like this and say what is in her heart.

Song Nianying hooked the corners of her lips. Holding the corner of her white skirt, she carefully sat on the swing, "If you weren't honest, how could I be angry? How would you coax me?"

Yan Chuyu looked at her and pushed the swing for her, "Will you forgive me?"

Song Nianying's long hair was blown up by the wind, she thought about it seriously, "If I was awake, I would definitely be angry with you, but I can't bear to be angry for too long."

Such words made Yan Chuyu's heart tremble, and his hands tightly gripped the swing rope, "Why?"

Her heartbeat hangs in mid-air.

Song Nianying looked at the moon made of candy in the distance, and said with a smile, "Because you are Chu Yu."

She smiled happily, swinging on the swing in the wind, turning her head to look at Yan Chuyu, seeming to be doting and complaining: "Coward, I know, you will still erase the memories in your dreams, right?"

"Holy King, your body is too fragile now, don't use your abilities at will."

Gu Yuechi knew that speaking like this was a bit of a disappointment, but as the doctor accompanying the Holy King, she had to remind her.

The Holy King glanced at her with cold eyes. Although he didn't speak, he wrote clearly——Are you teaching me how to do things?

Bai Zhiya looked at Gu Yuechi who lowered his head to wipe his sweat, then at the Holy King, then at his sleeping sister, and sighed faintly.

She is a smart woman. Although everyone doesn't talk about some things, she has vaguely guessed some things.

Emotional matters are like this, the authorities are confused and can't tell.

The plane flew all the way, and when it arrived at the destination, Hua Bairou drove over to greet her in a stretched sports car.

After getting off the plane, Bai Zhiya received a furious call from Lang Rouyi, "Where did you go? Why didn't you reply to the message for so long? Are you going to kill me?"

Because she fell in love with her and was shamed by the wolf clan, Bai Zhiya would often have one or another wolf clan to find fault with her.

Lang Rouyi wished she could be tied to her side twenty-four hours a day.

This time, if Bai Zhiya hadn't said with tears in her eyes that she was going to travel far away, she must not be allowed to follow, otherwise she would be angry with her and never go home, so Lang Rouyi had no choice but to let go, but they agreed, To keep in touch at all times.

Bai Zhiya comforted her softly, and Hua Bairou couldn't help lowering her voice when she heard it beside her, "You're used to this stinky dog ​​with your loud voice."

Her voice is so loud that most people can't hear it, but these words have been transmitted to Lang Rouyi's ears. She asked inconceivably: "You are with a vampire?"

Bai Zhiya gave Hua Bairou an angry look, Hua Bairou shrugged her shoulders, touched her nose and opened it.

Song Nianying's condition improved a lot after sleeping. She vaguely felt that she had dreamed of something beautiful, but she couldn't think of it anymore. She couldn't help it, and she took a look at Yan Chuyu. Could it be that she fell into a dream again?

Yan Chuyu glanced at her, and said flatly: "Don't look at me, I won't tell."

Song Nianying: ...

Everyone:? ? ?

The distance to the South China Sea is long, and human transportation can still be used on the first day, but in the end, other methods can only be used.

The South China Sea is under the steep cliff of Mingshan, and Hua Bairou stepped on it ahead of time. When she went to see it, even if she was a vampire, she also felt dizzy when she looked down.

When everyone is resting, discuss what to do in the hotel where you are staying.

If you don’t have anyone you know, if you go to the South China Sea rashly, you will not only be abrupt, but also completely ignorant of everything in the South China Sea, and you will be unfamiliar. You should go to explore the way in advance, and it is best to ask insiders. . Hua Bairou decided to take the black snake and white snake to the South China Sea to catch a shrimp soldier and crab general to ask.

The Holy King originally wanted to go, but Bai Zhiya and a few vampires were embarrassed when they heard it, and they didn't dare to say it.

Yan Chuyu frowned, and said coldly, "What?"

They went, can't she go? Even if she was ill, they would have looked down on her too much.

Hua Bairou looked at the Holy King with a face full of toothache: "Holy probably don't know that in the few months since you woke up, your reputation...has spread all over the world."

Yan Chuyu's brows were tightened, and a little bit of cold air leaked from his body, "What prestige?"

She stared at Hua Bairou, Hua Bairou shrank her neck, habitually looked at Zuo Die, and started to throw the pot, Zuo Die was even more cowardly, and hiccupped again from fright, she went to see Gu Yuechi, Gu Yuechi alone Ji Ling, she coughed, "Holy King, you should stay and protect Madam."

The word "madame" seems to have not been heard for a long time.

Yan Chuyu's body froze, her cheeks turned pink, her aura just now collapsed instantly, she turned her head and took a cautious look at Song Nianying.

Song Nianying said coldly, "I don't need anyone's protection."

After she finished speaking, she turned and went out.

She didn't know what was wrong, but when she came here, she felt that every flower and grass were very familiar.

The hotel they stayed in was in a small mountain villa. Except for the peak tourist season, it was a sparsely populated hotel, and the local residents were very hospitable.

Song Nianying went around the street by herself, took the map given by the hotel receptionist, and went to the most famous local Mingyue Bay.

Mingyue Bay Spring Zongzong is located between two valleys, looking up at the blue sky, a rare natural landscape.

Song Nianying stopped and walked by herself, she bent down and took a handful of water, it was very cool and refreshing.

She is the only one in such a beautiful scenery, if...

Shaking her head, Song Nianying continued to walk forward, because it was in the valley, the air was very fresh, occasionally small animals would pass by, and they would stop and look at Song Nianying in a daze.

Song Nianying looked funny, she was tired from walking, so she stopped by the river, wanting to catch up with the ground, she took off her shoes and kicked the water to play.

The cold water swept away the tiredness on the body.

Behind the tree not far away, Hua Bairou looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief.

Once, she had seen a familiar scene in Fan Yi's environmental mirror and in the memory fragments of the Holy King.

That was their first meeting scene.

Every mountain and river are very similar to this place.

She looked up to see the holy king.

The Holy King stood where he was, staring at Song Nianying intently, his eyes flushed, it was clearly not the time for the Heart-eating Gu attack, but her heart tightened and hurt.

Since returning from the illusion that day, many memories, like movie scenes, have emerged in my mind little by little.

Scattered, piece by piece, like a huge jigsaw puzzle that cannot be put together.

But this scene, no matter in the illusion, or before, when the Holy King didn't think of anything, he had seen this scene before.

her wife.

That's how it sits by the river.

It's the same weather, smiling like a child, swinging his feet.

Yan Chuyu looked at Hua Bairou: "Where is this?"

Hua Bairou lowered her voice: "It's the Yuhe River on the edge of the South China Sea, and it will soon enter the territory of the Dragon King."


Back then, why did she meet Madam here?

Hua Bairou looked at the time, "Holy King, I have to go back first, I'm afraid Zuo Die will succeed at this time."

After discussing with each other, they decided to turn Zuo Die into a fish and catch shrimp soldiers and crab generals together with Qingbai Snake.

Yan Chuyu stared blankly at Song Nianying.

Hua Bairou: ...

Well, didn't hear her at all.

The pink figure left and rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground. Song Nianying didn't know it. Looking around, she always felt that the mountains and rivers were really handsome to the extreme. She liked it very much. She put the spider in leather pants from her pocket. Come out, "It's not sunny here, so you should come out too."

The leather pants spider shook its body, its body stiffened into a ball, and it glanced behind the tree not far away in fear.

"What's wrong?"

Song Nianying followed her gaze to see that the Holy King turned around and avoided it. She blew a chill into the leather pants spider's ear, "If you dare to say it, I will poke your eyes blind."

Leather Pants Spider: …


A emerald green fish jumped out of the river. It was very big, and there was a faint green light around it. It could be seen that it was cultivated, but for some reason, its tail was injured, and its red blood was stained red. A piece of clear water.

It carefully swung its injured tail and swam to Song Nianying's side.

The leather pants spider looked at it vigilantly, bared its teeth, and suddenly swelled several times, becoming the size of a husky.

The fish trembled in fright, its fins swung, and it swam backwards.

Song Nianying kept looking at it, even if it didn't get close, she knew why it came.

The red in the water became more and more obvious. After a moment of silence, Song Nianying sighed softly. She raised her right **** and bit it lightly. The bright red blood fell to the ground. She looked at the herring: "Come closer."

The fish quickly swam over, it swung its fins happily, without being afraid, it just swam around Song Nianying.

Song Nianying's fingertips only dropped two or three drops of blood into the water, and it spit out a few bubbles, and the blood melted into the bubbles, like red pearls, surrounding its injured tail.

Soon, the tail healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing the spider in leather pants covering its mouth with its hands, it made a circle and pointed at Song Nianying's buttocks "squeaky".

It wants too.

Song Nianying kicked it on the butt, looked down at the herring whose tail had healed but refused to leave, "Go."

The herring seemed to understand Song Nianying's words, it swung its tail, slowly swam to the depths of the water, and looked at Song Nianying reluctantly, and finally disappeared into the deep water area.

After a while, Song Nianying felt that the weather seemed to be getting a bit colder. She wrapped her coat around her body and looked at the spider in leather pants: "Go back."

The leather pants spider turned around, trying to get bigger, and asked her sister to sit on it, but was stopped by Song Nianying, "There are people here, just walk back."

Just as one person and one spider were about to leave, the water surface changed. In the middle of the lake, a huge vortex suddenly appeared, bringing with it gusts of wind that seemed to swallow everything up, causing Song Nianying to lose her footing. look at it.

On the water vortex, a slender woman in a long skirt like white phosphorous stood on it, with her hands behind her back, she looked at Song Nianying in disbelief, "It's really you."

And beside her, the injured herring was swimming around her, swimming in the shape of Tai Chi Eight Diagrams.

She seemed to be standing on a giant plate made of Tai Chi.

That white gauze glistened under the sunlight.

Her eyebrows are slender and slender, her figure is elegant, and she has a noble aura.

Song Nianying looked at her, then at the leather pants spider, who was she talking about? What is really who? Could it be the old friend of the spider?

The spider in leather pants was stunned by his sister.

There was a hint of eagerness in the woman's eyes, she took a step forward, and there was a wave of waves under her feet, "You are here, where is she?"

Song Nianying:? ? ?

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