MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 62

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No one thought that at this time, the Holy King would dare to come.

She was wearing a lake-blue robe, her hair was rolled up, her eyes were full of exhaustion, with one hand behind her back, she walked straight forward, followed by Hua Bairou and Zuo Die respectfully.

Although the animals were pointing at her and their faces were full of anger, none of them dared to come out to stop her.

After Yan Chuyu woke up from sleep, she had already done too many things that shocked vampires and other clans.

Now, people in the clan don't call her "Holy King", but call her Killing God.

Wherever she goes, where is the word "holy" to mention? It is obviously a cruel monster that is bloodthirsty and slaughtering.

The Holy King walked all the way forward, his expression was icy and cold, until he saw Song Nianying sitting by the campfire, her figure swayed, the ice in her eyes shattered, and water glistened.

Song Nianying looked at Yan Chuyu in surprise.

She knows her character.

On that day, she said so many unfeeling words, she would never see herself again.

But now, she is here.

Song Nianying's already ruthless heart began to tremble again, but Song Nianying's body did not move, but the churning emotions in her heart had already rushed over.

" dare you come?"

The little grizzly asked tremblingly. He started, and the people next to him followed suit.

"Yeah, how dare you come here, you are not welcome here at all."

"You go, don't spoil our atmosphere."

Yan Chuyu didn't bother to talk nonsense with them at all. She walked slowly to Song Nianying's side. Bai Zhiya pursed her lips when she saw her, and took a few steps back. I have experienced deep love, and I know that this holy king and his sister must have been difficult before.

Yan Chuyu stared deeply at her with a pair of eyes, and with a wave of his sleeves, a blue light splashed out, isolating everything around him.

They have known each other for so long.

Song Nianying had never seen Yan Chuyu so strong.

In the small space, the fragrance of flowers filled the sky, and the gentle wind brushed her cheeks and her long hair, and the delicate feeling was like Yan Chuyu's touch.

Song Nianying blushed instantly, she gritted her teeth and took a step back: "What are you doing?!"

How dare she belittle her like this?

Yan Chuyu looked at her with deep and sad eyes, the tears in her eyes welled up and suppressed, restrained and restrained, but the rolling emotion in her chest still made the corners of her eyes wet.

The heart-biting Gu on her chest sensed the breath of the god's shadow, and she rushed excitedly, causing Yan Chuyu's heart to throb. She pursed her lips forbearance, and took a deep breath, "You are going to the South China Sea."

Song Nianying looked at Yan Chuyu with a pair of eyes.

she hurts...

Yan Chuyu looked into her eyes and knew that she was still angry with him, but the entanglement and pain in her heart had disappeared.

She looked at Song Nianying, the love in her eyes was like water, almost overflowing, "I'll go with you."

I didn't expect her to be so direct.

Song Nianying's body was stiff, and she looked at Yan Chuyu with cold eyes: "I said before, you and I owe nothing to each other."

Did she forget what she just said?

Yan Chuyu's eyes looked at her, weak and lifeless, just raised her hand, a gust of wind blew past her, and the spider in leather pants hiding under her skirt shivered and exposed.

"I saved it."

Yan Chuyu's voice was so soft that others couldn't hear it, but Song Nianying could hear the emptiness inside her.

She wanted to ask Yan Chuyu how he saved it, but she couldn't say it.

She still has hatred and complaints towards her, and... Under that entanglement, she is sullen towards herself.

"You owe me a favor."

Yan Chuyu looked into her eyes, and then saw his wife, how much she wanted to go forward and hug her hard, tell her, I'm sorry, it's her fault, so she woke up, forgot everything again, and let her bear it A hundred years of waiting, a thousand years of suffering.

But she can't.

In her body, the heart-eating Gu that is tearing at her heart always reminds her that there are not many days to come.

Since the old wounds cannot be healed, how can she add new wounds to the wife.

"what would you like?"

Song Nianying's eyes and tone turned cold, sure enough, sure enough, unexpectedly, one day, the little cutie who fell in love with her at first sight would stand here and talk to her in the tone of a holy king.

Yan Chuyu looked at her, "I'm going to the South China Sea."

Song Nianying suddenly raised her head. She is going to the South China Sea?

As if knowing what she was thinking, Yan Chuyu pointed to her chest, "I suffered some internal injuries, just like you, I need Leng Yuezhu's help."

Leng Yuezhu can restore all old diseases in the world.

Bai Zhiya desires, the world desires, and now, she also desires to have it.

She knew that Song Nianying's body was riddled with old diseases. For a hundred years, she had nourished herself with blood, and she was no longer the God Shadow who was not afraid of everything.

Three months may be short, but if one day, she really can't hold on anymore, what will she do with Nian Nian.

At least, she doesn't want her to be bullied everywhere.

Song Nianying's sharp eyes fell on Yan Chuyu. She felt that she was not telling the truth. Although her expression was the same as usual, there was still something wrong.

The perimeter of the barrier.

A little gray squirrel ran up to Zuo Die crying, and wiped away the tears with its mouse paw, "Woooooh, Adie, are you really a vampire? I've loved you for so long, how can you have the heart to lie to me?"

Hua Bairou looked at Zuo Die with eyes that were not mistaken, but Zuo Die was speechless. She really wanted to give this squirrel a big myopia glasses. Back then, she fell in love with her wishfully. Come to her for justice?

The light blue halo gradually spread out.

Song Nianying and Shengwang were exposed in everyone's sight.

Song Nianying's expression was still cold, she replied to Yan Chuyu, "Follow you", and couldn't help looking at her contemptuously: "Are you injured? With your broken body, can you still go to the South China Sea?"

Such words might sound harsh and embarrassing to other people's ears, but the Holy King looked at Yan Chuyu with a smile on his lips. She looked into her eyes and said softly, "It's okay, don't worry."

She will protect her.

Song Nianying frowned and turned around not to look at her again.

After explaining this, the Holy King seemed to know that Song Nianying didn't want to see her again, so she left with Hua Bairou and Zuo Die.

Before leaving, she turned her head and raised her eyes to look at Song Nianying.

That look of reluctance was like parting from life to death.

Song Nianying lowered her head, her face was pale, and her heart began to throb again.

When the Holy King returned to the mansion, Shura King was already waiting there with Shiba, she was just injured by the Holy King, not only did not get angry, but looked at her worriedly, "Holy King, how is your body? "

Yan Chuyu glanced at her extremely indifferently, and said without emotion: "Even if you greet me with care, she will not want to forgive you."

King Shura: ...

She really knew it.

After a moment of silence, King Shura took out a blue porcelain bottle from his arms, "This is the medicine I found for her, can you give it to my sister?"

Song Nianying didn't want to see her, and when she saw her, she was so cold that she didn't even say a word.

That's why she thought of Yan Chuyu.

The cause and effect of this world is like a huge circle that nets all of them together. After going around for so long, the end point that is about to arrive unexpectedly catches everyone by surprise.

After King Shura found out about his sister, the first thing he did was to settle the score with the Ancient God King.

But the ancient **** king has sealed the mansion long ago, he is good at spells, as long as it is sealed by him, no one can break in.

He stood alone on the Linglong Pagoda, admiring the moon with his sleeves relaxed, with a faint smile on his face.

King Shura gritted his teeth and looked up at him, "How dare you lie to me!"

He already knew that Song Nianying was his sister, a sealed god, right?

The ancient **** king looked at the bright moon, disdainful to explain to King Shura.

Back then, King Shura was invincible and invincible, becoming the king of the vampire clan.

At that time, the clan needed a leader like her, and at the same time, the ancient **** king was also planning a game.

He worked hard and gave everything for the reunion of his friends.

All he wanted was what happened today.

He knew that if it didn't go on like this, after waiting for a hundred years, and being deceived and persecuted again and again, even the shadow of a **** would not be able to survive.

Her breath was getting weaker and weaker, and she was about to disperse.

This method may be a little extreme, but if it is not the case, how can the Holy King wake up? Although they turned against each other and accepted it now, so what? Eventually everything will be unraveled.

Most importantly, they all have to be there.

Vampires are immortal.

The Holy King is so powerful, nothing can really make her die unless she sleeps.

The trip to the South China Sea, the way of the wolf clan, will let them regain their own little by little.

As for King Shura.

Was this the kind of her that Shenying wanted to see back then?

All fruit is the cause of what is sown.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.

Why was the original Shura King so cruel?

All roads are walked out step by step.

He is the only ancient **** king left by the vampire clan. Although he has been in seclusion for a long time, he has no less responsibilities than the holy king and Shura king.

So what if the world hates him and misses him?

Let's see the ending.

"This medicine can temporarily relieve my sister's angina."

King Shura looked at the Holy King earnestly, and Shiba next to him looked at her eyes and pursed his lips.

What kind of feelings can make Jin Zhi, who has always been arrogant and doesn't take everything seriously, so humble.

Yan Chuyu glanced at her, took the medicine box, "Do you still want the jade finger?"

In a word, King Shura's hands and feet were cold, and she took half a step back.

but also...

How much she once wished to see her sister again, so that she could see everything she had now.

But he really knew that his sister was still in the world, thinking of what he had done, King Shura felt panic and felt guilty and blamed himself.

God loves all beings.

Elder sister is a god, if you know that she has done such a thing, will you regret saving her in the first place?

After King Shura left.

The Holy King called Hua Bairou and Zuo Die in.

With one hand behind her back, she stared at the two vampires with a pair of cold blue eyes.

Hua Bairou and Zuo Die looked at each other in blank dismay.

At the critical moment, Hua Bairou spoke first, "Holy King, Zuo Die was also impatient at the time, so he hit you with an enamel vase."

Zuo Die's face turned red all of a sudden, and she looked at Hua Bairou angrily: "Holy King, it was my sister who told me to hit you."

Hua Bairou: ...

Seeing that the two vampires were about to fight among themselves.

The Holy King didn't bother to argue with them, she waved her hand and looked at them: "Try your abilities."

Among the vampire clan, those with high abilities who have just been promoted or who have relatively low abilities are often promoted and promoted.

Zuo Die and Hua Bairou were quite happy at first, but who would have thought that the "support" of the Holy King would be so different.

The serrated dagger transformed by the glacier flew towards the two vampires.

The speed is so fast and the strength is so strong, it is almost to the level of killing them.

Hua Bairou was taken aback by Zuo Die, and the two vampires dodged abruptly. The icy air brushed past their necks, and cold sweat oozes from the backs of both of them.

But it's much more than that.

The holy king raised his hands and grabbed it in the air, a huge water ball surged in his palm.

The faces of Zuo Die and Hua Bairou turned pale due to the blue light, and Hua Bairou shouted: "Holy King, don't!"

How could they withstand the full blow of the Holy King? She is the king who can kill King Shura with her hand.

But Yan Chuyu didn't seem to hear it, and smashed the water polo gathered in his hand.

The blue water light splashed out, it was impossible to just hide now, Zuo Die had never reacted so quickly, her body jumped into the air, and she directly turned into a fire phoenix and fled with wings.

But Hua Bairou couldn't escape, she wanted to grab Huofeng's leg, but Zuo Die was still angry at her for telling the news, and didn't come back in the atmosphere of falling in love and killing each other, Huofeng farted in front of her and flew away.

Hua Bairou had no choice but to shake her hand, and thousands of flowers gushed out from behind, turning into sharp blades, to resist the attack of the Holy King head-on.

For a time, the knife was shining.

A huge water vapor hand grabbed the fire phoenix's tail, dragged it down as it wanted to escape, and entered the battle circle.

half an hour later.

Hua Bairou and Zuo Die lay on the ground as if paralyzed. The two vampires were overdrawn by the Holy King. Now they have no strength at all, and their abilities seem to have dried up.

On the other hand, the Holy King, with her hands behind her back, said calmly, "That's all for today."

Today... that's all for now...

Hua Bairou and Zuo Die looked at her in pain, the Holy King walked quickly, the blue light flashed past, and the ice door was slammed shut without giving the two vampires a chance to beg for mercy.

Zuo Die panted heavily, "Holy King...what is this for?"

She has little experience, and she doesn't know why the holy king who has always protected the calf suddenly behaves like this.

She pursed her lips, Zuo Die never thought that she could turn into a phoenix, a unicorn, or an ancient beast like a white tiger.

Although it can't be used proficiently, its appearance and skills alone are enough to shock many clansmen.

She finally had a day of elation.

Hua Bairou stroked her hair, and she never thought that the flowers and vines that she once complained and disliked could be turned into murderous weapons.

After a moment of silence, she looked at the direction in which the Holy King left, and sighed faintly, "She is paving the way for Madam's future."

If she is really gone, at least they will protect Madam, right?

what way?

Zuo Die looked at Hua Bairou suspiciously, but Hua Bairou didn't say any more, her eyes were downcast and gloomy.

And inside the ice castle.

It's time for the Heart-Eating Gu to attack.

The holy king curled up alone on the cold big bed, holding the pendant made for her by his wife in his hand. Her body was curled up, biting her lip tightly, her face turned pale, and she said nothing.

In a hotel 100 kilometers away.

Song Nianying curled up on the big bed, beads of sweat dripping down her forehead, her hands tightly clutched her chest, the pain almost made her cry out.

The elf and the spider in leather pants spun around in a hurry, but there was nothing they could do.

What is going on?

Why is my sister getting more and more intensive angina pectoris recently?