MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 56

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Gu Yuechi thought that the Holy King was going to mourn the leather pants spider, so he took her over without thinking too much.

As they walked along the road, some small animals looked back. Originally, they didn't have a good impression of Yan Chuyu. Now, the death of the leather pants spider involved the royal family of vampires, and everyone treated her even less. Impressed.

With one hand behind his back, the Holy King looked calm on the surface, but Gu Yuechi, who is a genius doctor, could clearly feel the collapsing breath around her.

"Holy King, or else I'll heal your wounds first."

Gu Yuechi hesitated for a moment, she turned her head to look at Yan Chuyu, Yan Chuyu looked at her calmly with a pair of blue eyes: "Do you dare to treat it?"

This was left when she fought with King Shura.

Gu Yuechi: ...

Did they really do it?

In Shura City, a hundred kilometers away.

In the palace, a few black crows waved their wings and hovered at low altitude. Outside the palace, a dozen or so vampire elders sighed and shook their heads one after another.

Three vampires from the Ministry of Fire had broken arms and were carried out on a stretcher one after another. The blood from the corners of Shiba's mouth hadn't been wiped away. The doctor from the Department of Heavenly Medicine was about to treat her, but she waved her hands and turned her eyes to King Shura.

King Shura was in a state of distress, with wounds from head to toe, and even a penetrating wound between her eyebrows. Since she became king, it has been a long time since she has fought like this.

She almost forgot what it was like to be hurt.

It hurts a lot.

Just now, if eighteen hadn't rushed forward, the Holy King hesitated for a moment, and she would have removed King Shura's two arms.

No one thought that the holy king, whose body had not fully recovered, could turn into a **** of killing, and single-handedly damaged three of her dead servants and injured four guardians.

But this is nothing.

However, King Shura's eyes were full of light. She stretched out her arm and let the vampire doctor treat her, muttering: "Eighteen, she is still alive."

Shiba stared at her blankly.

She had never seen such a look in Jin Zhi's eyes.

"She's still alive."

Tears rolled down his cheeks, Jin Zhi was so excited that he almost burst, Shiba was silent for a while, and whispered: "Yes, Wang, she is still alive."

An elder outside asked that the source of the dispute within the clan was because of a human being. He was indignant and wanted to arrange for his subordinates to take Song Nianying's life.

The sound reached King Shura's ears, she stood up abruptly, making the medical officer beside her tremble, the medicine bottle in her hand fell to the ground, the bandages that had just been fixed on her were scattered, and bright red blood slid down her neck, Jin Zhi smiled coldly, she transformed into a black whirlwind, flew out, and suddenly landed on the elder who was talking nonsense.

Amidst the screams and horrified screams of the vampires, it seemed that countless crows were pecking at the food, and in an instant the elder was left with only a pile of bones, which slowly fell to the ground.

The black wind turned into the appearance of Jin Zhi's face, and she looked coldly at the bewildered leaders: "Whoever dares to touch her will die."

Seeing the appalling scene outside the hall, Shiba lowered her eyes. She really wanted to ask Wang if she knew that the one who hurt Song Nianying the most was herself.

The black crow flew out of the Shura Hall with a low cry, walked all the way, and landed in front of a tree.

Gu Yuechi looked at the small grave, "It's right here."

Her tone was low, and she felt a little bit reluctant in her heart. The simple-minded character of the spider in leather pants has long been everyone's joy, and no one thought it would leave like this.

The Holy King nodded, and with a wave of her hand, the blue transparent barrier instantly cut off everything outside.

Gu Yuechi was startled, and looked at Yan Chuyu suspiciously.

What is the Holy King going to do?

The holy king's hands moved slowly to the sides, and the earth trembled, revealing the small black coffin.

It was tailor-made by Song Nianying.

"Holy King..."

Gu Yuechi took a step forward, Yan Chuyu glanced at her, she was too frightened to move immediately.

When the Holy King stepped forward, she opened the small coffin and lifted the leather pants spider out of it.

Gu Yuechi looked at Yan Chuyu inexplicably, Yan Chuyu slowly raised his right hand, and there was a light yellow light on it.

It is very fragile and small, as if a gust of wind would blow it away.

If it weren't for the protection of the divine shadow's breath, it would have been wiped out long ago.

Gu Yuechi:! !

That was the last ray of consciousness of the leather pants spider, although it was very weak, it did have its breath.

What is the Holy King going to do?

The technique of reviving the soul is a forbidden technique. Once a vampire in the clan discovers it, no matter whether it is a king, a nobleman or an elder, they will be killed at the first sight.

What's more, how does the Holy King know about forbidden techniques?

Yan Chuyu didn't know about forbidden techniques. At that time, when Song Nianying was in despair, she refused to give her the spider in leather pants, so she just snatched this wisp of consciousness.

All things in the world, all flesh and blood, and soul are driven by the five natural elements of "gold, wood, water, fire, and earth".

At that time, the Holy King was in a hurry and wanted to keep at least three strands of its soul, so that even with some twists and turns, she could slowly revive the spider.

But Madam refused to believe her anymore.

At the very moment, she only left behind the last wisp of consciousness of the "water" element.

The Holy King tentatively wanted to send that ray of consciousness back into the leather pants spider's body, but it was too fragile to enter the already cold body. Swing out.

"This consciousness is too weak."

Gu Yuechi's tone was full of pity, it was too weak, and it took too long to return to its place.

The Holy King was silent for a moment. She touched the pendant on her neck with her hand, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and felt pain in her heart.

This spider is Song Nianying's only trust and sustenance.

She hated herself so much, she would never forgive her again, and naturally she would never want her company again.

The Holy King doesn't want to see his wife alone anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Chuyu slowly raised her right hand. On it, a blue halo gathered. Gradually, the water vapor condensed into cold air, and an ice blue dagger landed in her hand.

"Holy King, no!"

Gu Yuechi was shocked, and took a step forward. Yan Chuyu flicked her sleeve, and immediately fixed her in place. Gu Yuechi's body was stiff and he couldn't move.

Now that she has made a decision, no one can stop her.

With the waning moon in front of her head, the light of colored glaze sprinkled on Yan Chuyu's body, covering her with a layer of mist, making her exquisitely carved like a celestial being.

But this celestial being is doing the cruelest thing to himself.

She held the cold dagger that could cut through everything in the world, and slowly stabbed at the heart. The sound of the knife cutting into the flesh, and the sound of picking apart the muscles and bones fell into Gu Yuechi's ears clearly, even if he is a genius doctor After seeing countless things, she couldn't help but her hairs stood on end, she closed her eyes, and couldn't bear to look again.

The body of a vampire cannot be injured by any force in the world.

But once injured, the pain is thousands of times that of human beings.

As the tip of the blue knife was pushed in, Yan Chuyu frowned, her lips lost their color in an instant, cold sweat covered her forehead, and even the strength in her body could not maintain the aura around her, and the blue light around her was a little bit weaker. is getting weaker.

Finally, that drop of golden blood wrapped in blue light flowed out from her heart.

Although Gu Yuechi couldn't move, his eyes were red with anxiety: "Holy King!"

Apex blood is very important to vampires, it is the core of all abilities, it can only regenerate in a hundred years, losing a drop of apex blood is equivalent to bleeding once, the damage is too great.

Ordinary vampires can't bear it at all, just one drop can kill them.

Even if she is as powerful as a holy king, she can't bear such blood taking, not to mention that her body has not fully recovered.

If she does this again, her spirit will dissipate and she will fall asleep again.

That drop of apex blood floated slowly in front of Yan Chuyu's eyes, as if it was conscious, it refused to leave for a long time.

She put away the dagger, her face was pale, and her voice was soft but firm: "Go, save it."

except this.

She didn't know what else she could give Song Nianying.

Perhaps, no matter what she gave, she would never take it again.

After all, that drop of heart blood seemed to understand the master's order, it moved slowly, merged with the soul of the leather pants spider, and landed on the body of the leather pants spider.

The wind blew gently past his ears, as if his wife had tucked away the broken hair by Yan Chuyu's ears countless times before.

Her eyes were fixed on the leather pants spider without blinking.

After an unknown amount of time, its eight legs kicked weakly, its small black belly bulged, and a pair of dark red eyes suddenly opened.

The holy king breathed a sigh of relief and covered his chest with one hand. After all, she, who was invincible, lost her last support, and knelt heavily in the mud with her legs.

"Protect it and give it to Madam after training."


Song Nianying stayed in the hotel that night.

In this world, she has no one to rely on, no friends and family, not even a temporary place to live.

Opened a bottle of red wine.

As usual, she took a shower, turned off the lights, and watched the moonlight alone, shaking her feet on the roof.

no different.

She can take it.

Countless psychological hints are just a little comfort for her scarred heart that she wants to deceive herself and others, but it is like pouring a bowl of hot tea in the cold winter, instead of warming the world, it is frozen by the world.

Yan Chuyu...

Song Nianying lowered her head.

Perhaps, everything in this world has its own destiny.

Before, when they quarreled, she wasn't really angry with Yan Chuyu, she just wanted to let her know how to cherish and never leave, so she pretended to return her water drop pendant as a token of love.

But who would have thought.

This time, it is really over.

Her lips were bright red from the wine, and Song Nianying stared blankly into the distance. There were black shadows flashing around her from time to time, but she didn't care.

Without Yan Chuyu's mark, those ghosts and monsters with malicious intentions would naturally come looking for the scent.

In the past, Song Nianying would still be afraid and terrified, it was because she still had a heart to survive.

Now, the heart is dead, what is the fear of the dead.

It should be that they are afraid of themselves.

In the chaos, the world fell into a haze. She lay on the soft bed, looked at the white ceiling, and fell into a drowsiness.

In the dream, the sky was overcast with clouds, and there were bursts of thunder, and under her feet was a black sea with rough waves.

Splashing waves, gusts of cold wind, should have been a gloomy atmosphere, but the air was full of inexplicable sadness and distress.

Song Nianying looked around but saw no one, she was silent for a moment, and said coldly, "Why do you still dare to dream?"

All that answered her was the sound of the waves hitting the rocks.

From the sky, there was a light rain, like someone's tears, falling on her body.

Song Nianying frowned, she took a step forward, "Come out!"

Since he dared to drag her into a dream, why didn't he dare to come out? !

The black waves were separated, and Yan Chuyu stood in a long lake blue dress on the sea, her feet were stepping on the stormy waves, her face was pale and terrifying.

She seemed very weak, and even her voice was so low: "This is not a dream I constructed, and I am not the owner of the dream."

Song Nianying's eyes were full of coldness and disbelief, "You are not the dream owner, so who constructed this dream."

Yan Chuyu looked at her with a pair of blue eyes, her pale pink lips parted slightly, and the ethereal sound similar to that in the valley echoed in her ears one after another.

"It's you."

"It's you."

"It's you."

At three o'clock in the morning, Song Nianying woke up covered in cold sweat. She sat up suddenly, and the surroundings were empty and pitch black.

It was quiet, nothing but her violent heartbeat.

The angina pectoris told Song Nianying that this was not a dream. She put her hands on her chest and endured it for a while, but she was finally crushed by the tearing pain. down.


Yan Chuyu in the dream said it so clearly.

Among them, who is unwilling to let go, unwilling to give up.

She is a majestic vampire king, whoever she wants can't get it, why bother to love her so bitterly?

Her life has not passed the halfway mark, and it was so long for Song Nianying, it was so long that she could hardly persevere, but for Yan Chuyu, a hundred years passed in a snap of the fingers, but it was just a haste.

After a hundred years, she has already become a handful of dirt under Yan Chuyu's feet. At that time, she can stop resenting and jealous, and turn into a ghost to watch her reunite with her wife from afar. .

Just when Song Nianying lost all thoughts, was in extreme pain, and was suffocating from the pain while clutching her chest tightly, with the sound of "Sasha", a ray of light flew in from the window and fell into the room.