MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 54

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Under the same bright moon.

The Holy King was holding the moon pendant Song Nianying gave her and was looking at it, and there was also an instant noodle pendant around his neck.

For the first time in such a long time, she had a different thought, but she didn't know who to tell it to, so she could only sigh faintly.

The candles on the candlestick were burning vigorously, but the jumping flames couldn't ignite the light in my heart.

Hua Bairou and Zuo Die heard this sigh from far away, she frowned, Zuo Die couldn't help asking: "Have you quarreled with Madam again?"

"Bah, bah, you hope the Holy King will order."

Hua Bairou rolled her eyes at Zuo Die, she thought about it, and said uneasy: "I'd better go in and see the Holy King."

When did the Holy King quarrel with his wife not turn the world upside down?

She was scared.

When Hua Bairou entered, the Holy King was caressing the jade pendant, and when she came in with such a loud voice, the Holy King didn't even turn his head.

Hua Bairou looked sad and a little sad. She still remembered that when the Holy King just woke up, he was like a blank sheet of paper. How could he know what to worry about? Every day, he would ask some questions that could **** her off, and do some ridiculous things. .

But now, Hua Bairou has a feeling of powerlessness in not telling her mother what's on her mind when her child is raised.

She walked slowly to Yan Chuyu's side, and asked softly, "Holy King, what's on your mind?"

When Yan Chuyu heard the voice, she turned her head and looked at her blankly: "Can you feel that I have something on my mind?"

Hua Bairou nodded, "Naturally."

She is her number one protector.

The Holy King lowered his head sadly, Hua Bairou could tell something was wrong with her appearance, she was as sensitive as a lady, she must have felt it immediately, so she will be unhappy when she goes back tonight, right?

"Is it related to Madam?"

Seeing that she was silent, Hua Bairou asked persuasively. The Holy King looked at her blankly and nodded.

The cuteness at that moment.

Hua Bairou's heart softened, "Is there anything you can't tell Madam? Holy King, since you have already recognized each other, you should communicate with each other if you have anything."

Yan Chuyu: "I'm afraid she'll be angry."

Although she is not proficient in the ways of the world, she also understands some truths.

Madame hates people cheating on her.

But she had to hide it.

She didn't even know how to open the mouth.

Is it possible to tell my wife that she thinks she is his wife before he fell asleep?

Song Nianying still thinks that she is a different human being. If she were to be her wife before she fell asleep, she would be a fairy for at least a thousand years. How could she accept it?

What if the wife doesn't believe her and thinks she is the shadow of his wife in his heart, a substitute?

not to mention…

The Holy King also had a doubt in his heart. If his wife is really a **** shadow, how could such a pure and supreme existence be committed to a vampire.

Too many doubts, too many uncertainties weighed on Yan Chuyu's heart, and she couldn't figure it out at all.

Seeing her tangled look, Hua Bairou said softly, "Holy King, you know what kind of character Madam is."

Is Song Nianying an ordinary person?

You can't measure her with the mind of ordinary people.

If she was an ordinary person, how could she easily accept the status of the Holy King? Didn't the Holy King also struggle with this status at the beginning?

Madam could accept it before, but now, why does the Holy King think she cannot accept the truth?

Yan Chuyu looked at Hua Bairou helplessly with blue eyes, and Hua Bairou said slowly: "If you don't say it, hold it in your heart, not only will you feel uncomfortable, but she will also feel uncomfortable. In this way, it hurts others Why don't you say it yourself, if you don't say it, how do you know that Madam won't accept it?"

Such words weighed heavily on Yan Chuyu's heart.

Don't say anything, it's all entanglement.

Hua Bairou: "The greatest damage to a relationship doesn't come from the outside, but from the two people inside. Suspicion hurts the relationship the most. If there is a crack in the relationship, it is easy for others to take advantage of it."

She has been observing King Shura's movements recently. Although her whereabouts are very secretive, Hua Bairou still feels inexplicably uneasy.

Yan Chuyu listened to the silence, but in fact, many times, she wanted to tell Song Nianying everything.

But the longer they were together, the more she was afraid of losing.

Because I was afraid of losing, I was even more timid to speak, as if I was caught in an endless loop.

At this time, outside the gate of the ice castle, the mosquito elf that the lady called suddenly flew over. It couldn't get in, and it wandered anxiously at the gate.

Zuo Die can understand animal language. Hearing it chirping a few words, his expression changed, and he rushed into the room: "Holy King!!"


――You said she...what?

Song Nianying stared at King Shura.

Thinking of her wandering in the world for half her life, experiencing countless lies and deceptions, her heart was hurt again and again.

She, who would not have trusted her originally, once told Madam herself.

——Chu Yu, can I trust you?

But now... now...

King Shura looked at her coldly, and his heart was slightly shaken for a moment. Ever since she saw this woman, she behaved differently from ordinary people. She clearly knew that she was King Shura, and she was in a false realm After seeing all kinds of things, Song Nianying could still maintain a calm state, but now... her eyes were filled with tears, and her voice was choked and trembling.

With his hands behind his back, King Shura said coldly: "Otherwise, do you think that she, the holy king of vampires, is so noble, how could she marry a human being? Is it really just for love at first sight? You know, my family There is no shortage of beautiful women.”

Song Nianying took a deep breath. She stabilized her mind and was silent for a while. She asked, "What kind of wish did you ask her to give you this ring in exchange?"

Perhaps, it's just that Chu Yu has some unspeakable secrets.

Song Nianying couldn't believe that all the little things they had gotten along with and the scars all over her body were just a superposition of lies.

King Shura looked at Song Nianying in surprise. Most people would already be angry and flustered when they heard such words, but she was still able to ask questions clearly.

But so what?

She looked into Song Nianying's eyes, and uttered each word like a needle: "From the moment she woke up, she has been seeing her wife from the previous life whispering in her ear."

The wife of the previous life...


Song Nianying's legs and feet were weak, she shook her head pale, and took a step back.

She remembered the scene in the cabinet.

I remembered the tears in the corners of Chu Yu's eyes when he saw the red wedding dress.

Thinking of her sad and nostalgic eyes... and the way she looked at herself in search...

This question was originally the nightmare that had weighed on Song Nianying's heart these days, haunting her all the time, making her chest sore and uncomfortable.

King Shura took a step forward, aggressively: "But she can't see her appearance clearly, she wants to see her appearance clearly, even with a single glance."

"In my clan, there have been few vampires who can wake up from sleep for thousands of years. Apart from their powerful abilities, the power to wake up such a vampire often comes from their inner persistence. Her wife is her persistence. "

"Looking at your feelings for her now, maybe you have fallen in love with her? You will always be willing to give the jade finger to her, right?"

"I believe that the Holy King is not completely ruthless to you. Otherwise, she would not turn the world upside down and save you with her life."

"Perhaps, you are somewhat similar to her previous wife?"

"Is it the voice? Or the face? Or the feeling?"

Song Nianying couldn't hear every word and every word. She covered her chest with her hands, and the pain poured out. She trembled in pain, shed tears in pain, bent her knees in pain, and knelt on the ground.

A tear fell on the jade finger of her finger and seeped into the crack.

At that moment, Lang Rouyi suddenly woke up from the dream in Nanming Mountain thousands of miles away. She threw off the quilt and rushed out of the cave.

Bai Zhiya beside her followed out with a blank expression on her face.

"What's wrong?"

Is there an enemy coming to look for it?

Lang Rouyi's eyes were icy green, she raised her head, looked at the waning moon in the sky that seemed to be stained with blood, moved her right hand finger, as if pinching her mind, she let out a long breath, seemingly relieved, It seemed to be melancholy, "It's coming soon."


Bai Zhiya looked at her puzzled, Lang Rouyi walked to her side, stroked her hair: "I don't want to lie to you, but I can't tell you about this."

Bai Zhiya grabbed her skirt with her hand, "You...are you calling from the old master?"

Lang Rouyi once told her that she has a savior who gave her a new life and gave her all powerful strength. He was her savior.

She has a powerful power that surpasses everything in the world. Unless she wants to, no one can control her, no one can defeat her.

She is the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

But this is the one who can revive all things and make all beings have endless abilities, but because she couldn't bear the torment of emotions, she chose to seal herself, and even her previous memories sank.

But one day, she will break through the seal and awaken herself.

At that moment, no matter the ends of the earth, no matter the mountains and seas of fire, Lang Rouyi will definitely follow her, and will not hesitate to die.

Seeing Bai Zhiya bursting into tears, Lang Rouyi smiled enchantingly, she put one arm around her slender waist, and put her lips on her small ears: "Do you still want to say that you don't like me? Look Look at the worried look."

Song Nianying's tears fell on the ground drop by drop, bringing a pale white light, which penetrated into the jade finger little by little.

The white jade with the jade fingers seemed to have crystal tears flowing.

Humans can't see it with naked eyes, but King Shura can see it clearly. She stared straight at the jade wrench finger. Just when she was distracted, the eight claws of the volley kicked in, and the illusory realm was instantly It fell apart, King Shura's long hair was blown by the wind, her eyes were bright red, she looked at the spider in leather pants rushing in, "Bold!"

The spider in leather pants was originally afraid of this woman's aura, but it was more worried about Song Nianying, and couldn't care less about it. It spit out a silver thread from its mouth and wrapped it around her, hooking Song Nianying aside.

But it underestimated King Shura's speed, she is not Zuo Die, not Hua Bairou, she has experienced many battles since the day she became a vampire.

Ten fingers came towards Song Nianying. The spider in leather pants had a simple brain. Seeing her go to catch Song Nianying, he quickly blocked it with his body.

That moment, that moment...

There was bright red blood spreading in the air, and the spider in leather pants screamed a few times. Its eight legs dragged its incomplete body and hooked Song Nianying forward. The smell of blood woke up Song Nianying, whose face was full of tears. Come here, she raised her head and looked at the blood on the ground, "Spider...spider..."

The spider in the leather pants was still dragging her out, "Zhizhi" lost the spirit of the past, but was still comforting her.

The figure of King Shura approached in an instant like a ghost, and just when her hand turned into a sharp knife and was about to be inserted in, a blue light shot out from the jade finger, turning into a barrier, and instantly knocked King Shura away. go out.

" is it possible..."

Shocked by the blue light, King Shura stepped back a few steps before he stabilized his body, and also exited the void. Shiba immediately supported her, "King, what's wrong?"

King Shura lowered his head, looked at the faint blue light under his feet, and his eyes were full of disbelief: "Impossible...Impossible..."

How can there be the aura of a holy king in the jade finger?

The ancient **** king once said that there is an aura in which he can find his sister, how could there be the aura of a holy king?

Song Nianying hugged the spider in leather pants whose stomach had been torn apart by King Shura in the barrier. Her hands and feet were cold, and she frantically clutched its injured stomach. On the palms of her hands were hot blood and passing breath.

But King Shura's attack was too ruthless, she would not show mercy to her clansmen, let alone a beast.

The light in the leather pants spider's eyes gradually faded. It raised its front paws, trying hard to wipe away Song Nianying's tears, but it couldn't reach her.

In the end, those two little claws landed on Song Nianying's palm.

At that moment, a small golden ball spit out of its mouth.

The little ball floated in front of Song Nianying, slowly circling around her, and it was full of memories of leather pants spiders.

It was because it had been secretly weaving webs at Song Nianying's house since it was a little gray spider, and watched her wiping her wounds with a cotton cloth and blowing cold wind with her legs hugged by herself every day.

After it secretly ate her hair, it became bigger and weaved a slightly larger spider web to block the attack of smaller monsters for her.

It was the scene where it shamelessly followed behind her, but was kicked away again and again;

It was it that risked its life, broke into the laboratory, and rescued her from the prison, changing the appearance of running around in circles;

It turned into her mount, dragging her, sheltering her from the wind and rain, and happily humming uncontrollably;

It was Song Nianying's gentle eyes when he said "spider spider" to her.



For this sound, it is willing to give everything for her.

"no no no!"

Song Nianying hugged the leather pants spider vigorously. She raised her palm and was about to bite it down, but the leather pants spider held down her hands with the last of her strength, and shook her head weakly at her.

It's useless, it's too late.

Its life should have been very short, and it was already content to be able to accompany its sister for a walk.

Song Nianying's hand was trembling, she didn't believe it, she pushed away the foot blocked by the spider in the leather pants, and bit down on the palm of her hand.

At that moment, bright red hot blood with a yellow halo flowed out and landed drop by drop on the leather pants spider's mouth.

Before, it desperately followed Song Nianying, just to get even a piece of hair, but now, Song Nianying gave it the best blood, but it didn't move, and could no longer "squeak" Happily circling around in place, my body cooled down a little bit.



They are all lying to her.

The only one who loves her will be brutally killed.

That sweet taste was enough to drive Shiba and King Shura, who were vampires, crazy.

Shiba's eyes were already bright red, he gritted his teeth and tried to restrain himself, staring at Song Nianying firmly.

King Shura swayed, sniffing the smell of blood, took a step back, and murmured: "'s not..."

A blue shadow rushed in, and the Holy King teleported to Song Nianying's side. He lowered his head and was about to save the leather pants spider, but was pushed away by Song Nianying who was beside him unexpectedly.

The wind is howling and the moon is cold.

Song Nianying's eyes were cooler than the waning moon, her long hair was blown by the wind, and she looked coldly at Yan Chuyu who was pushed on the ground and stared at her in astonishment: "Get out!"

Zuo Die and Hua Bairou who followed were stunned when they saw this scene.

what happened? ? ?

What happened to the spider? ? ?

They are invincible and the Holy King... was pushed away by his wife? ? ?

On the ground, the drops of already cold blood circled the ground with the wind and turned into a cloud of blood mist, which was instantly absorbed by Song Nianying's jade wrench without falling.