MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 4

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——What is 0?

This is simply a soul-stirring proposition.

Even though the holy king in front of him was reserved and noble, even though Hua Bairou had been told by the elders of the clan that the king seemed indifferent, but in fact he was meek, especially towards his fellow clansmen. One word, but Hua Bairou still didn't have the guts to tell her the concept of 0 directly.

After all, every vampire has deep-seated fear of the ghost king.

Before, when she was with King Shura, Hua Bairou witnessed a vampire general just because he accidentally said something disrespectful, and was torn to pieces by King Shura with a smile like a piece of paper. The powder was scattered all over the ground in a mighty way.

Seeing Yan Chuyu's deep eyes staring at her without blinking, the surrounding air pressure has dropped several degrees.

In desperation, Hua Bairou chose a compromise method. She took out her mobile phone and searched for what is 1 and what is 0. In order to prevent the Holy King from asking such a head-scratching topic in the future, she specially made additional questions. What is gong and what is shou, I found out together, carefully pushed the phone down in front of the holy king, and came for a quick training.

Yan Chuyu was still very unfamiliar with the mobile phone. After she picked it up, her slender fingertips slowly slid on it.

The wind outside the window came in, blowing the fragrance of the soil, her skin was glowing with moisture, and the thin red lips made people want to become the coffee cup in her hand, and she casually brushed her long hair into the On one side, black hair brushed against her snow-white neck, and there was a serious light in her eyes.

Such a beautiful view...

Hua Bairou thought desperately, it's really zero.

Anticipating that Yan Chuyu would be furious after seeing it, Hua Bairou's desire to survive caused trouble, and she swung her palms downward.

A few petals gathered into the shape of a villain, and they clasped their hands together, as if they were bowing in a pitiful bow.

Yan Chuyu raised her head, and she returned the phone to Hua Bairou, "It doesn't work."

Hua Bairou looked at her latest cell phone that was frozen and cracked with distorted expression. She gasped, "Holy King, you..."

Is she angry or not?

Yan Chuyu looked at her, as if asking but also as researching: "I once read in the book that love can make life and death promise each other."

Hua Bairou was taken aback by the sudden turn, she nodded subconsciously.

Yes, people are the kind of fools who are crazy about love.

Yan Chuyu said calmly: "If it is really such a deep and strong feeling, as long as the other party is happy, what is the difference between attacking and receiving, 1 and 0?"

Hua Bairou: ...

It sounds reasonable.

Unexpectedly, the Holy King is very talented in making 0.

The villain made of a few flowers, who had already made a kneeling gesture, jumped up and gave Yan Chuyu a thumbs up.

Yan Chuyu leaned back, looking at her with a pair of clear eyes.

Hua Bairou immediately became nervous.

Yan Chuyu stared into her eyes and asked, "Do you think Song Nianying looks good?"

What's the point of saying someone who offended the Holy King with his earphones smashed into **** just now?

Hua Bairou expressed her opinion firmly: "It's not good-looking!"

As soon as the words were finished, white frost covered the table with steaming air-conditioning, and the transparent flower petals floating around Hua Bairou had no time to escape, and their heads were frozen off in an instant.

Hua Bairou: ...? ? ?


In the narrow alley, Song Nianying, who was in a good mood, was holding a bag of dog food and cat food in her arm, and she held an umbrella in one hand, humming a little song and walking towards the deepest part of the alley.

And behind her, a black silk spider web approached slowly, and the sound of footsteps "stabbed la la" disappeared in the sound of the pattering rain.

Not far away, Hua Bairou, who had just been thawed, frowned when she saw this scene: "Holy King, your fiancée is in danger."

"It's really strange. How could there be a mutated spider here? How could it follow Ms. Song?"

She hadn't seen a mutant species in the human world for a long time, and Hua Bairou believed that not only her, but other vampires in the clan would be surprised if they saw it.

In the most primitive and most glorious period of the vampire clan, there were seven kings coexisting. Afterwards, with the struggle within the clan, self-depletion, sleep replacement, and now, only the Shura king, the ancient **** king and the newly awakened king are left. The holy king, the vampire family has a stricter hierarchy than humans, and the ghost king is like a god, who is not respectful.

The reason why the king is supported and worshiped by all ghosts is not only due to the strict hierarchy, but also because of their powerful abilities.

King Shura is good at fighting, and the one who can become the king of Shura's vampire faction, besides being brave and fierce, she has the ability that not only the vampires are crazy about, she can fulfill the wishes of all sentient beings, provided that she has to pay the same amount of money. cost.

No matter what race in the world, who doesn't have a wish?

Not only the vampire family, but also other races always come to see. King Shura wears a Shura mask all the year round, and no one has seen her real face. She has a moody temper, and her subordinates are all trembling and careful. Because of her powerful abilities, she has gathered around her the best and elite of vampires. Over the years, she seems to have the momentum to dominate the group.

As for another ancient **** and ghost king, he retreats all the year round, and few vampires have seen him. It is said that he is the oldest of the vampire family and possesses witchcraft that reach heaven and earth. He will only appear during clan activities.

The last one is the Holy King in front of him.

The materials of her deeds before she fell asleep were recorded in the ancient books of vampire history. It was the internal information of the management that could only be seen by those who were at least at the elder level. Hua Bairou's level could not be seen.

At present, she knows that the only thing about the Holy King is that her ability is to control all flowing liquids, the most common being water.

Do not underestimate this point, all things return to water.

Since ancient times, human beings have been grateful and worshiped to water;

It can be called the highest good like water, and it can also be called a flood beast;

It has the warmth that nourishes all things, and at the same time has the power to destroy everything.

In addition, according to ancient records, the Holy King can also invade the dreams of humans or other races.

The most important thing is the folk gossip rumors that every ghost king who wakes up from sleep has experienced a hundred years of loneliness in the crystal coffin and endured years of hiding. I haven't seen the new abilities on her body stand out yet.

The three kings command the six vampire palaces and twelve divisions, and thousands of vampires.

The relationship between the king and the king is equal and restricts each other. The holy king was able to come to the world in person for King Shura this time, and he paid such a high price for "marriage". It must be some kind of agreement.

While Hua Bairou was thinking wildly, the black shadow gradually appeared, and it was indeed a mutated black spider, with a body as big as a calf. It's just that this spider is not like an ordinary mutation. Ordinary mutations will destroy the original DNA of animals and plants, making them exaggerated and disgusting. But the black spider in front of me now has a shiny body and eight long legs. The legs are hairy and shiny, as if wearing black leather pants, and even the dagger-sized teeth around its mouth are so white that they can be directly used for toothpaste advertisements.

From the outside, it doesn't look like a mutated spider, but more like a spider that came back from a trip to Korea.

But the danger of this thing cannot be concealed by its beautiful appearance. Seeing its eight legs parallel, approaching Song Nianying step by step, Hua Bairou couldn't help calling out: "Holy King!"

Does she really not help?

There was no response, Hua Bairou looked up, and Yan Chuyu was looking up at the clouds in the sky.

The clouds drifted with the wind, changing into various shapes like cotton candy, or like the innocent face of a child, or like a volcano about to erupt... very interesting.

She waved her palm behind her back, and the cloud turned into a mug filled with coffee.

Hua Bairou: ...

Just falling asleep and waking up a newborn vampire is troublesome.

Curious about everything.

Yan Chuyu's eyes were full of cleanliness. Although she had read a lot of books in the past few days, how could books describe everything in this world, such as the vivid life and bright colors?

Hua Bairou had no choice but to face the students who were distracted from time to time. She bit the bullet and reminded: "Holy King, didn't you marry Ms. Song? This is a good time for a hero to save the beauty."

Yan Chuyu turned to look at her.

Hua Bairou patiently explained: "Humans are different from ours. They are flesh and blood and very weak. If you are targeted by such a mutated spider, you must not be swallowed as food. You will either die or be injured. If you are at this time Help, she will be grateful to you, no matter what you do next, it will be easy." Her eyes fell on Song Nianying who was already bending over to pour out the dog food: "Besides, look at Ms. Song's small waist which is less than two feet , those thin arms and legs that are about to break if you grab them, how weak they are, you will be terrified."

Yan Chuyu repeated: "Weak?" She thought for a while: "0?"

Hua Bairou swayed, staggered, and stabilized herself: "That's right, look at how weak she is, why can't she bear to take care of her?"

Tsk, the Holy King said he didn't care, but in fact he still held grudges.

Hua Bairou turned her eyes to Song Nianying as she spoke, and Yan Chuyu followed her.

Song Nianying was dealt with in a closed corner, surrounded by sundries, but she was wearing a bright red dress, her curly long hair draped over her shoulders, the sun fell on her body, and her skin was so white and glowing.

The high-heeled shoes under her feet made the line of her calves tighter. She stood up and squinted her eyes slightly against the wind.

It is indeed very fragile, and it is hard not to take care of it.

Especially with that slender waist, Yan Chuyu had the urge to pinch her, force her to bend down, and then bite her neck.

Just when Yan Chuyu was admiring the beauty in front of him and Hua Bairou was in a hurry to get angry, Song Nianying put one hand to his lips and said a resounding slogan.


The whistle was like some kind of howling, and all the stray cats and dogs hiding in the corner rushed out of the surrounding alleys like an army of ants, their tails wagging like spinning tops, coming to **** food one by one.

Yellow, white, black, sound, lame, blind...

"Wow woof woof!!"

"Meow meow--"

Coming from all directions, a mighty army of stray cats and dogs.

Hua Bairou stared dumbfounded. How did this narrow street hide so many cats and dogs?

Song Nianying watched these cats and dogs eating food with a smile, but in the next second, her smile faded, her eyebrows were furrowed, and she looked impatiently at the shadows in the distance.

"She found out."

Hua Bairou said in a low voice, Ms. Song is good, her sensitivity is at the special police level among human beings, she secretly looked at Yan Chuyu, she dared not command the Holy King, but at this time, why don't you save the beauty? ?

Yan Chuyu put one hand behind her back, looked at the other side from a distance, and imitated Song Nianying's appearance, squinting her eyes against the wind.

She had read the description in the book, that noble people would always show up at the most critical moment.

Song Nianying hadn't been scared to cry yet, hadn't shivered and curled up into a ball, hadn't shouted "Help", and it wasn't time for her to make a move.

Just when Hua Bairou was sweating for her and wanted to shout "Run away", Song Nianying stepped back a few steps to meet the mutant spider head-on. Staring at her, a thin wire as thick as a silver-white iron wire was pulled out from its tail, and a sharp sound came out of its mouth.

One person and one spider confronted each other for a while, Song Nianying stepped on those slender high-heeled shoes, started to run suddenly, sprinted for 100 meters, raised her long legs, and kicked viciously with a beautiful roundabout kick.

"Go away!!"

With the sharp piercing sound, the spider was like a glowing ball, flipping freely in the air 360 degrees, kicked a few meters away, and fell heavily on the ground with a "slap", splashing a piece of sewage.

Where to fall, where to get up.

The mutated spider staggered and got up quickly, brushed the dirt off its body with its two front legs, then backed up with all eight legs, and disappeared as if a triple-speed video had been reversed.

Yan Chuyu:? ? ?

Hua Bairou: ...

The breeze gently blew past the staring faces of the two vampires.

Hua Bairou's face was messy, and she asked... what happened?

Yan Chuyu didn't go anywhere, she looked at Hua Bairou in shock, and Hua Bairou spoke with difficulty: "She's good—"

Sure enough, it is definitely not an ordinary human being who can be the fiancee of the Holy King.

With the previous lessons learned, Hua Bairou dared not comment on Song Nianying lightly. Years of being in human society gave her a sophisticated way of throwing the blame away. She looked at the Holy King with a drawn-out tone and motioned for herself to take the words.

What will the Holy King take?

it's wired? Is it normal? How rude? So cruel?

Yan Chuyu stared deeply at Song Nianying who was calmly tossing her hair in the distance, and for the first time bent her eyes in front of Hua Bairou, learning what she had learned and using it now: "It's easy to attack."

Hua Bairou: ...

Read The Duke's Passion