MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 39

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Song Nianying's ears were filled with the sound of the galloping wind. She felt as if she was on a rural bouncer car, and her internal organs were so bumped that she wanted to vomit out all at once.

The spider in leather pants was running fast all the way, its two basketball-sized eyes could still rotate freely, turning around to look at Song Nianying from time to time, and when it realized that she was still on its back, it would make a "squeak" sound. There were cheers, and the body was still bouncing up and down as if celebrating.

Song Nianying: ...

She never knew that one day, her life would be saved by the spider she kicked away repeatedly.

Back then, the spider accidentally ate her hair and mutated, and then it always followed her. After all, spiders are the number one among the five poisonous creatures. Every time it was discovered, Song Nianying always kicked it away irritably and mercilessly.

It never gets angry, and will come back after a few days of being kicked away, following her tirelessly.

No matter how hard she pushed her away, the longest time she left was after she lived with Chu Yu.

It seems to have chosen its destination a long time ago, with its eight legs dancing in the wind, and the small animals on its body seem to be very familiar with it, even the little squirrel next door has already brushed aside the spider web, bared its big teeth, and looked at Song Nianying He waved his paw foolishly.

Song Nianying: ...

Against the sky.

These animals have all become spirits, could it be that, as Xiao Guxue said, they all once ate her flesh and blood, but why didn't she have the slightest impression?

Song Nianying remembered that in the laboratory just now, her eyes were inexplicably moist with the pictures she saw just now.

Maybe it's bumpy, Song Nianying's heart hurts when she thinks about it, her right hand is tightly clutching her chest, her face is pale.

She came out in a hurry, and she didn't bring a quick-acting heart-relief pill at all, so she could only endure it.

Song Nianying bit her lip, shrunk into a ball, and tried her best to restrain herself. Fortunately, the spider in leather pants ran all the way, quickly passed through a wasteland, and entered an uninhabited cave. A lot of small animals and people all poured out.

It raised its two front paws, obviously not sweating, but wiped its forehead like a human being, and gave Song Nianying a "squeak" twice, as if to say-see how hard it was for me to save you, it turned around again, and the one behind it The two paws pointed to his bulging and dark buttocks, shook his head, and seemed to say again-don't kick.

Song Nianying smiled when she saw it, she brushed away the spider webs on her body, and sat down against the rock wall, clutching her chest to ease the pain of suffocation.

I don't know where the leather pants spiders were found in this cave. The humidity is very high, and there is the sound of "didi" and water seepage, which is very deep. Looking inside, you can faintly feel a trace of cold air, and it is pitch black.

The pain became more and more serious, making Song Nianying short of breath, and the small animals that ran out of the spider's web escaped one after another, ranging from cows, horses, rabbits, donkeys, and mutant species that couldn't sing, to bugs, Centipedes, rabbits... In addition, there is a little girl wrapped in a rag to cover her body. She crouched on the ground and approached Song Nianying cautiously: "Sister, are you uncomfortable?"

Song Nianying's face was pale, with cold sweat oozing from his forehead, and he was so painful that he couldn't speak.

The elf she was most familiar with flapped its wings and landed on her shoulder anxiously. It looked into Song Nianying's eyes, "Sister, is your heart hurting again?"

The little animals became anxious when they heard it, and surrounded her in unison, red eyes, blue eyes, black eyes, gray eyes... different eyes had the same worry in them.

Song Nianying nodded vigorously, and she waved her hand to signal everyone not to worry.

It's really a strange feeling.

She has been in the world for so long, and the warmth she has received from everything is not as much as this moment.

"Let's try it."

The little elf is the smartest, it takes the lead, dragging a yellow halo in its palm, pushing towards Song Nianying with great effort.

Following its example, other large animals pushed the yellow circle of light towards Song Nianying.

In the dark cave, circles of yellow light were full of warmth, like fireflies in the world, flying towards Song Nianying little by little.

Song Nianying sat there with her legs crossed together consciously, and the little light fell on her body, like a meteor shower falling to the ground.

The spider in leather pants opened its mouth wide, its eyes sparkled, and its two front paws clapped vigorously.

The little girl next to it knocked on its head directly, and it only reacted after covering its head, and quickly pushed all eight legs together, pushing Huang Guang over.

A few seconds later, the light was absorbed by Song Nianying like spring rain falling on the ground. The moment she closed her eyes and opened them, a faint golden light shook her body.

She seemed to see many pictures again.

In the picture, she is with a woman.

Hand in hand, they walked on the polar glaciers and watched the penguins with a smile;

They lay on the vast and endless grassland, looking up at each other and looking up at the dazzling aurora;

They snuggled up in the sea of ​​wisteria flowers, sniffing the fragrance of flowers, interlocking their fingers...

She wanted to see the other person's face clearly, but she couldn't.

For a moment, just for a moment, the jade ring finger emitted a blue light. At that moment, as if her soul was pulled out, Song Nianying suddenly opened her eyes, and the pain in her chest disappeared. She was stunned for a moment, looking at the people around her The little animals said gratefully, "I'm fine, how are you?"

She just asked casually, but unexpectedly, everyone shook their heads as if they could understand her words.

They have just passed through the **** on earth, and they have been locked in a secret base where the sun is not seen. They have been taking blood, testing, and researching for several years every day.

Their bodies were extremely weak, but they escaped again. They were all so happy, without losing their innocence. After a brief moment of excitement, everyone lowered their heads and raised their furry paws to wipe away their tears.

Human technology is powerful, and the brutal suppression makes them afraid, but after so many years, everyone encouraged each other and agreed to escape together.

But elk...

It stays there forever.

Seeing them like this, Song Nianying became depressed. The little girl walked up to her and whispered, "Sister, it's too dangerous outside. Do you want to stay here?"

Song Nianying stared at her in a daze.

Next to it, all kinds of animals were talking, and it was a mess. Although Song Nianying didn't know what he was talking about, he probably guessed it.

The little girl: "We're just taking refuge here temporarily. When it's dawn and we're sure there's no danger, we'll go back to the big forest, stay away from humans, and never come back again. Sister, do you want to go with us?"

Want to go with us?

For a moment, Song Nianying was tempted.

She has long been tired of the filth of all kinds of desires in the world, and wanted to leave more than once.


As if thinking of something, Song Nianying stood up abruptly, and she looked outside: "What time is it now?"

When she came out this time, she lost her mobile phone and watch, and cut off all contact with the outside world. Chu Yu must be anxious if she can't find her.

Seeing her like this, everyone knows that there is no way to talk about my sister, she must go back.

The elf flapped her wings and flew in front of her, "It's almost seven o'clock, do you want to go back? Just now on the road, I saw that the laboratory has been flooded and many people have died. Sister, don't go back. Very dangerous."

Flooded? Many people died?

Song Nianying looked dazed, and the life-saving hero, the spider in leather pants, crawled up in front of her on eight legs, picked up two stones on the ground with a "squeak", and hit them hard, depicting the appearance of a lightning strike, and then raised a paw, Bihua looked like shooting a gun, "bang bang bang" a few shots went out.

Its performance was lifelike, and a set of movements was shown, and I first patted my chest with satisfaction.

It turned its head and saw that the little animal next to it had one face, two faces, three faces...

It turned to look at Song Nianying again.

Song Nianying looked at the little girl: "Can you translate it?"

Leather Pants Spider: …

The little girl scratched her hair and expressed with difficulty: "I can only give a rough idea. It said that there was a big thunder just now, many people shot and many people died. A very powerful woman rushed into the experiment. Shi, she is scary, like a ghost, very powerful, as if she wants to kill you."

Song Nianying's chest jumped when he heard that, a woman like a ghost? To kill her?

When did she sin against such a person?

However, now is not the time to think about this, Song Nianying stood up, and she looked at the little animals around her: "You have been drawn too much blood, and your body is weak and urgent, stay here to cultivate, I will go back first , bring you some food, and report to Madam that you are safe."

"Madam? Sister? Are you married?"

The little elf flew beside her happily, perhaps because of her emotions, the gossip made her body a little bit brighter.

Song Nianying nodded: "Yes, I'll show you later, oh, by the way, she is also an elf."

Hearing this, the elf's body froze, and her eyes widened in surprise: "You said——what is she?"

Song Nianying looked at it suspiciously, "Little elf, maybe you still recognize it, it should be an elf princess or something."

As soon as the voice fell, the small animals on the scene were silent. Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and no one dares to speak.

Song Nianying sensed something was wrong, she asked, "What's wrong?"

The little animals seemed to have made an agreement, and all lowered their heads not daring to look at Song Nianying. Song Nianying's eyes swept over them, and finally fell on the little elf.

The elf's wings drooped, and he didn't dare to look at Song Nianying. The spider in leather pants ran over, raised its front paw, and slapped the elf.


Song Nianying looked at the spider in leather pants in surprise, how could it beat people with its hands? The little girl also had a bad expression, and looked at the elf coldly: "Tell my sister quickly, or the spider will give you a big bag."

Song Nianying:? ? ?

The little elf slowly raised his head, looked at Song Nianying with a guilty conscience and whispered, "Sister... I lied to you before... I'm not a little elf, I just accidentally sucked a mosquito that mutated with your blood, and then... I sucked it again It happened a few times."

Once there is a lie, there will be a second time.

It knows how much humans hate mosquitoes. It lied to Song Nianying at the beginning because it was afraid that she would kick it off like a spider.

Song Nianying: ...

Little Mosquito: "In this world, where are there any elves?"

Song Nianying: ...

At the moment when the atmosphere was tense and anxious, the sound of running "dong dong dong" came, and all the small animals looked outside vigilantly.

A little mouse ran up to Song Nianying's side panting and panting. It was short of breath. It grabbed her leg and was about to speak. The leather pants spider angrily spit out spider silk and wanted to strangle it. Where did this villain come from?

You must know that this spider is mutated. It has many kinds of spider webs, aggressive and non-aggressive. This time it sprayed a web with foggy acid.

After it was chased away by the Holy King, it hid far away. It thought it would be the same as before and stick back in a few days, but it was injured several times by the territory protection barrier marked by the Holy King.

It followed Song Nianying, not only wanting to eat her hair, but also an instinctive desire. For some reason, the spider in leather pants wanted to follow her and stay by Song Nianying's side.

Later, it started wandering, and unintentionally found the same breath as itself on the laboratory man.

It doesn't have enough brains, and it doesn't know what is dangerous or not, so it first turned into a spider and followed in, and then got to know everyone. Although it is not smart, it has a chivalrous heart. The leather pants spider has been lurking for a long time, just wanting to Waiting to save everyone, I didn't expect to save Song Nianying by the way today.

Seeing the acid mist spider web rushing over, the little mouse hugged Song Nianying's thigh tightly at the very moment: "Ma'am!! It's me!!"

The little animals on the scene were stunned.

The leather pants spider suddenly sucked its mouth, and then sucked the spider web back. Its face was scorched by the acid mist. Fortunately, it was already black, and there was no visible change after it was scorched.

Song Nianying looked at the little mouse holding her tightly under her feet, thinking about its voice, and asked in disbelief, "Are you... Zuo Die???"

Zuo Mouse nodded, it didn't care about anything, and hurriedly said: "Come with me, Holy King she—she—!"

She is crazy!

holy king...

For a long time, the holy king who was considered by Song Nianying to be the purest and cleanest elf princess in this world just fell off like this.

It's not that Zuo Die was careless, but that if he was a second late, everything would be irreversible.

Zuo Die and Hua Bairou barely managed to enter the laboratory just after the violent wind and huge waves, but what they saw head-on, Zuo Die will never forget in this life, it will be an eternal psychological shadow.

There were black corpses floating everywhere in the laboratory. Their bodies seemed to have been scorched by electric shocks. It was impossible to distinguish between men and women. They were all carbonized, and they floated on the water like wooden stakes.

The air was filled with the smell of burning flesh, and the Holy King standing in the middle, there was a faint flash of lightning behind her, and when she heard the sound, she turned her head suddenly, and that sharp look scared Hua Bairou Zuo Die The liver and gallbladder are split.

The dark blue in her eyes had disappeared, and there was a deep red, full of murderous intent and hatred.

Hua Bairou trembled, and called cautiously: "Holy King? It's us."

Why does she feel that the Holy King no longer recognizes them?

Zuo Die was also terrified: "Madam, Madam was rescued by a big spider."

This is the key, Madam is not dead!

The Holy King seemed to have lost her mind, as if she couldn't hear anything, she murmured: "Madam is gone... Madam is gone..."

She doesn't believe it.

She no longer believes in anything in this world.

Just now, at the moment when the black hurricane surged with Hai Long sandwiched between them, when lightning bolts fell on Xiao Guxue's body and beat her to a pulp, the Holy King felt the dark things in his bones for the first time.

Bloodthirsty, cruel, cruel.

Pull her and fall together.


She wants to kill! !

Kill everyone who killed Mrs.

Even though all the people in the laboratory were buried with him, the Holy King still seemed perplexed, her steps curled up like the wind, Hua Bairou saw her like this and hurried to pull her: "Holy King, you—— "

A burst of electric current shot out, Hua Bairou was bounced directly, and fell on the collapsed wall, blood oozed from the corner of her mouth, Zuo Die hurriedly helped her up, the Holy King had already galloped away.

She turned her head to look at Zuo Die: "Hurry up, go and get Madam back, the Holy King is going to kill her parents!!"

Since Father Song and Mother Song saw the picture that Shiba showed them that day, they completely turned to the backstage and did not dare to have any real contact with Song Nianying.

Now, Dad Song is pacing in the living room with his mobile phone in his hand, and Mom Song is huddled on the sofa, with her hair loose, crying into a ball.

I was already irritable, but the woman's crying made Song's father even more anxious. He yelled: "Why the **** do you have the guts to cry? You should have thought about this day when you rescued her. Could it be that you raised her?" After several years, do you really regard her as your own daughter?"

Song's mother burst into tears, "You... you are too cruel, you will be cut alive... Ying'er..."

Father Song gritted his teeth: "You should know what she is! She will be a time bomb sooner or later around us, can you and I get back together? That time, in front of that vampire, what the **** did you look like? "

The future they saw in Shiba's hand has become a nightmare, tormenting and haunting the two of them every day.

Song Ma's tears stopped, she sat up, choked up and asked: "But... if Ruxi asks—"

Father Song took a deep breath, "Let's just say that her sister went abroad with her fiancée and won't be coming back for a while. Isn't it easy to lie to a child, you—"

Before he finished speaking, there was a "bang", and the wall fell down. Song's father and Song's mother opened their mouths wide, and their bodies were thrown backwards, their eyes were full of fear.

The Holy King came here covered in blood, and every step she took would leave sticky dark red footprints on the ground.

She walked towards Song's father and Song's mother step by step, her clothes were red, her eyes were red, she looked like a rakshasa from hell.


Before Dad Song could speak, he felt a chill in his throat, and his body was pushed up against the wall, and Mother Song's scream came from behind him.


Father Song's face was livid, his eyes bulged due to lack of oxygen, and he looked at Yan Chuyu who was holding him up with fear and begging for mercy.

Yan Chuyu pinched his throat with one hand and looked at him coldly.

She wanted to kill him, gouge out his heart, and sacrifice to his wife.

The holy king's right hand turned into a sharp machete quenching the chill. Mother Song cried and trembled into a ball, holding her head in both hands, wanting to beg for mercy, but she didn't dare to take a step forward. Father Song was so frightened that he peed on his pants, his face Livid with suffocation.

At this time, no one dared to block the Holy King.

Gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

At the moment when the sharp scimitar was about to throw away Papa Song's chest, there was a "boom", and the wall on the side also fell to the ground. The Holy King only felt a softness behind him, and a body hugged her hard, shouting : "No, Chu Yu, don't—"

When the faint, familiar scent with the aroma of mint breathed into her nostrils, the Holy King's body froze, and in her eyes, tears that were as bright as gemstones fell hotly.

Read The Duke's Passion