MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 27

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Gu Yuechi's words were like knives, and they were engraved in Yan Chuyu's heart one by one. She didn't know what was wrong with her, her chest hurt so badly that the tears in her eyes were about to be shaken from the pain. She forbearance asked: "Is there any way?"

Since she is here, Song Nianying cannot be left wandering alone.

She will definitely investigate everything clearly.

Gu Yuechi put **** on the side of Song Nianying's neck and probed, her eyes were full of tenderness.

For nearly a hundred years, she has been running around looking for the whereabouts of that "sister". She has thought of many ways to thank her, under what circumstances they met, and what she wants most is to say to her——Sister, I have Listen to your words and live well.

She didn't kill people, she didn't get bloodthirsty, it's been so long, the years have changed, the sun and the moon have changed, because of Song Nianying's sentence - child, live a good life. She really has been living a good life, using the eyes she gave herself to find her track and save everything in the world.


The Holy King has never been so eager, Gu Yuechi shook his head, with a sad expression: "It's too difficult to find a replacement."

The shadow of the gods is too powerful, and the blood of the heart is extremely precious, nothing can replace it.

Fortunately, she was covered with the aura of the Holy King, which temporarily protected her.

Yan Chuyu frowned, and put his hands behind his back: "Even if there is no way to completely change, there will always be a way to alleviate it?"

After all, she is the number one genius doctor of the vampire family. Apart from having the eyes bestowed on her by the gods, Gu Yuechi also works very hard. She has read all the medical books and classics in the world, and with a hundred years of experience, she thought carefully and asked: "Holy King, do you know Nanming Mountain?"

Yan Chuyu nodded, "That's the wolf clan's territory."

The wolves, like the vampires, are no longer so arrogant with the development of the times, and choose to live in inaccessible places.

Nanming Mountain has a very good atmosphere and is suitable for cultivation. It is the home chosen by the Wolf King himself for his younger generation.

Back then, after the battle between the wolves and the vampires, the wounded were heavy, and there were less than 20 werewolves left. Now, although they are not prosperous, they have reached a hundred people, and it is said that among the younger generations, there are many talented people.

The vampire clan has a rule that after the truce, no member of the clan can set foot in it without the king's permission.

Gu Yuechi looked into her eyes: "The wolves, like us, believe in the moon god. At the bottom of the moon constant horn in Nanming Mountain, there grows a kind of fairy flower that they regard as a totem. It blooms and picks for thousands of years. It can Become everything in the world, and be guarded by the four wolf kings of the wolf clan."

She looked into the eyes of the Holy King and said cautiously: "Thousands of years have passed, and many members of our clan have gone to seek them, either dead or injured."

Vampires and wolves are born enemies.

Vampires have great speed and strength, but wolves also have strong limbs and sharp fangs.

A werewolf bitten by a vampire must die, and a vampire injured by a werewolf's fangs will surely die unless the martyr cuts off his wrist and discards the injured part. There seems to be an endless loop between them.

Back then, in the vampire clan, Feng Yi, a high priest whose prestige was second only to the king, wanted to further her practice and become the next ghost king of the vampire clan. One of the wolf kings paid a heavy price and was bitten off an arm alive.

Her men rescued her desperately. She was tortured for three days in Shuradu and died under the burning of Wolf's Poison.

Because of her mutilated limbs, she was burned by King Shura after her death, and she couldn't even enter the family's cemetery.

"I see."

The Holy King's expression was indifferent, and his eyes still fell on Song Nianying.

Seeing her like this, Gu Yuechi was startled, "Holy King, are you...going?"

She didn't have much contact with the Holy King, but felt that although she was not as cruel as King Shura, she was too cold and didn't like to talk too much.

The holy king glanced at her, Gu Yuechi took a step back, and comforted softly: "Has the holy king thought about it? If I go, I'm afraid it will be bad luck. The four wolf kings, they eat and sleep together for thousands of years. The tacit understanding and cooperation allowed them to kill countless intruders, and... even if they tried their best to get the Shendi flower, they could barely be turned into the blood of the heart, and it is not known whether my sister's body will reject it or whether it can be integrated. "

Yan Chuyu didn't look at her, but stared at Song Nianying who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, and asked slowly: "She won't die in a hundred years, right?"

Such a turning point made Gu Yuechi stare in confusion, and she nodded hesitantly.

Yan Chuyu's eyes finally had light, it was the first time Gu Yuechi saw it since, and she had to say more, the faint words of the Holy King blocked everything.

"The years are so long, I will always be by her side, and prevent her from being bullied again."

"Since we are together with her, how can we bear to see her suffer?"

The Holy King didn't know what she went through before, but she will always be with her in the long years to come.

After all, he is king.

Gu Yuechi didn't dare to say any more, she looked at Song Nianying who was sleeping, tenderness appeared in her eyes, she raised her hand, wanting to touch her body again, so she knew it was not a dream.

The moment she raised her hand, the Holy King shot her cold eyes and said flatly, "You are not needed here."

Gu Yuechi froze, she looked at the Holy King: "I can still—"

She could take a breath to relieve Song Nianying's pain. Although it could treat the symptoms but not the root cause, it was better than nothing.

Yan Chuyu refused, "No need."

As soon as she raised her hand, a blue light hit Song Nianying's body, and quickly merged into her body and disappeared.

Gu Yuechi looked at Yan Chuyu in surprise, and the Holy King looked at her expressionlessly.

Gu Yuechi pursed his lips, turned his head, and gave Song Nianying a reluctant look.

Yan Chuyu, who was standing on the side, had a pair of blue eyes full of troubles, and she said mercilessly: "She is my wife."

Gu Yuechi wiped off his sweat, "Holy King, my sister has kindness to me, and I want to repay her."

Yan Chuyu nodded, "No matter how much kindness she has given you, if you look at her like that again, I will goug out your eyes and return them to her to repay you."

Gu Yuechi: ...

A light flashed, there was no noise, everything was quiet.

The night is long.

Yan Chuyu looked at Song Nianying, her eyes were full of distress and nostalgia, she grabbed her palm, put it to her lips, and kissed it lightly.

Song Nianying felt that she slept very well this time. Before going to bed, her chest was still slightly uncomfortable. Maybe it was because she had rested, and she felt extremely refreshed.

Stretching out her arms, she stretched comfortably, then turned her head to look at the side of the bed, which was empty.

In the living room, the sound of the TV could be heard faintly.

Song Nianying: ...

Yan Chuyu, she wouldn't watch it all night, right?

When Song Nianying went out, he saw such a beautiful scene.

The morning sun was just right, falling into the room, full of warmth, Yan Chuyu sat there with her long hair loose, wearing a long sapphire blue dress, and the chic pendant on her neck, her deep eyes were unblinking Staring at the TV, perhaps beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Song Nianying felt that her skin was glowing like glass, making it impossible to take one's eyes away.

"woke up?"

Yan Chuyu smiled at her, and she stood up, "I made you breakfast."

"I'll take a shower first, have you watched it all night?"

Song Nianying asked casually, Yan Chuyu shook his head: "No, I looked at you in the first half of the night, and then I kept looking at you in the second half of the night."

Song Nianying's feet were soft, and just after waking up, she was so "frankly" teased by his wife, her face was a little hot.

Song Nianying couldn't even imagine the scene of waking up with someone to accompany her, making a hearty breakfast, and watching her eat with doting eyes. She even thought, this time, God finally opened his eyes and stopped bullying and torturing her. up?

Yan Chuyu's breakfast is very nutritious. Knowing that Song Nianying's stomach is not good, she boiled thick porridge. After reading the book yesterday, it was written that modern people eat too much sugar, generally have high blood sugar, and her health is not good. Reduced the amount of sugar used and made some rough pastries.

Of course, the price for all this is that the little mouse Zuodie was once again propped into Tetris.

"Don't watch TV so late in the future."

Song Nianying could see Yan Chuyu's staring gaze as soon as he raised his head, he was somewhat embarrassed.

She didn't know what was wrong, she always felt like being spoiled like a child.

"There is plenty of time."

Yan Chuyu nodded, "I'll listen to you."

"Are you going to work today?"

"Well, go get the phone first."

After hearing that she was going to get a mobile phone, Song Nianying put down her chopsticks, opened the drawer, took out a sticky note, wrote down her own number, and instructed: "After finishing the process, save my number and add WeChat as soon as possible."

Song Nianying only had one morning class today, and she agreed to accompany Yan Chuyu to the supermarket in the afternoon to buy some daily necessities.

In the past, she would sleep alone indulgently, or simply blow the wind on the rooftop. To Song Nianying, life was like plain water, neither salty nor dull.

Also just live.

But now, with Yan Chuyu, she just got into the car, and she can't wait to go home in the afternoon.

Watching his wife leave, until the car disappeared from sight, the Holy King returned home, and she called out: "Hua Bairou, Zuo Die."

Two figures quickly appeared in sight.

Zuo Die was very excited. When the Holy King used to call people, he always called her elder sister, but today he still called her? ! Must be entrusted with a heavy responsibility!

Hua Bairou's complexion and demeanor didn't look good, and she looked very tired, Zuo Die couldn't help touching her arm: "Sister, did you go to disco again yesterday?"

Hua Bairou rolled her eyes, took a peek at the Holy King, and breathed a sigh of relief, the Holy King didn't think about it and didn't notice anything unusual about her, so she calmly ordered, "I'm going out to Nanming Mountain in half a month. "

The straightforward words didn't scare Hua Bairou to death, she was extremely calm: "That's the forbidden area stipulated by King Shura!"

Yan Chuyu gave her a cold look.

Hua Bairou bit her lip.

Zuo Die had never heard of Nanming Mountain, so she jumped up happily: "Shall I go with you?"

Hua Bairou quickly gave her a hand, "Why are you joining in the fun? That's the mansion of the wolf clan!"

Zuo Die's expression froze when she heard that, she looked at the Holy King, and pursed her lips: "I... I'm not afraid, I will follow the Holy King and go through fire and water for her!"

Yan Chuyu shook her head, "I have something important to do, so I can't take care of you."

Zuo Die: ...

woo woo woo.

Does the Holy King want to be so shameless?

After following the Holy King for so long, Hua Bairou somewhat knew her uncompromising temperament, so she asked cautiously, "Do you need to bring troops?"

Yan Chuyu shook her head, she looked into Hua Bairou's eyes: "I entrust my wife to you."

If she couldn't come back, Song Nianying always needed someone to take care of her.

Hua Bairou heard the mystery in her words, her heart hung in her throat, "Holy King, you just shed so much blood to mark the territory, and your body hasn't recovered yet, you—"

The Holy King gives the death gaze.

Hua Bairou shut up, but still looked at her anxiously.

She really wanted to ask Yan Chuyu, what exactly was she going there for?

But I asked, and I was afraid of getting the worst answer in guessing.

Zuo Die nodded resolutely: "Don't worry, Holy King, I will definitely take good care of Madam!"

After a brief explanation, Yan Chuyu followed Hua Bairou to handle the mobile phone, and ordered Zuo Die to go to Cha Song's house. As soon as her aura appeared, the clerk immediately stepped forward enthusiastically, and took a look at her worth. Dressed expensively, he smiled and asked, "What kind of machine do you need? We have the latest model here——"

Before she finished speaking, Yan Chuyu told Hua Bairou: "Be exactly the same as Madam."

Clerk: ...

The time of the holy king is never used on such trivial matters.

After buying the phone and applying for a SIM card, Hua Bairou taught the Holy King to turn it on, "Here, Holy King, press and hold this button to turn it on."

Yan Chuyu pressed it for a long time, and a crack ran through the screen of the phone.

Hua Bairou: ...

The clerk has never been so lucky. In one morning, the same person bought ten of the same mobile phone.

The Holy King never thought that after waking up from sleep, she quickly learned many skills in this world. She has always been a genius who is praised by the elders of the clan.

This keyboard is too dazzling for her, and various input methods are also intricate, and on the screen of the mobile phone, there are such app icons, such icons, voice input, intercom chat, and voice-changing video, which makes her dizzy. .

Yan Chuyu looked at Hua Bairou angrily: "Why are you installing so many messy things?"

Hua Bairou: ...

She wanted to boldly ask the Holy King, why did you buy a mobile phone?

Yan Chuyu said coldly: "As long as I can contact my wife, install WeChat."

This was explained by Song Nianying.

Hua Bairou: ...

After downloading WeChat and successfully registering for her, after logging in, Hua Bairou stared at the screen: "I'll add my and Zuo Die's numbers to you first."

Yan Chuyu resolutely refused: "No."

Hua Bairou:? ? ?

Yan Chuyu stretched out his hand, "Give it to me."

Hua Bairou handed the mobile phone to Shengwang suspiciously, and looked at her puzzled. Does the Holy King have other arrangements?

On the crowded road, Sheng Wang spread out a small note in her palm. She took a deep breath and stretched her arms.

Hua Bairou:? ? ?

First enter the password...

Yan Chuyu carefully tapped the screen with her fingertips, 0308, she chose the day she met her wife as the password.

Hua Bairou looked at the Holy King who didn't change his face when he beat someone with a knife in shock. He tried hard to control the strength of his left hand, squinted his eyes, and poked a finger like an old man to input little by little. Still rambling: "0—3—0—8—huh."

Hua Bairou: ...

The surrounding cars came and went, and Hua Bairou had never felt that the time was so long. Seeing that she was short of the last number and lost, she took a long breath and was about to speak, when there was a "click", the phone cracked again.

Hua Bairou: ...

Looking up again, Holy King's eyes were full of overwhelming anger. She looked at Hua Bairou angrily, and with a clenched hand, the phone disappeared.

Hua Bairou: ...

Really a toothache.

"Holy King, why don't I come?"

"This is my wife's number, why do you need to enter it?"

The holy king's **** sense of ritual came again.

Finally, after scrapping four mobile phones, Yan Chuyu finally entered his wife's number and added WeChat.

Song Nianying had been absent-minded all morning, and when she saw Yan Chuyu's friend application, her hands trembled with excitement, and she quickly passed it.

This morning, Hua Bairou finally saw a smile on the face of the Holy King. She was holding the phone, but her friend was passed, and she changed from a scary ghost king to Sunflower.

Hua Bairou sighed, touched her arm subconsciously, and added both her and Zuo Die's WeChat IDs to Shengwang.

"Go and buy a car."

Hua Bairou: ...? ? ?


Shengwang looked up at her, "I will take Madam to and from get off work in the future."

Hua Bairou: ...

Sheng Wang was very nervous holding the phone. Although she added WeChat, but the number has not saved the name, what should I save?


Is it too simple?

Not enough to express the feelings in her heart.


After hesitating for a few minutes, the Holy King raised his hand and started the long input process again.

Time passed by every minute and every second, half an hour later, when Yan Chuyu, whose forehead was dripping with sweat, looked at the number in the note - the beautiful and lovely wife of Yan Chuyu, who I liked immediately when I saw her, she smiled. .

After entering the world, it was Song Nianying who taught the Holy King what it means to be distressed.

Now, again because of Song Nianying, the Holy King has shown off for the first time in his life.

She called Hua Bairou. Hua Bairou had just arrived at the 4S shop and received a call from the Holy King. She thought there was something urgent, so she quickly answered, "What's wrong? The Holy King!"

On the other side of the phone, there was only the sound of the wind.

Hua Bairou: ...

After telling the clerk to wait, Hua Bairou walked to the empty backyard, flew out of the window at the speed of light and rushed downstairs to Shengwang's house.

She can't get in without permission.

Hua Bairou could only look up at the holy king standing on the highest floor of the Xuantie Tower, shaking her feet, happily like a child's holy king. She shook her mobile phone, facing the blue sky, and shaking her mobile phone, facing the white clouds, She shook the phone again, facing the mountains in the distance.

She is showing off to the sky and the earth to the whole world.

Hua Bairou coughed and conveyed with her memory: "Holy King, put the phone by your ear."

Yan Chuyu obediently put the phone to her ear, and said, "I've made a note for my wife."

Hua Bairou: ...

Taking a deep breath, she endured it, the official rank crushed people to death!

"That's great, Holy King, then what do you want to do?"

Yan Chuyu stroked her long hair that was blown by the wind, and said reservedly: "I'll show you how to get the screenshot you mentioned."

Hua Bairou: ...

It took a long time to teach the Holy King how to take screenshots with the remote control of the phone. Hua Bairou looked up at the Sacred King with his feet dangling on the black iron tower, and was happily preparing to send the screenshots to her.

At this moment, the blind Zuo Die came in via WeChat.

I am a little butterfly in this world: ah ah ah ah ah! ! Holy King, I am Zuo Die! I can actually have your WeChat, I am so happy!

Sheng Wang was not very flexible with his mobile phone, so Zuo Die made such a move, angrily deleted her, and sent it to the lady below.

Five minutes passed.

The Holy King called Hua Bairou again and asked, "Why didn't you reply?"

Hua Bairou looked at the phone seriously, "Holy King, you didn't send it to me, I didn't receive it." She shook her arm, "Could it be that the signal is bad?" She looked again: "No Ah, the signal is full, Holy King, did you send it by mistake? Did you send it to Xiaodie?"

Yan Chuyu also frowned and checked her phone. She really couldn't use weird human things well. Just as she was checking impatiently, the phone rang, and she shivered in fright. Seeing the reminder on it, she hurriedly answered it.

From the other side of the phone, Song Nianying's smiling voice came, "Chuyu, what is——the beautiful and lovely wife of Yan Chuyu, whom I fell in love with immediately?"

Read The Duke's Passion