MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 23

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——You bully me, and you laugh at others.

With a resentful voice, Wan Wan narrated the grievances in her heart. Yan Chuyu leaned in Song Nianying's arms, where there was still a little domineering arrogance of a holy king who was condescending and absolutely crushing. It was like a cat who was hurt and acted like a baby and wanted to be comforted by its master.

Song Nianying hugged her warmly and softly, her ears were full of tenderness and sobs, and the little tears flowed into her heart.

Let alone the quarrel now, it was Yan Chuyu who asked her to immediately admit that she was a heinous villain. Song Nianying didn't even shake her head. Her fair skin was stained pink and burned all the way down her neck to her ears. She hugged Yan Chu Yu, her heart was beating violently, and an uncontrollable desire rose up in her heart, biting her heart like an ant. She tried harder and harder with her arms, wishing to embed her in her body. Song Nianying sniffed her hair fragrance, Said softly: "It's my fault, I won't do it in the future..."

She was also dazed.

Such a person who likes her and treats her so well from the first sight, how could he be some kind of monster?

It is she who is not a thing.

Hua Bairou: ...

Zuo Die: ...

They are both blind, right? Everyone is blind, right?

Ah ah ah ah ah! !

Holy King, wake up, you can't just forgive her like this, otherwise how can she cherish you in the future!

Perhaps it was because Hua Bairou was complaining too loudly in her heart, and she was picked up by the band of the Holy King. She hadn't left Song Nianying's arms yet, she grabbed her skirt with one hand, and complained pitifully: "You've been a day, a day I didn't even pay attention to me, I didn't go home, and I didn't know to look for me... I'm uncomfortable, sitting here, and I don't come over when I see you, and you still smile at that woman." Her eyes were red, "You don't even look like that smiled at me."

Hua Bairou: ...

It is really hopeless.

Song Nianying's heart was broken, she took a deep breath, restrained and restrained: "Okay, okay, it's all my fault, let's go home, huh?"

Yan Chuyu shook his head, pulled away from her arms, and looked at her coldly: "Aren't you going to accompany your friend?"

Lang Yinuo on the dance floor was covered in sweat, as if she had been fished out of the water. She yelled at Yan Chuyu: "Getaroom, what kind of affection are you showing here?"

Song Nianying, who is a human being, couldn't hear such a voice. Yinuo was obviously talking to the Holy King. Hua Bairou rolled his eyes at that simple-minded werewolf with well-developed limbs, are you a fool? Holy King can't understand English!

Song Nianying heard what she shouldn't have heard, her face blushed slightly, and she took Yan Chuyu's hand: "Let's go, go back."

She is a person who has been educated and tempered by society, and it is quite stressful to show her affection in front of such public eyes.

Sometimes, Song Nianying was really envious of Yan Chuyu. Others always thought that she lived a chic life, but only she knew the pain in her heart.

She has seen countless people, and she has met so many people who say they want to live a chic and immortal life in the world, but they are not bound by rules and regulations. Who would really live so calmly like Yan Chuyu?

Originally, the Holy King was coaxed better, but when Zuo Die drove the car over, he remembered what happened in the morning, curled his lips, and drooped his eyebrows and eyes.

The wind at night was a bit cool, Song Nianying raised his hand, and helped Yan Chuyu brush the broken hair from her forehead behind her ears, held her hand with her right hand, interlocked her fingers, and put it in her pocket.

"Is it cold?"

Hua Bairou, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked unhappy and looked at Song Nianying with "Is there any mistake?"


As a vampire, the holy king will be cold?

"Cold~" Yan Chuyu shrunk her neck slightly coldly, and looked at Song Nianying without blinking. Smell her fragrance.

Hua Bairou: ...

The hot breath, the temptation of blood, the faint scent of mint...

Sheng Wang felt as if he had fallen into a candy cart filled with various flavors of "sweet, sweet, bitter and spicy", and all the flavors were given to her by Song Nianying.

Yan Chuyu smells so sweet, and her body is so soft, you can still hear her heartbeat while holding her.

How can such innocence and shyness not make people's hearts flutter?

Zuo Die sat in the driver's seat and waited for a while. She looked at Hua Bairou and was a little puzzled: "Sister, you said that the two of them stood outside and refused to get in the car, so why did you call us here?"

Hua Bairou rolled her eyes, "Is that because he refused to get in the car? That's because the Holy King was so immersed in his tenderness that he forgot about us."

It's not that I forgot.

The two hugged each other for five minutes before Yan Chuyu thought of her subordinates. She raised her eyes and looked at Hua Bairou Zuo Die: "The journey is not far, let's go back, you guys should go back too."

Hua Bairou: ...

Zuo Die: ...

They should not be in the car, but under the car.

The two of them looked at each other, after all, like a worried old mother, they skillfully transformed into a mouse and a flower petal, and hid behind them.

Their holy king is too simple, but what about Song Nianying who is a human? The experience is too complicated, in Hua Bairou's "human spirit", if Song Nianying wants to deceive the Holy King, he can directly sell her to the Philippines as a maid, and the Holy King will be very happy.

Yan Chuyu's words were right for Song Nianying's heart. Originally, when she was pulled over by Lang Yinuo, she thought that the moon tonight was not very good, and the gloomy moonlight was annoying, but now, she looked at the bright moon , holding the hand of the beloved, the arc of the lips raised, you can hang soy sauce directly.

This kind of emotion has never happened before, it filled her whole body like an electric current, Song Nianying couldn't help but turn her eyes red, she raised her head in a concealed manner, letting the tears flow back, not wanting to be seen by Yan Chuyu.

All her life.

Full of deceit and calculations, after she woke up in an accident, how long did she go through before accepting everything in this world.

When she was surfing at the age of eighteen, she had an accident and was swallowed by the waves and almost died.

It was her parents who did not hesitate to dispose of the family property and sought medical treatment everywhere to save her.

This is why she tolerated Song's father and Song's mother again and again.

All of this was inadvertently read in her mother's diary. When she woke up, her mind went blank. Except for the familiar jade wrench between her fingers, everything was so strange.

Perhaps, her liking for Yan Chuyu was not just love at first sight, but also the feeling of pity.

No one knows this secret except the Song family.

Song Nianying didn't believe in Song's father and Song's mother at first, but when the photos from childhood, her birth certificate, and paternity test were all in front of her, when her younger sister grabbed her arm and called "sister" affectionately Only then did she gradually begin to believe it.

She was seriously injured, except for the unexplained angina pectoris, she always felt that something was missing in her life, which made her irritable and world-weary. Song Nianying often joked that she was out of tune with the world because her head was soaked in water.

She always has an inexplicable sense of rejection towards this world.

She looks cheerful and bright, but no one knows how lonely she is inside.

In the first few years, her parents took good care of her and loved her. Friends around her also greeted her with care, and relatives cared for her in every possible way. Her ability to learn and adapt was extremely strong. Gradually, she gradually calmed down a bit. , not so repulsive.

Until one rainy night, my mother stood in front of her with red eyes and said pleadingly, "Just one drop, Ying'er, save your sister, she is your only real sister."

Song Ruxi's mother was born with an insufficient fetus, and she was born with a disease of immune system deficiency. Later, because of her weak body, Song's father and Song's mother took her to many places, but they couldn't be treated, and all organs had begun to have complications.

Song Nianying didn't understand anything at the time. She was shocked by her mother's words, because she felt sorry for her sister, and she gave a lot when her mother asked for a drop of blood.

and then?

Endless deception begins here.

Gradually, Song Nianying realized that relatives and friends, their smiling faces were just daggers that cut her flesh and blood.

Not just people, very often, no matter where she goes, she can feel some feminine things following her, occasionally, there will be a few terrifying giant animals, they are looking at her greedily from a distance, It seemed that he would rush up to her in the next second and devour her completely, but it seemed that he was coveting something, he hesitated and dared not go forward.

Song Nianying was terrified, but she didn't dare to tell anyone. If she said this, she would definitely be considered crazy.

She often turned on the lights night after night, and dared not sleep with her eyes open.

Simmer and endure, and it will be dawn.

She was not so autistic in the beginning. In her sophomore year, she made a good friend Chu Fengjiao.

Chu Fengjiao is just like her, with a carefree personality and loves to laugh. The two families are family friends and have a good relationship since their elders.

She was very kind to Song Nianying, and when she realized that she had many things that were unfamiliar to her peers, Chu Fengjiao would teach her carefully, twice if not once, never impatient.

At the beginning, when she approached her, Song Nianying was a bit suspicious and repelled, afraid that she might have plans again, so she paid attention to it, and when she read her report during the physical examination at the beginning of school, and confirmed that her body was normal, Song Nianying still let out a breath.

With this breath, she felt both ridiculous and pathetic.

Girls' friendship is always established quickly. They attend classes, eat together, and travel together.

When they were walking at night, they were followed. Chu Fengjiao stood up in front of her, rolled up her sleeves and scolded the drunkard away. At that moment, Song Nianying smiled happily and brightly.

three years.

Song Nianying regards her as her "good friend" like a sister, but in the end?

When they were about to graduate, they went out to draw together during the day, and went to KTV to order beer at night.

Song Nianying didn't want to drink at first, but Chu Fengjiao looked at her with red eyes and sniffed: "We are going to be separated in our senior year, it's so sad, drink some, and relax."

Song Nianying's capacity for drinking was originally good, and a few bottles of beer would not trouble her, but that day, she took the wine from Chu Fengjiao's hand and just drank a few sips and fell asleep in a daze.

After waking up, she was sitting on a chair in the hotel, her limbs were firmly **** with hemp rope.

And that friend, Chu Fengjiao, whom she had always considered her best, was looking at her with a half-smile while playing with a knife in his hand.

No one understands the fear at that moment.

Song Nianying looked at her, trembling non-stop, but Chu Fengjiao approached her, holding her chin with one hand and whispering: "Don't be afraid, Ying'er, I'll just take a little, just a little."

She wants her blood.

My father said that if he could get her blood, he would become the most precious person in the world.

Song Nianying's face was pale, unable to speak, take some... what? flesh and blood? Just tie her up?

"Jiaojiao, you..."

Song Nianying didn't believe it, until this moment, she didn't believe her eyes.

It's a dream.

It must be a dream.

Her tears flowed down, but Chu Fengjiao was so cruel, like many times before, he helped her dry her tears and told her not to be afraid, but she pierced her heart with a sharp knife point.

Killing people, punishing one's heart, at that moment, Song Nianying's tears rolled down the corners of her eyes and landed on the cold blade. Chu Fengjiao stared at the **** tears on the tip of the blade, and was stunned, her hands hesitated for a moment.

Her father had told her that Song Nianying's physique was special, and she couldn't feel much pain. Otherwise, why would her parents cut off the flesh and blood of their own daughter again and again? Once, when they went out to play together, Song Nianying sprained her ankle, and her ankle was swollen so high that most girls would die of pain, but she still smiled and comforted her: "It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't hurt. It will be fine in two days." Chu Fengjiao was convinced of this, and her father told her that Song Nianying's blood had miraculous effects, if not, with Father Song's virtue, how could the Song family's pharmaceutical factory be brought back to life in a short period of time, And how to achieve such a strong position in the industry?

Chu Fengjiao believed it, but at this moment, looking at Song Nianying's tears, although she didn't hear her cry of pain, she really felt Song Nianying's pain.

At that moment, Song Nianying's heart died, she looked at Chu Fengjiao coldly, her always smiling eyes were as cold as ashes.

So be it.

It's not that she hasn't tried.

Even if she was begged for flesh and blood again and again by her parents, even if she was deceived again and again, she still maintained goodwill towards the world.

She resigned to her fate.

In fact, why is this so?

If Chu Fengjiao asked, she would give it to her.

The first and most vicious blue light in the jade finger came out from that time.

The icy blue light sent Chu Fengjiao out with a powerful wave of energy. Her body was like a kite with a broken string. She flew more than one meter away and fell heavily on the wall. Blood flowed from the mouth and nose.

No one knew how she was rescued that day in a state of embarrassment, and how she lay on the cold hospital bed listening to her parents crying and pleading.

Since then, Song Nianying's heart has died, and she will never talk to anyone again, and Yupanzhi has always protected her. She has read books and looked up literature, wanting to know what the reason is, but she can't find the root cause.

She just has a strong sixth sense, and maybe her tears unlocked Yu's ability to pull her fingers.

Since then, Song Nianying never took off the jade finger.

She also understood the reason why those ghosts and monsters who followed her dared not come forward.

She won't even take it off in the shower.

In fact, many times, when Song Nianying thought of not wanting to live, she also thought about taking off the jade ring.

She knew that as long as she took it off, she would immediately be stripped and devoured by the swarming aliens.

Memories were gradually blurred by the night, Song Nianying looked at the person in front of her, obviously trying to force back her tears, but for some reason, her tears flowed drop by drop.

She is so wronged.

She seemed to want to hug Yan Chuyu.

"Why are you crying?"

Yan Chuyu looked at the tears in the corners of Song Nianying's eyes, his heart crinkled, and he raised his hand to wipe it away for her.

Song Nianying grabbed her hand and shook her head, the moonlight was hazy, she looked into Yan Chuyu's eyes, and asked in a very soft and serious voice: "Chuyu, can I trust you?"

It's the last time.

This time, it was really the last time for her to believe.

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