MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 100 Extra Story CP (2)

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——If in the future, with long thoughts, we fall into the water together, who will you save?

The Holy King is always the Holy King.

He was as cold as frost to others, but he was able to ask such naive questions as Xiao Jiaojiao to his wife.

Song Nianying looked at her and wanted to laugh. The majestic sage king would be jealous of a silent daughter. She gently stroked her belly with her hand, as if to appease Chang Nian in her belly and told her—— baby, don't As knowledgeable as your mother, let's coax her a little bit.

She looked at the Holy King with a smile, "Naturally I will save you."

As the corners of Shengwang's lips raised, the picture began to wrinkle, and all the onlookers gasped.

Zuo Die looked down at the little pink-carved Yuche doll in her arms, she was tearful, she was obviously still so young, but she had to accept such a "drenched" painful reality.

Zuo Die coaxed her, "Your mommy, she is just a little bit jealous."

Chang Nian sniffed, "I know."

Zuo Die: ...

Hua Bairou: ...

Chang Nian rubbed her eyes, and she looked at the two aunts: "They all thought I was a child, but I knew everything. When I was very young, Mommy would grab milk from me, and I would let her of."

Zuo Die: ...

Hua Bairou: ...

Is this something they can know?

What a sensible child.

The picture continues with the child, who has been pregnant for a long time, looking forward to the moment of childbirth.

The sky, the lightning, the thunder, and the shadows of the gods should not have stayed in the world for too long. Now, not only did she choose to stay in the world forever, she actually gave birth to a child. This is a typical act against the sky.

It is more difficult for her to give birth than ordinary people. She has been pregnant for a hundred years, and giving birth will not be completed overnight.

All about her mother's pain, she is bearing double.

Yan Chuyu has been guarding by the window, she has to protect Song Nianying's comfort, but also has to guard against Gu Yuechi.

It's not that she doesn't trust this miraculous doctor who regards Song Nianying as the most important person, but that she is a vampire in nature, and her desire for blood is natural. Women will bleed a lot when they give birth, and even the holy king has to bear it. Let alone her.

Zuo Die and Hua Bairou didn't dare to get too close, they guarded outside the barrier, even Princess Long Shisan and Luo Ranfeng came.

Luo Ranfeng is now more and more Buddhist. Although she is anxious, she sits cross-legged on the tree, as if she closed her eyes and meditated.

Princess Long Shisan turned around, worried enough. Seeing Luo Ranfeng's leisurely appearance, she wished she could kick the tree off with one kick. Just as she was thinking about it, Luo Ranfeng glanced at her and said flatly: "I'll chop off your dragon's hoof."

Dragon Thirteen Princesses: …

Although the two of them didn't meet many times, they did touch each other.

I think she is Nanhai's current boss anyway, and her actual combat ability is top-notch, but no matter how powerful her ability is, she can't compare to Luo Ranfeng's mind-reading skills.

She can clearly read the opponent's mind, what tricks she wants to use, and how she wants to defend against the enemy.

Thirteen, on the other hand, has been rubbed on the ground by the ancestor many times.

The thirteenth princess is a dragon king who wants to save face. After being threatened, she raised her middle finger: "You wait for me!"

Luo Ranfeng curled her lips and closed her eyes again. She read Xiao Shisan's thoughts.

——How can there be such an arrogant person in the world? Crazy what crazy? Really want to unscrew her head and kick it like a ball.

But I can't beat her... I'm so envious of mind reading skills.

Forget it, for the sake of her beauty, let her go.

Why is she so pushy? Woohoo, I really like it.

For seven days and seven nights, various methods of oxytocin were used, and Lang Rouyi came over in the form of a giant wolf, and offered the holy medicine of the wolf clan's healing, but none of them worked.

Song Nianying was already so weak from the pain that she was lying on the bed, her clothes were wet with sweat.

Sheng Wang wiped her sweat, his eyes were red, and his body was tense.

If you can choose.

She will definitely not do it again.

What kind of child born in dew, she just wants to think about it well.

At the beginning, Song Nianying lied to her, saying that Shenying's body was different from ordinary people, and her recovery ability was extremely strong. Don't worry, the childbirth must be very smooth, and the child came down with a "squeak".

The Holy King has always trusted his wife 100% unconditionally.

Gu Yuechi also wiped her sweat anxiously, she knew too well what this child meant to her sister and the Holy King.

This is the crystallization of their love and their wish for thousands of years.

Although Shenying is powerful, the mother's body is the most vulnerable when she is pregnant with her children.

Chang Nian looked at the drenched mother lying on the bed, her eyes were red.

Another day passed.

Song Nianying felt hot all over, closed her eyes, and almost fell into a coma.

The Holy King couldn't take it anymore, she slowly spit out the cold moon beads from her mouth, and signaled Gu Yuechi with her eyes.

Although Changnian was conceived by Song Nianying, most of the primordial spirit came from the Holy King's Leng Yuezhu, from the combination of Chu Yu's essence, flesh and blood, and dew from the world. Some time ago, she had lost money in order to shape her soul. a lot.

Before giving birth, Song Nianying specifically told Chu Yu, "No matter what happens, you can't use the cold moon bead anymore."

That bead is the life of the Holy King, it recovered after being frozen for so long, and it can no longer be moved.

Seeing Song Nianying like this, Gu Yuechi hesitated as to how the Holy King could continue, she promised her sister that she would not use Leng Yuezhu, but seeing Song Nianying like this, she also felt uncomfortable.

Yan Chuyu raised her hand and grabbed Leng Yuezhu: "Save her."

Gu Yuechi hesitated for a moment, "But..."

The Holy King looked into her eyes: "If anything happens to her, I will never live alone."

They have experienced so much, and they have been together for a long time. No matter what the focus is, whether it is life or death, they will never be separated.

The cold moon bead quietly fell into Gu Yuechi's hands, and the Holy King bent down, lowered his head and kissed Song Nianying's lips, and stroked her sweat-drenched long hair, whispering: "It will get better."

After speaking, she got up, opened the door and went out.

As soon as she came out, Long Shisan, Zuo Die, Hua Bairou and the others all came up to meet her.

"How's it going?"

Only Luo Ranfeng on the tree opened her eyes, and she looked at Yan Chuyu: "Are... are you sure you want to do this?"

The Holy King's temperament is as decisive as ever, so she naturally wants to do it.

Her body flew into the air, floating above the black clouds, she raised her head, her long hair spread out, her blue eyes stared at the center of the cloud vortex, and said coldly: "Isn't it just to go through the catastrophe again?"

From beginning to end, God never let them go.

Why had she ever been afraid of it?

Following her rising body, the sky made a warning sound of door thunder, and faintly, there was an electric light passing through the black clouds.

The holy king raised her head, her long hair fluttered with the hem of her clothes, she smiled coldly, raised her middle finger, and despised the sky with the gesture used by his wife.

Tianlei was furious, and a purple lightning hit Yan Chuyu's body.

This was the highest level of lightning strike. The Holy King's body shook slightly, blood oozed from the corner of her lips, and light and shadow flowed in her blue eyes, as if her whole body was electrified.

She smiled coldly and looked up at the sky with contempt on her face.

Another bolt of lightning came down, with a cold murderous aura, and it mercilessly hit the thin body of the Holy King.

She remained proudly motionless with an indifferent expression.

Even looking at the past pictures, Chang Nian was terrified by that ferocious lightning strike, and finally cried out with his mouth curled up, "Mommy...Mommy..."

Hua Bairou hurried over, hugged her with Zuo Die, and winked at the vampire opposite.

Don't watch it, it scares the kids!

On that day, the holy king who did not have the dragon ball body protection received a total of eighteen lightning strikes.

Immediately, eighteen fire phoenixes were born from nirvana, and as eighteen dragons of various colors whirled and danced in the air, the yellow light fell on Song Nianying's body like a shooting star. With the smell of sandalwood and a loud cry, everyone wept with joy and rushed over to see the child.

As for the Holy King, her back was almost scorched. She dragged her heavy steps, wiped off the blood stains on her mouth, and glanced at Song Nianying and her daughter from afar.

A blue tear fell on the ground...

She is a mother.

Just when Chang Nian couldn't coax Chang Nian well, the Holy King was carrying a bag in his hand, which was full of toys from the world. As soon as he came in, seeing Chang Nian crying, she froze and looked angrily. To the left Die and Hua Bairou.

Are they bullying their children?

The innocent duo was silent for a moment, silently put the child down and slipped away.

Chang Nian huddled in Yan Chuyu's arms, put his arms around her waist, and kept pressing his cheek against her cheek: "Wuuu, Mommy, I will treat you and Mom well in the future, and I will take care of you."

Behind her, Song Nianying, who was coming in with vegetables, was a little taken aback when she saw this scene. She glanced at Chang Nian, then at the Holy King, "What's going on?"

She looked around.

What about Huabairou Zuodie?

Didn't they let them watch their children? Where did everyone go? Why did you make your daughter cry?

Sheng Wang felt the trembling of the child in his arms. She touched her face and coaxed: "Don't cry."

Chang Nian was very sad, she didn't even know that the two mothers had sacrificed so much for her, she was so moved, and she will be obedient in the future.

Seeing his daughter's face covered with tears, the not-so-talkative Holy King pursed his lips, thought for a long time, and said slowly: "Your mother and I will not grow old. When you grow up, go out with your mother. Maybe others will think you are older."

The tears stopped abruptly.

Chang Nian looked at Yan Chuyu in astonishment.

Song Nianying: ...

In the evening, Song Nianying made her favorite fried green beans in order to comfort her daughter's wounded heart.

Changnian is very special. She has never eaten meat since she was born. When Zuo Die took her to play in the world, she once bought roast duck for her. Wrapped it and put it in her mouth, she would vomit and feel uncomfortable. all day.

So everyone pays attention to it, and even the food that comes with it becomes lighter.

Chang Nian was very clingy to her mother today, even when Song Nianying was cooking, she put her arms around her waist and pressed her little face against her body.

After Song Nianying understood the cause and effect, she smiled and touched her head to comfort her: "Mum and Mummy will never leave you, they will always be with you, guard you, and watch you grow up."

Chang Nian blinked his peach blossom eyes like Song Nianying's pasting and copying and asked softly, "What about when you grew up?"

She should never be separated from the mothers.

At this time, the Holy King came in carrying water, and she glanced at her daughter, "When you grow up, you will have your own lover and your own home."

Chang Nian thought for a while, "Is it like Mommy and Mommy?"

The two old mothers nodded in relief.

After thinking about it for a long time, she said thoughtfully: "In that case, I can live with you too. I live in the West Wing Room and don't bother you."

Song Nianying touched her hair and smiled helplessly. She glanced at Chu Yu and motioned for her to coax the child.

But Shengwang's education system is obviously different from his wife's. She never lied to her daughter just because she was young.

She said slowly, "We don't want to live with you."

After hearing it for a long time, tears filled my eyes, "Why? I will cook for you, clean up the housework, and find a gentle lover like my mother."

These words softened Song Nianying's heart, she raised her eyes to look at Yan Chuyu.

In these long years, watching two babies bickering is also a kind of great happiness and joy to her.

The holy king glanced at his daughter and said lightly, "Do you want to find a lover like your mother?"

Chang Nian nodded vigorously, in her eyes, her mother is the best person in the world.

Mommy must think so too, right?

She looked at the Holy King expectantly.

The Holy King finished the water, handed Song Nianying a cup of warm water, and turned to look at his daughter, "You can't find it, not everyone is as lucky as me."

Song Nianying: ...

Long thought: ...

That night, in order to avenge Mommy's "venomous tongue", Chang Nian wanted to sleep with Mommy no matter what.

This is the "quarrel" that the two of them have every day.

The Holy King said coldly: "You are already eighteen years old. In the world, a child as old as you has already grown up. Go to your own room."

Chang Nian stuck out his tongue: "But mother said, I'm still a little dragon, a standard preschool child, I'm going to sleep with her, you are a vampire, you don't need to sleep, why do you fake sleep every day?"

Chu Yu: ...

At such a young age, Chang Nian already has the eloquence of his mother, if he really fights hard, the Holy King is no match.

That night, with her fierce lips, she dominated her mother and fell asleep sweetly.

She is dreaming.

In the dream, she turned into a little princess, wearing a pink dress, sitting on the moon and swinging.

And the moon, with a beard, turned into Uncle Moon, smiling and telling stories to Chang Nian, which made Xiao Chang Nian giggle.

However, the content of the story seems to have similarities.

The first story is that a good child will be independent, the second story is that I don’t need my mother to read it when I go to bed at night, the third story is about coaxing my mother to sleep and striving to be an independent baby, and the fourth is that the night is not scary and I want to sleep alone …

Chang Nian listened to a lot, and looked at Uncle Moon thoughtfully.

Should she also be an obedient baby?

Song Nianying put her arms around her daughter, kissed her forehead, and looked at the people around her helplessly, "How are you?"

The Holy King stood by the bed with one hand behind his back, "I want to teach her to be a good child in my dream."

The Holy King's ability, in order to win favor, was actually used on the child.

She and his wife are the same, they will not indoctrinate Chang Nian since childhood, what is her mother's shadow, what is the combination of dragon and vampire, the most powerful holy king, they just briefly told her about the blood, other , They will be a pair of ordinary mothers more often.

Therefore, Changnian didn't know that Mommy could easily enter her dreams, nor did she know that when she was a child, she always ate sweet candies in her dreams, put on beautiful clothes, and a lot of children played with her. Mommy's princess dream for her.

Seeing her daughter fast asleep.

The Holy King raised his hand, picked her up, and placed her on the small bed next to her.

Song Nianying turned sideways, amusedly watching her little Jiaojiao move her daughter away, and leaned on her body.

Under the dim light, just a little bit of kissing, the dragon tail jumped out with a "bang".

Yan Chuyu hugged Song Nianying, and it took another hundred years. The Holy King has also learned a lot in the world. Her dragon tail is no longer a weakness in her hands that is bullied by his wife blindly. Her water control The ability is no longer simply to keep tears from flowing.

Dragon tail plus water control.

She can make Song Nian's image messy and out of control like a flower, and finally bloom.

Poor little Changnian, totally unaware that she was "cruelly" hugged to the crib by Mummy every day as soon as she fell asleep.

During this period of time, she has grown extremely fast, but in just three months, her body has grown a lot, and from a distance, she looks like a big girl.

It's just that the face and eyes are still innocent and green.

Song Nianying also once asked Yan Chuyu: "You Dragon Clan, how long does it take to be considered an adult?"

The growth cycle of the dragon race is too different from that of human beings.

In the previous ten years, my daughter was like a child in kindergarten, she never grew up the same way.

But in the past three months, he has grown up all of a sudden, and there is no way to grasp such a growth trajectory.

Yan Chuyu looked into the distance, although she was tall, she had an immature face and her daughter with a soft voice: "The dragon is considered mature for a hundred years, and can be touched by a lover by the dragon's tail."

Hundred years...

Then her daughter will have to wait a long time.

During this period of time, she must be well protected, otherwise, anyone who falls in love with her will be unlucky, and will have to wait for so long.

On weekdays, apart from following the two mums, Chang Nian spends most of her time with those two unreliable aunts. Sometimes, she will ride Lang Yinuo to visit the mansion of the wolf clan.

After a long time, Chang Nian's body had already caught up with her mother, and she stood beside Song Nianying, really answering the words of the Holy King.

I can't tell who is older and who is younger.

Seeing that her daughter will be an adult in ten years.

The two mothers are not as strict as they are with her. Chang Nian can often go out to see the outside world. What she likes most is to be with Thirteenth Aunt and go swimming in the sea.

Her dragon body hasn't changed very well. The shape of the dragon belongs to the kind of juvenile dragon who takes the cute route in her milk, far from being as mighty and powerful as Thirteenth Aunt.

Shisan often takes her niece to swim on the seabed. As the master of the South China Sea, she has many official duties to deal with.

But she is very concerned about her niece, even if she doesn't follow her, Prime Minister Gui will follow her.

But with the increase of age, Chang Nian's physical strength became more and more abundant, and his swimming speed became faster and faster. At first, Prime Minister Gui could keep up, but later, he gasped: "Little princess, slow down—don't swim!" Swim forward again, that is the territory of the sharks."


Chang Nian is not afraid of the sky, she is not afraid of the earth, she once heard the Holy King talk about the seabed, and asked her what a mermaid looks like.

But for some reason, the moment she asked, she would never lie, but her mother, who knew everything about her, suddenly lied. At that time, she saw the Holy King shaking his head in a panic: "I don't know, I don't know him well."

And her mother, Song Nianying, was at the side, looking at them with a smile that was not a smile.

the next morning.

After thinking about it for a long time, I felt that Mummy was very tired, and she seemed to shake when she walked.

Children are like this, the more unknown, the more curious.

The more people are not allowed to go, the more they want to go.

She quickly entered the Sharkman's mansion, which was quite different from the Dragon Palace, which was piled up with golden gold. Although it was very majestic and majestic, it was not Chang Nian's favorite style.

As for the Merman's mansion, crystal light shone everywhere, and the huge palace was carved with crystal, just like the ice castle that Chang Nian once visited when he was a child.

Crystal clear, clear, clean, pleasing to the eye.

The faster she swam, the more curious she looked. She avoided the shark guards and swam to places where there were few people.

She just wanted to see something fresh, and secretly wanted to see what the serious merman looked like, and didn't want to trespass on his clan's mansion.

She was finally tired from swimming, and she swam to a place full of purple light, where the light was obviously different from before.

Magnificent and imposing, there are purple crystals everywhere.

Chang Nian was wagging his tail and watching carefully. Behind him, a cold voice came, "Bold, who are you?"

Chang Nian was so frightened that she vomited bubbles. When she turned around, she saw a beautiful picture.

That was the first time Longsheng saw a shark.

The merman was wearing a luxurious robe, with a long tail swinging, and there was a faint purple light around her, and her face was extremely beautiful and majestic, and her eyes were icy cold.

She should be good, Chang Nian observed that the light on her body is restrained and thick, which is not of the ordinary level.

Chang Nian bowed respectfully, "Hello, are you a shark? I'm a little dragon from the South China Sea, Chang Nian."

"South China Sea? Long Nian?"

After hearing these words, the shark stared at her blankly, as if he was looking at her or someone else.

The sharks are really the most beautiful existences in the world, and the brilliance and aura on their bodies are somewhat inferior to those of the dragons.

The merman seemed to be caught in some kind of memory and remained silent all the time, while Chang Nian was swimming around her curiously, covered with bubbles.

"Are you really a shark? You're so beautiful."

"Your tail is glowing."

"Looking at it this way, you are a bit like the Dragon Clan."

"Are you the guardian of the shark? Why are you here alone?"

"Is there no one with you? Are you hungry? I brought some snacks, do you want to eat?"

Shark King never thought that one day, he would be entangled by a young girl.

She had guessed Chang Nian's identity from the very beginning, and when she thought of the past when she fell in love with her heartless mommy, she didn't want to talk to her.

Although it was already a thousand years ago, and the Shark King let go of it, there was still some resentment.

Even her children don't like her and have always been indifferent.

But Chang Nian seems to like being with the Sharks very much. From that day on, she also ran around, just like clocking in at work every day, and went to the Sharks at a fixed time to report, and no matter how indifferent they were, she always Chatting non-stop.

"Are you going to read a book today? Are you tired?"

"I brought you the dew I collected today for you to drink."

"Are your shoulders sore? Shall I rub them for you?"

The first time Chang Nian discovered her supernatural ability was also because of the Shark. She was pestering the Shark King at the time, and when she saw the scroll in her hand fell to the ground, she hurried to pick it up for her. The Shark King frowned and took it. At that moment, her hand was shocked.

Chang Nian was a little dazed, she looked at her hands, and then at King Shark: "Is this the electric shock mentioned in my mother's drawing book?"

Shark King: ...

What is this electric shock?

What kind of silly white sweet little milk dragon is this?

Doesn't she even know her own abilities?

Perhaps it was Heaven's feedback that the Holy King had suffered a lot from Thunderbolt back then, and her daughter could actually control electricity.

From now on, their family no longer has to be afraid of the thunder of crossing the tribulation.

In the beginning, Chang Nian couldn't use the current well, and he was so crispy from frequent shocks that sometimes the scales on his tail fell off.

Shark King looked at it coldly, and secretly scolded "idiot" a few times, but when he saw the **** dragon scale on the ground, he couldn't bear it.

The strength of the Shark King is known everywhere, and Chang Nian can get her guidance, so he will naturally make rapid progress.

In just one week, she has been able to easily form thunder **** and throw them into the sky, laughing.

She even romantically made a bouquet of roses with pink electric lights and dedicated them to Shark King. She didn't care about being called a "stupid" and swam around her, drawing bunches of flickering electric flowers with her tail.

Set off fireworks in the sea.

This is the romance that Chang Nian gave to the Shark King.

No one thought that things would develop like this, not even Shark King.

She has clearly made a plan to be the Queen of the Sea who will never marry for life, will never marry for life, and will always pursue her career.

When the thirteenth princess found out that something was wrong with her eldest niece, she used electric light to turn roses into roses every day, and was still giggling secretly, it was already too late, so she hurriedly told her sister and brother-in-law.

The thirteenth princess knew about the past between Shark King and Seventh Sister, and she was no longer the one who bossed Song Nianying around.

Because of Luo Ranfeng, she naturally respected this "brother-in-law".

Yan Chuyu fell into deep silence after hearing the news, while Song Nianying was shocked and incredulous. She turned her head and looked at the Holy King: "Scream King??? Did I not misunderstand? Is it her? "

Holy King: ...

As she said, she doesn't know any shark king.

She never thought that her little bean bun-like daughter would be so awesome one day.

Either they are naive and romantic, they don't know what it is, and once they make a move, they will be a grandma-level figure.

The thirteenth princess felt that the atmosphere was not right, and after showing an English "byebye", she turned into a wisp of smoke and left the land of right and wrong.

Song Nianying folded her arms, her peach blossom eyes narrowed their light, and stared at Yan Chuyu.

Holy King: ...

She was so flustered, this matter had nothing to do with her at all.

Song Nianying sneered coldly: "Is this the legendary repayment of mother's debt?"

Holy King: ...

"Tell me, is it because Shark King likes our parents because she looks like you? After all these years, do you still miss him?"

Holy King: ...

not like.

Chang Nian is exactly the same as his wife, and it's almost the same if King Shark has a crush on Song Nianying.

Changnian was escorted back by the two mothers. She really didn't understand. Before the two mothers, they clearly told her to fall in love freely, strongly supported her to have a puppy love, and moved out early. Now, she has done it, why don't they agreed?

Song Nianying said earnestly, "Mom wants you to find someone of the right age."

Chang Nian pursed her lips and protested: "But isn't my thirteenth aunt secretly in love with Grandma Grandpa? Why do you keep blessing her and encouraging her to abandon the world and pursue love bravely?"

Song Nianying: ...

The Holy King sighed, and she looked at her daughter: "What do you like about the Shark King? The Dragon Clan also has many beautiful and handsome offspring."

Chang Nian smiled and said: "The Shark King is so beautiful and has a good temperament, and I heard that among the folks, dragons and sharks are the most perfect match!"

Holy King: ...

Song Nianying: ...

Chang Nian said aggrievedly: "However, she doesn't seem to like me. She always says that I look a little bit like a cheater, but I'm so good-looking, how can I look like a cheater?"

This daughter doesn't give her mother any way to live.

That night, the Holy King was held down by his wife to settle accounts. Her dragon tail was about to melt, and she herself seemed broken, unable to stand up at all.

Heartbroken people don't know.

During the half a year of her nagging, King Shark's state of mind and blood pressure have undergone significant changes.

From the initial irritability to mania, to blood pressure bursting, to being furious at her, to regretting and blaming herself after seeing Chang Nian's tears, to the dejected look at the silent sea after she left.

She is not a naive and romantic girl, so she naturally knows what kind of feelings this is.

She once swore not to leave the deep sea, even if she had feelings for the Holy King back then, she never walked out of here.

She never dreamed that one day, for a silly little milk dragon, she would shed her scales, turn into feet, and walk to the land little by little.

When he had just turned into a human, every step the Shark King took, his feet felt as if they were being scorched and cut on a knife on a fire, and blood flowed from the pain.

But she just walked to that no-man's land like this.

She is like a kind of morbid self-torture.

Shark King always thinks, just take one step, one more step, and she will forget about that little kid.

But until the scales on her feet were worn away and she was numb from the pain, she still couldn't forget her.

So, when the Holy King and Song Nianying hugged each other to look at the stars, they were both stunned when they saw her coming.

The Shark King bit his lip. With her honorable status, even the Seventh Princess who killed the God of the South China Sea would bow down to her.

But now...

Song Nianying touched Yan Chuyu's arm: "Hey, your old friend is here."

The Holy King kissed her forehead helplessly, then turned to look at the Shark King, "Are you looking for Changnian?"

"Who? Who is looking for me?"

Chang Nian heard Mummy's voice, and came out of the house. She was wearing a purple gauze dress, her face was covered with the new powder her mother bought, and her lips were painted red. She held a mobile phone in her hand and was taking a selfie. It is necessary to send Prime Minister Turtle to the territory of the Shark Clan.

Unexpectedly, they came to the door first.

Song Nianying and Yan Chuyu looked at their daughter together. As their "experts", at this moment, the daughter must have had a lot of emotions when she saw King Shark, and she was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

And based on their grasp of the emotional context, the Shark King will definitely struggle because of the disparity in identity and age, and then she will painfully accompany her daughter through the long puberty, and in the end, maybe she will achieve a positive result. .

Just when the two mothers were thinking about it.

Their daughter turned into a ray of wind and ran directly to King Shark, hugged her, and buried her head in her arms, "Ah Shark, why are you here? Are you here to marry me?"

Shark King's cold face melted at that moment, and her hand gently caressed Chang Nian's hair, with rare tenderness: "Yes, are you willing?"

Song Nianying: ...

Yan Chuyu: ...

Chang Nian burst into tears of joy, she tightly hugged Shark King Yingying's waist, and stuttered with excitement: "I, I, I am willing, let's move out tomorrow, okay?"

Song Nianying: ...

Yan Chuyu: ...

Time is like a butcher's knife, slaughtering the hearts of two old mothers with **** reality.

From then on.

There is such a rumor in the rivers and lakes.

It is said that in the southernmost barren land, there exists a powerful family.

They are the most incredible combination in the world.

It is the Dragon King, the Shark King, the King of Vampires, and the Shadow of God.

It is said that they had a small quarrel every three days and a big quarrel every five days. Today the older one ran away from home, and the younger one ran away from home the next day.

Swords, lights, swords, and shadows are enjoyable, and there will be floods and thunders at every turn. Occasionally, there will be scenes of flowers fluttering, spiders running around, and moths flying around.

Really, very happy.