MTL - My Wife Spoils Me Too Much-Chapter 7

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Tang sugar clipped a soup bag into the little guy's bowl. "The baby will try the soup bag made by the mother. Be careful, the soup inside will be blown and eaten." ”

The little guy looked up at Tang Tang, and began to eat the soup bag in the next second. First, he carefully bite a small hole, then blows it inward, and the small chin of the meat is bulging, like a cute little hamster. .

Tang Tang gave the little guy a bowl of porridge, first blew him a bit, to make sure that the porridge would not be hot to him before he let him eat.

The little guy didn't look small, his appetite was not small, not only ate a large bowl of porridge, but also ate five soup bags in a row before putting down the bowl. He saw that Tang Tang was worried that he would eat it and his eyes went straight to his little belly. look.

Probably also know that I have eaten a lot, the little guy blushed red, squatting down the chair, ran to the sofa and picked up his little bag and rushed outside the door.

Tang sugar knows that the little guy is embarrassed, and quickly yelled at him, "Baby, mother sent you down, don't leave, wait for mom?"

The little guy paused and continued to wear shoes.

Tang Tang only said: "Baby, my mother's leg is hurt, can't keep up with you, you go slower and so on, so my mother will wrestle."

When I heard this, the action of the little guy wearing shoes was obviously slowed down.

When the sugar was packaged and the cakes were chased out, the little guy didn't even leave. He was standing outside the gate and waiting to see the candy coming out. Then he took the step and went to the elevator.

Tang Tang immediately followed the pace of the little guy into the elevator, but she didn't use the elevator at all. She was still nervous about what to do. It turned out that it was unnecessary. Because the little guy was very smart, the whole operation was not necessary. Let Tang sugar have a feeling that the little guy is taking care of himself. I am embarrassed. I am determined in my heart to understand everything about this world. I can't even have a child.

When I arrived at the school bus, the school bus had not come yet. Tang Tang handed the lunch box with the pastry to the little one. "Baby, this is the red bean cake that my mother made for you. You bring it to the kindergarten. When you are hungry, you can eat it at night. It’s good to bring the lunch box back."

Ji Xiaoying looked at Tang Tang in a complicated way, silently took down the small lunch box and firmly held it in his arms. At this time, the school bus came, and the little guy did not return to the car, but just got on the car. At the time, through the window quietly smashed the candy to the window.

Tang Tang caught his eyes and immediately waved at him. "Goodbye! After school, my mother will pick you up."

Ji Xiaoyan turned his head, but the lunch box in his hand was tighter, like holding the most precious treasure.

Sitting next to Ji Xiaoyan is a chubby little girl, also in this community, with a little friendship with Ji Xiaoying, asked Qi Xiaoxiao: "Ji Xiaoying, just that is your mother?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

"Wow! You have a mother, I don't know. I have never seen her send you before."

Ji Xiaoyan looked down at the small lunch box in his arms, as if he emphasized it: "I have a mother!"

Xiaotou looked at Jiuxiao’s lunch box in his arms and suddenly came to the interest and asked, “What are you holding? Good look.”

Ji Xiaoyan’s mouth was quietly upturned, but he tried hard to suppress it. He said, “This is the red bean cake that my mother gave me personally. Let me take it to kindergarten. She is afraid that I am hungry.”

The little girl suddenly envious, swallowed her mouth, and raised a finger and asked: "Can that give me a piece? Just one piece."

Ji Xiaoyan immediately shook his head and shook his head. "No, this is what my mother has done for me. You want your mother to do it for you."

Xiaotoutou grinned in disappointment and groaned. "You are a little angry with Ji Xiaoyu. Isn't it a red bean cake? It's not good at all, I don't want to eat it."

Ji Xiaoyan eyes, quietly put the bag on the lunch box to hide the lunch box.

Little girl is crying.

The sugar in the car didn't know. After she got home, she washed all the dirty clothes at home, and then cleaned the house's hygiene. Because her legs were inconvenient, she waited until all the time was done. At noon, Tang Tang was too tired to move. He only took some fruit in the refrigerator to eat hunger, then turned on the TV and began to watch and continue to learn about the world through TV.

Tang Tang was very fascinated. He always saw that he had to pick up the little guy to go home and shut down the TV. After he went out, he learned how Li Wei called a green taxi and told the driver the name of the little kid kindergarten. When the car drove smoothly, I couldn't help but give myself a thumb in my heart. The first time I sat in this world car, it was very successful!

Tang sugar, it is very powerful.

When I arrived at the kindergarten, there were very few people at the entrance of the kindergarten. Tang sugar found that she was early. She had to go to the fence and wait against the wall. Her eyes were fixed on the inside of the kindergarten. My heart was thinking about waiting to go back as soon as possible. Look at the time of this world, it is convenient to do things in the future.

I didn't know how long it took, the kindergarten finally came out of school, and the children were led by the teacher. Tang sugar found his own little guy at first sight. The little guy still held the morning tightly. The small lunch box doesn't know how to put it in the bag.

The little guy also squatted out of the fence at first sight. After watching the sight of Tang Tang, he calmly turned his head and went to a serious queue. It seemed like a serious thing in the queue, but only a moment later turned to look at Tang. Sugar, cockroaches quickly evacuated at a glance, making Tang sugar laugh and cry.

The teacher already knew Tang Tang yesterday, so I will give the little guy to her with confidence. She also said to her: "Oh, my mother, we have a few days in the kindergarten to go on summer vacation. We have to hold a holiday before the holiday. At the end of the ceremony, when the children will come to the stage to perform, our kindergarten hopes that every parent can come and watch, cheering up the children, don't know if you have a time to come to the little mom and daddy?"

The reason why the teacher asked this is because no one came from their home last year. Ji Xiaoyu said that Mom and Dad are busy and have no time, but the teacher hopes that they can participate this year.

Tang Tang did not know what the final ceremony was, but the general meaning of the teacher was that the kindergarten had to do something similar to the banquet, and invited the children’s father and mother to participate. This kind of thing will not come naturally, if The parents and fathers of other people have come, and there is no father or mother in the small family. The child should be sad.

Come, you have to come.

Tang Tang nodded to the teacher. "Teacher, I will definitely come when I am, but Xiao Xiao's father is a little busy, I don't know if there is time."

The teacher smiled and said: "It's okay, you can come, if the little daddy has time, it's better."

"Good teacher."

After talking to the teacher, Tang Tang pulled up the little guy's little hand and took him home. This time the little guy didn't open again, but the cool one didn't care.

But Tang Tang is already very satisfied.

When I arrived at the Tang Tang sugar, I found that the lunch box for the little guy was empty in the morning. The cakes inside were eaten. I couldn’t help but ask: "Baby, is the pastry made by my mother delicious?"

The little guy squatted on the sofa and screamed for a long while, and the voice seemed to be stubborn. "Alright."

Tang sugar snickered, "Well, then, tomorrow, my mother will still do it for you. Let's make a jujube yam cake tomorrow. Is it good?"

The little guy continues to answer coolly: "With you."

Tang Tang resisted the urge to pat the fleshy buttocks, went to the little guy to see what he was doing, and found that he was staring at the tablet, and he didn’t know that he was waiting for Dad’s news.

This little guy must really want Dad.

In order to transfer the attention of the little guy, Tang Tang said: "Baby, you taught me to use this to talk yesterday, I have learned it, thank you baby."

The little guy finally looked up at her, and asked like a little teacher: "Have you really learned?"

Tang sugar nodded seriously. "Really, I learned."

The little teacher seriously pushed the tablet to the Tang sugar side. "You can't do it, you can show it to me."

"Ah?" Tang Tang did not expect him to check it. It is difficult to talk to Xiang Gong now, no, no, she is not ready.

Look at the candy, the little guy is screaming and saying: "You are not saying it will be, then you can show it to me, you can say something to Dad."

See the little guy so serious, not good to refuse, Tang sugar can only bite the scalp to suppress the tension in my heart, take a deep breath, pick up the tablet, the index finger presses the button at the bottom, nervously speaks: "phase... Xiang Gong, you... take care of yourself, don't worry about me and my baby."

After talking about the index finger, I looked at the interface nervously, I don't know if I did it right.

The little guy sticks out the fleshy little finger in the voice that has just been sent out, and immediately puts out what Tang Tang said: "You can take care of yourself, don't worry about me and my baby."

Tang Tang only felt novelty and quickly asked: "Baby, is your mother saying good?"

The little guy nodded reluctantly, "Well, Dad will see it when he sees it."

When the dad who thinks of the little guy can hear what he said, Tang Tang’s heart will jump. I don’t know what reaction he will hear. It’s estimated to be very strange. After all, she is very different from the original owner. It’s not the same, but there is no way. She can’t imitate the way the original Lord’s words are, so that she can’t do it, and her husband’s husband is so good, how can she marry?

Not only can't she be embarrassed, she should treat her baby's father well in the future. Later, she also wants the baby father to raise it. If she eats others and lives in a family, how can she not be good to others? And as a wife, taking care of her husband and children should have been done. She is now the wife of the baby father and the mother of the baby. Of course, we must do it well.


In the early morning, in a special base thousands of miles away, the lights of an office were still lit. The tall figure sat at the table and wrote a report with a brush.

The door was pushed open, and a man in his 30s who was wearing a military uniform came in and dragged his chair over and sat down. "I said the old season, why are you rushing to write a report when you just came back? Isn't it tired? Your eyes are red."

The head of the banquet was not lifted, there was no expression on the face, and there was no ups and downs in the tone. "Nothing, go back to sleep after writing."

"Old season, what time is it for you to take a few days? Is it going to go back and see Xiaoxiao, the little guy hasn't heard from you for so many days, I definitely miss you."

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