MTL - My Wife, Something is Wrong-Chapter 730 hiding under the lady's bed

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  Chapter 730 Hiding under Missy's bed


   There was a soft sound, like the ding-dong of a clear spring.

  Luo Qingzhou hesitated for a while, then walked towards the door and asked in a low voice: "Missy is inside?"

   Ask knowingly to relieve embarrassment.

  Xia Chan didn't answer, but stared quietly at his neck.

"What's wrong?"

  Luo Qingzhou was puzzled, reached out and touched his neck, and suddenly felt a tooth mark left on it...

   "Second Miss bit..."

He hurriedly explained in a low voice, then pulled up the collar hard to cover it, then "coughed" and deliberately amplified his voice: "Did the young lady let me in? This is the young lady's boudoir. It’s not good for me to go in, is it?”

  Xia Chan glanced at him again, ignored him, turned and entered the room.

  Luo Qingzhou stood at the door, a little embarrassed, paused, and could only cup his hands inside and said: "Miss, Qingzhou is here to wish you a happy new year!"

  In the room, there was no response.

  Luo Qingzhou thought to himself: It's definitely not good for me to enter Missy's boudoir like this, maybe Missy is only wearing pajamas. But I didn't get the red envelope from the eldest lady, and it's hard to explain to the second lady when I go back, what should I do?

   When he was in a difficult situation, Bai Ling's voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Master, did you bring a red envelope for my lady?"

  Luo Qingzhou turned to look at her and said, "Shouldn't Missy give me a red envelope?"

  Bai Ling snorted, and said: "Young master thinks beautifully! You are a dignified master, are you not even willing to give a red envelope? Ms. Kui is so kind to my uncle and Xiaodie."

  Luo Qingzhou was silent for a moment, and could only say: "I still have a red envelope here, if Missy wants it, I'll give it to you."

  A cunning flashed in Bailing's eyes, and he leaned close to him and whispered: "Master, you give the red envelope to Xiao Bailing, and Xiao Bailing helps you give it to Miss."

  Luo Qingzhou was about to take out the red envelope from his pocket, when he suddenly stopped, glanced at her expectant expression, and said suddenly: "Forget it, I'll let Chanchan give it later."

  Bai Ling immediately blinked his big innocent eyes, pouted his small mouth slightly, and said aggrievedly: "My lord, don't you believe in Xiao Bailing?"

"Do not believe."

  After Luo Qingzhou finished speaking, he ignored her, and said to the room: "Miss, if there is nothing wrong, then Qingzhou will leave first."

   Still no response from the room.

  When Luo Qingzhou was about to leave, Xia Chan appeared at the door again, looked at him and said, "Miss said, let you come in."

  Hearing this, Luo Qingzhou paused, feeling a little hesitant.

  Bai Ling suddenly snorted again: "Grandpa, you haven't sang the little donkey to my lady for several days. A gentleman promises a thousand gold, and my uncle can't lie to my lady. Be careful, go and sue the second lady and wife!"

  The corner of Luo Qingzhou's mouth twitched suddenly, and he stepped on her little foot under her skirt, glaring at her.

  Brilling suddenly exclaimed "Ah", and lost his voice: "Grandpa, don't, you can't touch there! Take it away, it hurts, Little Bailing is going to be dirty by my uncle! Huh..."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."


  At this time, there was another sound of plucking strings in the room.

  Luo Qingzhou quickly let go of his feet, stared at her, lowered his voice, and threatened viciously: "Wait for me at night!"

   After finishing speaking, he entered the room.

  Bai Ling looked at the slush on the shoes, and said aggrievedly: "Bad uncle, you stained such a cute shoe and threatened him, woo..."

  In the room, the stove is burning, and the incense is wafting.

There is a faint scent of flowers in the air, which is different from the scent of medicine in the second lady's room. If you don't smell it carefully, you may not be able to smell it. It seems to be the natural scent of the girl. It is light and natural, if there is nothing, but it is fascinating .

  The ground was covered with a thick snow-white velvet blanket, which was spotless and white.

  The window is open, and the snow is still flying outside.

  Miss Qin wore a snow-white dress, with black hair hanging down her waist, she was sitting quietly in front of the painting screen in the room, stroking the strings of the guqin with her slender fingers, frowning slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

  In the corner on the other side, there is a girl's incense bed with the curtain pulled down.

   There was a chair beside the bed, and a girl's snow-white fox fur was hung on the chair.

  There is a pair of white embroidered shoes under the bed...

  Luo Qingzhou couldn't help looking at Miss Qin who was sitting at the table again. Under the pure white skirt, there was a pair of slender little feet in snow-white socks...

   While he was standing at the door in a daze, Miss Qin raised her eyes and looked at him.

  Luo Qingzhou came back to his senses immediately, quickly looked away, bowed his head and said: "Miss, Qingzhou is here to wish you New Year's greetings."

  Miss Qin looked at him quietly for a while, then said in a cold tone, "I don't have a red envelope."

  Luo Qingzhou hurriedly said: "It's okay, I have it."

   As he spoke, he took out a red envelope from his pocket, walked over with his head down, held it in both hands, and handed it to her.

   There was a moment of silence in the room.

  Miss Qin paused, raised her jade hand, took it, and after a moment of silence, Fang said flatly, "Happy New Year."

  Luo Qingzhou was slightly stunned, and said, "Happy New Year."

   In the room, it became quiet again.

  At this time, Bai Ling's voice suddenly came from the door: "Chanchan, come out quickly, her feet seem to be injured, it hurts so much, come and help me back to the room to have a look."

  Xia Chan seemed to have just realized this, and hurriedly lowered her head, walked out, and closed the door by the way.


  When Luo Qingzhou heard the sound of closing the door, his heart skipped a beat, and he cupped his hands and said, "Miss, then I'll go back to study first."

   After finishing speaking, he quickly turned and left.

  When he walked to the door, he suddenly heard the sound of the door being locked.

  He froze for a moment, before he had time to put on his shoes, he immediately went to pull the door, only to find that the door couldn't be opened anymore.

  He quickly shouted: "Bailing, Xia Chan! What are you doing?"

  Bai Ling said outside the door: "Grandpa, you haven't sung the little donkey to Miss, but you still have to tell stories to Miss and practice the piano with Miss, otherwise you are not allowed to leave."

  Luo Qingzhou was startled when he heard this.

  At this moment, I suddenly felt absurd.

   I still remember that when we first got married with the young lady, Bai Ling kept reminding him to prepare him mentally, the young lady would definitely leave him in the future, and told him not to pester the young lady again.

  Now, including the second lady, they seem to be urging him to spend more time with the eldest lady.

  Is it because he reconciled with the eldest lady and fell into the arms of the second lady, so everyone thinks that he and the second lady are sorry for the eldest lady?

  However, it was obviously the eldest lady who took the initiative to divorce him.

  If he had reconciled with the eldest lady, instead of being with the second lady, but with other women, I am afraid there would be no such things?

   In the final analysis, it is because of the relationship between the sisters, and everyone sympathizes with the eldest lady.

  Luo Qingzhou thought wildly at the door for a while, then picked up his shoes, walked to the window, and prepared to leave through the window.

  In broad daylight, he and his sister-in-law, who looks like a fairy but looks silly to outsiders, are alone in the same room. If someone sees it, I don't know what they will think.

   Now it is noon again, if the mother-in-law suddenly comes to see him, then he will not be able to wash himself out by jumping into the Yellow River, so it is better to leave earlier.

   "Miss, you are busy, I will go first."

  He carried his shoes, walked to the window, greeted Miss Qin, and was about to leave through the window.

  Unexpectedly, at this moment, Bai Ling's surprised voice suddenly came from outside: "Ma'am, why are you here?"

  As soon as these words came out, Luo Qingzhou was startled.

  But he quickly realized that this girl must be trying to scare him on purpose!

  He was about to raise his legs, and when he was about to flip out, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside: "Xiao Bailing, where is Jian Jia? I just made her chicken soup, let her nourish her body."

  Hearing this voice, Luo Qingzhou shuddered suddenly, raised his legs on the window sill, and immediately retracted them.

  If the mother-in-law saw this escape through the window, it would be beyond debate!

At this time, Bailing said again: "Madam, Miss is not feeling well, she is resting in the room, so you should not go in. Let Xiao Bailing carry the chicken soup for you. When Miss wakes up, Xiao Bailing will bring it in for Miss to drink. "

   Immediately, she added another sentence: "Madam, Xiao Bailing can swear that Miss is really resting in the room, and there is absolutely no one else in the room."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

   "Hmph, the footprints on the snow, could it be you and Xia Chan's?"

   "Yes... It belongs to my uncle. My uncle came here just now, but he has already left. Xiao Bailing can swear that my uncle is really not inside."

   "Whether it's inside or not, I'll see it myself!"

   "Madam! Madam! Miss is sleeping on the bed without any clothes on. She doesn't like to be seen. Madam better not go in, woo..."

   "Hmph, isn't the window open? I'll go and have a look at the window!"

   Immediately, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor.

Luo Qingzhou's face turned pale with fright, and without any hesitation, he immediately rushed to the bed with his shoes in his hands, bent his body, quickly got under the bed, crawled to the innermost part, and shrank in a corner, then he looked at Miss Qin's pure white dress was exposed outside, and her slender little feet in silk stockings under the dress, begged in a low voice: "Miss, don't... don't tell your mother-in-law..."

  In the palm of his hand, he held the Jade Rat.

  If the situation was really critical, he would try his best to expose the risk of his cultivation in front of the eldest lady, and go straight into the ground to escape.

  Anyway, no matter what, the mother-in-law cannot see him hiding in Miss Qin's boudoir in broad daylight.

   What made him unable to explain even more was that the door was still locked...

   "Madam! Madam! Second Miss seems to be coughing again, go and see Second Miss!"

  At this time, Bai Ling's voice suddenly remembered again.

"how do you know?"

   "Madam, I just heard Zhu'er calling for someone in the small courtyard next door. Madam, go and have a look!"


   "Xiao Bailing can swear, really! Madame, go quickly, the second miss needs you!"

  At this time, the sound of footsteps approaching the window suddenly moved away quickly.

  Luo Qingzhou huddled in the corner of the bed, his whole body was tense, and when he was sweating coldly from tension, he suddenly discovered a suspicious point.

  With his current cultivation base, he can't detect any breath outside.

  He doesn't even know how many people are out there now!

  If it is elsewhere, let alone this distance, even if it is dozens of times farther than this, as long as the other party does not hold his breath on purpose, he will definitely be able to detect it immediately.

   But here...

  He thought about it carefully, and it seemed that every time he came to the Lingchan Moon Palace, he could hardly detect the breath of everyone here, otherwise he would not go to the room or the back garden to look for it.

  He didn't pay attention to these details before.

  Because every time he returned to Fuchu, he became an ordinary scholar and tried not to use any skills of warriors, so he didn't pay special attention to these.

  But now that I think about it, something is really wrong.

   Even if he doesn't take the initiative to use any warrior skills, with his current cultivation base, it is absolutely easy to detect the aura not far away.

   But now, he can't feel anything.

  Of course, he could clearly feel Miss Qin's breath in the room.

   It seems that this Ling Chan Moon Palace not only arranges formations targeting spirits, but also arranges formations targeting warriors!

  At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the voice he heard in the Lingxiaozong hall in the morning.

  If that person is really her, then her spiritual cultivation is likely to be stronger than his.

  Then, he goes out of his body every night, or at home with Sister Yue, and loves Chanchan, plays with Xiaodie and Qiuer, and Second Miss...isn't it all exposed to the other party's sight?

  Thinking of this, his face immediately turned ugly, and a strong sense of death and fear rose in his heart.

   If that's the case, it's horrible.

  The more I think about it, the more frightened I become.

  He didn't dare to think about it any further, he only hoped that this guess was because he thought too much.

   He pricked up his ears again, and after listening to the movement outside for a while, he climbed out cautiously, exposed his head from under the bed, and looked at Miss Qin outside.

  Sitting at the table, Miss Qin was also watching him quietly. There was still no disturbance on her flawless face.

  The two stared at each other in silence for a while.

  When Luo Qingzhou was about to climb out, Bai Ling's panicked voice suddenly came from outside: "Husband... madam, why are you here again?"

  Luo Qingzhou's face changed, and he immediately shrank back to the bottom of the bed.

   "Wei Mo is fine, let me come and see Jian Jia, is Jian Jia resting on the bed?"

   "Yes! Miss is really resting on the bed, Xiao Bailing can swear!"

   "Hmph, I have to see it with my own eyes to believe it. If she is not on the bed, you are lying to me! Then, maybe that kid is also hiding in it! If I find out, hehe..."

  Luo Qingzhou trembled suddenly, hurriedly said in a low voice: "Miss, hurry... go to bed and lie down..."

  Miss Qin still sat there without moving.

At this time, Bailing's anxious voice came from outside again: "Ma'am! Ma'am! Miss has no clothes on, she doesn't want anyone to see her! Little Bailing swears that my uncle is definitely not inside. The uncle is so dirty, so the lady will not let him." go in."

  At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the window.

  Luo Qingzhou's heart tightened, and he immediately huddled in the dark corner under the bed, held his breath, and remained motionless, with cold sweat dripping down his back again.

  (end of this chapter)

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