MTL - My Wife, Something is Wrong-Chapter 725 The uncle's big red envelope, propose marriage for the eldest princess

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  Chapter 725 Martial Uncle’s Big Red Envelope, Proposing Marriage for the Eldest Princess

  There is a restriction at Jianfeng intersection.

  Luo Qingzhou took the waist card, passed easily, and walked towards the bamboo forest covered by snow with ease.

  As soon as he entered the bamboo forest, he felt a scorching saber intent.

  There is fog in the forest.

  The scorching heat of the knife intent melted the icy snowflakes, collided with the cold air, and turned into wisps of white mist, lingering in the entire bamboo forest.

  Luo Qingzhou walked another distance, and saw a figure practicing a knife in the mist.

   There was no snow falling 100 meters away from her.

Wearing a black and white dress, she is tall, with slender legs, round buttocks, and her silver hair is simply tied into a ponytail. She is holding a two-meter-long silver broad knife. Chopping fiercely.

  On the tip of her knife, a wisp of light sizzled in the wind and snow.

  Luo Qingzhou stood not far away and looked at it for a while, then took out a cat face mask from the storage ring, put it on his face, and then the figure flashed and passed by.


  The black and white sword came out of its sheath and stabbed at her throat.

   Daoling was startled, and immediately swung the knife horizontally, with a "clang", sparks splashed, and the huge force immediately split the sword.

  Luo Qingzhou withdrew his sword and stabbed again, hitting her chest.


   Daoling scolded, but immediately withdrew the knife and stuck it on the ground with a "chi" sound. Immediately, his bulging chest stood up, his blue eyes looked at him coldly and said, "If you have the ability, stab it!"

  Luo Qingzhou's sword peak suddenly turned a corner in front of her chest, sank down, stabbed her thigh, tapped lightly on her skirt, and then retracted.

  Dao Ling folded his arms and shouted coldly: "Where did you come from, the little **** who trespassed on my sword peak!"

  Luo Qingzhou laughed, put away his sword, and said: "This is a normal change in sword moves, I didn't mean it."

   As he spoke, he took off the cat face mask on his face and said, "Sister Dao, happy new year, are you ready for the red envelope?"

   Daoling's face couldn't be tense, he smiled "puchi" and said, "Senior Brother Chu, it's you who should prepare the red envelope? Now you are my senior brother."

  Luo Qingzhou shrugged and said: "I don't have any red envelopes, and I'm not used to calling you Junior Sister, so I should call you Sister Dao or Senior Sister."

  Dao Ling snorted coldly: "Whatever you call it, anyway, you want to give red envelopes."

  Luo Qingzhou thought for a while, and said: "It's okay to give red envelopes, but you have to kneel down and wish me a New Year."


   Daoling kicked, and a few bamboo leaves flew up and hit him in the face.

  Luo Qingzhou ignored the bamboo leaves, reached out with his right hand, and held her ankle the moment she kicked out with her left foot and was about to take it back.

   And those few bamboo leaves were separated by the strong wind around him, and fell to the ground.

   "Sister, is this the red envelope you prepared for me?"

  Luo Qingzhou held her feet and said with a smile.

   Daoling held the handle of the knife in his hand, independent on one foot, shrank his feet vigorously, stared at him and said, "Release!"

  Luo Qingzhou saw two blushes on her cheeks, she quickly let go, and said, "I meant to kick me, but nothing else."

   Daoling snorted coldly, and said sarcastically, "What do you think I thought you meant?"

   Then suddenly said: "By the way, Chu Feiyang, I heard that "Yuzu Illustrated" has been published in the fifth and sixth editions, and I asked someone to buy two copies for you."


  Luo Qingzhou's eyes lit up, blurted out, and immediately came to his senses, he said quickly: "I forgot what jade feet, what illustrations, I don't know what you are talking about!"

   Daoling looked contemptuous.

  The two bickered for a while, and Fang got down to business.

  Luo Qingzhou said: "A lot of people from the court came this morning, did you see it?"

  When Dao Ling heard it, he immediately became nervous: "No, what are they here for?"

  Luo Qingzhou comforted: "It has nothing to do with you, he should come to Lingxiaozong to pay New Year's greetings. I will ask my uncle later. By the way, sister, how is your father doing now?"

  Dao Ling said: "Daddy is living a very good life here. He helps clean Jianfeng and trim flowers and plants every day. He looks much happier than before."

  Luo Qingzhou said: "That's good."

   While talking, a familiar flute suddenly sounded from the edge of the cliff not far away.

  Dao Ling hurriedly said: "Go quickly, Master will call you again."

Luo Qingzhou nodded, looked at her again, and said, "Senior Sister, I live by the river at the foot of the mountain. If you miss me, go down the mountain to find me. I'll know when you stop by the river. gone."

  Dao Ling was taken aback when he heard the words, and said: "You are alone, or..."


   After Luo Qingzhou finished speaking, he waved his hand and walked away quickly against the wind and snow.

  When he came to the edge of the cliff through the thick snow, the sound of the flute gradually stopped.

  On the rocks facing the cliff.

  Linghu Qingzhu, who was dressed in blue, was holding a jade flute, standing there icily, with fluttering sleeves and slightly fluttering blue hair.

   Viewed from the side, the chest is tall and straight, which is magnificent.

  Luo Qingzhou glanced at it, walked closer and flattered her: "Master, you play really well. I knew it was you calling me when I heard it."

  Linghu Qingzhu turned his head, looked at him coldly, and did not speak.

  Luo Qingzhou hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed: "I wish my uncle a happy new year, all the best, eternal youth, unparalleled swordsmanship, and invincible in the world!"

  Linghu Qingzhu looked at him for a while, and said, "Do you want a red envelope?"

  Luo Qingzhou raised his head and said, "Of course."

  Linghu Qingzhu said: "What red envelope do you want?"

  Luo Qingzhou said: "Can I choose by myself?"

  Linghu Qingzhu nodded, and said: "There are two choices, one is gold coins, and the other is treasures."

  Luo Qingzhou immediately said: "I choose the treasure!"

  Linghu Qingzhu took a deep look at him, got off the rock, turned and walked towards his cave, and said, "Let's go, there are two treasures, you can choose."

Luo Qingzhou was overjoyed, and hurriedly followed behind, cheekily said: "Uncle, what kind of treasure is it? I won't take it if it is lower than a medium-grade magic weapon. At least it is a high-level magic weapon. If it is a magic weapon, it is even more important." All right."

  Linghu Qingzhu didn't speak, and stepped forward quickly on the snow.

   Not long after, the two had arrived at the gate of the cave.

  The stone door opened slowly.

  Linghu Qingzhu led him in.

  When the stone gate behind him slowly closed, and the cave was as warm as the fragrance of spring flowers, Luo Qingzhou suddenly became vigilant, and slowed down, "Master, what kind of treasure is it?"

  Linghu Qingzhu turned his slim body slightly, looked at him and said, "What are you worried about?"

  Luo Qingzhou said: "No, I just want to know..."

   "It's a magic weapon, whether love comes or not."

  Linghu Qingzhu said something coldly, then continued to walk forward quickly, and entered a stone room in front.

  Looking at the stone room, Luo Qingzhou couldn't help replaying the original scene in his mind.

   After hesitating for a moment, he still walked over.

  Just entered the stone room, the sweet scent of flowers wafted into the nostrils, and the room was full of mist and hazy.

   And Master Linghu disappeared.

  Luo Qingzhou froze for a moment, looked left and right, walked towards the inside, and shouted: "Uncle, Uncle! You are..."


  At this moment, a cyan ribbon suddenly flew out of the misty bath and wrapped around his waist.

  Luo Qingzhou was about to resist, when a cold voice suddenly came from the bathtub: "Do you dare to try?"

  Luo Qingzhou froze for a moment.


  While he was in a daze, the ribbon suddenly pulled him into the bathtub with force, and there was a "crash", and the water splashed everywhere!

  In front of Luo Qingzhou's eyes, a proud jade body as white as jade suddenly appeared.

   "Master, you... you lied to me..."

   "What can help you practice, other than a magic weapon?"

   "But... hiss..."

  In the flower basket by the pool, pieces of pink petals suddenly flew up and fell towards the pool water, shaking gently in the ripples...

at the same time.

  In the hospitality hall of the main peak of Lingxiao Sect.

  A member of the Dayan royal family, with generous gifts, is respectfully congratulating an old man on the seat.

  The old man was wearing a large gray robe, with silver hair, a ruddy complexion, and a hale and hearty spirit. He was the ancestor of the Lingxiao Sect, Zhuang Zhiyan.

  The one standing under him, dressed in a red dress, with an elegant posture and extraordinary temperament, is Fairy Zixia, the suzerain of the Lingxiao Sect.

  On the other side of the main hall, stood the ten elders of the Lingxiao Sect and several peak masters.

  The members of the royal family, headed by Prince Duan Nan Gongke, started to talk about business after paying respects to Zhuang Zhiyan.

  The two parties seem to have discussed it long ago, otherwise Nangong Ke would not come here with great fanfare and gifts.

   "The eldest princess has also reached the age of marriage, and the queen mother is very anxious, fearing that she will fail the entrustment of the late emperor..."

   "The late emperor once said that he wanted to find the best son-in-law for the eldest princess..."

   "This matter is very embarrassing for the Queen Mother, Your Majesty, and us uncles. It is hard to find the best son-in-law in the world. But fortunately, after discussing with the Queen Mother, we think that there is someone who is quite suitable."

   "The queen mother also asked the eldest princess about her wishes, and the eldest princess also agreed."

   "That's why we came to bother you today..."

  Nangongge said some polite words again, Fang cupped his hands and said, "Senior Zhuang, do you want to let that disciple come out? This junior not only has His Majesty's imperial edict, but also the Empress Dowager's edict..."

  Zhuang Zhiyan looked at Fairy Zixia next to him, and asked, "Zixia, hasn't your disciple come yet?"

  Fairy Zixia said helplessly: "Patriarch, wait a moment, disciple should invite him in person."

   Immediately, he apologized to Prince Duan and other members of the royal family: "Wait a minute, everyone. My disciple is currently cultivating at a critical moment. Others dare not disturb him. I will go there myself."

  Nangong Ke hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Fairy Zixia."

  Fairy Zixia dragged her red dress, disappeared in the hall in a flash, then flew up into the air on a white crane, and flew towards Jianfeng.

Seeing him leave, Zhuang Zhiyan pondered for a moment, looked at Nangong Ke and said, "King Duan, you should read the imperial decree of His Majesty and the imperial edict of the Queen Mother first, and the old man will explain it to him in person later. lest you stick to words and say I don't know, and he can't understand."

   Nangong Ke heard the words, glanced at him, hesitated, and said: "Okay, with Senior Zhuang here, we don't need to make so many rules."

  In fact, he knew in his heart that if he waited for that disciple to come later and then took out the imperial decree and Yi decree, the other party would not be able to kneel, nor would he not kneel.

  Patriarch Ling Xiao is here, not to mention imperial decree and Yi decree, even if the late emperor came, he would be polite to him, there is no need to kneel down.

  Thinking of this, Nangong Ke immediately took out the queen mother's edict.

  At this time, Nangong Meijiao, who was standing at the back, was also holding a messenger, calling for someone to come quickly.

  Nangong Xiaorui stretched her neck, opened her eyes wide, looked at the communication treasure in her hand, and asked with curiosity and surprise on her face: "Sister Meijiao, what kind of baby is this?"

   Nangong Meijiao was preoccupied, and said casually, "For chatting."

  Nangong Xiaorui said: "Can I write and chat with anyone on it?"

   Nangong Meijiao said: "The other party also has this thing."

  Nangong Xiaorui immediately said: "What's the name of this baby? It looks fun, I want it too!"

Nangong Meijiao looked up at her, suddenly her heart moved, and she said in a low voice: "Xiaorui, this thing is very precious, and there may be bad people trying to trick you on it, so your father will definitely not buy it for you .but…"

  Nangong Xiaorui immediately said: "But what? Sister Meijiao, can you buy it for me? Then what do you need me to exchange?"

  Nangong Meijiao: "..."

  Nangong Xiaorui snorted coldly: "Could it be my precious Xuantian Jade Girl Tree?"

  Nangong Meijiao: "..."

  Nangong Xiaorui immediately said: "That's not acceptable. The Xuantian Jade Girl Tree is a spiritual tree of heaven and earth. Daddy said it was extinct long ago. There is only one tree in the world. Sister Meijiao, don't try to trick me!"

  The corner of Nangong Meijiao's mouth twitched, and said, "Then what can I use instead?"

  She knew in her heart that Wei Mo's illness required frequent medication, and refining medicine required the morning dew from the Xuantian Jade Maiden Tree. That guy has escaped from the capital now, and it is not easy to go to the inner city. He is probably worried about this matter.

  If the Xuantian Jade Girl Tree can be taken away, naturally there is no need to worry about the morning dew in the future.

   Nangong Xiaorui pursed her lips and said, "Don't try to change anything. Daddy said that the Xuantian Jade Girl Tree is my dowry. I will give it to whoever marries me in the future."

  Nangong Meijiao's face froze suddenly, looking at her immature and delicate face and dark and agile eyes, a sense of ominousness suddenly surged in her heart.

  She immediately took out the messenger card and sent a message.

at the same time.

  Fairy Zixia rode a crane down the sword peak, stepped on the snow, and came to the gate of Linghu Qingzhu's cave.

   There are precious flowers on both sides of the gate.

  They are not afraid of the severe cold, and they are blooming with bright flowers at the moment. The white snowflakes fall on the pink stamens and slide down the petals, making the whole flower look more delicate and charming.

  Fairy Zixia waited at the door for a while, Fang reached out to knock on the door, and said, "Qingzhu, is Feiyang still inside? Let him out quickly, the guests have been waiting for a long time."

   There is a dinner party tonight, it should be gone



  (end of this chapter)

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