MTL - My Wife is a Beautiful CEO-Chapter 5 [What do I hate most]

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O5 "Yang Chen, yesterday, let you prepare the money is ready? Brothers can wait to take the money to eat early to drink." Chen Feng turned a silver chain, not yin yang Asked with a smile.

Lao Li was anxious, and stopped in front of Yang Chen and shouted: "Chen Feng, don't deceive too much! Even if your father Chen is the boss of this film, what qualification do you have to receive protection fees?? Chen Laoda said earlier. You don't need a jo protection fee to open a store, do you think we don't know??"

Chen Feng’s father, Chen Dehai, is one of the heads of the gangsters in the Western District. Otherwise, Chen Feng would naturally not be so unscrupulously collecting protection fees. At this moment, he heard that Lao Li took his father’s pressure and Chen Feng’s eyes were cold and steep. Something, what do you count... Do you think that you are afraid of you when you mention my dad? That is my dad, not your grandson! I can afford to protect you from the protection fee! Don’t toast and not eat fine wine!”

"You..." Lao Li said that he almost offended Chen Daoda. After all, people are biological fathers and sons. What is it? But you can't swallow this breath. I was thinking of helping Yang Chen to say a few more words, but she was pulled from behind by Yang Chen.

Yang Chen frowned, and some headaches mo mo forehead, pulled Lao Li back, and faintly said to Chen Feng: "You call... Chen Feng is right, I call you Fengfeng brother, you don't have to find something. I am a troublesome person. But today I have no money in my hand. I will give it to you in a few days. Go back first."

"Hey!" A classmate laughed. "Feng brother, this kid is still the boss!" Let us go back and go back?"

The other small 13800100 also burst into laughter, and even yelled "to repair this kid."

Chen Feng also seems to see the best jokes in the world, but her heart is angry with Yang Chen's words, Yin smiled: "Yang Chen... You have to say it again, believe it or not, I will cut your tongue... "At the end of the day, I have already seen the stocks."

Yang Chen’s impatient expression suddenly became a bit cold, and his eyes looked at Chen Feng in a complicated way: “Do you know what I hate most?”


After waiting for Chen Feng to finish, Chen Feng suddenly felt his body flew up! Then, while the abdomen was twisting, the body slammed into the garbage dump on the side of the road! The scum of the vegetable leaf fish rou eroded the whole body, and the clothes were soaked in the water!

"I am the one who hates being threatened..."

As if pushing it down, Yang Chen stood in the position where Chen Feng originally stood, and took back the palm of his hand.

Chen Feng was hit by a push and a hit, and the smell of blood between the nose and mouth, while the rancid smell of the garbage pile went into the nasal cavity, and instantly let him retching!

"Bad boy dares to hit our peak brother, don't kill!!"

"Don't kill him!"

A few 13800100 still did not understand the situation, see the boss was beaten, squatting more people, did not think how Yang Chen did it, swarming 1un fist 1untui embraced!

Yang Chen is also lazy to watch, no matter how they punch and kick, they are caught by the palm of their hand and then squat to the side of the road.

Several 13800100 only felt that their hands or feet were clamped by a huge force. The body flew out of control and smashed out, and then they ran into the hard concrete floor, and they screamed.

Everyone saw that Yang Chen’s half-toe was not hurt, and finally knew that he couldn’t beat it. Even Chen Feng, who had just gotten up from the rubbish, was cold and sweaty! He has seen some of the methods of retiring special forces in his father's hands. Those few people are not the trump cards of his father's hands. It is easy to play people in one stop. But even those few people, do not have such a great force, so fast, flying five or six people in an instant is like the ease of falling a cat and a dog. You know, although these small 13800100 have not practiced their hard work, they are all fighting in a big fight. How can ordinary people get through it?

"Go!" Although Chen Feng's teeth are itchy, he can't care much about face. At this moment, he saw Yang Chen's calm face, just as horrible as seeing a ghost. He hurriedly greeted several small followers and ran away.

Lao Li and some onlookers saw Yang Chen’s skills and they were very addicted. These small 13800100 were used to it on weekdays. The small vendors were afraid of them. Today, Yang Chen’s actions naturally gave them a bad breath. However, these people did not dare to go too far with Yang Chen. After all, Chen Feng is not terrible, but Chen Feng’s father, Chen Dehai, is worried about being involved if he comes to sort out Yang Chen.

Lao Li was incomparable, "I said Xiao Yang, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Have you ever learned Kung Fu before?"

"Well... I learned a little." Yang Chen was not willing to say more. In fact, if Chen Feng* was too much, he violated his counter-scale. He was killed and did not want to do it in the downtown area. However, as he told Chen Feng, he has his principles - the most hated to be threatened! Perhaps, such a quirk, even if he wants to make a low-key life, he can't erase it, because he has the dignity of a strong man!

Lao Li saw Yang Chenduo said, no longer ask more questions, began to worry about the authentic: "Xiao Yang, you are now counting Chen Feng back, but if he called his father Chen Dehai, what can you do? I know that Chen Dehai is one of the two major gangs in the Western District, an important figure in the Western Union, and no one dares to provoke him!"

What will Ximeng... Yang Chen doesn't take a smile and suddenly rushes to Lao Li: "Is there a cigarette?"

Lao Li sees that Yang Chen’s disapproval looks can only be anxious. Hearing Yang Chen’s smoke, he can’t help but smile: “Do you mean to stop smoking?”

"Forget it, don't stop, don't get used to smoking, don't get used to it." Yang Chen sighed silently. He didn't expect Chen Dehai to be a member of the West League. He didn't intend to have a relationship with these people. He never wanted to be with Rose. More contact, but I did not expect to stand on the campfire line first.

Lao Li took out a piece of five-money blue from his pocket and gave Yang Chen a root. "People are poor, and Chou smoke is also the cheapest. This is a smoke, and it is bsp "嘶..." Yang Chen is very incomparable. I enjoyed the place and cried, and grinned: "It’s good, it’s going to be fierce. ”

"Young people are still less chou points, hurt the body." Lao Li kindly comforted and smiled.

Yang Chenwei smiled, but my heart said: Chou smoke can hurt my body, I have been practicing for so many years.

After a little rest, the two began to work and do business. Yang Chen also began to heat up the sheep rou, and the raw began to roast, and the mouth was still smashed, and he also had breakfast. Although the whole work is dirty, it is done with gusto, and from time to time, rushing around the hawkers.

It didn't take long before I drove a police car from a distance, jumped off two policemen and a police officer in a white shirt, and walked seriously to Yang Chen.

The head of the police officer asked indifferently: "You are Yang Chen?"