MTL - My Wife is a Beautiful CEO-Chapter 1621 【Reunion】

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Meng Xiaoyao laughed and said: "As you generally, if you just want to practice, it is too boring, and naturally you have to change your taste from time to time."

"Is it?" Yu Xue slammed into the fragrant wind for a while, flashing to the front of Meng Xiaoyao, Mei Yan was staring at the man's chin, face, mouth spit Ling Lan: "Then you are old, not much The ugly appearance is also your taste? And your voice, you should not tell me, when it comes to this repair, will it become the old voice because it has passed 50,000 years?"

When I was stunned, I seemed to think of something. I shook my head and said: "You don't mention it, I have forgotten it. My face, and this nephew, is actually more than four thousand years ago, I received the two apprentices. When it was changed, it was deliberate."

"Oh? Just the two little guys outside? Why?" Yu Xue was curious.

Meng Xiaoyao went to the side of the wooden table, gave Yu Xue a cup of herbal tea on the island, handed it to the woman, and said: "It is also an interesting thing to say, I will tell you from the beginning, you may have heard it. Will be interested.

That was more than 4,000 years ago, China was in the midst of a tribal group of ethnic tribes.

According to the legends of the tribe, the tribal chiefs named themselves the Yandi and Huangdi in the ancient immortals, and let the tribes believe that they were destined.

Moreover, many of the descendants of the monks also participated in the war at that time. They were enshrined by these leaders, and they seemed to be lawless, and they were in heaven and earth, and there was no peace.

I saw a lot of Chinese descendants, who suffered from this flood and suffered from the war. If this continues, I am afraid that if I meet the right inheritor, I will be destroyed.

So, I thought that I could first find two disciples, one to help me maintain the overall situation of the world, and the other to control these monks and divide them into the world.

After all, I was already tired of having to manage these trivial things for more than 45,000 years.

I have been inspecting for a few years before I chose these two disciples. Harajuku and Xuemei are not only their roots and Huigen, but also because they are upright, although they are noble in the family, they converge.

It’s just that when I want to collect them, but because my looks are too young, they really don’t believe that I can be their masters, claiming that they should also worship those who have been repaired for hundreds of years, but they look like old men. '高人'.

I didn't expect it to be like this. I had no choice but to lie to them. I deliberately made myself young. In fact, I am very old.

Ever since, I have turned into this appearance, and the voice has become the voice of the old man..."

Yu Xue stunned and smiled. It seemed to be able to imagine the embarrassment that was escaping at that time. He asked me, "I am coming back now. You want your apprentice to see you, or listen to me." Change back to the original hateful look?"

The voice just fell, and the face of Meng Xiaoyao changed instantly. It changed back to a clear and beautiful show, and the white face was clean and white, and the hair was black. It looked calm and somewhat weak, but a pair of scorpions was like a smoldering eye. Stars.

Once again, it is already a magnetic voice of a young man.

"Although you say this is annoying, you still have to listen to you."

Yu Xuejing looked at him deeply and smiled. "This is almost the same, well, let's continue, then how?"

"Later..." Meng Xiaoyao recalled: "I have accepted them as disciples. It has not been used for many years, and they have already become the best masters of the time. Those monks in the secular world are no longer their opponents.

I asked them to choose a self-appointed leader of the Yellow Emperor to assist, because his internal affairs is the best, helping the Yellow Emperor unified China, and finally ended a war-torn era.

You don't know, my pair of disciples, the name of the time was Guangchengzi, son-in-law, and now the folks still have their legends. Although the legends are all made up of stories, they are also the gods in the history of China.

Since then, they have replaced me, guarding the illusion, the gods and gods, and the kings who have assisted the dynasties, it is not to help the king do anything, just, not to let the monks have too much influence on the world. ”

Yu Xuejing heard the rise and seemed to be very interesting. She then asked about the past dynasties. Although she occasionally heard something in the illusion, she did not have the truth.

When you say a word to me, it seems that the cloud is light and windy, and the leisure is elegant. It is not as emotional as it was just now, and it is difficult to control.

This is not the two people who have really calmed down. However, when they reach the realm of the two people, they actually understand each other's minds. Therefore, it is not meaningful to spend time fighting, and it is better to be as harmonious as possible.

After 50,000 years, after all the past, all kinds of white clouds and dogs have been difficult to count.

The only constant is that both of them can understand that the other person’s heart has its own special position, which is enough.

They are not ordinary men and women lover, love passionate, love and hate, love is falling apart.

Perhaps, the dull chat at this time, for these two people, is the most appropriate long-awaited reunion.

During the day and night, the two people in the wooden house have a lot to say.

Yang Harajuku and Li Xuemei did not dare to enter the house. They were afraid of being disturbed and they were guarding outside. They were really surprised. The master who had not heard much could actually speak for so long.

In fact, it’s not that there aren’t many words, just like adults can’t talk more to children. In the eyes of the eyes, only people like Yu Xuening can talk to him on the same level. man of.

Waiting until the noon of the next day, waiting for the two to come out, but running from below the island.

Yang Harajuku and Li Xuemei saw that the dark-skinned Indian man with a beard was the second son of the Indian chief of the island, Eriks.

The Indians here have always regarded the three men of the Masters as the ordinary kind-hearted outside doctors. The relationship between the two is very harmonious, especially the family of the patriarch.

"Erics, is there anything?" Yang Harajuku went up and saw Erics running very anxiously, asking curiously in English.

"Dr. Yang, it's not good. You can run by boat from the port in the southwest of the island! There is a European army on the island. Those people want to turn this island into their place of residence!

My father and elders are negotiating with them, but I am afraid that I will not be able to persist for a long time. My father asked me to report to you and ride now! If they wait until they start robbery and murder, we must fight them to the end, but you should not die here! ”

Yang Harajuku and Li Xuemei looked at each other and dispelled the knowledge of the gods. They found that there were several warships in the north. It was just that they didn't pay much attention before they didn't notice.

It is clear that this small island in the tropics is also the territory of Jamaica. Jamaica is powerless to protect. At this critical juncture, it is normal for some European troops to be ordered to seize the last safe gathering place of mankind.

The whole world is in chaos. Who cares about the lives of Indians on a small island?

It is conceivable that if the two sides fight, the Indians on the island rely on the backward dozens of guns and some farm tools, which are completely slaughtered.

The two frowned, they did not know how to deal with it well, mainly Meng Xiaoyao and Yu Xuejing did not come out.

At this moment, the two men came out of the wooden house, and they all still smiled. It seemed to be very good. The grievances in the eyes of Yu Xuejing also disappeared a lot.

It was only Yang and Li, who saw Meng Xiaoyao suddenly become a young man in his early twenties, followed by a thought, this is what the master really looks like, and he was not scared.

But as an ordinary person, Alex, he was scared, how come out two strange strangers?

"Master, seniors", Yang Harajuku and Li Xuemei bowed respectfully.

Waiting for the two to talk about the situation, Meng nodded and nodded, looking at the harbor in the north, "We have heard..."

"Master, we don't need us to take the shots. The children will not let the people on the island find out what I did." Yang Harajuku deliberately speaks Chinese. He has already planned to sink these European troops directly into the sea. Do not feel.

However, Meng Xiaoyao said: "No, since Erics let us go, let's go."

"Ah?" Yang Harajuku and Li Xuemei apparently succumbed, although the Indians' life and death are small, but these people, after all, have had friendship with them for more than ten years, unlike other places.