MTL - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting-Chapter 99

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He Shen raised his mouth and added, "Well, I will be jealous."

Zhao Yuyu, who had been petrified, cracked and broke into a stone slag.

Qiao Shao looked at He Shen silently: "Are you proud?"

From the angle, He Shen kissed on the back of his hand: "Extremely proud." It was really proud to be liked by Qiao Shao.

Qiao Shao hurriedly pulled out his hand and said, "Okay, don't get in!"

He Shen didn't move anymore, just looked at him with a pair of eyes, and his emotions were not concealed, and he wrote about his deep-seated likes.

The frightened Zhao Yanyu said nothing and fled.

Qiao Shao didn't care about him anymore: silly big man was too embarrassing and he should have left, without any consciousness that he was a light bulb.

He Shen Yuguang looked at Qiao Zongmin and asked Qiao Shao: "Would you like to go outside?"

Qiao Shao said: "Okay."

He came here to find the memory, but the memory was not found, and he found a boyfriend.

He Shen said: "Come here."

Qiao Shao asked him, "Can you walk away?"

He Shen said, "It's all right."

Although he is the host of the banquet, after the formal process is completed, everyone is more inclined to communicate with each other. Especially Qiao Zongmin is here, who doesn't want to talk to Mr. Qiao at the banquet? After all, He Shen was a hairy kid, and they couldn't let go of him to talk to him.

Qiao Shao also glanced at Dad and found that he couldn't pull away, holding He Shen: "Take me out for a look."

He Shen and his fingers were intertwined, and the two went outside while hiding from the crowd.

The nights of September have faded from the heat of summer nights and become cool. Although they wear a full suit, they will not feel stuffy.

The Xie family's garden is too big, even if it is dotted with numerous lights, it is slightly empty.

He Shen cared about him: "Are you afraid?" After leaving the banquet hall, it was still too quiet outside.

Qiao Shao shook his hand and said, "You will be fine."

He Shen felt softened and couldn't help it: "No one is here."

Qiao Shao: "Huh?" He stumbled for a night without realizing it.

He Shen pulled him to hide behind the fountain and held his neck. Qiao Shao's eyes widened, his heart thumping, his hands unconsciously grabbing his back, leaving a wrinkle on the expensive suit.

When the two separated, one reluctantly, the other red-faced.

Qiao Shao: "What if someone passes by?"

He Shen said: "Then introduce him to my boyfriend."

Qiao Shao was so sweet in heart that he scared him: "What about my dad!"

He Shen said, "Mr. Qiao can't walk away."

Qiao Shao thought so, so he relaxed.

He Shenxu remembered his body: "Look at the garden?"

Qiao Shao also wanted to get back the memory: "Okay, see if you can think of anything."

He Shen kept talking and wanted to ask, but he was afraid to stimulate Qiao Shao.

Qiao Shao felt it, and he said frankly, "I can't remember anything."

He Shen held his hand tightly. Until now, he has not been able to shake off the impact that Qiao Shao gave to Qiao Shao. This impact has nothing to do with anything else, but only care about his past experience.

After being abducted for a whole year, what exactly happened to Qiao Shao? Qiao Zongmin overturned the entire city and found no one. Where was Qiao Shao hidden? Why did Qiao Shao come back alone a year later?

After returning, Qiao Shao completely collapsed physically and mentally. What kind of treatment did he experience before he recovered to his present appearance?

He Shen never forgets, so he can easily recall the bits and pieces after the two met.

When he first saw Qiao Shao, who was as thin as a schoolboy and severely stunted, remembering how Qiao Shao woke up when he slept at his house the first day, He Shen only felt that his heart had been pierced.

He Shen has a lot to ask, but he dare not ask another word.

Qiao Shao sighed lightly: "I forgot all about that year, and even forgotten my previous memories. After more than two years of treatment, I basically recovered my life and returned to school, but I could n’t eat anymore. I can't sleep well, and I'm afraid of being quiet. "

He Shen's fingers trembled, holding Qiao Shao's hand like holding a fragile porcelain.

Qiao Shao said: "My mother died of the illness in the two years I was sick, and I ..." He laughed a little uncomfortably, "forgot her too."

He Shen felt a stab in his heart, and felt the same pain: "Don't be sad." These three words are futile, but what can I say again and lose my loved ones? This kind of pain can only be understood by those who pass by.

Qiao Shao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "My psychiatrist later suggested that I change my environment and go to a completely strange environment." He had too many acquaintances in the previous middle school, even if he changed his name, everyone would Knowing that he is Qiao Yi, everyone knows what he has gone through and knows that he suffers from severe ptsd.

Because of these reasons, both the teacher and the students treated him carefully, and even the stupid Zhao Yanyu dared not speak to him loudly.

Being treated in such a special way, Qiao Shao didn't say that he came out, he was getting deeper and deeper.

Everyone reminded him invisibly: You have been abducted for a year, you are sick, you are not a normal person.

Qiao Shao is in such an environment, his mental state will only get worse, and the reaction to his body is more severe anorexia and insomnia.

He Shen asked him, "So you came to Donggao?"

Qiao Shao said: "Yes, I didn't conceal my identity not because I was Da Qiao's son, but because I was Qiao Yi." The original incident was too big and the news was overwhelming. If he revealed that he was Qiao Yi, then Dong Gao would It will become the same as his previous middle school, and he will be a specially treated person, and the meaning of his transfer will be lost.

He Shen's concern is: "In this way, the new environment is effective for you?"

Qiao Shao turned to look at him: "It's you that works for me."

He Shen shuddered.

After Qiao Shao finished speaking, he found that he was too tired and crooked, and quickly added: "Just ... there are Chen v. Song Yixu Wei Jiayu ..."

He Shen whispered again--you worked for me.

Qiao Shao didn't quite understand: "Huh?"

He Shen smiled at him: "Nothing."

Qiao Shao blame him: "Don't hang on."

He Shen said: "Speak later."

Qiao Shao was dissatisfied.

He Shen said, "I want to hear more about you."

Seeing that he really didn't want to say anything, Qiao Shao didn't ask any more. He also told the memory fragments he remembered, which happened in Xie's family.

He Shen stumbled after hearing it: "Can you remember what it was?"

Qiao Shao had a memory at the Xie Jiashou feast and picked a flower for his mother.

When He Shen asked such a question, Qiao Shao really had a flower appearance in his head: "The pink ... It's very big and very fragrant ..." !!

He Shen said, "Are you sure? It is September, and the flowering period of the lily has passed." There are lily gardens and pink lilies in the garden, but after July, they have basically lost.

Qiao Shao doesn't have such a good memory, but he remembers this passage very clearly: "It's Lily, you can't go wrong."

At that time, he was still small and didn't know what the flower was, but now he knows it, and he recalled again, saying, "That lily should not be raised in the open air."

Although the flowering period of the lily is summer, it can often be bought in the flower shop. Even in winter, it is cultivated in a greenhouse.

He Shen took a breath and said, "It was ten years ago."

Qiao Shao couldn't remember it, he said, "I'm quite young anyway."

He Shen said: "Come with me."

Qiao Shao followed him and crossed a path to a side door on the east side of the mansion.

At this time, it was already ** o'clock, and the sky was completely dark. The moon hanging in the sky was crooked, and the light was very weak. The floor lamp was yellow.

He Shen asked him again: "Are you afraid?" It was already very quiet here.

Qiao Shao held his hand and said, "OK."

He Shen said: "Then I opened the door."

Qiao Shao was inexplicably nervous, staring at the door full of time marks without blinking.

The door creaked open, and Qiao Shao saw a small courtyard.

The yard was desolate, but clean, with a large green tree on the side of the wall, an old wicker chair under the tree, a small table by the wicker chair, and an empty vase on it.

Seeing this moment, Qiao Shao suddenly opened his eyes.

The night disappeared, the obsolescence faded, replaced by dazzling days and everything new.

Qiao Shao remembered ...

Ten years ago at Xie's house, he was annoyed by the boringness at the banquet and ran out alone, running and running Qiao Shao came to this side door.

He saw a child in front of him and wanted to play with him, but he heard reprimand.

A maid who couldn't see her face yelled, "Master, where are you going! Master is looking for you everywhere!"

Hearing this movement, Qiao Shao hid in the bushes, only with a pair of big eyes secretly watching.

He couldn't see the child's face, but only saw that he was holding his hands and holding a beautiful pink lily in his hands.

The boy's voice was soft: "I ... go back immediately."

The maid said, "Today is the birthday party of the master. You come here to let the master know what to do!"

The boy shouted, "I just came to see Mom ..."

The maid said: "Mrs. is ill, you should not disturb her!"

The boy said, "She doesn't."

The maid scolded: "Mrs. is very ill. Master, don't make a fool!"

The boy insisted: "She is not sick, she is healthy, she is here, I ..."

The maid took the boy's arm and said, "No! She can't leave the house today. If the young master makes any more noise, I will tell the master that you can't come here again!"

The boy compromised: "I'll go back with you, but can I give her this flower?"

The maid saw the pink lily and said, "You don't have to embarrass me, sir, no one can see her today. Come back with me."

The boy gritted his teeth and said, "I don't see her. I put the flowers down and leave."

The maid wasn't slack at all: "No!" She said she grabbed the boy arbitrarily and tried to pull him away.

The boy is only seven or eight years old. Where can he earn money, he pleaded in his voice: "I promised my mother, I promised to give her a lily flower, let me do it for her, I promised my mother."

Unfortunately, the maid had no intention of letting go, and even knocked down the flower in his hand: "Stop it!"

The flowers fell to the ground, covered with dirt, and the boy stumbled, completely giving up the struggle.

Hiding in the bushes, Qiao Shao could see the boy's face, especially the disappointed expression on his white face.

Qiao Shao came out and saw the beautiful flower that fell to the ground. He picked it up, tried to push the door, and found that the door was locked. He shouted, "Anyone?" Respond.

Qiao Shao has some regrets. He wants to help the boy fulfill his wish, but unfortunately the door cannot be opened and the wall cannot be turned over ...

How to do it? The boy wanted to give this flower to his mother.

Qiao Shao returned to God and looked at He Shen: "That flower is yours ..."

He Shen said, "You have been here."

Qiao Shao couldn't find the bush he had avoided, and he said, "Well, I saw you then."

He Shen regretted: "It's a pity I didn't see you."

Qiao Shao looked up at him: "I wanted to help you give your mother flowers."

"I know," He Shen: "But the door is locked, you can't get in."

Qiao Shao said shamefully, "Then ... I'll take it to my mother."

At that time, Xiao Qiaoshao's idea was simple--

Since you can't give this mother, give it to your own mother.

Mothers all over the world are just as good, and everyone is the same!

He Shen felt warm and said to him, "Thank you."

People's memories are so amazing. Qiao Shao has no ability to remember them all. He even forgets a lot of things.

But after meeting He Shen, he thought of him bit by bit, and the touch from his childhood.

The author has something to say: This section has been brewing for a long time, and it was also done in one go ~

The next paragraph is my original intention of writing this article, rub my hands. 2k novel reading network