MTL - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting-Chapter 94

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Is Tsinghua Peking University so easy? There are a lot of geniuses in their city.

Because of this, Qiao Shao had a little more favor with the young master Xie's family. He said, "It's not terrible, why is it abnormal?"

Qiao Zongmin said: "I can't read it wrong, that child hated it all."

Qiao Shao frowned: "Who hates?"

Qiao Zongmin said: "Everyone."

You said that hate the whole world! Qiao Shao Le said: "Dad, people have already passed the second and second phases, and they must be grown up now."

Qiao Zongmin didn't explain, he just said, "Okay, stay away from him anyway."

Qiao Shao said indifferently: "Okay, just say hello and ignore him."

Qiao Zongmin nodded and didn't say more.

He was very impressed with Xie's child. Although he had only seen it a few times, he had shocked him many times.

He still knew Xie ’s situation. Xie Yongyi had a stale mind, and only wanted to continue his family business. His son Xie Chengyu was untenable, so he put all his thoughts on his only grandson.

This child is also very good. He learns quickly and is terribly clever. Such a genius would be better if he was born in an ordinary family. Born in Xie's family is a sin.

Xie Yongyi has a strong desire to control, turns his disappointment on his son into expectations, and doubles it to his grandson. His requirements on him are so severe that they are inhuman. Growing up in such an environment, I want to know that the child's psychology will not be too healthy.

In particular, Xie Chengyu was a very strange person. I heard that he was abusing his wife ... How can a child who is too clever be resentful when they are all together?

Qiao Shao went home, and He Shen also returned to Xie's.

Xie Yan held the list in her hand and said, "Are many people invited, are you going to announce with great fanfare that you are back?"

"Isn't this what you expected." He Shen dipped the expensive emblem ink with Shangpinlang, and wrote the letter in a lower case on the invitation. He was personally writing invitations to "relatives and friends" attending the grandfather's birthday party.

Xie Yan looked at him side by side, and her regrets rose again in her heart: did she really open the door and let a vicious wolf come in? Seventeen-year-olds have such a mindset. Seventeen-year-olds will be so forbearing. Will seventeen-and-a-half-year-olds understand things so thoroughly?

Since He Shen returned, Xie Yongyi's spirit is getting better and better. He knows what his grandfather likes, he knows how to please him, and he knows what to do to make him more sober.

Before Xie Yongyi took control of Xie Shen's life, now Xie Shen fiddles with Xie Yongyi's lifeline.

The scary thing is that no one can stop it.

Xie Yan tightened the list in his hand to appease herself: she and him can be said to be innocent and innocent. Even if she really wanted revenge, she couldn't make it. As long as Xie Shen didn't destroy the entire Xie family, everything didn't matter.

Besides, Xie Shen can't ruin Xie's family. Such a monstrous wealth will not be abandoned as long as it is not a lunatic. Xie's family does not fall, she has endless prosperity and riches in her life.

"Qiao Zongmin?" Xie Yan was surprised to see the name, "He will come?"

He Shen: "It is General Qiao's decision whether to come or not, please refrain from our courtesy."

Xie Yan sneered: "You deliberately disgusted your father. Qiao Zongmin scolded him a while ago."

Previously, there was an important summit in China. Qiao Zongmin scolded Xie Chengyu face to face, and Xie Chengyu counseled him. In addition to his ability in women, other **** is not. He was scolded so much that he had no ability to talk back.

He Shen corrected: "General Qiao's speech does not have half a dirty word, how can he be called abusive."

Xie Xun said, "You also ask for nothing, Qiao Zongmin will not come!"

He Shen just wrote the three words of Qiao Zongmin, but I didn't know what it was about, he bent his lower lip.

Xie Yan, who had been staring at him, actually had a cold back, and she never saw Xie Shen really smiled so much that she saw it as a real falsehood.

She couldn't see the deep conviction at all, and the fear in her heart was rising—what the **** was this monster calculating?

Seeing that the invitations were written, Xie Yan thought of one thing: "Zhuang Xinyi's **** just stopped?"

Zhuang Xinyi was the wife Xie Chengyu married into the door five years ago.

He Shen didn't care much: "Maybe I'm looking for my handle."

Seeing him so relaxed, Xie Yan was not too concerned, and asked casually, "What can you do for her?"

He Shen said: "It really does."

Xie Xuan said aloud, "What do you mean!" She has completely stood by He Shen. If he collapses, she will definitely be torn apart by Zhuang Xinyi!

He Shen threw a bomb calmly: "I like men."

Xie Yan was completely stunned.

He Shen said unchangingly: "They may have a lot of photos in their hands, maybe they want to announce them at the birthday party."

Xie Yan looked at him like a lunatic: "Do you know what you are talking about!"

He Shen ignored her, moved her wrist, and continued to write invitations.

Xie Yan was crazy, and he almost scolded him by pointing his nose: "Xie Shen, you say clearly, what do you like about a man? What do they have a photo in hand? I help you Zhang Luoshouyan to make you right Home, it's not your reputation! "

He Shen didn't look up, and smiled: "Do you think Xie Yongyi cares about my sexual orientation?"

Xie Yan froze.

He Shen's wrist is very stable, every word is written neatly and beautifully, he continued: "I don't care about men or women at all."

He didn't go on, but Xie Yan understood: What's important is that he is back, and Xie Yongyi has not had a choice.

Xie Ye was still disturbed, and she opened her mouth and asked, "You just let her make trouble at the feast?"

Does this person matter? Doesn't it matter if sexual orientation is exposed!

What she didn't know was that He Shen chose to return and never thought about hiding.

If Qiao Shao can only be hidden in a dark corner, what is the significance of his return?

He Shen would not explain to her, he said: "While Xie Yongyi is awake, it is good to make a noise."

At first Xie Ling didn't understand, but later she understood, and then she seemed to be unable to move even as a poisonous snake walked up her spine.


The recent Xie Yongyi is sober, can think, and can distinguish who is "harming" Xie Shen. If Zhuang Xinyi is troubled at the birthday party, he is seeking his own way of death. As He Shen said, sexual orientation has never been a problem. With Xie Chengyu's previous record, Xie Yongyi would not care about He Shen's habit. These exposed people.

Xie Yongyi is running out of time, and he cannot wait for the next "Xie Shen".

When Qiao Zongmin received the invitation from the Xie family, Qiao Shao had returned to school.

This big red background with black border embedded in the invitation is designed with great care. It not only brings out the grandness and joy of the feast, but also highlights the style and elegance. It is a rare work of art.

Qiao Zongmin opened the invitation, smelled the good ink aroma, and also saw the beautiful lower case. This handwriting is rich and strong, and the lines are strong and powerful. At first glance, it is a writing ability that only takes many years.

Qiao Zongmin chuckled and tossed the invitation to Chen Yan: "Xie's kid is not easy."

Chen Ye saw the signature: "Xie Shen?"

Qiao Zongmin said: "Shao Shao at the same table is called He Shen. Why do all the scheming and ghosts use this word?"

Chen Ye was not good at saying this, and said euphemistically, "Xiao Shao's table is a good boy."

Qiao Zongmin was always uncomfortable and waved his hands to divert the topic: "How is the dress for Shao Shao?"

Chen Yun said: "We are in a hurry."

Qiao Zongmin calculated the time and said, "Well, hurry up."

It stands to reason that a suit for such occasions must be customized at least half a year in advance, but Qiao Shao temporarily wanted to go, so he had to make up.

But it doesn't matter, Qiao Zongmin's only son, the only young owner of the Deep Sea Group, will only be looked up to, even if he wears a stall to go to a banquet.

The Xie family's birthday party was on Friday. Qiao Shao went to find Tang to ask for leave in advance. What surprised him was--

"Are you not coming on Friday?" Qiao Shao asked He Shen.

He Shen was also quite surprised, asking him instead: "Is something wrong with your family?"

Where Qiao Shao made it clear, he only vaguely said, "Well, something."

He Shen worried and asked: "Does it matter?"

Qiao Shao hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter, just take a vacation."

He Shen didn't ask much, just said, "Tell me what matters."

Qiao Shao nodded and asked him what he asked for.

He Shen did not hide him, and said straightforwardly, "My grandpa has a birthday on Friday."

Qiao Shao hesitated, and said in his heart: What a coincidence!

But he didn't think about it at all. There were more grandpas celebrating birthday on the same day in the world, and he said, "Then I wish his elderly happy birthday in advance!"

He Shen answered.

Qiao Shao thought about it again, wondering: "Speaking ... Can Grandpa take leave on birthday? Donald Zhun?" It stands to reason that high school students have a hard time asking for leave. Grandpa's birthday is a reason, um ... a little far-fetched.

He Shen explained: "He was recovering from a serious illness, and he really wanted me to go back."

Qiao Shao was stunned again: It seems that the father Xie's family is also recovering from a serious illness, so half a birthday feast is celebrated?

What a coincidence. Are the grandpas in the world recovering together for their birthday? No matter how open-minded Qiao Shao was, he could never imagine that He Shen was actually surnamed Xie.

"So," Qiao Shaowen whispered, "then you must accompany him."

He Shen smiled and asked him, "Can't you meet again this weekend?"

This time is a big holiday. The two of them also took leave on Friday, and they hanged again on the weekend.

Qiao Shao thought for a while and said, "Let's get in touch on WeChat. I'll go to you if nothing is wrong."

The author has something to say: Tomorrow, tomorrow!

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