MTL - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting-Chapter 81

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The title of the Mathematics Society competition is not difficult. Qiao Shao did a good job except the one that was vacated.

Especially the final question, maybe because he has been learning God for a long time, and he has been stunned, he finds it quite simple.

Qiao Shao was relieved when the card was submitted at the last time.

The top pillar immediately sent QQ: "Brother, how do you feel!"

Qiao Shao honestly said, "I haven't done a question."

There was a sigh expression on the top beam pillar, and there were a lot of crackling words: "It's the last one? That was a bit tricky. I tried both of the problem solving ideas and did not reach the end. Later I found that the extension line was drawn wrong It ’s time, but it ’s time to lose points! ”

If it weren't for qq's inconvenience in playing those mathematical symbols, he would be able to calculate it for Qiao Shao on the spot.

Qiao Shao asked him, "How do you draw an extension line?"

Top beam pillar: "Should ah and ag extend a k?"

Qiao Shao just wanted to say that he wasn't right. He thought about sending his calculation paper to him.

After half a minute, the top beam pillars sent a series of exclamation marks, saying, "Brother, you solved it! You are definitely the correct answer, fuck, it turned out to be ad and ae, I still reversed!"

His hand speed is really amazing, it is hard to imagine what kind of aggressive machine this deity might be, and he said, "It's a pity you have already solved it but didn't have time to submit it? I said that the time for the last question was too long Short, this kind of question is extremely difficult in the regular Olympic games. For amateur games like this, we should have more time for everyone to think about ... "

It's true, Qiao Shao doesn't watch as fast as he types.

Qiao Shao quickly said, "I submitted this question."

The person at the computer paused and asked, "Which question are you vacant?"

Qiao Shao remembered plainly: "Fourth question."

The top beam pillar was shocked: "Isn't the first five questions all given sub-questions? How can they be left empty?"

Qiao Shao was so embarrassed to tell the truth, only for one reason: "Suddenly broke the net."

The top beam pillar immediately accused: "I said that this kind of online competition is unreliable, and a sudden power outage and network disconnection will affect our performance. Next time, I must set up an examination room. Everyone will sit down and take a serious test. Our brothers won the championship steadily! "

Qiao Shao thought that if he really won the championship like that, he would be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Qiao Shao was still thinking about the people outside the door, not talking about the pillars of the top beam, talking offline and going offline.

He opened the door and saw He Shen at a glance.

He was lying on the sofa with his arms folded, his face covered with a book, and a pair of long legs half-out, making the sofa smaller and taller.

Is this waiting for you?

Qiao Shao walked lightly, trying to scare him.

Who knew he had just been pulled close to him.

Qiao Shao couldn't be scared, but he was scared. He yelled twice and fell on He Shen.

The book slipped down, and He Shen's eyes seemed to smile, but there was no drowsiness.

He asked, "What are you doing?"

Qiao Shao was guilty.

He Shen deliberately asked, "Sneak attack on me while I sleep?"

Qiao Shao struggled to get up and said, "You pretend to sleep!"

He Shen did not let go, and closed his eyes, "I'm really asleep this time, come on."

Qiao Shao looked at his handsome features close at hand, and his heart trembled several times.

He Shen opened one eye and stared at him: "Want to sneak attack on the left or right face? Friendly reminder, don't touch your mouth, you will be attacked."

Qiao Shao became furious: "Let me up!"

He's lips were slightly curved, clasped his back, and frowned in his eyebrows.

It was really sloppy, because he made a sound on purpose.

Qiao Shao got up, resisting the urge to touch his brows and said, "Are you a woodpecker!"

He Shen was still lying there, watching him lazily: "You have to cheer."

Qiao Shao didn't understand: "What's the matter with me?"

He Shen sat up, and his long fingers were compared on the waist. "You little tree seedling will grow up soon, and it will be eaten clean by the woodpecker."

Qiao Shao: "………………"

He Shen stood up, changed from looking up to looking down, and his voice changed from joking to serious: "Of course you grow up, you will still ..."

Realizing what he was going to say, Qiao Shao quickly covered his mouth.

He Shen didn't finish talking, just looked at him and smiled.

Qiao Shao was trembling with laughter!

Ahhh, this bastard! Regret to confess to him, how worse than before!

He Shen did not ask him about the game.

Seeing the status of the child, he knows that he is playing well and the problem is not big.

He Shen looked at the time and said, "I have an appointment with Lou Xiao. Let's eat together."

Qiao Shao hesitated: "What about him?"

He Shen felt sweet: "I don't want light bulbs either, but he followed a lot of care, and we should thank him for being together."

Qiao Shaoyuan wondered: "He follows?"

He Shen said: "I've been secretly in love with you for so long, thanks to him for solving me."

The school bully far away in the Internet cafe sneezes-the air conditioner is turned on too much? Why do you think your back is cold?

He Shen talked about his "his secret love history", focusing on the important role of Lou Xiao.

Qiao Shao focused precisely: "You ... have liked me so long?"

He Shen: "Almost love at first sight."

Qiao Shao believed his gossip: "Forget it! Selling women's clothing at first sight?" Qiao Shao can remember this forever!

He Shenqing cleared his throat.

Qiao Shao also wanted to count him, but think about it and found that apart from women's clothing, He Shen is really ...

Does He Shen really like him for so long?


Is there anything he likes?

Thin and short and not learning well ...

Yeah, what is he worthy of He Shen.

Seeing that the child's expression was low, He Shen coaxed him: "It's been so long, don't get angry, or should I buy myself a women's dress?"

Qiao Shao supplemented his brain and was happy: "I'll send you!"

He Shen was choked: "Really?"

Qiao Shao gritted his teeth and said, "I promise to dress you up as a great beauty!"

He Shen: "..."

All right, just be happy.

He Shen called Lou Xiao: "Dine together."

Lou Xiao was busy brushing this book, without thinking about it, "No time."

He Shen solemnly said, "There are big things."

Lou Xiao froze, remembering that the two crooked goods quarreled, serious: "how?"

He Shen: "Come here, let's talk, Room 301 of Mingwei Restaurant."

Lou Xiao heart hesitated for a moment, thinking: will not break up, right?

That really can't be ignored.

Lou Xiao said after sending a big red envelope in the game: "There is something temporary, let's get off first."

His teammates mourned, "Don't leave, you are gone, aren't we dead?"

Lou Xiao looked at the brothers in the game and thought about the brothers in reality.

Or the latter is more serious.

Lao He went mad, but something bad happened!

The school bull went out and stopped a car and went to Mingwei Restaurant.

When he arrived, 301 was empty.

Lou Xiao looked at his mobile phone, and it was not good to call He Shen. He could only wait for him.

He Shen's room was non-smoking. Lou Xiao wanted to go out to smoke a cigarette, but was afraid to miss it.

After waiting for a while, he suddenly thought about it, took out his mobile phone, opened Baidu, and typed-how to comfort the broken brother.

Here are a lot of suggestions, seeing school bully eyes hurt.

Just this cheap soul chicken soup, comforted that fairy?

Lou Xiao squinted his eyes and looked at it for a long time, seeing this one-wash himself to the brother's bed.

School bully: "………………"

What happened to this year's netizens? Is there nothing normal in my mind!

Lou Xiao was afraid that he would become blinder the more he looked at him, and turned off.

At this time, the door opened, and Lou Xiao, who was facing the gloomy face and deep in the face, saw this man with a spring breeze.


The style of painting is different from what he thought.

He Shen's expression was a little bit lost, and he wrote happiness on his face.

He was surprised when he saw Lou Xiao: "Come early?"

Lou Xiao vaguely felt that he should not come!

At this time Qiao Shao came from the bathroom, he was a little embarrassed to see Lou Xiao.

Lou Xiao saw Qiao Shao appear, and stupefied.

Qiao Shao said: "I said let him hurry, he must say that you haven't come so fast."

Lou Xiao blinked at his poorly-eyed eyes: what's wrong?

He Shen walked all the way and couldn't help but close the box door: "Yes, I am with Qiao Shao."

The school bull was startled: "What?"

Qiao Shao didn't think much about him. It was normal. Two boys were together. Normal boys would react like this.

He Shen frowned, "As for such an accident?"

Lou Xiao knew He Shen's heart long ago, and shouldn't be too surprised.

The stormy waves in the school bull's heart no one knows except a certain blue hair that has not come!

Are these two together?

What's called together?

Haven't they been together for a long time, and they slept and slept again?

He Shen noticed something different: "Why, my child can't like me?"

Lou Xiao: "..."

Qiao Shao was afraid of Lou Xiao's disbelief and solemnly said, "I like him."

Lou Xiao: "........."

If He Shen didn't think Lou Xiao was there, he really wanted to pull the child over and rub his kisses.

The school bully recovered his voice, and he couldn't help confirming it: "You just confirmed the relationship?"

He Shen said: "It was confessed yesterday, and I told you today, you are the first to know."

Lou Xiao almost fell off the chair, he stabilized and said, "Congratulations."

He Shen said: "It's a bit early for you to congratulate us, we have many years to get married."

Lou Xiao: "………………"

Qiao Shao couldn't listen anymore and glared at him: "What nonsense!"

He Shen also aggrieved: "Qiao Shao, you are a hooligan."

Qiao Shao: "???"

He Shenli said the Internet famously: "Dating without marriage is a hooligan."

Qiao Shao: "………………"

You can use less Internet cafes! Memorized something messy!

Lou Xiao stood up and went out: "I'm going to smoke."

He Shen said: "Then I will order first."

Lou Xiao was full without eating: "Yes."

When he got out of the box and lit a cigarette, the waves in the school bull's heart calmed down.

So these two guys haven't been together?

Nothing happened between them?

It turned out to be Lao He's unrequited love?


The school fighter suddenly realized that the two goods were so tired and crooked before they were together, wouldn't they ...

Lou Xiaoyan has fallen to the ground. Is it too late for him to transfer now?

Lou Xiao did not return to the box later.

He Shen explained to Qiao Shao: "The old building has an advantage is very conscious."

Qiao Shao squinted at him.

He Shen said: "He knew he was a light bulb, so he left smoothly."

Qiao Shao said silently, "Aren't you going to invite him to dinner!"

He Shen said, "I mainly want to tell him that we are together." After telling, it was good to leave.

Qiao Shao suddenly felt distressed at Lou Xiao, he decided, when he can spend money, he must make good compensation for the poor school bully.

That night, there were only ten red envelopes in the group consisting of He Shen, Lou Xiao and Wei Jiayu.

Each red envelope is six hundred yuan, ten are six thousand yuan.

Rao Weiwei and Lou Xiao, who are not bad money, also stunned.

Wei Jiayu directly said, "What's wrong, Brother, what's wrong?"

Lou Xiao smoked at the corner of his mouth, remembering his hungry belly at noon, and snatched all the red envelopes in one breath.

At this time, the group owner He Shen spoke: "I'm in a good mood, and a happy red envelope."

Wei Jiayu didn't know about He Shen's "liability". He only knew He Shenchao could make money.


Wei Lanmao joined the crowd and asked, "What good thing has happened to Brother Shen?"

He Shen said inexplicably: "I realized the happiness of a farmer's uncle."

Wei Jiayu made an aggressive expression.

The school bull explained to the stupid blue hair: "He grows melons and he grows beans."

Wei Jiayu was even more embarrassed.

He Shen said in a good mood: "You go to bed early, and I will make money to support my family."

Wei Jiayu personally poked Lou Xiao: "Are the grades out of school? The poor poor ghost did a good job?"

Except for this reason, Wei Jiayu couldn't think of anything to recognize He Shen so happy.

Lou Xiao did not tell Wei Lanmao the truth.

Anyway, the two are together, and sooner or later they will be together, he will not tell from the face!

As a result, the poor blue hair was still caught in the drum.

On the day of returning to school, Qiao Shao was calm.

He didn't have much fluctuation after the results were announced.

It was all expected, and mentally prepared for it.

After Tang Yu said a bunch of vacation notices, he called Qiao Shao's name: "Come with me."

Qiao Shao immediately got up.

He Shen looked at him

Qiao Shao smiled deeply at He: "It's all right."

After that, he followed Tang to the office.

Because it was back to school to see the grades, the teacher was not so strict, Qiao Shao threw the phone directly on the desktop.

He Shen thought about Lao Tang's loving nature and thought Qiao Shao would not be able to return for a while.

He went downstairs to buy a bottle of drink, thinking that the child could take a sip to relieve the boredom when he returned.

Then I heard Qiao Shao's mobile phone on the table shook several times.


He Shen decided to help him to see who was calling, in case what was urgent ...

As soon as he picked up the phone, he saw three messages popping up from the unlocked phone.

Dad: Shao Shao isn't panic, it's okay if you don't do well in the exam. Dad just ordered a new sports car for you.

Grandpa: Come to me and order a new yacht for you to relax.

Grandpa: Shao Shao doesn't cry. Is the exam a fart? Your grandpa's billions of properties are yours!

The author has something to say: calm and calm ~

This is not officially off the horse.

Yes, I will go to the field tomorrow for a few days. I may not be able to finish the update in the morning. If I do n’t finish writing, I will put it in the afternoon or the evening, why? 2k novel reading network

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